Welcome! Welcome to our visitors If you are new to Clovercrest, then we trust that you enjoy your time with us. Please join our friendly people in the foyer for coffee and a chat after the service. If you didn’t receive a gift bag during the service, you can pick one up at the Reception desk. Just ask one of the Welcome team. GOOD FRIDAY EASTER OFFERING On March 14, Category 5 Cyclone Pam made landfall on the nation of Vanuatu, devastating entire communities and leaving much of the nation without access to essential services. When Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu it caused massive destruction. An estimated 70% of families have been displaced, and supplies of food and clean water are running dangerously low. The risk of starvation and disease is increasing. Baptist World Aid Australia has launched an APPEAL to meet the immediate needs of children, women and men affected, working with the Vanuatu Christian Council, to supply food, clean water and temporary shelter. To learn more and give generously to Baptist World Aid's Cyclone Pam Appeal, visit baptistworldaid.org.au/CyclonePamAppeal or give at our Good Friday church service knowing the money will be directed to BWAA for this needy cause. 2 EASTER Jesus took a courageous walk all the way to the Cross where he sacrificed his life for each of us. But to then walk from the grave in victory brings us hope for today and into eternity. I encourage you to reflect on this poetic piece of writing below (Author: Unknown) and take a walk with Jesus this Easter. Mark Purser Jesus Walked He could hear the crowds screaming "crucify" "crucify"... He could hear the hatred in their voices, these were His chosen people. He loved them and they were going to crucify Him. He was beaten, bleeding and weakened... his heart was broken, but still He walked. He could see the crowd as He came from the palace. He knew each of the faces so well. He had created them. He knew every smile, laugh, and shed tear, but now they were contorted with rage and anger...His heart broke, but still He walked. The sounds of the hammer striking the spikes echoed through the crowd. The sounds of his cries echoed even louder. The cheers of the crowd as His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, intensified with each blow. Loudest of all was the still small voice inside His heart that whispered "I am with you, my son", and God's heart broke. He had let His Son walk. Jesus could have asked God to end His suffering but instead He asked God to forgive. Not to forgive Him, but to forgive the ones who were persecuting Him. As He hung on that cross, dying an unimaginable death, He looked out and saw, not only the faces in the crowd, but also the face of every person yet to be, and His heart filled with love. As His body was dying, His heart was alive. Alive with the limitless, unconditional love He feels for each of us. That is why He walked. When I forget how much my God loves me, I remember His walk. When I wonder if I can be forgiven, I remember His walk. When I need reminding of how to live like Christ, I think of His walk. And to show him how much I love Him, I wake up each morning, turn my eyes to Him and I walk. 3 Sermon Topics 3 April GOOD FRIDAY 10am 12 April by Faith... Noah Michelle Stevens Gen 6:12-22 Mark Purser 5 April EASTER SUNDAY BAPTISM SERVICE 19 April by Faith... Abraham Mark Purser Gen15: 1-21 Michelle Stevens 26 April by Faith... Joseph Gen 39:20-2117-26 Advance Notice... LEADERSHIP LIFT Monday 18 May 7.30pm Guest Speaker, Jason Hoet President of Baptist Churches SA ALL Ages, ALL Ministries, ALL Level Leaders ALL WELCOME! Lock this ‘can’t miss’ event into your calendar now! 4 Mark Purser What is Alpha? In our Australian culture, it is increasingly rare that people have conversations about spiritual things Aussies are generally happy to talk about sport, family or even politics but when the conversation comes to the ‘deeper’ things we tend to change the subject. Alpha is all about discussing these ‘deeper’ things in a safe and fun environment. Its simply sitting down over a meal or coffee and engaging with people in spiritual conversations, such as “if God exists and you could ask Him one question, what would it be?” Alpha really is for anyone who’s curious. Join us at the Alpha Introductory Dinner, Wednesday April 29, 7-9:30pm. Please