2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship guidelines Carefully review the following information before you begin your application for a 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship. These guidelines include specific instructions, advice, definitions and requirements related to the online Fellowship application process. 1900 Superior Avenue, Suite 130 Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 575-0331 www.cultureforward.org The Creative Workforce Fellowship is funded by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 1 This year's application is available for artists in all disciplines. 40 Fellowships will be awarded. Fellowships include a $15,000 financial award, marketing and communications support. You may only submit one application for a Fellowship. To ensure a fair review, this is an anonymous panel process. Please remove your name and/or signature from all work samples prior to upload. Please only provide your name when asked in the application. Your name, contact, discipline and demographic information (steps 1-3, 8, 9) will be seen only by CPAC staff, and will not be shared with panelists. The Creative Workforce Fellowship is funded by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture. deadline Friday, September 4, 2015, 11:59 p.m. EST. You will be asked for the following information in the application: • • • • Contact, discipline and optional demographic information Terms of use agreement 5 Narrative questions: character lengths (including spaces) are 1,500 for the artistic philosophy and 1,000 for all other essay questions Anonymous digital files of your work o No more than 15 images, 5 minutes or 10 pages (see work samples) Table of Contents Timeline .......................................................................... 3 Entry Requirements......................................................... 4 Eligibility checklist .......................................................... 5 Application Process ........................................................ 6 Scoring Criteria ............................................................... 8 Definitions ....................................................................... 9 Online Application ........................................................... 12 Step 1: Contact Information ................................ 13 Step 2: Eligibility and Liability Release .................. 13 Step 3: Discipline ................................................ 14 Step 4: Work Samples ........................................ 15 Step 5 and 6: Artistic Narratives .......................... 17 Step 7: Public Benefit Narrative ........................... 18 Step 8: Demographics ........................................ 19 Review and Submit Your Application ................... 19 Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 2 timeline The Following is the timeline for the Creative Workforce Fellowship. For more information about these and other professional development events, please visit the classes and event calendar on Creative Compass: http://mycreativecompass.org/Events. Application Launch: Available May 1 – September 4, 2015 www.cultureforward.org/Fellowship *Grant Writing Basics + Fellowship Workshop Wednesday, June 24, 2015 12 – 1:30 p.m. Downtown, Cleveland Foundation Center Cleveland 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1300, Cleveland Register Free http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50341/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=82131 *Work Sample Basics + Fellowship Workshop Thursday, July 9, 2015 4 – 5:30 p.m. Ohio City neighborhood, Cleveland Julia De Burgos Cultural Institute Cleveland Register Free: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50341/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=82132 *Legal and Reporting Considerations + Fellowship Workshop Wednesday, July 15, 2015 6 – 7:30 p.m. Uptown neighborhood, Cleveland Happy Dog at Euclid Tavern 11625 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland Register Free http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50341/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=82129 *Condensed Overview: Grant writing + Legal and Reporting Considerations + Work Samples + Fellowship Workshop Saturday, July 25, 2015 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Garfield Branch: Cuyahoga County Public Library Followed by a tour of the library’s INCUBATOR, a community-driven co-working space 5409 Turney Road, Garfield Heights Register Free: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50341/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=82133 * Workshops are optional, and intended to provide information that will clarify questions and provide skills that will help beyond the Fellowship application. Application Deadline: Friday, September 4, 2015, 11:59 p.m. Panel Review: Discipline Group: craft, design, media, visual Open via Virtual Meeting/Conference Monday - Wednesday, November 9 – 11, 2015 (November 12 reserved for overtime) Registration TBA Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 3 Panel Review: Discipline Group: dance, literature, music, theatre Open via Virtual Meeting/Conference Monday - Wednesday, November 16 – 18, 2015 (November 19 reserved for overtime) Registration TBA CPAC Board Review and Fellows’ Orientation (closed) December 2015 Public Announcement and Reception Thursday, January 14, 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Year January 1 – December 31, 2016 • Site Visits • Reporting • Networking activities • Communications support for events and activities entry requirements get it in before the deadline! Out of fairness to all applicants, we cannot accept any online application