Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now here with, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” CROSS TABERNACLE MEN’S MINISTRY SPRING GOLF SCRAMBLE –May 30th. Tee time 8:45am at Forest Park in Brazil. Cost:$35.00 per person or $140.00 per team. Includes lunch and golf. Registrations forms located at the Welcome Center. Submit forms and payment to Jim Edington by May 24th. CT GOLF SCRAMBLE SPONSORS NEEDED – Cost: $100.00 per hole. Individuals can go in together or businesses and sponsor a hole. Make checks payable to Cross Tabernacle and submit to Jim Edington. We greatly appreciate your support! Thank you! March 29th, 2015 (No Evening Service) 52 WEEK CHALLENGE OFFERINGS – Week #13 offering seed amount is $13.00. Total just over $3,866.00. Thank you for your faithfulness! APRIL OUTPOURING SERVICES - April 10th & 24th at 7:00pm. CT MEN’S SOFTBALL- $40.00 per player. Sign-up at the Welcome Center today through April 12th. EASTER CHOIR REHEARSAL - Today, 2:30pm, in the sanctuary for anyone whom would like to minister with us Easter, April 5th, 10am service. RESURRECTION 3 DAY PRAYER & FASTING -April 1st-3rd. Pamphlets at the Welcome Center and available online. CT OFFICES CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY - April 3rd. GOOD FRIDAY NOON SERVICE - April 3rd, at New Life Community Church, 815 Ohio Street. CHILDREN’S EASTER EGG HUNT - April 5th, 9:00 am for ages 1 yr. old-6th grade. Needing donations of individually wrapped candy please. Donation barrel located in the foyer. EASTER SERVICES SCHEDULE - April 5th, 9:00 am Corporate Prayer and 10am Service only. RESURRECTION SEED OFFERING -April 5th, please be in prayer and prepared to plant your seed. WOMEN OF VIRTUE DISCIPLESHIP MEETING - April 9th, 6:30 pm in the CT Coffee Shop. YOUTH SPRING RETREAT - April 17th -19th at Shakamak State Park Group Camp. Registration $50.00. After March 19th $60.00. Contact Pastor Justin Keyes. EARLY CHILDHOOD TRAINING - April 18th-19th, 9am-4pm with program designer and master teacher, Rev. Sonja Corbin. This training is for anyone involved with early childhood children. Regisister at or the CT Bookstore. $10.00 per person/ $40.00 for groups of 5 by April 15th. Saturday lunch included, Sunday 10am-12pm demonstration. DISTRICT LADIES REGIONAL ENCOUNTER “A BEAUTIFUL LIFE” - Sat., April 25th, 10am-3pm. Speaker: Rev. Karen Taylor here at Cross Tabernacle. Registration forms located at the Welcome Center. Ladies please register with payment to Rev. Karen Taylor by Sunday, April 5th. CROSS TABERNACLE MISSIONS COMPASSION BANQUET: Friday, May 29th, 6:30pm in the gym. Be sure to mark your calendars now. Registration and additional information to follow. CT APRIL BOOK OF THE MONTH- Secrets Of The Secret Place by Author Bob Sorge. This book will bless and greatly inspire you to develop a personal connection with God and serve as a companion to your devotional life. Available now at the CT Bookstore. CHOCOLATE PEANTU BUTTER EGGS-$3.50 each or sign out trays to sell outside the church. Proceeds bless the Women’s Ministry Single Parents Christmas. These egss are DELICIOUS!!! PARENTS WHOSE CHILDREN ATTEND SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY CHILDREN MINISTRIES Parents must sign-in and sign-out your child/ren each service. KIDS HOPE RECRUITING MENTORS - Kids Hope seeking 5 mentors that will meet for one hour a week with one child at Franklin Elementary School. Contact Carol Budnik at (812) 249-1002. 2014 CONTRIBUTION REPORT SIGN-UP - Please sign up at the Welcome Center for your 2014 contribution report for tax purposes. Be sure that we have your current email address. CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER FUNDRAISING BANQUET-Tu, April 14th, 6:30pm at Hulman Center. Cross Tabernacle host tables available. Please register to Rev. Luke & Adrienne Miller by April 1st. LOST & FOUND - Located by the Pastoral offices. Items not picked up by April 2nd will be donated. PASSION IN THE PARK LIVE EASTER DRAMA - April 2-5, 6pm-7pm-8pm daily. Free admission at Fairbanks Park. Informational cards at the Welcome Center. CROSS TABERNACLE WEEKLY SUNDAY 1PM SERVICES - Nursery available for children under 2 years of age in the infant nursery. CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION: 2929 N. 7th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47804 Phone: (812) 466-7241 • Toll Free: (877) 700-7741 Website: • E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (812) 460-0416 Prayer / Hospital / Emergency Ext. 3215 / Missions Ext. 206 Services Live & Archived Available Bus Transportation: Call 466-7241 Ext 3212 / Bookstore Email: [email protected] Audio Podcast (Childrens Ministry Training) / CT Kids Page WORSHIP / PRAYER MEETINGS / OFFICE HOURS Worship - Sundays: 10:00 AM / 6:00 PM. Wednesdays: Service 7:00 PM Corporate Prayer - Sundays 9:00 AM / Tuesdays 10:30AM Men’s Prayer - Tu’s. 6:30 AM / Thursdays 6:00 AM (Prayer Chapel) Bookstore Email: [email protected] Office Hours - Mon. - Thursday: 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Front desk is closed, and the front doors locked; however, the office is open for calls if you need assistance.
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