register via email, [email protected] or phone 8397 9400 ‘’ What Alpha offers, and what is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in secular culture, to discuss the big questions: life and death and their meaning. The Guardian 5 We want to care for YOU! COMMUNION CHANGES Are you coeliac or diabetic? From this month on we will be providing a gluten free bread option for communion and water for diabetics. At this stage, you can find these alternatives at the table at the back of the Auditorium on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Our next communion service will be on Good Friday. FREE TEA AND COFFEE We still provide free tea, coffee and milo at the foyer servery. We now also provide a dairy free milk option. BABY CHANGE ROOM The Baby Change Room, located near the Creché, is now open for business! CAR PARK SAFETY TRIAL We are currently undergoing reviews of our car park and are trialling some new ideas to improve the safety of the car park. Please... enter at the first driveway drop off at front entrance paved area follow our signs respect the car park attendants instructions drive slowly, 5kms/hr look out for pedestrians exit from the bottom of the car park We value your cooperation during this trial period. FIRST AID Do you have an up-to-date first aid certificate? Are you a practicing registered or enrolled nurse? Would you be willing to be available to provide first aid, on an as needed basis, during one of our Sunday morning services? Please see Jessie Pelentsov if you’d like to join our first aid team. 6 PRIORITY PARKING Do you have mobility issues that make it difficult to walk long distances? Or do you struggle into church with a baby, pram, bags and a toddler and wish you could park closer to the door? You can now apply for a Clovie Priority Park which will enable you to park close to the building entry. As you drive in show your green priority card to our car park attendants, who will then usher you to reserved parking. These permits will be valid for 12 months. All you need to do is apply at the info desk and we will post it out to you. Have you unsubscribed ? Haven’t received a roster lately? or have you missed out on that all important leaders information? The reason may be that you have unsubscribed from our church emails! To save postage we try and send out rosters, newsletters and other important departmental information via email as often as we can. Our Fellowship One database is a useful tool for doing just this... But quite a lot of emails don’t go out to their destination because at some time people have hit the “unsubscribe” button, which shuts off all our email access to you. For example, if you have unsubscribed from the Lead On newsletter then Jessie or Maxine are unable to send your rosters to you. We are trying to re-subscribe people, so that we can email these things to you - to use our money wisely and to reach as many people as we can, as promptly as we can. We won’t bombard you with too many emails but we’d rather you delete an email instead of unsubscribing us. By the way, if you haven’t seen a copy of your roster lately then please check the church Please note: The cafe will be closed for business on Good Friday and Easter Saturday, and will only be open 10am - 12 noon on Easter Sunday. 7 Team Members Healing Prayer Ministry can assist a person in their spiritual and emotional parts of their lives, along with counseling. Our Healing Prayer Ministry members are trained and gifted in the ministry of healing prayer. Under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, God will use them to facilitate profound outcomes between the person being prayed for and Jesus. All healing comes from Him. Who can come? Everyone is welcome - especially those seeking, through a deeper relationship with God, to gain understanding of who they are in Christ, or why they behave as they do. God can heal you, if you are seeking freedom from past traumas and hurts, wounded memories; effects of all types of physical, emotional, psychological, sexual and spiritual abuse; Prayer Pray for the Dalits of India – 6pm -7pm, Tuesday 14 April in the Prayer Sanctuary. Prayer Lift repetitive physical ailments; Monday April 13 & 27 at 7.30pm emotional bondages, anger, guilt; fears, phobias, addictions and dependencies; Come together as a family and join in corporate prayer as we uphold our commitment to pray as a church. lack of Holy Spirit fruit and spiritual growth; effects resulting from occult, false religion and new-age involvement; Prayer Chain For urgent and pressing prayer requests be ailments passed down from ancestors; sure to use our Prayer Chain ministry. All spiritual problems. prayer requests are held in strict confidence. Through Healing Prayer Ministry, God is invited to gently and deeply address such needs in a loving and non-judgmental atmosphere. 