submitted after the deadline date and time. Applications will be discarded if they • are submitted after 11:59 p.m. EST on September 4, 2015 • contain work samples that are not fully loaded to the review platform • have been started but not completed by the deadline We understand circumstances may arise on the day of the deadline and have extended the open application period. We cannot make any exceptions to these rules. Please plan ahead and submit early. CPAC will accept 2016 Fellowship applications from artists who live in Cuyahoga County and meet the following criteria: ● Create work in craft, dance, design, literature, media, music, theatre or visual arts ● Have been residents of Cuyahoga County continuously since September 4, 2014 ● Will be 18 years of age or older by the deadline ● Will not be full-time students seeking 12 or more credit hours per semester as of the deadline ● Are not recipients of a Fellowship award in 2013 or 2014 ● Have not received 2 Fellowships within the past 10 Years Individuals who meet these requirements can apply for the Fellowship as long as they: ● Submit only one completed application for a 2016 Fellowship before the deadline ● Apply as an individual; no businesses, teams, projects etc. will be accepted ● Will maintain residency in Cuyahoga County throughout the Fellowship year In order to ensure a fair and balanced competition for all qualified Cuyahoga County artists, no exceptions will be made to entry and eligibility requirements. Once an application is submitted, we cannot allow any changes or corrections. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 4 eligibility checklist ☐ ☐ Your application will be submitted electronically by no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, September 4, 2015. (Reminder! We can only accept fully uploaded applications that have been submitted prior to the deadline. If your application is still loading after the cutoff time, it will be deemed ineligible). Your application is anonymous. This means: ☐ Your name or signature has been removed from all digital images ☐ PDF files do not contain your name ☐ Your name does not appear in credits or throughout video or audio files ☐ Your name does not appear anywhere else within the work samples including the name of the file you upload and the descriptions ☐ Your name does not appear in any of the narrative responses *CPAC will accept work samples with images of the artist only if they are central to the work, e.g. you are the performer, actor, etc. ☐ Your application contains work samples that do not exceed ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 15 digital images 10 pages total in PDF file(s) 5 minutes total in video files 5 minutes total in audio files once submitted, you cannot re-open your application The most common mistakes include • names that are not removed from work samples • work samples that are over the required limits CPAC does not review applications for artistic content, spelling and grammar, etc. Those remarks are reserved for the panel. You do not have more than a combination of two of the above types of work samples Your work samples are uploaded in their entirety and you can see them on the preview page. You have completed all five narrative responses, not exceeding the character limit. You are prepared to provide two valid forms of your proof of residence in Cuyahoga County for the past year. CPAC will ask you for this information only if your application advances to the second round of review. Accuracy Checklist ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ You do not have any spelling or grammatical errors You provided high-quality digital files that will allow panelists to effectively review your work samples Your application is factually consistent across pages Your narrative and work samples make sense collectively and paint a clear picture You have had at least one trusted friend or colleague review your application and provide feedback Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 5 application process Workshops We encourage all artists to register for and attend a Fellowship workshop. These free events are held at locations throughout Cuyahoga County. The workshops are designed to provide tools to develop an effective application for this Fellowship and future artist opportunities. CPAC will provide you with relevant information about the program and specifics of the online application. Staff will also be available to answer application-related questions. Workshops are not required, but they will be to your benefit. To register for one or more of the workshops, please visit CPAC’s event calendar or the Fellowship timeline at www.cultureforward.org/events. Online Application CPAC does not accept paper applications. Online applications must be completed and submitted electronically by Friday, September 4, 2015, 11:59 p.m. EST. www.cultureforward.org/Fellowship Last-minute Applications Large files may take time to load upon hitting the “submit” button on the final preview page. CPAC is not responsible for an application that was not fully loaded to the review platform by the deadline, regardless of when you click the button. Applicants who do not submit the application by this deadline will not be considered for a 2016 Fellowship. Please submit your application early. Public Computer Options Public computers are available at your local branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library or Cleveland Public Library. CPAC also has a computer workstation available in it’s office at 1900 Superior Avenue, Suite 130, Cleveland. You will be required to upload electronic work samples and provide narrative responses. Initial Staff Review CPAC staff will review all applications for eligibility. They will be reviewed as they are submitted and as staff resources permit. Applications with missing information or other items that would deem an application ineligible for review will not be reviewed and will not be re-opened for correction. Upon confirming all eligible applications, CPAC staff assigns each application a primary and secondary reviewer. The assignments are based entirely on the discipline and sub-discipline selected in the applications. Panelists are also required to select areas of expertise from the same list of disciplines and sub disciplines prior to interviewing to serve on the panel. Panel Review Upon the deadline applications will be divided into two discipline review groups: • Craft, Design, Media and Visual applications • Dance, Literature, Music and Theatre applications 20 awards are reserved for each group. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 6 Panelists will review all applications submitted in their assigned review group. Two rounds of scoring will take place. Applications are reviewed anonymously. Panelists will see only work samples and narrative statements. Panelists will sign a conflict of interest agreement and disclose any conflicts in their review group prior to accessing applications. Round 1 Review 1. Panelists receive their assigned applications. Each application is assigned three initial reviewers for comments. Panelists remain anonymous until the public review. 2. Initial reviewers submit all comments and scores by their stated deadline. 3. All remaining panelists score the remaining applications in their review group. They will have access to the initial panelists’ comments. 4. For each application, CPAC totals scores (15 possible points) for each of the 10 panelists. 5. For each application, CPAC removes the highest and lowest score (See Definitions, Page 9: Olympic Scoring). The average of the remaining scores become the final score for the application. 6. The top 40 scores, plus any ties for the 40th place, are shared with the panel. (See Scoring Criteria, Page 8) Round 2 Review 1. The same group of panelists reviews the top 40 scoring applications approximately 1 week before the live second round of review. 2. Panelists convene remotely via conference call/web conference, moderated by CPAC staff, to discuss the applications. 3. This conversation is streamed live online. 4. Round 2 review sessions take place in 2-hour increments over 3-4 the panel sees all days (See Timeline, Page 3). work samples a. CPAC staff pulls up the application being reviewed on a Panelists receive and review shared screen. the applications in advance b. The panel reviews up to 3 minutes of the submitted work of the public review. Having samples. already studied the entirety of c. The initial reviewers are asked to provide comments relative the work samples and essay to the scoring criteria. questions, CPAC may not d. As comments conclude, panelists silently score the applicant project the full work samples electronically. at the public meeting. This e. This process is repeated for each application. helps save time to score and provide a substantive review. 5. The top 20 scores will be shared at the end of the last day. 6. The panel is asked to approve the recommendations for 2016 What you see in the live Creative Workforce Fellowships with a majority vote. meeting serves as a reminder of which application is being Board Approval reviewed. Artists, who are recommended for a 2016 Fellowship will be contacted, but remain anonymous to the public until CPAC’s Board of Trustees formally reviews and approves the awards. Fellows may not begin spending Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 7 Fellowship dollars until their Fellowship year officially begins, and after they complete an orientation, a letter of agreement and an initial report. Names will be released immediately following Board approval, and CPAC will host a public announcement of the 2016 Fellows in January 2016. Reporting Artists who receive an award will be required to attend an orientation prior to receiving their initial installment of funds. The orientation will include details about signing a letter of agreement, reporting and acknowledgment. Award recipients are required to document and report on all expenses and activities related to the Fellowship. Award recipients will also be required to acknowledge that they received a Fellowship throughout the Fellowship year using CPAC and CAC logos. At least one activity that directly reaches Cuyahoga County residents must take place during the Fellowship year. More information about reporting will be outlined in an orientation prior to receiving funds. scoring criteria All panelists are asked to judge each application based on the following criteria: 5 Points: Originality Work samples and corresponding descriptions are original and the application indicates the artist is innovative in content, method or approach 5 Points: Technical Skill Work samples and descriptions illustrate the artist is skilled in his or her medium 5 Points: Public Benefit The extent to which the artist and his/her work will benefit the general public and creative meaningful opportunities for community engagement Program Goals The scoring criteria are designed to select applications that will further the goals of the public investment. Based on CPAC’s proposal to CAC for the Creative Workforce Fellowship program grant, the goals CPAC intends to achieve through the program are: 1: Artists develop professionally, which results in advances in research, production and distribution of new and higher-quality work that is skillful, original and increasingly recognized locally, nationally and internationally as exemplary. 