In Sympathy - The sympathies and prayers of the Covenant congregation are extended to Sandy St. Martin, and family, whose father died March 17. - The sympathies and prayers of the Covenant congregation are extended to the family of Jack Lyons who died Sat., April 4. Celebration of Worship Sunday, April 12, 2015 8:30am & 11:00am Confirmation & youth Sunday Justice & Peace ministry team offering of letters/bread for the World • Covenant Church welcomes children in worship. There is a nursery for infants through age two in Rm 101 in the educational wing. Worship bags with quiet activities for children to use during services are available inside the cart that holds our name tags. • large print bulletins, bibles and hymn books are on the credenza in the Narthex. • hearing devices are available. Ask an usher for assistance. Also, the Sanctuary, Lounge and Fellowship Hall are wired with a Telecoil audio loop system for digital hearing aids. • Prayer request cards are collected during Fellowship Moments. • Please silence your cell phone. leAdeRS In WoRShIP ushers 8:30 Dick Sharpe, Tim Scott, Nancy Davidson, Roger Miller, Tristan Kueper, Emma Vazquez 11:00 Frank Croft, Mike Davis, Bob Tullett, Sandy Tullett, Tristan Kueper, Emma Vazquez Greeters 8:30 Terri Hayes, Jared McCune 11:00 Bonnie James, Cora Kuyvenhoven, Martin Spencer, Steve Zilles PAStoRAl leAdeRShIP/PRoGRAm StAFF Tracy Keenan, Senior Pastor - [email protected] Katie Kinnison, Minister of Spiritual Formation - [email protected] Cherie Brooks, Director of Music - [email protected] Katie Wynkoop, Organist/Pianist - [email protected] Jim Mehler, Parish Associate - [email protected] Caroline McGeoch, Director of Covenant Children’s Center, [email protected] Shane Spicer, interim Director of Youth Ministry & Asst. for Children’s Ministry [email protected] Erin Wise, Director of Children’s Ministry - [email protected] Ed Chung, interim Director of Young Adult Ministry - [email protected] Flowers by the chancel are from The Auseon family in memory of John. PRelude “Prelude in C Major” Johann Sebastian Bach GReetInGS & PASSInG oF the PeACe Olivia Breen and Kaylee Cundiff The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. Prayer Requests Cathie Molli Reid Huntley Nettie Cominos Dan Morton Ellen Greegor Dori Odenath Claudine Williams Carrie Kay Hantak Anthony Amy Albert Greer Rouda Janet Bartels Larry Limes Elizabeth Remnant John Farnsworth Sherry Flyr Andrew Kuyvenhoven Doug Geckeler Carl Herfel Rachel Amy Lara Nowak Robert Spencer Jerome Dillon Ethel Thomas Bill Mitchell Rev. Curtis Miller homebound/lImIted mobIlIty Margaret Robertson Leona Rapp Mary Jane Francis Stan Eriksen Judy Sechler Dan Dupler Michael Jenny Limes Jacob Patterson Evie Smith Keiser Manette Friske Doris Evans Lois Becker Shelly Wyllie Bonnie Roussey Joan Spencer Natalie Alexa Hobbs Rikki Graves Whitney Von Voigt Bob Bartels Marvin White Yvonne Nowels Sue Roussey Kent White Lori Don Rouch Charlie Friske Pete Hemmer Leo Scott Judy Gray Kelly McDonald Juliana Graves Don Rorapaugh Jenny Ryan Madison Hanosek Judy Gallagher Peggy Dinger Harrison Gardner Keep us updated on those who should be on the prayer list. Call the office, 451-6677, or email JP when you want a name added. New names will appear at the top of the list and will stay on the list for one month. If you’d like the name to remain on the list after that, call the office. You’ll notice there is now a separate section for homebound and/or limited mobility folks who will remain listed. OuR ViSiON - Covenant Presbyterian Church glorifies God and builds relationships with Christ and each other through: worship that inspires, nurture that embraces, education that challenges, fellowship that energizes, ministry that responds. OuR MiSSiON - Covenant Presbyterian Church is a dynamic congregation led by Christ, active in the world, inspired by the word, open to the future. Sunday worship services: Traditional: 8:30am and 11:00am, Sanctuary Alternative Gathering: 10am, Fellowship Hall Office Hours: Mon.