8 On the 27 April Mike Hey will be leading the night with the theme -‘Jehoshaphat.’ Maureen Park is the coordinator of our Prayer Chain and can be contacted on 8263 2764. Youth & Young Adults Ignite Youth Ignite Youth Meals Ignite Youth and Quench Cafe have partnered in providing a meal to youth who attend small groups on Sundays. The meals will be served at 5:15pm Luke Mihail and will help fuel our youth for the 6pm service. Cost is $5 and is payable on the evening. If finances are an issue, please speak with Luke Mihail. Ignite Youth will be back on Friday 8 May Baptist Youth Gathering (BYG) Meet at Clovercrest Baptist Church at 7pm to carpool to Rostrevor Baptist Church, (288 Montacute Rd, Rostrevor). Drop off- 7pm.Pick up- 10:15pm. No cost. 'Parent Connect' Ignite Parents e-Newsletter If you would like to sign up, please email Luke at [email protected] 9 Young Adults Wednesday May 6th, 7pm-9:30pm Clovercrest Baptist Church. Cost- $5 1in6 Contact: Val D’Arcy on 0402 983 154 or Treasured Designs on 8396 3902 or Pathway Community Centre on 8395 1881 10 Val D’Arcy on Treasured Designs We have had a great start to the year and felt very privileged that we were able to utilise our skills to efficiently sort and distribute the donations given during the fire relief period. Do you like to tidy? Because we are so busy, we do not have time to keep the shop as tidy as we would like. If you have an occasional hour to spare or would like to commit to some time each week purely to tidy our stock, I would love to hear from you. Do you all know that we have a furniture shop? We are using the old deli premises and it is proving to be a very popular attraction both for buyers and people wishing to donate furniture. Volunteers needed! Can you help us on our Market Day on Saturday 11 April? If you are able to help please contact Val 0402 983 154. Val just couldn't resist trying out the stock! Are you a people person? Would you like to spend some time in our furniture shop welcoming customers? No cash handling required, just a smile and a friendly word. Do you have muscles going to waste? We URGENTLY need a team of guys and girls who are willing to collect furniture for us. This can be done at any time, so if you are free evenings and weekends I would love to talk to you. At the moment this all falls on John Flack’s shoulders (and bad back) and we need to share the load. If you can help us in any way, please ring Val on 0402 983 154 and if you haven’t checked us out lately come and see us at Treasured Designs, your one stop op shop. 11 Children’s Ministry News Maxine’s Moments How do the following go together? A shower cap, porridge and apricot squares? Well if you were in Sector one4 the other Sunday at 11am you would have seen me wearing a shower cap with my face in a tray of porridge (very thick porridge!) trying to extract 5 apricot squares. Yes it was Sloppy Sunday Beat the Leader and I was the lucky leader! Well, I am up for a bit of fun.... just glad there wasn’t a camera cross to adult church. I have photos to prove that I am a case in point. Every so often it pays to show the kids that you are not afraid to be a little bit silly. Why not try a bit of silliness in your family this month? A packet of porridge is really cheap! (Friday fortnightly) April 10 The Block #build’emuptear’emdown We’re having a break for the school holidays but will be resuming Friday 1 May, Term 2 12 We have come to the end of our Fruits of the Spirit theme and look forward to something new for Term 2. Stay tuned. Calendars will be out during the holidays. Just a reminder that Kids Church collect offerings each week to support our 2 sponsor children, Mykaila and Joliana in the Philippines. We have been excited to see our offerings grow this year and we will be able to cover the girls support and see some of