Boot Camp: You vs. You

You vs. You
What Is It? A comprehensive boot camp designed around the efficacy of interval training and bodyweight movements (that means no barbells or Olympic lifting). We will help you reach your best fitness level, torch fat, and build a tight and toned body. The result: You will look and feel amazing. Who Is It For? YOU—if you want to revitalize your health and kick start a fit lifestyle. What Will You Get? A coach who will provide instruction on proper technique, appropriate scale for movements, motivation, and fun throughout the workout. Your training session, including warm-­‐up and cool-­‐down, will last no longer than 60 minutes.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. $78 per month; drop-­‐in rate, $10; Limited to 15 participants. CLICK HERE to register CLICK HERE for CrossFit OwnIt Liability Waiver