WOOD Chipper CHIPPER Wood India Pale Ale Wood Chipper IPA is a classic American style IPA showcasing bold hop flavor and aroma. The beer pours a hazy burnt orange color, topped with a thick white head. The first impression is the blast of citrus and pine aroma due to more than two pounds per barrel of dry hopping and the massive amounts of whole cone hops we pack into the hopback. A hop assault ensues, bringing waves of grapefruit and sticky pine resin notes. This onslaught is supported by a big malt bill that incorporates oats for a sleek, velvety body, while Horizon hops provide a smooth balanced bitterness. We would give our left foot for another pint! Er…. Wait…. Malts NW Pale Ale, Munich, Carastan, Oats HOPS Horizon, Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, Simcoe 6.7% ALC/ VOL MADE IN 70 IBU FARGO, ND WWW.FARGOBREWING.COM
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