2: The community is more knowledgeable about and engaged with artists and their work, leading to more informed, connected, empowered and economically successful county residents with strong identity and community pride. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 8 definitions aggregate demographic information The demographic profile of Fellowship applicants as a group, where the demographic information of any single applicant cannot be determined. specific demographic information The demographic profile of an individual applicant to the Fellowship program. CPAC will not share this information with any individual or organization outside of the CPAC staff. eligibility check Review the application to avoid being deemed ineligible. The panel will not review ineligible applications. You cannot access, revise or reopen your application after it has been submitted. (See Eligibility Checklist, Page 5) accuracy check Review the application to give it the best chance of receiving a Fellowship. These issues will not deem your application ineligible. Panelists often cite these items, as a means to eliminate applications from the pool. View credibility suggestions in the eligibility checklist (see page 5). Olympic scoring Creative Workforce Fellowships are selected using this method. Once all scores are in, CPAC eliminates the highest and lowest total scores given by the panelists. The remaining scores are averaged to achieve a final score for each application. This method helps prevent any one panelist from skewing an outcome. It also helps identify consensus among panelists. public benefit The collective benefits of investing in individual artists. No single definition listed here is meant to apply to every artist or their work, nor is any artist expected to accomplish all of these items: access Residents have new ways to engage with artists and their work. As neighbors, mentors or peers, artists provide a more approachable entry point to art and art making. connections Artists improve relationships and contribute to social cohesion. They bridge communities through creative practices. Artists work in education, neighborhoods, health and human services or any number of areas of personal enrichment. creative solutions Artists develop creative solutions, strategies and methods to address community problems. economic activity: Artists drive employment opportunities, both directly and by purchasing the materials and services needed to create work. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 9 empowerment Artists open new pathways for residents to create their own work, tell their own stories or to be emboldened and inspired to take action. identity and community pride Residents can see themselves and their communities reflected in artists’ creative explorations. informed community The community can view issues through an artistic lens, which heightens awareness, provokes thought and deepens understanding. original work New work strengthens Cuyahoga County’s reputation as a hub for artistic innovation. This work enlivens the human experience and serves as fresh content for organizations and venues. craft Includes artists working in all functional materials such as: beading: weaves beading such as baskets, jewelry or cultural object clay - built or carved out of clay material such as ceramic tiles or vessels fiber - made out of a fabric or other fiber materials such as quilt or crochet glass - fires glass forms or vessels or arranges glass pieces into new forms leather - manipulates, dies, burns or is otherwise created of leather metal - work that primarily is made from manipulating metals such as jewelry, armor or furniture mixed media - functional work that utilizes a number of materials paper - manipulates or develops paper or paper fibers plastic - made, molded or modeled out of plastic wood - built, burned or carved out of wood dance Includes artists working in all creative movement, such as: ballet - features staged presentation in renaissance and classical forms of dance ballroom - emphasizes partner dances in renaissance, Victorian or early 20th century forms of dance contemporary/modern - employs exploratory styles of dance and freestyle dance, often to emphasize emotion ethnic/folk/world - emphasizes cultural heritage, traditions and/or customs, often in a group setting hip hop/breakdance - incorporates themes of urban culture and street culture into freestyle dance jazz/tap - emphasizes theatrical performance and rhythm, often performed to jazz music design Includes artists whose work addresses functional use or mass consumption, such as: architecture - the design of buildings or structures Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 10 fashion - design and creation of clothing and accessories graphic design - manipulation of shapes and images to communicate an intrinsic idea illustration - art that is created to provide a visual representation of a story or written work industrial design - design or redesign of mass-produced objects interior design - the arrangement and design of space inside a building or structure landscape architecture - the arrangement and design of space outdoors literature Includes artists working in all forms of writing, such as: children’s - is intended for youth audiences experimental - seeks to defy traditional writing forms by employing non-traditional techniques fiction - includes story and narrative that is invented, not factual nonfiction - is made up of factual prose poetry - emphasizes literary elements such as meter, rhythm and rhyme media Includes artists working in creative applications of technology, such as: animation - the rapid display of illustrations to create the illusion of movement using digital or traditional methods computer art/new media - the development of creative work