Garza County Shotgun Sports Trap & Skeet Shoot

Garza County
Shotgun Sports
Trap & Skeet Shoot
Saturday April 18, 2015
Located at Monk Palmer’s 2
P Gun Club
9 Miles West of Post on U.S. Highway 380
Behind Old Mason’s Farm & Ranch Supply
We have 4 Trap Fields and 2 Skeet Fields
Trap: Juniors will Shoot 50 rounds, Intermediate 75 rounds, Sr.1 & Sr.2 100 rounds
Skeet: Everyone will shoot 50 Rounds
Trap Early Registration $25.00 plus $5.00 per round
Skeet Early Registration $25.00 plus $5.00 per round
Early Registration ends Saturday April 11, 2015
Late Registration for Each Event $45.00 plus $5.00 per round
Please Circle Age Division
Junior (9-10) 50 rounds
Intermediate (11-13) 75 rounds
Senior 1 (14-15) 100 rounds
Event Registration ($25 Each Event If Late $45 Each Event)
Round Fees ($5 Each Round)
Total Fees
Senior 2 (16-18) 100 rounds
Total $
Total $
Check In Begins at 8 a.m. – Shoot Begins PROMPTLY at 8:30 a.m
R.V. Hookups Available
Mail Registrations to:
Cristi Lee
2953 FM 211
Post, Texas 79356
Fax Registrations to
For more information
(844) 495-2776
call (806) 781-8022
Concessions will be available
Bring Your Lawn Chairs
Savage Mark II .22 Rifles will be given for HOA in each age division
$50 Gift cards for 1st Place in each age division
Range Bags for 2nd Place in each age division
Shotgun Case for 3rd place in each age division
We will have Miss & Out Shoot following Trap $10 entry with 50% payback
Garza 4-H Shotgun Sports Trap Shoot
April 18, 2015
Registration & Release Form
One Form Per Shooter
The Garza 4-H Shotgun Sports Club, Garza County, Garza County 4-H, M.L (Monk) &
Lavena Palmer, Texas Agri Life Extension Service and the event staff assumes no
responsibility whatsoever for any property placed in or on the said premises, and are hereby
released and discharged from any and all liabilities if loss, injury, or damage to personal
property that may be sustained by reason of occupancy of the said premises under this
agreement. If shooting Reloads, I certify that we have followed the rules and requirements of
4-H and that we have been certified to reload.
Executed this _______day of_____________,20____,at_______________County, Texas
Signature of Participant:________________________________________
Signature of Parent or Guardian:_________________________________
(if participant is a minor)
Name Of Participant__________________________________________________
County_______________________ Age (As of August 31, 2014)
Phone________________________ E-Mail_______________________________
Mother or Guardian’s Name___________________________________________________
Father or Guardian’s Name
Address (if different)__________________________________________________________
Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin.