Job TTitle: Welcom me Center Representative FLSA Status: Non Exempt Repo orts to: Membership Direcctor POSITON SUMMA ARY: Emplloyee deliverss excellent cu ustomer service to all mem mbers, guests and program m participantss. Responds tto member and gguest needs, promotes me emberships and programs,, and maintaiins cleanlinesss and organizzation of the lobby area. ESSENTIAL FUNCT TIONS: 1 1. Must be aat least 16 yeaars of age. 2 2. Provides e excellent servvice to memb bers, guests, aand program participants iin the Y and o on the phone, contributing g to membe er retention. 3 3. Conduct interviews and /or tours re esponsive to tthe needs of prospective m members; sellls membersh hips. 4 4. Builds relaationships with members; helps memb bers connect w with one anotther and the YMCA. 5 5. Handles aand resolves m membership cconcerns and d informs supeervisor of unu ons or unresolved issues. usual situatio 6 6. Applies all YMCA policiies dealing with member sservices. 7 7. May hand d out locker & & elevator keyys, towels, baasketballs andd racquetball equipment. 8 8. Know and d follow opening and closin ng procedure es establishedd for the YMC CA Facility. 9 9. Security o of the facility, verifying me emberships. 1 10. Receiptingg process followed accurately and time ely. 1 11. The positiion requires ccontinuous orr repetitive arrm‐hand movvements and the ability to sit and stand d. 1 12. Learn job‐‐related respo onsibilities prrimarily throu ugh oral instruuction and ob bservation wh hich takes plaace mainly in an on‐the e‐job training setting. 1 13. Responsib ble for securin ng a qualified d sub if neede ed. CEMENT: Acccepts and dem monstrates th he Y’s values. Demonstrates a desire to o serve otherss and fulfill MISSSION ADVANC comm munity needss. Recruits vo olunteers and builds effecttive, supportivve working reelationships w with them. Su upports fund‐ raisin ng. COLLLABORATION:: Works effecctively with people of diffe erent backgroounds, abilitiees, opinions, aand perceptio ons. Builds rapport and relate es well to oth hers. Seeks firrst to understtand the otheer person’s po oint of view, and remains calm in nding and meaning; speakss and writes eeffectively. TTakes initiativee to assist in challenging situations. Listen ffor understan deveeloping otherss. OPER RATIONAL EFFFECTIVENESS: Makes soun nd judgmentss, and transfeers learning frrom one situaation to anoth her. Embrraces new approaches and d discovers ideas to create e a better mem mber experieence. Establisshes goals, claarifies tasks, plans work and actively participates in meetings. Reports all financial irregularities immediately to Supervisor. Strives to meet or exceed goals and deliver a high‐value experience for members. PERSONAL GROWTH: Pursues self‐development that enhances job performance. Demonstrates an openness to change, and seeks opportunities in the change process. Accurately assesses personal feelings, strengths and limitations and how they impact relationships. Has the functional and technical knowledge and skills required to perform well; uses best practices and demonstrates up‐to‐date knowledge and skills in technology. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Certifications required within 90 days of hire: CPR/AED, and First Aid 2. Excellent interpersonal and problem solving skills. 3. Ability to relate effectively to diverse groups of people from all social and economic segments of the community. 4. Previous customer service, sales or related experience. 5. Basic knowledge of computers. Date:______________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________
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