using multimedia, computers or communication technologies film - the capture of motion picture using rapid images on film screenwriting - includes script and instruction intended for filming, editing and producing video - the manipulation of audio and video technology video installations - installations of projected video or film environments with or without audio components music Includes artists working in all forms of vocal and/or instrumental sound, such as: American roots - emphasizes early 20th century American musical traditions chamber/orchestral - features early, classical and contemporary classical forms, often for multiple performers children’s - is intended for youth audiences current/popular - is intended for large audiences and often emphasizes lyrics and contemporary themes electronic/experimental - emphasizes technology, unconventional instruments and/or ambient sound ethnic/world - emphasizes cultural heritage, traditions and/or customs hip hop - rhythmic style with emphasis on lyrical content that is chanted often incorporating themes of urban culture and street culture jazz - emphasizes improvisation, individuality and layering of multiple rhythms Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 11 theatre Includes artists working in all live performance, such as: children’s - is intended for youth audiences circus/mime/puppet - incorporates circus skills and/or theatrical techniques, often to convey a story classical/contemporary - explores themes of comedy and/or drama and is typically performed on stage experimental/performance art - uses non-traditional techniques to defy traditional performance forms improvisational/spoken word/storytelling - emphasizes informal and often conversational spoken performance opera/music theatre - combines songs and elements of spoken theatre playwriting - includes script and instruction intended for stage or performance and/or production visual Includes artists whose work addresses visual aesthetics through devices such as: drawing - primarily involves drawing to create an image using ink, charcoal or similar media experimental/emerging fields - integrates multiple domains of art, storytelling, and technology installations - incorporates environments of two-dimensional and/or three-dimensional work that are not primarily composed of audio or video (see video installations) mixed media - uses more than one material in a visual context painting - uses materials such as oil, acrylics and watercolor to create an image photography - captures an image on film or digitally printmaking - typically transfers ink from a plate, block or screen to a flat surface sculpture - primarily building or carving of a three-dimensional object or form online application Access a link to the application at www.cultureforward.org/Fellowship. A Lakewood-based software company, Decision Desk, hosts the online application. The review will be anonymous. Please do not include your name anywhere in the application except when asked. The application will prompt you to sign in or create a free account when you open the application link. From there you will navigate through the following pages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contact Information Eligibility and Liability Release Artistic Discipline Work Samples* Artistic Philosophy* 6. 7. 8. 9. Statement of Intent* Public Benefit* Demographic Information Preview your work before you submit *Included in panelist view. Do not indicate your name on these pages or file uploads. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 12 You may save, move back and forward or jump between pages as you complete each section of the online application. Check eligibility before submitting your application. You may not open your application after it is submitted. If at any time you have questions related to the content of the application or the Fellowship Program in general, you may contact CPAC staff via email. Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at (216) 575-0331, extension 128. The Decision Desk tech staff can address technical questions by using the “help” tab on the right of each page. step 1: contact information The information submitted within the contact information section of the online application will remain confidential. • • • • • • • First Name and Last Name: Please fill in your name as you would prefer to be addressed in future communications with CPAC. This could include a nickname, a stage name, etc. This name will also be used in public communications should you receive a Fellowship. This is an individual artist program; groups and organizations are not eligible to apply. Legal Name: Please fill in your current legal name if it is different than your preferred name. This is the name we would use on any legal documents should you receive an award. Address: Please list your residential street address in Cuyahoga County. Artists who live outside of Cuyahoga County are not eligible to apply. Please do not list your business address or studio unless it is your place of residence. Preferred Phone: Please list a phone number where CPAC can reach you during business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and identify whether it is a business, cell or home number. Email Address: Please list your current working, and regularly visited email address. Email is the primary way in which CPAC provides important and time-sensitive updates and information to applicants. CPAC will not share your email address with any individual or organization other than CPAC staff. By submitting this address, you will opt-in to CPAC’s email newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time. Website Address: If you do not have a website or blog, please leave this line blank. Terms of Service: Please review the terms of service and select the check box prior to advancing. These are the terms implemented by our service provider for the digital platform. step 2: eligibility and liability release The questions on this page establish the entry requirements of applying for a Fellowship. Applicants must answer all of these questions to be eligible for a Fellowship (See Entry Requirements, Page 4). Any applicant who advances to the second round of review will be asked to provide documents that establish Cuyahoga County residence before moving forward. Those artists will be contacted Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 13 directly by CPAC staff using the contact information provided. Failure to provide CPAC staff with these documents by the deadline will render an application ineligible and will not be reviewed. Proof of Residence in Cuyahoga County Applicants, whose work advances to the second round of review (See Application Process, Page 6) must furnish these documents. The following are acceptable forms of proof of residence for the Fellowship program: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● *Signed and dated tax forms (municipal, state or federal, less Social Security Number) *Bank statements (less account no. and amount) *Utility bills, credit card bills or other monthly bills A lease agreement signed by the applicant and landlord, with the landlord’s contact information A signed and dated letter from your landlord that includes contact information for the landlord, where you were a tenant and for how long *Mortgage bills (less account no. and amount) A signed and dated letter sent and certified by a government body * Please block out all account and financial information, as we only need your name, the address, a date/year and the name of an accepted third party that provides verification of your address. The following will not be accepted as proof of residence, as they are not updated to reflect address on a regular basis: ● ● ● ● Birth Certificate Driver’s License Passport Social Security Card Please contact CPAC at (216) 575-0331, extension 128 for any questions about documenting your residence in Cuyahoga County. Liability Release: This statement indicates that you waive CPAC and other parties associated with the Fellowship program from any legal liability associated with your application and the application process. If you do not agree, an application cannot be accepted. Please select “I agree” to certify that you agree, and you meet the entry requirements of the Fellowship program. step 3: discipline Discipline You may select one and only one discipline. The discipline you select will determine in which review group your application is considered for a Fellowship. The discipline you select will not be shared with panelists. Applications will be separated into to two groups. Craft, Design, Media and Visual applications will be reviewed by one panel and awarded 20 Fellowships. Dance, Literature, Music and Theatre Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 14 applications will be reviewed by a separate panel and awarded 20 Fellowships. A total of 40 Fellowships will be awarded in 2016. Applicants must identify only one discipline. Artists may not submit two applications, even if the scope of your work falls within both review groups. Sub-discipline You must select one sub-discipline under the discipline you selected. Your selection will determine the initial reviewers that are assigned to your application. Panelists will not see the information on this page. You will have the opportunity to further explain your work and your role in creating it when you upload your work sample files. For questions about a particular discipline or sub-discipline category, please review the definitions on page 9. We understand it is difficult for many artists to select only one option that describes your work. CPAC cannot help determine your selection of work samples. We suggest you choose based on the expertise someone would need to review your work in the best light. step 4: work samples Please do not reference your name or identity anywhere on or within your work samples or the files you upload. To maintain fair reviews for all applicants, Fellowship applications are anonymous to the panel. Images in which an applicant appears will be accepted only when that image is central to the work (i.e. a video or image that includes the artist performing the work). Preparing Your Work Samples ● ● Remove your name or identity from all work samples. This includes legible signatures, film credits, headshots, nicknames, etc. The only exception to this rule is made for images of the applicant that are central to the work, e.g. a video of your performance, a character in a novel that shares your first name, etc. We highly recommend image files that are less than 5 MB to help speed upload time without compromising quality. This should be adjusted based on the nature of the file (e.g. a video file will be much larger than an .pdf) You may submit a combination of up to 2 of the media types (below). Follow the instructions for uploading samples in Decision desk. Please use a second media type only when it is appropriate and necessary for the panel to understand the work being submitted. ● ● ● ● 15 digital image files (JPG, PNG, GIF) 5 minutes total of audio (MP3, OGG, M4A, AIFF, WMA, WAV, AAC) 5 minutes total of video files (AVI, M4V, MOV, MP4, MPG, WMV) 10 pages total in a PDF file(s) Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 15 Additional Suggestions Avoid submitting promotional material as work samples (e.g. promotional videos about your work, your theatre, reviews of your work etc.). Select the strongest, best-documented work that complements your overarching