Development of a GIS Based Road Crash Reference and Analysis

Development of a GIS Based Road Crash Reference and Analysis System
Ayman Anis El Sayed Mousa , Dr Gad-Allah A A , Dr Sharaf E A ,
Cairo University
Giza, Egypt
Master (Msc) Thesis , 2004
Earlier research evaluated highway safety condition through empirical or statistical analysis of available data. The present research differs. It focuses on developing a GIS based road crash analysis and
referencing system. The main objectives of the current research are (1) to diagnose the current available accident data management system in GARBLT, (2) To utilize GIS to develop a framework and detailed plan to
upgrade the current accident data collection, analysis, reference and management system. This research presents the overall system framework. It also, shows the system capabilities and the benefits associated with
its implementation. The developed system can handle different types of crash analysis, e.g. spot, cluster, corridor, sub area, and area wide type of analysis. It can produce different report configurations such as tables
and graphs. Also, it can store scanned reports, photos, and Video logs. The developed system utilizes the use of currently available GIS based road network.
Road accident , Road safety , GIS ,