-Thur. 8:30am-4:00pm; Fri. 8:30am-12:00pm Covenant Presbyterian Church 2070 Ridgecliff Road • Columbus, OH 43221 (614)451-6677 • Fax (614)451-1326 ASSuRAnCe oF PARdon Leader: Friends, believe the good news of the gospel: All: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. thanks be to God! FelloWShIP momentS Jason Buescher and Tracy Keenan Sign the fellowship pad & pass it to your neighbor. (Prayer request cards collected.) CAll to WoRShIP Olivia Breen and Kaylee Cundiff Leader: i was glad when they said, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” People: We come to God’s house to give thanks and praise. Leader: What do we have to be thankful for? People: For life and love and all of God’s tender mercies. Leader: i was glad when they said, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” People: We come to God’s house to feed and to be fed. Leader: To welcome and to be welcomed. People: to give and to receive. Leader: i was glad when they said, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” All: let us worship God! SPeCIAl muSIC *hymn no. 137 “He Came Down” SeRmon Charlotte Gross, Jack Herd, Sarah Haines, Ali Koeneman, Jason Buescher He CAMe dOWN *PRAyeR oF AdoRAtIon Ali Koeneman Eternal God, maker of heaven and earth:You formed us from dust of the earth, and by Your breath you gave us life. We glorify you. Jesus Christ, the resurrection and life: You tasted death for all humanity, and by the rising from the grave You opened the way to eternal life. We praise you. Holy Spirit, author and giver of life: You are the comforter of all who sorrow, our sure confidence and everlasting hope. We worship You. To You, O blessed Trinity, be glory and honor, forever and ever. Amen. (Please be seated) PRAyeR oF ConFeSSIon Almighty God, you give us all good gifts: sunlight, moonlight, and starspeckled skies; dogwood, hydrangea, the scent of freshly mown grass; rain-drenched earth, the taste of strawberries, the sound of toddlers laughing, the well-loved faces of longtime friends… and yet we worry that we will not have enough. We clutch and begrudge, and think in finite terms of our infinite blessings. help us to trust in you, to share with one another, and to give freely to this world you so love. In Christ we pray. Amen. *All who can comfortably do so, please stand. tAlK WIth ChIldRen Esther and Elli Franz We encourage children to stay with us in worship. We try to keep the worship experience engaging and participatory for all ages. Some little ones who are too restless to remain in the Sanctuary for the full hour, with their grown-ups’ permission, at this time may go to Room 112 for Wiggle Worship. Emma Vazquez, cellist PRAyeRS oF the PeoPle & the loRd’S PRAyeR Charles Vazquez our Father who art in heaven... (Hymnal pg. 16. We say “debts” & “debtors.”) ReAdInG Galatians 5:13-23 The Message Cameron Smith, Jack Herd, Charlotte Gross ReCePtIon oF ConFIRmAndS Jason Buescher, Sarah Haines, Ali Koeneman, David F. Timmons PReSentAtIon oF ouR tItheS & oFFeRInGS Offertory Kaylee Cundiff, saxophonist *Doxology No. 606 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and holy Ghost. Amen. *Prayer of Dedication *hymn no. 729 “Lord i Want to Be A Christian” *benedICtIon And SendInG Old HuNdRedTH Sarah Haines I WANT TO Be A CHRISTIAN Ali Koeneman PoStlude Reprise of I WANT TO Be A CHRISTIAN After worship services Stephen Ministers will be in the Narthex to pray with anyone who desires it. neWs & events that help us fulfill our purpose for more info visit SundAy moRnInG easter egg hunt, 10am - Easter is a season, not just one day! We’ll celebrate Jesus’ continuing to be with us after the resurrection. Children will start at Gathering service and then will head outside (or to the education wing if the weather is bad) for our Easter egg hunt. Bring empty baskets and join the fun as we keep celebrating God’s unstoppable love! offering of letters & bread for the World - This year’s Offering of Letters, an initiative of Bread for the World (, encourages legislators to renew the federal government’s five major child nutrition programs. All of the federal programs up for renewal this year are funded by the federal government and administered by the states. Ohio’s food service programs serve more than 1 million meals daily at more than 4,000 sites. Stop by our table today to send letters encouraging legislators to fund child nutrition programs. The video link: AdultS & ChIldRen 3 yeARS - 6th GRAde 8:30am -Worship in the Sanctuary -Children dismissed to Joyful Noise Choir and Wiggle Worship 9:45am - Forum - Good death, Katie Kinnison -Children & Youth gather in Fellowship Hall 10:00am -Gathering, Teens’ expression of Faith -Children dismissed to Joyful Noise Choir and Treasure Finders 10:30am Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Music Room 11:00am -Worship in the Sanctuary -Children dismissed to Joyful Noise Choir and Wiggle Worship youth 10:00am youth @ Gathering SundAy AFteRnoon & evenInG no youth Fellowship tonight Sunday night bible Study, 6:30pm, rm. 120 - Study Philemon and James. Contact Lisa Wallace or Colleen Davis, 766-4871. Covenant Concert Series presents Scott Henning, Tenor todAy, 3pm, Sanctuary Katie Wynkoop, Accompanist Music of Mendelssohn, Williams, Thomas & others. A free will offering will be donated to Music Loves Ohio. neXt WeeK 19-25 Sun., April 19, 8:30 & 11am, Sermons: Luke 24:36b-48, It’s Simple: Just Change everything, Katie Kinnison preaching Gathering, Sun., April 19 - Acts 3:12-19, Acting in Ignorance, Jim Mehler preaching Forum, Sun., April 19, lounge - Planned Giving, Permanent Funds Ministry breakfast on the beach with Jesus treasure Finder Special event Sun., April 19, 10am Children will have a special gathering to explore one of our favorite stories. it’s fish sticks and donuts for breakfast. You won’t want to miss this annual event. Spiritual Cinema: “...Giving to God’s work is not giving something away. It’s an investment, not a loss. The farmer who sows doesn’t lose seed, [but] gains a crop.” Andy Stanley, Fields of Gold The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe mon., April 20, 6:30pm, lounge Four kids travel through a wardrobe to the land of Narnia and learn of their destiny with the guidance of a mystical lion. Contact Susan imel 262-7444, Beth Askue 459-1445. Planning Wonders! Fri., April 24, 6-8pm Help plan next year's activities for children and families. RSVP to Erin so we know how much pizza to provide. mothers’ day Cards Healthy Women Healthy Fami- thIS WeeK April 13-18 byob&l (bring your own bible/lunch) tues., April 14, 12pm, Rm 120, Discuss Sun., April 19 scripture: Luke 24:36b-48, It’s Simple: Just Change everything, Katie Kinnison preaching. Wed. night bible Study - The Gospel of John lies is a program of the PCuSA that provides obstetric care, cervical cancer screening, malaria prevention and other health services to women in Africa. Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Scioto Valley are again involved with the Mothers’ Day Card Project. Cards will be available at the PW/PSv Spring Gathering, April 25, or contact Judy oeder, 561-9458. Suggested donation $10. per card but cards are available for any donation amount. Connecting With God breakfast series 7pm, lounge We rejoice to be back reading the scriptures in a community full of laughter and love. Join us as we begin the Gospel According to John. Katie Kinnison leads this study. Please see her if you have any questions. Sat., April 25, 8am, lounge “Wrestling With Angels – An intimate Look at the Tough Questions of Life.” Topics: “Doubt - How Can i Question and Still Believe?” and “Love - Why is Loving So Hard?.” Enjoy pancakes and coffee (bring a breakfast item to share). Contact Jim Mehler. Compassion Warriors madagascar travel Show by linda Gabel Primetimers Sat., April 25, 2:30, lounge Everyone is invited to see pictures from her trip to Madagascar: the people, lemurs, birds, and animals, including the coelacanth. Don't know what a coelacanth is? Come