The Nature of CAPSIM

You are now MBA’s
You are the experts.
You have had the training.
Top 5% of Educated People in the World
You make the rules.
If you don’t like the rules, change them.
You write the books.
If you don’t like what a book says, change it.
You teach the classes.
Used to Learn Real Life
 Airline Pilots
 Astronauts
 Businesses
Not a Class To Teach Skills
Class to Apply What You Already Know
BUSN 6120 Economics
 MRKT 5000 Marketing
 BUSN 6110 Production and Operations
 FINC 5000 & 5880 Finance
 HRMG 5000 Human Resources
 Others
Identical Competitors
Monopoly Breakup
Everyone Begins the Same
Oligopoly Market Structure
The Team Member Guide is your definitive
resource for what happens in the simulation.
Know it well.
Everything in it is important
It is overwhelming at first.
It will get better as we go.
Everyone must do the rehearsal tutorial before
we start the simulation.
Where you get familiar with how the simultion
It is a tutorial on how to use the simulation.
It is not a practice round.
It is not a competition round.
It is not the COMP-XM exam.
Important step
Don’t leave it out.
Tells about
Current Market Conditions
How the Industry Will Evolve
Operational Planning
The Industry Conditions Report (One Time)
The Capstone Courier (The Newspaper)
Rubric Debrief Report (Understanding
Many Others
Like a Real World Business
Information is Everywhere.
 You must find what is useful.
 No one is going to tell you where to look.
Use the Online Spreadsheet
Let One Student do all the Updating
Research and Development
Human Resources (later in simulation)
Information Technology (Spreadsheets)
Designs Product Lines
Invents New Products
Revises Current Products
Pay attention to Lead Times
Sets Prices
Promotes Your Product
Very Important
 Spend a Lot of Money on Promotion
 Creates Customer AWARENESS
 One of the things beginners get wrong.
Sales Forecast
How Many Units You Will Produce
Determines Production Capacity
Discontinues Lines
Sells all inventory at half price
Sets Automation Levels
Labor Costs go down as automation increases
 Takes Time
 Possible to Over-automate
Buys and Sells Production Lines
Raises Money to Run the Business
Bank Notes
 Issues
 Retirements
Stock Issues
 Dividends
 Buy Back Stock
The HR Module Begins in Round 2
Allows you to manage the people you have.
The TQM Module Begins in Round 3
TQM is your Friend
 Use it to Lower Your Costs
Rehearsal Tutorial
Practice Rounds
8 Rounds, Team Play
Competition Rounds
8 Rounds, Team Play
Comp-XM (Exam Rounds)
5 Rounds, Individual
Each Round
Each Team Uploads their Round Info
Spin the Round
Represents One Year
Takes 1-2 Hours to Complete
Happens for all teams at the same time
Analyze The Results
Upload the Next Round
Published Once at the Beginning
Deals with Positioning
See Page 4 of Team Member Guide
Drift (Industry Conditions Report)
Fine Cut
Rough Cut
Extremely Important
Understand Your Customer Survey Score
See Section 3.2 of the Team Member Guide
Product Demand is Based on the CSS.
Build a Spreadsheet!!
Broad Cost Leader
Broad Differentiator
Niche Cost Leader (Low Tech)
Niche Differentiator (High Tech)
Cost Leader with Product Life Cycle Focus
High end, traditional, and low end focus
Differentiator with Product Life Cycle Focus
High end, traditional, and low end focus
Borrowing money at high interest rates because
you didn’t have enough cash to run the
Remember: Retained Earnings is not a cash
Stock outs are bad
Understand them and avoid them when
Marketing – Conservative
In case sales don’t materialize
Production – Aggressive
Because Finished Goods Inventory is a Liquid Asset
Awareness – Customers are Aware of Your
Accessibility – Customers Can Find Your
Promotion Budget
Sales Budget
Spend Lots of Money on Both of These
Your competitors are Good
The Computer Teams are Good
Don’t Make Mistakes Early
You can easily get behind and go bankrupt.
You live with the consequences of your
See the Six Basic Strategies
Pick One
Stick with it.
If it doesn’t Work, Change it.
There are Other Strategies
See the Strategic Planning Process Presentation
Companies pay employees lots of money to
spend full time dealing with these issues
If you run out of things to do in this 1-2 hour
exercise, you are doing something wrong.
There is always more you can do.