MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE WHITFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING #2, 214 W. KING STREET REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING The Chairman called the meeting to order. Pledge of allegiance to the Flag Roll call to determine quorum The following members were present: Mike Babb, Chairman Harold Brooker, Vice Chairman (Absent) Lynn Laughter, Member Robby Staten, Member Gordon Morehouse, Member Others Present: Mark Gibson, County Administrator Citizens Robert Smalley, County Attorney Department Heads Press Motion was made by Commissioner Laughter and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to amend the agenda. The motion was approved 3-0. 5 items was added from the potential additional items; (Alcohol Application – Lopez Market, Petition to Close a Portion of Fleming Street, Petition to Close Hemlock Circle, U. S. Forest Service – Houston Valley OHV Use Area Alcohol Ban, and a meeting date change for the Regular Board of Commissioners meeting in January) 1 Item was removed from the Agenda (Public Works – One (1) 2013/2014 Ford Expedition) Motion was then made by Commissioner Laughter and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to approve the amended agenda. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Laughter, and Staten in agreement. Approval of the agenda was unanimous. Mr. Jesse Bond was named the Whitfield County Employee of the Month for October 2013. Mr. Bond works in the Fire Department. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Alcohol Beverage License Application – Lopez Market – 2500 Reed Rd. Dalton GA Chairman Babb opened a public hearing for the Alcohol Beverage License Application for Lopez Market located at 2500 Reed Rd. Dalton GA. Being that no one came forward to speak Chairman Babb closed the Public Hearing. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Staten to approve the Regular Business Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2013 and the Special Called Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2013. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Staten, Laughter and Morehouse in agreement. RESOLUTION: 1. Ratify FY 2014 CHIP Resolution to Authorize Application: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Staten to ratify the Authorizing Resolution for the FY 2014 Community Home Investment Program (CHIP) application requesting $304,980.00 to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The CHIP application will be to support a housing rehabilitation program that assists qualified homeowners with housing repairs. The application deadline for Whitfield County was December 4, 2013. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Laughter, Morehouse and Staten in agreement. (SEE EXHITBIT “A”) Page 1 of 5 MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE WHITFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING #2, 214 W. KING STREET FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Alcohol Beverage License Application: Motion was made by Commissioner Staten and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to approve the Alcohol Application for a Malt Beverage License for Lopez Market located at 2500 Reed Rd. Dalton. The motion was approved 3-0 with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. 2. Petition to Close Road a Portion of Fleming Street: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Staten to accept the petition from Road Force LLC to close a portion of Fleming Street, located in Land Lot 142 of the 12th district and 3rd section of Whitfield County, Georgia. The public hearing for this petition will be held at the next regular Board of Commissioners meeting on January 14, 2014, at which time a decision can be made to close and abandon a portion of Fleming St. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “B”) 3. Petition to Close Road – Hemlock Circle: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Staten to accept the petition from Dudley J. Lock to close the road Hemlock Circle, located in Land Lots 86 and 87 of the 12th district and 3rd section of Whitfield County, Georgia. Mr. Lock is the owner of all real estate contiguous to Hemlock Circle. The public hearing for this petition will be held at the next regular Board of Commissioners meeting on January 14, 2014, at which time a decision can be made to close and abandon Hemlock Circle. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “C”) 4. U.S. Forest Service – Alcohol Ban on OHV Areas: The U.S. Forest Service is proposing to eliminate alcohol use in the Houston Valley Off Highway Vehicle use areas. Lee Dillivan from the U.S. Forest Service told the Board that the U.S. Forest Service has handled multiple alcohol violations, DUI’s, wrecks, and has problems with littering on the trail system in the Houston Valley area. The U.S. Forest Service has considered eliminating alcohol in the Houston Valley area for several years. They have also informed Whitfield County Sheriff Scott Chitwood of the proposed ban. Since the property belongs to the Federal Government, the Board of Commissioners didn’t take any action on this matter. 5. Regular Board of Commissioners January Meeting Date Change: Motion was made by Commissioner Laughter and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to approve the date change of the January Regular Business Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to Tuesday, January 14, 2014 due to the 14th Annual Legislative Appreciation Reception being held on the same night. The Reception is to be held on Monday, January 13, 2014 at the Georgia Railroad Freight Depot in Atlanta from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Staten, Laughter, and Morehouse in agreement. 6. Ratify FY 2014 CHIP Contact with Gilbert & Associates: Motion was made by Commissioner Staten and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to ratify an agreement with Gilbert and Associates for grant administration services in support of Whitfield County’s Community Housing Investment Program. The CHIP application was submitted to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs on December 4, 2013 requesting $304,980, if the grant is funded by DCA, Gilbert and Associates will be paid lump sum of $6,000.00 for grant administration services and a $1,500.00 project delivery fee for housing rehabilitation per unit to be paid out of the CHIP grant budget. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Staten, Laughter and Morehouse in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “D”) 7. Amendment to EMS Agreement: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Staten to approve and authorize Chairman Babb to sign an amendment to the current Emergency Medical Services agreement. Whitfield County previously entered into agreement with Hamilton Emergency Medical Services, Inc. on December 17, 2012. This amendment to the agreement shall become effective on December 31, 2013. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Laughter, Morehouse and Staten in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “E”) Page 2 of 5 MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE WHITFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING #2, 214 W. KING STREET 8. Vehicle Title Transfer to City of Dalton: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Laughter to approve the title transfer of a 2001 Crown Victoria to the City of Dalton. This vehicle will be used as a courtesy car at the Dalton Municipal Airport. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. 9. Alcohol License Renewals - 2014: Motion was made by Commissioner Staten and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to approve the 2014 Alcohol License Renewals contingent upon a clear criminal history and payment of fees. Exhibit “F” is a list of establishments currently in operation and holding a 2013 Alcohol License. There were not any reports of any violations regarding these establishments. The Accounting Department was in the process of doing criminal background investigations on all applicants to ensure there has been no change in status over the past year. The Accounting Department asked that all renewals be contingent upon a clear criminal history and payment of fees. It was noted that a status change would require further action by the Board. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “F”) 10. 2013 Response and Recovery Grant: Motion was made by Commissioner Staten and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to approve and accept the FY 2013 Emergency Management Response and Recovery Grant in the amount of $10,500.00 and is a refundable grant. This grant is part of the Emergency Management Performance Grant program. The Grant has a 25% match requirement in the amount of $3,500.00 bringing the total project cost to $14,000.00. These funds will be used to purchase an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and patient transfer trailer for same that will be used for search and rescue of injured and missing citizens in areas that can't be reached by any other means. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. 11. EMA – Purchase of a 2013 Kymco ATV: Motion was made by Commissioner Staten and seconded by Commissioner Morehouse to approve the purchase of a 2013 Kymco MXU 700i ATV for the low bid of $8,592.48 by Dal Kawa Cycle Center Inc. This purchase will be made using funding from the FY 2013 Emergency Management Response and Recovery Grant. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. 12. Parks and Recreation Department/Public Works – Purchase of a Zero Turn Mower: Motion was made by Commissioner Laughter and seconded by Commissioner Staten to approve the purchases of an ExMark 35hp Zero Turn Mower for the Public Works Department in the amount of $9,321.15. This will give the new crew another mower to improve their mowing time. The low bid came from local vendor B&B Tractor of Dalton, Georgia. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. 13. Public Works Department Bids: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Staten to approve all of the following Public Works bids for 2014. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Laughter, Morehouse, and Staten in agreement. a. Crushed Stone – Public Works bid out crushed stone to be used in the Public Works Department and only received one bid. The bid was from Vulcan Material of Dalton Georgia. Public Works used Vulcan Material in 2013 and requested that the Commissioners accept the bid from Vulcan Material for crushed stone. The Commissioners accepted the bid. b. Tongue & Groove Concrete Pipe - Public Works bid out tongue and groove concrete pipe. Hanson Pipe and Precast was the sole bidder for these items. They also provided the items to Public Works in 2013. They are located in Rome, Georgia. The Commissioners accepted the bid. c. Lubricant – Public Works also received bids on lubricant to be used in the Public Works Department. Bids were received from three vendors. These vendors were: Northeast Lubricant of Doraville Georgia, Owenby Enterprises of Dalton Georgia and Southern Lubricants of Dalton, Georgia. Owenby Enterprises was the low Page 3 of 5 MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE WHITFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING #2, 214 W. KING STREET bidder on most of the items used in the daily operations of Public Works and the Commissioners accepted the bid from Owenby Enterprises. d. Concrete and Concrete Products – Public Works bid out concrete and concrete products. Murray Mix was the sole bidder for the items that were bid. Murray Mix provided the items to Public Works in 2013 as well. The Commissioners accepted the bid. 14. Public Works Department 2014 Boot Allowance: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Staten to approve the boot proposal from Discount Sporting Goods. Whitfield County Public Works Department requested bids for the Work Boot Allowance program and the following vendors submitted bids for the items: Discount Sporting goods, Dalton, Georgia, and Uniform House Indianapolis, Indiana. It was the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept the bid from Discounts Sporting Goods. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Staten, Laughter and Morehouse in agreement. 15. Public Works Declaration of Surplus for Govdeals.com: Motion was made by Commissioner Staten and seconded by Commissioner Laughter to approve the declaration of surplus vehicles and miscellaneous attachments from the Public Works Department. Exhibit “G” is a list of vehicles and miscellaneous attachments to be declared as surplus and to be sold on Govdeals.com. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “G”) 16. Ratify FY 2014 Contract for OPEB Valuation Services: Motion was made by Commissioner Morehouse and seconded by Commissioner Laughter to ratify the FY 2014 agreement with Stanley, Hunt, DuPree and Rhine for OPEB Valuation services in the amount of $7,000.00. GASB Pronouncements 43 & 45 require governments to report actuarial value of their “other post-employment benefits” (OPEB) liability. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Morehouse, Staten and Laughter in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “H”) 17. October 2013 Financial Statements: Motion was made by Commissioner Laughter and seconded by Commissioner Staten to approve the October 2013 Financial Statements as presented by Finance Director, Alicia Vaughn. In discussion, Mrs. Vaughn reported that Local Option Sales Tax for October 2013 is $922,976. Local Option Sales Tax for October 2013 show an increase of 5% compared to Local Option Sales Tax Collections for September 2013; Local Option Sales Tax collections for October 2013 show a 1% increase from October 2012. Year to date actual Local Option Sales Tax collections for 2013 of $8,258,007 show a decrease of 35% compared to actual Year to Date Local Option Sales Tax for 2012 of $12,665,529 for the same period. Year to date actual revenues of $19,034,245 for October 2013 are less than year to date projected revenue $19,179,100 by 1%. Year to date actual expenditures of $30,005,453 for October 2013 are less than year to date projected of $31,043,463 by less than 3%. The County began collecting the TAVT Tax on March 1, 2013. Collections for October were $137,754. The motion was approved 3-0, with Commissioners Staten, Laughter and Morehouse in agreement. (SEE EXHIBIT “I”) . PUBLIC HEARING: 1. 2014 Proposed Budget Chairman Babb opened the public hearing for the 2014 Proposed Budget. Dan Rogers Chairman of Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center Authority Board, came before the Board of Commissioners and expressed his thanks to for their continued support over the many years that the Trade Center has been in operation. Mr. Rogers went on to say that the Authority is very pleased with their partnership with Dalton State College. Mr. Rodgers further stated that he appreciated their consideration and that money is always tight and capital is very important at the Trade Center and for the Board to keep an open mind and understanding of the Trade Center’s needs. Mr. Rodgers again thanked the Board for their continued support. Page 4 of 5 MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE WHITFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING #2, 214 W. KING STREET Brian Anderson President of the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce came forward to speak before the Board. Mr. Anderson representing the Business Community of Dalton wanted to commend the Board for their actions during these past couple of years with regards to the County’s Budget. Mr. Anderson stated that even with the following factors: loss of digest, a low tax rate compared to most Counties of Whitfield County’s size, lower tax rate than state average, and the recent Local Option Sales Tax negotiations, the Board has right-sized County Government, maintained the same level of services to its Citizens, while planning for the needs of capital equipment. Mr. Anderson stated the Chamber of Commerce is currently working on forty-five projects thanks to the actions the Board has made in the area of economic development. Mr. Anderson further stated the Board has made wise decisions by focusing on the County and its investments to keep the County competitive. Mr. Anderson concluded by saying the business community appreciates the actions of the Board and the Chamber of Commerce will support the Board in any way they can, including the possibility of a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax in Whitfield County. Whitfield County is one of three communities who do not have a S.P.L.O.S.T. Being that no one came forward to speak Chairman Babb closed the Public Hearing. PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Jonathan Roberts from My Fathers Ministries came before the Board of Commissioners to inform them about his intention to rezone an area of land for a homeless rehabilitation facility. Mr. Roberts states that the property is in a rural area and would be the perfect setting for the facility and would like to open the facility next spring in the Cohutta area. County Attorney Robert Smalley let Mr. Roberts know that he has been in contact with Barnett Chitwood at the Northwest Georgia Regional Commission and Mr. Chitwood is trying to classify what type of use this would be under the Whitfield County Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Roberts stated he has also been in contact with Mr. Chitwood. Chairman Babb told Mr. Roberts that Mr. Chitwood would get with the Board when more information regarding the classification type of use the facility would fall under in the Whitfield County Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Babb thanked Mr. Roberts for coming before the Board and speaking about this plans. ADJOURN Unanimous ______________________________________________ MIKE BABB, CHAIRMAN WHITFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _____________________________________ BLANCA CARDONA, COUNTY CLERK DATE: / / Page 5 of 5
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