application. High-quality documentation (photos, recordings, etc.) of your work is critical to assessing the originality, technical skill and public benefit of the art itself. Panelists have regularly cited low-quality documentation as a barrier. With less capacity to assess the scoring criteria, this often results in lower scores. CPAC cannot advise applicants as to which works you should choose. We recommend you devise a strategy for selecting work samples that will give you the most favorable panel review. Consider the story your application tells, its through-line or theme. Have a trusted friend or colleague review the application for clarity and persuasiveness. For more help, CPAC will host a workshop discussing work sample best practices with past Creative Workforce Fellows (See Timeline, Page 3). put your best material upfront The panelists will study your work samples in-depth and in their entirety prior to the public panel review. For this reason, work samples will not be reviewed in their entirety during the public panel review. We suggest you position your strongest work at the beginning of your selected work samples. The online application will allow you to reorder your work samples after uploading them. They will appear the same for the panel as they appear in the preview page of your application. Uploading Work Samples Use the gray box to choose your work sample files. Once uploaded, use the arrow buttons to add them to “Media for this Submission.” Use the pencil icon to revise the File name, Title and Description being sure to remove your name and provide the following information. Title This should be the title of the artwork, performance, excerpt, etc. as it is live and in person. Please list “self-titled” in place of your name when necessary. Descriptions The descriptions in the file uploads should allow panelists to quickly reference details about that particular file. These fields are provided as a means for you to describe your work in your own words. For this reason, CPAC does not share the discipline information required earlier in the application. You are welcome to repeat the language from the discipline selection options. Year Created Fill in the year that best describes when the work was created or performed. If you have not yet completed the work, use the start date. If you do not remember the specific date of the work, please note an approximate date, year or range. Medium If this is not applicable to your work, leave it blank. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 16 Work Dimensions For anything other than physical artwork, indicate the full scope of the work from which you pulled the sample. This may be the page number or time length of the full piece. Works-in-Progress can include an estimate of the length of the piece when it is finished, or you can note that it is “in progress,” or another similar term commonly used in your discipline. Applicant’s Role in the Work Please describe what you did as a contributor for the work being viewed. This is primarily for applicants who are one member of a team or group of artists, such as “dancer or choreographer,” “filmmaker or editor,” etc. Additional description Type any relevant information not already covered in the form. Answer any questions a panelist might have about the work. restrictions of using fellowship dollars Applicants are not required to spend funds on a specific project. Fellowships are given as a resource to assist artists in researching, developing or completing a body of work. Fellowship dollars can be used for the following expenditures in order to further the goals and outcomes indicated in the application; however applicants are not required to submit a budget: • steps 5 and 6: artistic narrative You are welcome and encouraged to copy and paste narrative responses from a Word or Notes document. ● ● ● Do not include your name or identity anywhere within this essay. Some formatting such as bullets and numbering will transfer. Other types of formatting such as bold or italics will not transfer. You will be limited to a number of characters based on the question: ● artistic philosophy: 1500 characters including spaces ● all other narrative questions: 1000 characters including spaces Artistic Philosophy “Please describe concepts, inspiration, philosophy, processes, vision or other artistic information to frame and offer a broader context for the work sample(s) you’ve uploaded.” (1,500 char) • • • • • • • • • • • • Education and Training (not for credit) Insurance Marketing and Communications Meals and Catering Memberships, Subscriptions and Books Postage and Mailing Professionals Services Salaries and Wages Space Supplies and Equipment Taxes and Other Government Payments Domestic Travel Utilities When writing your Statement of Intent, please consider the primary restrictions on the use of Fellowship funding: • • • • Existing debt Full-time degree-granting programs of 12 or more credit hours per semester Political or issue campaigns International travel Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 17 Your statement of artistic philosophy acts as a framing device for your work samples. This section is meant to give each applicant an opportunity to provide panelists with a context for their work and to unify the collection of work samples. Panelists have recommended artists include more information about the vision and inspiration behind the work, rather than a synopsis of a book, film, play or other body of work. Learn more about artist statements on Creative Compass, www.mycreativecompass.org. Statement of Intent “1. How would you use the Fellowship year to advance your professional career, skill and expertise as an individual artist?” (1,000 char) “2. How would you use the