SOLIHULL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Report to: Overview and Scrutiny Management Board Meeting date: 1 April 2015 Subject/Report Title: UK CENTRAL AND THE HS2 GROWTH STRATEGY Report from: Director of Managed Growth Report Author/Lead Contact Officer: Andrew Reynolds, UK Central Programme Manager All Wards Wards affected: Bickenhill Blythe Castle Bromwich Chelmsley Wood Dorridge/Hockley Heath Elmdon Kingshurst/Fordbridge Knowle Lyndon Meriden Olton Shirley East Shirley South Shirley West Silhill Smith's Wood St Alphege Public/Private report: Public Exempt by virtue of Paragraph: N/A 1. Purpose of Report 1.1 To inform the Board that it will be receiving a presentation at this meeting on UK Central and the HS2 Growth Strategy. 2. Decision(s) Recommended 2.1 To note the progress the Council has made in developing proposals for the UK Central Hub and Interchange Station; and 2.2 To comment on the proposals for the HS2 Growth Strategy. 3. Background 3.1 On 10 April 2014 Cabinet, following consideration of the published reports of David Higgins (HS2 Plus) and the HS2 Growth Task Force (HS2 Get Ready), noted the recommendations of the Task Force included that Councils covering areas where stations are to be developed should prepare a Growth Strategy for the station and its surrounding area to explore opportunities to maximise economic growth. The Council could see this was likely to be accepted, and working closely with Government, started work to position a Growth Strategy with the Interchange Station based on the UKC visions and concepts. 3.2 In July the Government published its response to the Growth Task Force recommendations confirming its desire to see Growth Strategies prepared and in August 2014 awarded £2.5m to the GBSLEP in the Growth Deal announcement. This was awarded on the basis that the GBSLEP would produce a single HS2 Growth Strategy that would incorporate three strands of work being the Interchange Station in Solihull, Curzon Street in Birmingham and a LEP wide strategy for connectivity infrastructure to maximise the benefits. 3.3 Solihull Council has submitted proposals for £997,000 of funding towards the development of the Interchange Station Growth Strategy subject to making a contribution from the Council’s existing UKC and HS2 allocated budgets. 3.4 As reported to Cabinet on 18 September 2014 the Council, through a series of commissions, has been progressing with work on the Growth Strategy for the UKC Hub which includes the development of the HS2 Interchange Station. 3.5 At its meeting on 23 October 2014 Cabinet approved the process for producing and submission of the Interim HS2 Growth Strategy. 3.6 On 9 February 2015 the GBSLEP submitted the Interim HS2 Growth Strategy to Government which incorporated the Council’s proposals for the Hub and Interchange Station. This is now being used to inform the next Comprehensive Spending Round 2015 subject to submission of the final HS2 Growth Strategy on 30 April 2015. 3.7 This work to develop a Growth Strategy for the HS2 Interchange has also been an essential part of the Council building its case in support of the authority’s petition to the Hybrid Bill and current negotiations on the same. The HS2 Growth Strategy 3.8 3.9 The HS2 Growth Strategy is formed of three core elements: (a) Birmingham Curzon Street (b) UK Central Hub and Interchange Station (c) Wider Connectivity In addition there are three cross-cutting themes: (a) Skills (b) Supply Chain (c) Environment 3.10 The context of the Strategy has been produced using an approach of connecting People, Places and Business to drive productivity and growth. 3.11 The presentation will explain the work that has been done to date, both in terms of the overall HS2 Growth Strategy and more specifically the work around producing the Strategic Outline Case for the UKC Hub and Interchange Station. The HS2 Growth Strategy will be setting out the Council’s Asks to Government as part of a package of measures to enable delivery of the development opportunity around the HS2 Interchange Station and the wider Hub area. 3.12 This is the opportunity for the Board to be updated on the preparation of the Strategy, and to highlight any issues that it would like Cabinet to consider when the final version is considered by them on 16 April 2015. 3.13 The final HS2 Growth Strategy is required to be submitted to Government on 30 April 2015. 4. Implications 4.1 Delivery of the Council’s Priorities UK Central is fundamental to the long term delivery and success of the Council’s priorities and vision for Managed Growth. 4.2 Policy/Strategy Implications UK Central and the HS2 Growth Strategy will have implications for Solihull’s Local Plan, its Economic Development Strategy and Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity. 4.3 Meeting the duty to involve Not relevant to this Report. 4.4 Financial Implications The Government has awarded £2.5m revenue funding to the GBSLEP to support the development of the HS2 Growth Strategies. The GBSLEP has made a notional allocation of c£1m to SMBC to support the production of the UKC Hub and Interchange Station Growth Strategy on the understanding that the Council will be making a contribution of c£333,000 through the allocated budgets for UKC and HS2. 4.5 Legal implications Production and publication of the HS2 Growth Strategy is not a statutory requirement but there are potentially significant opportunities arising from its submission to Government . 4.6 Risk Implications None arising directly from this Report. 4.7 Statutory Equality Duty In delivering the UK Central Programme the Council will ensure that ‘due regard’ under our Statutory Equality Duty is taken account of. 4.8 Carbon Management/Environmental The development principles will identify and consider appropriate a range of measures to reduce the impact on and improve the environment as well as measures to improve carbon management. 4.9 Partner Organisations There is a range of ongoing engagement with partners in informing and developing the HS2 Growth Strategy. 4.10 Safeguarding/Corporate Parenting Implications Not applicable in respect of this Report. 4.11 Customer Impact Not applicable in respect of this Report. 4.12 Other implications No other implications identified. 5. List of Appendices Referred to 5.1 N/A. 6. Background Papers Used to Compile this Report 6.1 N/A. 7. List of Other Relevant Documents 7.1 Cabinet Report July 2013 – Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership. 7.2 Cabinet Report January 2014 – UK Central and HS2 Memorandum of Understanding. 7.3 Cabinet Report April 2014 – High Speed 2 publication of the HS2 Plus and HS2 Get Ready Reports. 7.4 Cabinet Report June 2014 – UKC and HS2 Interchange Prospectus. 7.5 Cabinet Report September 2014 – Decision making and Governance arrangements. 7.6 Cabinet Report September 2014 – Land Owners Collaboration Agreement.
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