LOOKING AHEAD ‘Walk through the Old Testament’ Wednesday 15th, 29th April and 6th May 2015. 7.30 pm—9.30 pm Have you ever wanted to understand the whole story of the Bible? Book your place by filling in the booking form available from the Fellowship Lounge or Vestibule and return to Rev. Fleming or leave in Church Office. __________________________ The last meeting of the Wednesday Club for this session will take place on 15th April at 2.30 pm. in the Legate Hall. William Dallas will give an illustrated talk on "The Beauty of Western Canada" and conclude the afternoon with a short epilogue. CHURCH COMMITTEE Please note the next meeting will be on Tuesday 28th April 2015. The Presbyterian Chaplaincy at Queen's is advertising for the role of Intern. We have 2 internship places available, which we have previously filled from within Derryvolgie Hall, but now feel the time is right to broaden our search. Honouring God By Seeking His Presence And Sharing His Grace Welcome to the Fellowship of First Presbyterian Church, Coleraine. We are glad you are here and pray you will experience God’s help and be filled with the joy of salvation as we worship together. ________________________ Minister: Rev. Peter Fleming -70342703 Pastoral Assistant – Rev. Sam Millar -29557097 Outreach & Support Worker—Liz Dowey - 07803402504 Youth & Community Worker - Alistair Dickey - 07955906552 Church Office Number -70355202 e-mail – [email protected] Website - www.firstcoleraine.com With that in mind, please send the link below to anyone you might think would be a suitable candidate, or add it to your facebook page or website. http://bit.ly/pcqintern We think this is a really exciting opportunity for a couple of young people, so thank you in anticipation, for passing this opportunity on to the right people! TEA/ COFFEE AFTER MORNING SERVICE ROTA is as follows: TODAY - Carol Wilson, Joyce Jackson & Helen Terrett 19th April - Larraine Laverty, Catherine Watton & Sandra Russell. Creche Rota for the next couple of weeks:TODAY - All Age Service - Crèche room available. 19th April - Creche as usual. DOOR STEWARDS for the month of APRIL :Tom Caskey, William Dallas, Sam Dorrans, George & Jean Smylie. Easter Sunday Sunday 5th April 2015 EASTER SUNDAY 5th April 2015 11.00 am ‘Fear keeps you imprisoned - Hope sets you free’. John 20. Mr Norman McCracken. There is no Bible Class today (5th April). 6.30 pm Mr Basil McCorriston 6.30 pm–8 pm ALF(YF) returns on Sunday 19th April. Saturday(11th) Youth Club will not meet tonight but will return on Saturday 18th April. Take it to the Lord in Prayer’ - Do you want to respond to Gods word, or know of a burden that can be shared in prayer? The Prayer Ministry Team is available today and they will be at the front of the church. ‘Prayer Request Box’ is in Vestibule.‘ Prayerline’ number is 70344319. Sunday 12th April 2015 10.15 am Elders Prayer Time 11.00 am Guest Speakers: Billy & Linda Abwa (Mission Africa). 6.30 pm Rev. Peter Fleming THIS WEEK Tuesday (7th) Ladies Tuesday Morning Bible Study will not be meeting on a weekly basis after Easter but there will be ‘get-togethers’ over the next couple of months. Watch the Bulletin for details. Wednesday (8th) Homegroups continue to meet in various homes throughout the congregation. If you would like to join one then speak to Basil McCorriston or Rev. P Fleming. D2A returns on Wed 22nd April. Thursday (9th Toddlers Inn will not meet today but will be back again after the Easter Holidays Presbytery Divine Healing Service at 11 am in First Coleraine Church Hall. Friday (10th) 1st Coleraine Youth presents an Epic 2015 Production: ALL NIGHTER from Fri. 10th - Sat. 11th April (10 pm - 8 am) Games, Sports, Competitions, Music Session, Artwork, Beauty Session, Movies, Snacks, Dance Session, Chill Out Zone & Breakfast! £3 entry — Sign up Necessary (forms available in the Fellowship Lounge or at www.facebook.com/firstcoleraineyouth (or see Alistair) An event you won’t want to miss! PRAYER POINTS 1. He is risen. Hallelujah! Lets join with the worldwide church today as we all rejoice in the risen Christ. 2. Remember in prayer our brothers & sisters in Christ throughout the world who are being persecuted for their faith 3. Pray for the young people and leaders at the ‘All Nighter’ on Friday evening (10th). Pray that this will be an opportunity for continued relationship building and remember Mark & Clare Robinson as they bring the epilogue. 4. Please join with the Ladies Bible Study group in giving thanks for a season of inspired teaching & fellowship. 5. Continue to pray for Peter & Jayne as they spend time in Nigeria with Lydia. 6. Lift in prayer those who will find this Easter a lonely and difficult time, especially those who have recently been bereaved. 7. Take time this week to reflect again on Jesus sacrifice for mankind and consider your response to Him. If you have prayer requests please contact the Church Office or Carol Wilson . PASTORAL HELP OVER EASTER Rev. Peter Fleming will be away in Nigeria from 24th March until 8th April. During that time if you need help from a minister please contact Rev. Robert McMullan on 028 70342032.
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