and find out! 1 hr, thursdays, 4pm, tracy’s office Come back to basic spiritual grounding that helps bring our faithful best to a sometimes overwhelming world. Working from Margaret Wheatley’s book So Far From Home. Fri., April 17, 12 noon, lounge Jeri Diehl-Cusack will be back to present a fascinating program on “White House Weddings.” Bring a dish to share for the potluck and your own service. Questions? Call Dorothy Grossman, 488-2820. All-Church Clean up Sat., April 18, 9-11am, outside The Boy Scouts will be helping to spruce up our beautiful grounds, but we need your help too. Contact Jay McLean for more information, 209-7314. SAve the dAte! vacation bible School - July 20-24, 9am-12pm Get ready for a wild ride as we explore how to put our faith into action. in this mission-focused VBS, kids experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. Go to: other things of note Flowers and dedications are needed for April 19, May 10, 17 and 31. See Anna Jo Beeson. do you want to be a part of all of the fun children's activities at Covenant? Would you like to be updated on practices for Joyful Noise (the children's choir and bell ringers)? Contact Erin with your email address so that you can be included on the Children's Ministry email list and you won't miss any of the fun! Save Pop tabs - Justice and Peace Ministry collects pop tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House at Children’s Hospital. There’s a place for tabs at the end of the coat racks. Justice & Peace: orange days - 25th each month Say No - End Violence Against Women/Girls Work toward an end to violence against women and children by participating in Orange days. Violence against women/girls can be domestic/sexual violence, violence of poverty, economic inequality, “honor killings,” human trafficking. Wearing orange on the 25th of each month shows that we are against this violence. looKInG AheAd April 26+ Congregational “town hall” meeting Sun., April 26, 12:15pm Session has voted to initiate steps to present Katie Kinnison as the candidate for Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Covenant, and to seek a part-time staff person for Youth Ministry. Come for a discussion of staffing, vision, and procedure. Poverty Simulation Sat., may 16, 9am-12pm, Fellowship hall An enlightening experience that will help you understand what life is like with a shortage of money and an abundance of stress. Contact John Griffin, [email protected], 738-9141. Covenant’s Golf Group tees off may 6 Our Wednesday Golf Group will play 9 holes at Mentel Golf Course (Alkire Rd.). Open to golfers of all ability. Non-competition. First tee time is 6pm. Contact Bob Lowery, [email protected], 326-2019. Annual CPW birthday luncheon Wed., may 13, 11:45am, lounge Louise Davidson and Judy Oeder, Covenant members and PW leaders in the Presbytery, Synod and at the national level, will give the program PW 101: everything You Wanted to Know about PW but Were Afraid to Ask. What do we really know about Presbyterian Women beyond our own circle? Beyond CPW as part of Covenant? We'll receive the Birthday Offering, but what's that all about? Where did it start? Judy and Louise will answer these and other questions you may, though brave enough, never have thought to ask. Registration details will be in bulletins closer to the date. Caring for the Whole Child Body Mind Spirit Covenant Children’s Center now enrolling morning Programs • Preschool Summer Session: 36 months - 5 years June 15 -July 17, Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:30am-12:30pm Max 12 children for 2 teachers. Creative expression, open-ended exploration, guided by experienced/degreed teachers. • Covenant Preschool: Ages 3-5, 2-5 days a week, 9-11:30am. Lunch/Play option until pm, Tues. & Fri. • Kindergarten Enrichment: Ages 5-6, Mon.-Fri., 8:15-11:45am neW! Afternoon Program • After-School Care: grades K-5, 2:50-6pm See Covenant’s web site or contact Director Caroline.
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