Fellowship year to advance your body of work, concept or vision?” (1,000 char) Use this section to explain how you would use the funds and the time, if you were awarded a Fellowship. This is an opportunity to persuade panelists to choose you for this unique Fellowship opportunity. It is a combination of your vision and how you intend to move it forward. Remember to consider how your responses fit within your overall application. You might include broad plans. You might share details about artistic concept or work development. You may want to research a new concept. You may be interested in growing business skills, creative skills, mentoring, organizing, or professional development. You are not required to provide a budget. Be mindful that the award amount is $15,000 and must be used within one year. step 7: public benefit narrative “The Creative Workforce Fellowships are made possible by Cuyahoga County residents through a grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture. In relation to public funds, the Community Partnership for Arts and Culture (CPAC) has defined the public benefits of supporting artists in the following ways. Artists collectively offer their communities access, connections, creative solutions, economic activity, empowerment, identity, community pride, an informed community and original work. “1. Describe how your work contributes to one or more of these public benefits.” (1,000 char) “2. How will residents experience you or your work during the Fellowship year?” “In addition to the broader or more abstract benefits your work provides in the previous question, describe at least one example of an opportunity you will provide for Cuyahoga County residents to experience your work or interact with you during the Fellowship year. This may take place during any part of your creative process (research, development, implementation, distribution, etc.), in person or online.” (1,000 char)” Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 18 Use this section to explain how Cuyahoga County will benefit, on the whole, from an investment in you and/or your work. The definitions provided in the link below and in these guidelines are designed to provide you with a framework. Elaborate on how your work aligns with one or more of them. Panelists will be given the definitions, but will rely on your response to judge relevance to both your application and the community. (See Definitions, Page 9: Public Benefit) Requirements All Fellows are required to present at least one public activity during the Fellowship year. Artists from previous Fellowship years have been creative with these opportunities. It can take place during any part of the process such as utilizing the community for research, feedback or creation of the work itself. Public presentations, technical training, displays and or distribution of the finished work are of equal value. Include any information on potential partners/collaborators and/or intended audiences if applicable. Budget is not required. step 8: demographics This section of the application is voluntary. Submitting your demographic information will help CPAC report aggregate demographic information to our funders, other community members and leaders about the artists served through the Fellowship program. CPAC will not share your specific demographic information with any individual or organization outside of the CPAC staff. review and submit your application Before clicking the “final submit” button, make sure all information is accurate and eligible. We have extended the amount of time that the application is available. Give yourself ample time to draft, revise and upload application files. Submissions that have not fully uploaded by the deadline will not be accepted. Applications deemed ineligible will not be reopened and will not be reviewed by the panel. (See Eligibility Checklist, Page 5) • • • • • • • • • Your application must meet all eligibility requirements. All files should be visible in the preview page. Media files that have the error message, 'Unconverted,' are in the queue, but are not finished uploading. Please wait until the conversion is completed before submitting the application. Any incomplete files will be deemed ineligible and will not be reviewed. If you have trouble uploading or previewing your file, reduce the files size and try again. Once you have submitted the online application form you will no longer be able to make any changes. You will be able to view your submission. You may only submit one application for a Fellowship. All applications must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. Friday, September 4, 2015 Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 19 Questions Frequently Asked Questions, workshop registration and examples of public benefit are available at www.cultureforward.org/fellowship Contact Valerie Schumacher, Director of Artist Services, Community Partnership for Arts and Culture with any Fellowship-related questions at (216) 575-0331, x128 or [email protected]. If Valerie is unavailable, contact Meg Matko at x123 or [email protected]. For technical questions about the application or uploading files, use the “Help” tab on the right of your screen when you’re in the application. 1900 Superior Avenue, Suite 130 Cleveland, OH 44114 www.cultureforward.org The Creative Workforce Fellowship is made possible by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture: 2016 Creative Workforce Fellowship Guidelines www.cultureforward.org / (216) 575-0331, x128 / CPAC’s hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. For technical questions related to the application’s functionality, file uploads, etc. use the application "help" tab. 20
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