the extra money go towards some equipment for the crèche playground. Final sessions for this term Tuesday 7 April and Thursday 9 April. Term 2 commences Tuesday 28 April and Thursday 30 April. There are many needy children at The Heights school and we would love to increase our presence there through our Kids Hope mentoring. If you think you could give one hour a week during school terms faithfully to a child who needs a trusted friend, please connect with Naomi Kusic on 8397 9400 to express your interest or just ask more questions. We are planning training during Term 2. Courses will be available in Terms 2 and 3 Early Years (0-6 years) Tuesdays 7.30-9.30pm starting 5 May Tween and Teen Years (12-18 years) Sundays 4-6pm starting 17 May Middle Years (6-12 years) Fridays fortnightly during KNO, starting 24 July For further details look out for the Term 2 Training Brochure or contact Ann Hughes on 8397 9400 13 Pastoral Care Do you have a pastoral care need? Please phone/SMS 0405 329 540 (if you attend our morning services) or 0404 262 970 (if you attend our evening services). ESL Class The English as a Second Language class would love another laptop computer to assist the students in their studies. The computer is needed to run Power point. If you have a laptop that you no longer require and don’t mind donating it to a worthy cause, we’d love to hear from you! Please contact Ann Foot on 8263 3343 Mystery Trip Thursday, 9 April Cost: $6 Meeting at the Church at 11.00am. Lunch provided. Please bring a folding chair. (If the weather isn’t favourable we will luncheon in the West lounge and then watch a DVD in the Multi Purpose Room.) Contact David & Yvonne Armstrong for more details on 8281 7878. Is Hospitality Your Thing? Helpers are wanted to join the team for preparing, cooking and tidying for the 50+ group which meets monthly. This is an opportunity to serve many of our senior church family members. Please contact Janet Porter on 0412 993 923 The Tea Table Cooking class 101 This FREE 8 week Cooking Class is suitable for anyone who needs some basic cooking skills. It will include sessions on Budgeting, Nutrition as well as an excursion! 14 Nipapanha Visits in 2015 As we draw down to the end of Clovercrest’s ministry to Nipapanha in October, we invite you to participate in either of the two available opportunities to be part of a team. 22 - 26 April - (end of the school holidays) includes craft, church, community outreach, Anzac Day Dawn Service. Registrations close 12 April. 14 - 17 August - includes Angepena Gymkhana, church, Yakarti Club Costs for these trips are down to 2009 levels due to current fuel prices and application of outstanding subsidies. Further info about these visits, including costs and how you can make a difference, will be available in the church foyer or contact David Girvan on 8264 2115. Finance News Bank Details General Offerings Clovercrest Baptist Church Inc. Cheque Account BSB 704 922 Account No. 100014517 Pathway Community Centre BSB: 704 922 Account No: 100014519 BFS Building Fund Gifts & Pledges Clovercrest Baptist Church Inc. BSB 704-922 Account No. 100013517 Please include your Pledge ID number in the reference. “Honour the Lord with your wealth, the first fruits of all your crops” Proverbs 3:9 15 Upcoming Events ‘Kingdom’ Youth Easter Camp Thursday 2 April - Monday 6 April Good Friday Service Friday 3 April, 10am Easter Sunday Services Sunday 5 April, 9am & 11am ONLY Prayer Lift Monday 13 & 27 April, 7.30pm 50+ Lunch - Mystery Trip Thursday 9 April, 12 noon KNO & Xchange - The Block Friday 10 April, 6.30pm Oasis - Movie Night Saturday 11 April See inside for more details Boost Sunday 12 April, 9am & 11am Youth - Chillax Night Friday 17 April, 7pm - 9.30pm Boost Sunday 19 April, 9am & 11am Recovery Camp Friday 24 - Sunday 26 April TiBS - BBQ Saturday 25 April, 12 noon Creative Craft Connections Resumes for Term 2, 29 April, 9.30am Alpha - Introductory Dinner Wednesday 29 April, 7pm - 9.30pm Service Times 9.00am Family Service 2.00pm Recovery Service includes Kids Church & Creche informal worship service 11.00am Family Service 6.00pm Evening Service includes Kids Church & Creche emphasis on Youth & Young Adults Any entries for inclusion to the In Touch must reach the editors by the 20 th of each month. 16
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