HOW TO USE COMMITTEE/COMMISSION MINUTES ARCHIVES Click the Bookmarks tab to the left of the screen to view links to view the minutes of each meeting. Click on the meeting date. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – January 10, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, January 10, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Green. Commissioner Kennedy arrived at the end of the Informational Item. Staff members in attendance were Assistant City Attorney Mulligan, Shelly Billingsley and Ron Bursek. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, December 13, 2010. Motion passed 4-0. C-1. Approval of Lease By and Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin (A Municipal Corporation) and Carthage College (An Illinois Corporation). (District 1) Public Hearing: John Antaramian, 5524 2nd Ave, was present to answer any questions. Staff: Attorney Mulligan was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Schreiber Anderson Presentation – Blake Theisen, Schreiber Anderson, gave a presentation and answered any questions. Would like to come back before the commission early April. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Ron Bursek hoped the presentation went well. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:56 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – January 31, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, January 31, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:57 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia and Kennedy. Commissioner Green left before item C13. Commissioner Downing was excused. Staff members in attendance were Mary Durkee, Ron Bursek, and Bill Richardson. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, January 10, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. C-1. Request from Celebre Place for abatement of Park Impact fees. (District 5) Public Hearing: Robert Gake, 7117 Elderberry Rd, Middleton, WI, was present and spoke. Pam Kline, Prpfessional Services, 2312 E Kensington, Milwaukee, WI, was present and spoke. Alderman Ruffolo, District 4, was present and spoke. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to deny. Motion passed 3-1, with Commissioner LaMacchia voting nay. C-2. Request from the Friends of Kenosha Art Association to hold an Art Fair in Civic Center Park on June 5, 2011. (District 2) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3. Request from the Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc, to hold their event in Simmons Island Park on June 24-25, 2011. (District 2) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4. Request from Pro Tour Promotions to hold the event in Pennoyer Park on August 6-7, 2011. (District 1) Public Hearing: Joe Bohaczek, 941 Sheridan Rd, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5. Request from the Kenosha History Center to hold the 2011 Home Coming Car Show in Kennedy Park on July 29-30, 2011. (District 1) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-6. Request from Our Lady of Mt Carmel for the following: a. Approval to hold their festival in Columbus Park on July 8-10, 2011. b. Approval to sell fermented malt beverages. c. Approval to extend the park closing time from 10:00pm to 11:00pm. (District 7) Public Hearing: Alex Savaglio, 1919 54th Street, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-7. Request from the Friends of the Kenosha Public Museums for the following: a. Approval to hold the event in Library Park on July 17, 2011 b. Approval of co-sponsorship. (District 2) It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-8. Request from KUSD Department of Fine Arts for the following: a. Approval to hold the event in Lincoln Park Oribiletti building on July 17, 2011. b. Approval of co-sponsorship. (Districts 8 & 12) Public Hearing: Robert Wells, 3600 52nd Street, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-9. Request from the Kenosha YMCA for the following: a. Approval to hold Food, Folks and Spokes in Library Park on July 22, 2011. b. Approval of co-sponsorship. (District 2) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-10. Request from the Kiwanis Club of Western Kenosha for the following: a. Approval to use park equipment. (Taste of Wisconsin in Harbor Park) b. Approval of co-sponsorship. (District 2) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve with 50% cosponsorship. Motion passed 3-1, with Commissioner Orth voting nay. C-11. Request from the American Cancer Society for the following: a. Approval to use the City's Showmobile, Park Benches and possible golf carts on August 5-6, 2011 at UW Parkside. b. Approval to waive the fees. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to defer for two (2) weeks. Motion passed 4-0. C-12. Request from Greater Mt Hebron Church for the following: a. Approval to hold the event in Lincoln Park on August 20, 2011 with a rain date of August 27, 2011. b. Approval to use park equipment. c. Approval of co-sponsorship. (Districts 8 & 12) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve with 50% co-sponsorship. Motion passed 4-0. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green to take C-17 out of order. Motion passed 4-0. (See item for action taken) C-13. Request from HOPE Council, Inc for the following: a. Approval to hold the event in Simmons Island Park on October 22, 2011. b. Approval of co-sponsorship. (District 2) Public Hearing: Guida Brown, 5942 6th Avenue, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve with 100% sponsorship. Motion passed 3-0. C-14. Request from Kemper Center, Inc for the following: a. Approval to use the Showmobile for their 2011 concert series. b. Approval of co-sponsorship. (District 2) Public Hearing: Nancy Weatherhead, 6502 3rd Avenue, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve with 25% co-sponsorship. Motion passed 3-0. C-15. Request from Wisconsin Shores to waive the athletic fees for their 2011 league. (Districts 10 & 15) Public Hearing: Jackie Battersby, 4216 25th Street, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve with 100% co-sponsorship. Motion passed 3-0. C-16. Approval 2011 Golf Course Fees Amendments. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-17. Approval AT&T Cell Tower Lease - Anderson Park. (District 9) Public Hearing: Lou Colliento, 635 Remington, Schaumburg, IL, was present to answer any questions. Staff/Commissioners: Bill Richardson was present to answer any questions. Chairman Orth recommended that the funds go to the special Park & Sport Field Improvement Fund. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-18. Approval Public Building Review for a new restroom building to be located in Washington Park. (District 6) Public Works: Alderman Ruffolo, District 4, was present and spoke. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Special Events – Administrative Approvals by Park Superintendent. 2. Update Snow Removal Park Sidewalks. Ron Bursek informed the commissioners that we are using Tool Kats to remove the snow from park sidewalks. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:20 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – February 14, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, February 14, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia and Green. Commissioner Kennedy arrived during item C-1. Commissioner Downing was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Shelly Billingsley and Ron Bursek. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, January 31, 2011. Motion passed 3-0. C-1. Request from the Kite Society of Wisconsin and Gift of Wings for the following: a. Approval to hold a Kite Festival in Kennedy Park on June 4-5, 2011. b. Approval of co-sponsorship. (District 1) Public Hearing: Scott Fisher, 9955 W St Martin Rd, Franklin, was present to answer any questions. Mr. Fisher also donated a banner with the city logo on it. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve with cosponsorship. Motion passed 4-0. C-2. Approval Easement at Anderson Park. (District 9) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. Lakefront Water Feature Status – Shelly was present to answer any questions. 2. 2011 Pool Operations – Chairman Orth would like to see more evening hours, two week nights. Commissioner Green suggested that both pools would have different evening hours. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Ron informed the commission that the process for the tree contracts has begun and bids will be in March. Jeff informed the commission that the Tool Cats are working out well. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Chairman Orth asked if the city was working on getting FEMA dollars for the last big snow storm. Ron stated that staff would attempt to recover every dollar possible. Chairman Orth explained why the deferred item from last wasn't on this agenda, there is an issue with allowing city equipment go out of the city limits. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:30 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – February 28, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, February 28, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Green. Commissioner Kennedy arrived after minutes were approved. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Shelly Billingsley, and Kevin Risch. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, February 14, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. C-1. Request from KUSD for full sponsorship for their event (Back to School) on September 10, 2011, in Harbor Park. (District 2) Public Hearing: Patricia Demos, 131 43rd Avenue, Somers, WI was present and informed the commission that KUSD was not asking for sponsorship. No action necessary. C-2. Request from World Congress of Poets for the following: a. Approval to hold their events at the Bandshell in Pennoyer Park, on August 30, 2011 and Wolfenbuttel Park, on August 31, 2011. (District 1 & 2) b. Approval for full sponsorship. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve C-a. Motion passed 5-0. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Downing, to approve C-b a one time only at 50% sponsorship. Motion passed 5-0 C-3. Request from Armitage Academy for full sponsorship for a classroom study to be held on April 14, 2011 at the Southport Beach House. (District 3) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve with no sponsorship. Motion passed 5-0. C-4. Award of Contract for Project 10-1412 Southport Beach House ADA Ramp (7825 First Avenue) to Camosy Construction, Kenosha WI, in the amount of $27,000.00. (District 3) Staff/Commissioners: Commissioner Kennedy asked if this was budgeted for $120,000.00 will the $97,000.00 stay in the parks budget or can it be used any where. Shelly, Kevin, and Chairman Orth explained that it would stay in the parks budget. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Peorio Park Controlled Burns – Jeff gave an update on the controlled burns and an update on the crayfish problem. 2. CORP Public Information Meetings Summary – Shelly was present to answer any questions. Commissioner LaMacchia asked if Park Impact Fees stayed in the district or if they were use for all parks. Commissioner Kennedy asked that a copy of this should be sent to the Technology Committee. Chairman Orth requested that when we receive the draft proposal to send a copy to the Technology Committee. 3. Bike Path Mapping Funding Award – Shelly was present to answer any questions. Commissioner Kennedy asked if we had any communications with the county. 4. Kenosha Bandshell Concerts Funding Award – Shelly informed the commission that Mary Durkee is working with Penney Haney to come up with the dates. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff informed the Commission that KUSD will be installing and monitoring two cameras that will be put on the cell tower in Anderson Park. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:39 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, March 7, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 6:50 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia and Kennedy. Commissioners Downing and Green were excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock. C-1. Approval of Lease By and Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin (A Municipal Corporation) and Harris Golf Cars (An Iowa Corporation) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to defer to the next meeting. Motion passed 3-0. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: None CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: None There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:55 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, March 14, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy, and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Dirk Nelson and Ron Bursek. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, February 28, 2011 and the special meeting held on Monday, March 7, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1. Approval of Lease By and Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin (A Municipal Corporation) and Harris Golf Cars (An Iowa Corporation). (Deferred from the special meeting held on March 7, 2011) Staff: Jeff asked for a deferral until next week. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Green, to defer for one week. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Request from KUSD to place signs on the backstop at Anderson Park Diamond #2. (District 9) It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Request from Eric Olson to place signs at Simmons Stadium. (District 3) Public Hearing: Eric Olson, 7705 49th Avenue, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3. Award the Professional Service Contract for Parkway Tree Removal Project #11-1410 to Droprite Tree & Landscape, LLC, (Somers, Wisconsin) in the amount of $97,695.00. (Also referred to Public Works Committee) Staff/Commissioners: Chairman Orth asked if this contract is different from last years. Dirk explained that the stump removal was changed. Chairman Orth requested that all Aldermen get a copy of the Exhibit A. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Downing, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4. Award the Professional Service Contract for Parkway Tree Pruning Project #11-1411 to Trees “R” Us, Inc, (Wauconda, Illinois) in the amount of $76,000.00. (Also referred to Stormwater Utility Committee) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Downing, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5. Award the Professional Service Contract for Parkway Tree Planting Project #11-1412 to Paul Swartz Nursery & Garden Shop, Inc, (Burlington, Wisconsin) in the amount of $33,975.00. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff gave an update on the Lakefront Water Feature. Chairman Orth requested this be a discussion item on the next parks agenda. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Commissioner Downing asked if last weeks walk used the showmobile and why it didn't go through the Parks Commission for approval. Jeff explained that the Director and/or Superintendent can authorize the rental of the showmobile. It comes before the commission when sponsorship is requested. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:28 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, March 28, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy, and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock and Shelly Billingsley. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, March 14, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEM: 1. Lakefront Water Feature – Shelly gave an update. Shelly informed the commission that most of the plans and specs are done just waiting for the Department of Commerce to get back with the city. Jeff informed the commission that nothing will be done until the end of the season. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff showed a video of the golf course that will be airing on channel 25. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Commissioner LaMacchia commented on the nice job of the golf video. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:14 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Special Meeting Minutes – April 4, 2011 A special meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, April 4, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 200. The meeting was called to order at 6:50 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy, and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock and Assistant City Attorney Bill Richardson. B-1. Approval of Lease By and Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin (A Municipal Corporation) and Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A (A California Corporation) and related Service Contract with Harris Golf Cars/Yamaha. (Deferred from the meetings held March 7 & 14, 2011) (Also referred to Finance Committee) Staff: Jeff and Bill were present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:52 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – April 11, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, April 11, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Kennedy. Commissioner Green was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Ron Bursek and Shelly Billingsley. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, March 28, 2011 and the special meeting held on Monday, April 4, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. C-1. Request from the Urban League of Racine & Kenohsa, Inc. to hold their Juneteenth Festival at Lincoln Park on Saturday, June 25, 2011 and requesting full sponsorship. (Districts 8 & 12) Staff: Jeff was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy to approve subject to the Urban League submitting a security plan to the Kenosha Police Department prior to the event. Motion failed due to lack of a second. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to defer for two weeks to allow the Urban League submitting a security plan to the Kenosha Police Department and the Parks Commission. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Washington Park Restroom Demolition Schedule – Shelly gave an update demolition will start August 29, 2011. Commissioner Kennedy asked about storage. Commissioner Orth commented that there is storage in the building by shelter 2. 2. Easement Resolution 39th Avenue in conjunction with future park land – Ron passed out a map showing future park land and explained the resolution going to Common Council. Commissioner LaMacchia asked if the work would be done this year. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the future 39th Avenue right-of-way is now city property. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff asked for clarification on the security plan for the Juneteenth event. Jeff informed the commission that he met with Commissioner Green at Anderson Park for the cell phone tower. Ron told the commission that due to the budget seasonal hiring was on hold, but now Jeff is in the process of filling positions. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Corey Sepanski, 915 70th Street, Velodrome Association, commented that Johnny Midnights would like to set up a concession trailer at the Velodrome for the May 31st start date. Chairman Orth liked the idea of concessions at the bike races and would like to maintain programming during construction. He also asked about the CORP plan. Chairman Orth commented that the cigarette boat and the plans would need to go to Park Administration regarding Harbor use. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:29 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:18 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Green. Alderman Kennedy was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley, Aldermen Misner, Bogdala, Haugaard, & Ruffalo. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Downing, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, April 11, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. B-1. Request from the Urban Leauge of Racine & Kenosha, Inc. to hold their Juneteenth Festival at Lincoln Park on Saturday, June 25, 2011 and requesting full sponsorship. (Districts 8 & 12) (Deferred from the meeting held on April 11, 2011) Public Hearing: Yolanda Adams, 4202 45th Street, offered a history of the festival and was available to answer questions. Staff/Alderman: Alderman Ray Misner, 2732 Lincoln Rd, asked to have a copy of the security plan as his district is right next to this area. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve as recommended. Motion passed 4-0. C-1. Request from Kenosha Velodrome for permission to have Johnny Midnight leave a snack bar trailer at the top of the hill adjacent to Washington Road for the bicycle racing season starting May 17, 2011. Public Hearing: No one spoke. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Green to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2. Status of Dugout Removal and Replacement at Kenosha Sports Complex and approval to proceed. (District 10) Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderman: Mike Lemens, Director of Engineering, gave an engineering report. He also told the Commissioners that once the contractor gets an occupancy permit the dugouts will not be able to be used until all the work is complete. Rich Schroeder, City Development, was available to answer questions. Commissioner LaMacchia asked how this slipped through the cracks and Jeff Warnock gave an explanation. Commissioner Orth commented on the history of the Sports Complex. He said he has talked to parents and they supported the new dugouts. He asked who is the contractor and how did he move forward without permits. Jeff Warnock explained that the contractor was dealing with Doc Santarelli and thought all permits were in place and approved. Commissioner Orth also is concerned about drainage by the dugouts and the fact that Little League wants to have advertising on the dugouts but does not seem intent to to bring that to the commission. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green to approve staff recommendation and not allow occupancy of dugouts until inspected. Motion passed 4-0. C-3. Kennedy Drive Sign Correction. (District 1) Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderman: Jeff Warnock explained scheduling difficulties. Alderman Haugaard, 3818 5th Avenue, gave a history of the gate closing. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Green to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4. Reschedule May 30, 2011 meeting (Memorial Day). If there are agenda items a meeting will be scheduled for May 23, 2011. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Simmon's Island Master Plan Status – Shelly gave an update on both master plans. 2. Petzke Park Master Plan Status 3. Monthly Events DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff will be bringing the “Lose Your Shoes” event along the lakefront to the next meeting. He also updated the commission on the Beach & Pool Supervisor position. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Alderman Haugaard, 3818 5th Avenue, asked if the comprehensive park plan schedule could be available on line. He also said that he thinks the city could have more of a presence at the Earth Day event held at Gateway. Alderman Bogdala, 7101 96th Avenue, hopes the commission will really drive the park plan for Strawberry Creek. It is the first park west of the interstate. The impact fees are just sitting and the city needs to get going on this. Commissioner Orth said he likes the recommendation letter for the Juneteenth event and wants this format used going forward. He also said the CORP plan is slightly delayed and the park at Strawberry Creek is a priority. He also told the commission they may be getting calls from Little League parents reading the dugouts. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:15 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Special Meeting Minutes – May 2, 2011 A special meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, May 2, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 200. The meeting was called to order at 6:50 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy, and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock. C-1. Approval of color and material for the outside wall of the dugouts at the Sports Complex. Staff: Jeff was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to deny. Motion passed 5-0. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:10 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – May 9, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Wednesday, May 9, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Ron Bursek, Police Chief Morrissey, and City Attorney Ed Antaramian. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, April 27, 2011 and the special meeting held on Monday May 2, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1. Approval of color and material for the outside wall of the dugouts at the Sports Complex. Staff/Alderman: Jeff showed a sample of the color and material. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Award of Contract for Project 09-1413 Washington Park Velodrome Facility to Rasch Construction, Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the amount of $374,000.00. (District 6) Staff/Alderman: Ron was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Approval of First Amendment to Option and Lease Agreement By and Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Central States Tower II, LLC, Delaware Company. (District 9) Staff/Alderman: Jeff and Chief Morrissey were present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Request from Dino Katris for permission to have a peddlers cart in various parks from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Public Hearing: Dino Katris was present to answer any questions. Staff/Alderman: Chairman Orth asked legal where they were with the peddler stand ordinance. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4. Request from Jeff Reget to hold their event (Lose the Shoes) at Simmons Island on July 23-24, 2011. (District 2) Public Hearing: Jeff Reget was present to answer any questions. Staff/Alderman: Jeff informed the commission that the Nash Car Show will be the same weekend, but will be at the top of Simmons Island and felt that there would be any problems. Alderman Kennedy asked about the helicopter ball drop. Chairman Orth asked where the competitors where coming from. He also asked about insurance. Alderman Kennedy suggested that their waiver includes the City of Kenohsa. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the dates with the understanding that additional approvals may be needed and to add the City of Kenosha to their waiver. Motion passed 5-0. C-5. Election of Commission Chairman 2011/2012. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to nominate Chairman Orth. Motion passed 5-0. C-6. Election of Commission Vice Chairman 2011/2012. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Downing, to nominate Commission LaMacchia. Motion passed 5-0. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff on the 4th of July events, Pops Band and another band Penney Haney will be hiring, both showmobiles will have entertainment from Noon until 5:pm. Ron mentioned that this Wednesday, May 11th, the Police memorial in the park will take place. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Chief Morrissey had concerns about an open mike on the 4th of July. Commissioner Orth asked when the fireworks were going to take place. His recommendation would be on Monday, July 4, 2011. He also asked about some money that may have been set aside from a former downtown business. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:40 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – May 25, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Wednesday, May 25, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:08 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia and Green. Alderman Kennedy arrived during the CORP & Master Plan presentation Alderman Downing was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Ron Bursek, and Shelly Billingsley. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, May 9, 2011. Motion passed 3-0. C-1. Request from Christina Salinas to set up a Lemonade Stand on behalf of Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation within lakefront parks. (Districts 1 & 2) Public Hearing: Christina Salinas, 3809 15th Street 1B, was present to answer any questions. Staff/Alderman: Chairman Orth informed Ms. Salinas to check with the health department to see if she will need any permits from them. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-2. Request from Ben & Jerry's and Shehadeh Pita Shack for permission to sell concessions within lakefront parks. (Districts 1 & 2) Public Hearing: Alex Shehadeh, 4043 35th Avenue, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-3. Request from Mrs. Rochelle L Streeter-Jackson to place a memorial in Streeter Park in memory of Cornelia Streeter. (District 8) Public Hearing: Alderman Marks, 8th Disctrict, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-4. Request from KASL (Kenosha Area Soccer League) to place two signs on the outside building in Anderson Park. (District 9) Public Hearing: Jeff Kessl, KASL, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-5. Request from the Mary Lou & Arthur Mahone Fundation to use Park Division equipment for the Harbor Park Jazz & Blues concert in Harbor Park on Saturday, August 20, 2011, with sponsorship. (District 2) Public Hearing: Tim Mahone, 600 52nd Street #110, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve with full sponsorship. Motion passed 3-0. C-6. Request from Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation to use Park Division equipment for the Grill Games to be held in Harbor Park on Saturday, August 27, 2011, with sponsorship. (District 2) Public Hearing: Lou Molitor, 600 52nd Street #120, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve with full sponsorship. Motion passed 3-0. C-7. Request from Bradley Zastrow to hold the Thunder Run Poker Run at the Kenosha Harbor on July 15-16, 2011. (District 2) Public Hearing: Phil Anello, 5219 Palm St, McHenry IL, was present to answer any questions. Alderman Haugaard, 1st District, was present and asked several questions. Alderman Ruffalo, 2 nd District, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve as recommended. Motion passed 3-0. C-8. Request from Kenosha Special Olympics to waive the fees for softball practices at Lincoln Park. (District 12) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-9. Request from Thomas Steiner (St. Joe's School) to closed Martin Luther King Drive on May 31, 2011. (Districts 8 & 12) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-10. Award of Contract for Project 11-1420 Parks Field Office Building Tuckpointing (3617 65th Street) to Custom Restoration, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, in the amount of $116,000. (District 11) It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-11. Elect a Park Commissioner to the City Plan Commission. Chairman Orth passed the gavel and nominated Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Green seconded. Motion passed 3-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. CORP & Master Plan Presentation by SAA Design Group – Blake Theisen, SAA Design Group, gave the presentation. Alderman Bogdala, 17th District, spoke on the presentation. Commissioner Kennedy suggested that we put the parks pictures on Channel 25. Ron Bursek informed the commission that we have an intern that is working on getting all the parks on goggle maps. 2. Monthly Events CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Lou Rugani, 4526 29th Avenue spoke on the presentation. Ray Forgianni, 8731 45th Avenue, spoke on the presentation. Commissioner Kennedy would like emergency contact numbers for park employees. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:19 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – June 13, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Wednesday, June 13, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Green. Alderman Kennedy was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Ron Bursek, Shelly Billingsley, Rich Schroeder and Paula Blise. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, May 27, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Request from Krista Maurer to waive the fees for the rental of Oribiletti Center on June 12, 2011. (Districts 8 & 12) It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Green, to receive and file. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Request from KUSD (Tremper Cross Country Invitational) to close Martin Luther King Drive on August 27, 2011. (Districts 8 & 12) It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3. Potential use for Brownfield Funds and 2008 CIP Funds for Petzke Park Improvements and Nash School Recreation Area. (Districts 1 & 17) Public Hearing: Michelle Polenzani, 6729 102nd Avenue, was present and spoke. Staff/Alderman: Ron explained that $3,500 from the 2008 CIP would go to Nash School Recreation area and the remaining $55,500 would go towards the Petzke Park parking lot and mass grading plan. The Brownfield Funds would go also toward the Petzke Park parking lot and mass grading plan. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to transfer $3,500 to Nash School Recreation area and $55,500 to Petzke Park from the 2008 CIP and to approve the Brownfield Funds for Petzke Park. Motion passed 5-0. C-4. Request from Pedro Nunez for permission to operate his peddler business on Simmons Island Beach. (District 2) Public Hearing: Pedro Nunez, 1309 67th Place, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5. Kenosha Sports Complex Approval of Materials. (District 10) Public Hearing: Dr. James Santarelli was present to answer any questions. Staff/Commissioners: Jeff showed the sample of what the materials would be. Rich Schroeder and Paula Blise were present to answer any questions. Commissioner Downing asked if there was any way to issue a temporary occupancy. Commissioner Kennedy asked Dr. Santarelli if they had the funds to install this material. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 4-1, with Commissioner Kennedy voting nay. C-6. Approval of Resolution to Authorize staff to pursue grants for the Recreational Trails Act: a. Sunrise Park b. Southport Park Staff/Commissioners: Ron Bursek informed the commission that the grant needs to be filed by this Wednesday. Shelly Billingsley was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. CORP & Master Plan Comments and Time Line -Shelly was present to answer any questions. 2. Sample of Parks using Link to Google Maps - Shelly gave a presentation on the link. 3. Potential Stewardship Grant Applications - Shelly explained that these grant applications needed by done by July 15th and the parks that they would be used for would be Strawberry Creek Park, Peorio Park, Simmon's Island, and Shagbark Recreational Area. 4. Update on the 4th of July Celebration - Jeff and Frank Carmichael were present to answer any questions. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff informed the commission that he will be entering a contract with Little Leaguers for the Sports Complex and in the contract Little Leaguers would be responsible for the up keep of the dugouts. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Commissioner Kennedy reminded that bike racing season is here. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:17 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – June 27, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, June 27, 2011 at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Green and Kennedy. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek and Jeff Warnock. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, June 13, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Request from Bill Harris for permission to operate a beverage cart in Kennedy Park, Washington Park and Simmons Island. (Districts 1, 2 & 6) Public Hearing: Bill Harris, 1817 104th Street, Lot 22, Pleasant Prairie, was present and spoke. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderman Kennedy voting nay. C-2 Request from Kenosha News to place a tent in Library Park during the Civic Center Parade for their NewsPerks program. (District 2) It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Downing, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Review of Dino Katris peddler stand at Simmons Island (30 days). (District 2) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 To Amend the City of Kenosha's Capital Improvement Program for 2008 By Increasing Line PK 08-012 “Nash School Recreation Area” in the amount of $3,500.00 and Increasing Line PK 08-013 “Petzke Park” in the amount of $55,500.00 and Reducing Line PK 00-001 “Playground Equipment” in the amount of $59,000.00, for a net change of $0. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Monthly Events DIRECTOR COMMENTS: Ron commented that Jeff was doing a great job with the 4 th of July festivities. SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff commented on the upcoming Lose Your Shoes event saying Simmons Island will become a major player with the CORP plan. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Alderman Steve Bostrom, District 12, commented on the commission requirements for security at the Juneteenth event. He is gathering information from Police on the number of calls to the event. Alderman Tod Ohnstad, District 6, commented on pool parties. Public Works Administration staff said pool parties are not available this year. Commission will check into this because they did not vote to end pool parties. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:17 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – July 11, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, July 11, 2011 at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Green and Kennedy. Alderman Downing was excused. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Jeff Warnock, Shelly Billingsley and Chief Morrissey. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, June 27, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Approval of Resolution to Authorize staff to pursue grants for the DNR Stewardship Grants: a. Strawberry Creek Park (District 17) b. Peorio Park (District 1) c. Simmon's Island (District 2) d. Shagbark Recreational Area (District 5) Shelly and Ron were available to answer questions. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Authorize Director for potential use of Park and Sports Field Program Funds for Parks Scheduling Program. Shelly and Ron were available to answer questions. $5,000 is approved for the program. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Approval of a Distribution Overhead and Underground Easement between the City of Kenosha and WE Energies for property in anticipated Petzke Park. (District 1) Ron discussed lighting for the parking lot. Alderman Kennedy discussed City Plan approval. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy and seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Approval of Professional Services Agreement with SAA Design Group for Petzke Park Mass Grading and Parking Lot Design. (District 1) Ron discussed that the $95,000 has to be used or it will be lost. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Award of Contract for Project 10-1411 Parks Field Office Building Painting (3617 65th Street) to Nehl's Painting, Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the amount of $31,000. (District 11) Shelly discussed that this will take place after the tuck pointing. Aldermen discussed the project. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. June 30th Storm Update Discussed by Ron, Jeff and Aldermen. 2. CORP and Master Plan Comments and Time Line Shelly discussed. DIRECTOR COMMENTS: Ron commented that he enjoyed working with the commissioners and thanked Diane for her work with the commission. SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff discussed that Anderson Pool will be open today. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Chief Morrissey spoke about Ron's leadership and support. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:54 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – July 25, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, July 25, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Green and Kennedy. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Mike Lemens and Shelly Billingsley. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, July 11, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Approval of paint color for park division buildings in Project #10-1411. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy to approve color change for park division buildings which will be tan buildings and green trim. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Approval of plans for Kenosha Gardens of Peace Project at Wolfenbuttel Park. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve the construction of the Peace Project at Wolfenbuttel Park with construction to be started by October 1, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Approval of CORP and Master Plans. a. Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan b. Strawberry Creek Park c. Petzke Park d. Sunrise Park e. Simmons Island It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green to approve plans as presented. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Monthly Events 2. Discussion of City of Kenosha applying for Bird City designation. Chairman Orth recommended that the Park Division and Park Commission move forward in the approval of a resolution for the City to gain the designation of Bird City. The Park Superintendent will contact the group for sample resolution. SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff gave an update on storm damage. discussed the drowning at Washington pool. He also There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:40 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – August 8, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, August 8, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Green and Kennedy. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Mike Lemens and Shelly Billingsley. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, . Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Request from American Society of Interior Designers at Gateway Technical College for use of the Southport Beach House for an auction on Friday, November 18, 2011. (District 3) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Green to approve with 50% sponsorship. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Request from Kenosha Progress Fund, Inc., for use of Sunnyside Park for “Southfest” on September 9 & 10, 2011. (District 13) Ray Misner, 2732 Lincoln Rd, Alderman of the district, spoke. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Downing to approve with full sponsorship subject to receiving an updated application. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Proposed Resolution to designate the second Saturday of May as International Migratory Bird Day. John Krerowicz and Pauline Waara, 1413 87 th Street, spoke. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Grant Agreement Between the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Intergovernmental Relations Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and the City of Kenosha for Southport Beach House Restoration Enhancements. (District 3) Shelly Billingsley gave an explanation. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Approval of request by T-Mobile to run a connection to the Existing Anderson Park Cell Tower. (District 9) Jeff Warnock explained how the connection will be done. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Petzke Park Zoning Change – The Commission discussed extending the park and how far north to go. After much discussion the Commission will look at zoning the parcel IP, splitting the parcel with the south end deeded park land and the north end not deeded as designated. DIRECTOR COMMENTS: 1. Jeff Warnock gave an update on stump removal. They have run into some gas line conflicts trying to remove some stumps. Alford Park Shelter 1 will be removed and no longer rented due to extensive damage. Poerio Pond will be empty another year due to the DNR finding two crayfish in the traps. The DNR will again pump the pond. There being no further business to come before the the Board of Park Commissioners, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:540pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – August 29, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, August 29, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Kennedy. Commissioner Green was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Mike Lemens and Shelly Billingsley. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, August 8, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Request from St. Joseph Catholic Academy to hold a bonfire on Saturday, September 17, 2011 from 7pm – 10pm on Pennoyer Park Beach. (District 1) Stephanie Connelly, 4918 18 th Street, spoke. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Request from Prayer House Assembly of God to hold a bonfire on Saturday, September 9, 2011 from 5pm – 8pm on Alford Park Beach. (District 1) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Request from the Kenosha AFL-CIO for use of park equipment for Laborfest on Monday, September 5, 2011 at St. Therese Picnic Area. (District 9) It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Orth passed the gavel to second the motion to approve with 50% sponsorship. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Resolution to Amend the City of Kenosha Capital Improvement Program for 2010 by Decreasing PK00-002 “Southport Beach House” Line “ADA Ramp” by $60,000 and Creating PK00-002 “Southport Beach House” Line “Building Restoration Design” in the amount of $75,000 with Outside Funding in the amount of $15,000 for a Net Change of $0. (District 3) Shelly Billingsely explained this CIP Amendment goes with the grant agreement approved at the last meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Acceptance of Project 10-1412 Southport Beach House ADA Ramp (7825 First Avenue) which has been satisfactorily been completed by Camosy Construction, Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the amount of $25,607.59. (District 3) (referred by Public Works Committee) It was moved by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Monthly Events SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff Warnock will be bringing forward another sculpture for Union Park. He has been working with Lemon Street gallery. He also mentioned improvements to the drinking fountain in Union Park. Jeff updated the commission on stump removal from the June 30th storm. Most parkway trees are done and crews are now starting at the parks and golf course. DIRECTOR COMMENTS: Mike Lemens advised the commission that staff met with the DNR at Poerio pond regarding the red swamp crayfish. The DNR will be sending a letter to the city with their recommendations. The City has received notification from the DNR of grant approval for the Recreational Trail Act for Strawberry and Sunrise parks. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:20pm. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Meeting held Monday, September 12, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners held on Monday, September 12, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 pm by Chairman Orth. At roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Superintendent of Parks. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, August 29, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Request from Lemon Street Gallery to place additional Sculpture in Union Park. Public Hearing: Melanie Hovey, 3719-14th Ave, spoke. Staff: Jeff was present & spoke It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff Warnock updated the commission on the trees & stump from the Storm. The crews are finishing up the Golf Courses and will then start on the stumps. The sidewalks, curbs & gutters will be done by the sidewalk inspector. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Chairman Orth stated that the Trees from the Golf Course need to be paid out the Golf Course money. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:14 pm. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Meeting held Monday, September 26, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners held on Monday, September 26, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 pm by Chairman Orth. At roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Superintendent of Parks and Cathy Honeyager, Civil Engineer II. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, September 12, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Request from Peace Learning Circles to waive fees for use of the Southport Beach House. Public Hearing: Dennis Wikel, Board President of Peace Learning Circles; 8566-226 th Ave, Salem, WI was present and spoke. Staff/Alderman: Jeff Warnock spoke. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve with staff recommendation to deny the request to waive the fees. After discussion, it was then moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to amend the motion and approve the request to waive the fees. Motion passed unanimously. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Bike Path Maps – Cathy Honeyager was present to answer any questions & asked for any suggestions. Chairman Orth and Commissioner Green made a few suggestions. Commissioner Green requested putting the new city logo on the maps. Chairman Orth recommended putting how many miles to Racine, Chicago, etc. on the North & South ends of the maps. Also any sponsorship could be the size of a business card. Any other suggestions should be emailed to Shelly Billingsley in Engineering. Monthly Events DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff Warnock informed the Committee that he will be getting bike trail maps from the County for the Committees review. He indicated that he is pricing out the Ice Arena at the Golf Course and making sure the funds come out of the Golf Course account. He also informed the Committee about establishing a Cross Country skiing & sledding hill by the Clubhouse. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:28 pm. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Meeting held Monday, October 10, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, October 10, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Chairman Orth. At roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Green. Commissioner Kennedy was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Superintendent of Parks; and Mary Durkee, Supervisor of Parks. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, September 26, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1 Request from Southport School Singers for a waiver of fees to use the Southport Beach House for November, 2011. Public Hearing: Linda Hanson, 8118-7 th Ave, (Parent of Southport Singer) was present and spoke. Staff/Alderman: Jeff Warnock and Mary Durkee spoke. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Downing, to approve with fifty percent (50%) sponsorship for the event on December 3, 2011. Motion carried 3-1 (with Commissioner LaMacchia voting nay) INFORMATIONAL ITEM: 1. Communication from the Department of Natural Resources regarding the Red Swamp Cray Fish at Poerio Park Pond. Public Hearing: Susan Beyler (Department of Natural Resources – Inland Fisheries Team Supervisor) gave an update on the trapping of the Cray Fish, notified the Committee and Staff that there is a 100% reimbursement for restocking, cost, equipment, etc through a local Aids Grant, and answered questions. Commissioner Orth suggested possibly using Anderson Pond for a temporary Handicap Accessibility until Poerio Park is finished. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff Warnock commented on Poerio Park being done as soon as possible with the Grant and work. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Thomas Genther, Director of Joint Services; invited the Committee to come and take a tour of Joint Services. The October 31, 2011 has been rescheduled for Monday, October 24, 2011. Budget is to follow. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:21 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Meeting Minutes – October 24, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, October 24, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Orth, Vice Chairman LaMacchia, Commissioners Downing, Kennedy, and Green. In attendance were Mayor Bosman, City Administrator Frank Pacetti, Director of Finance Carol Stancato, Interim Director of Public Works Mike Lemens, Parks Superintendent Jeff Warnock, Assistant City Engineer Shelley Billingsley, Parks Supervisor Mary Durkee, and Parks Supervisor Dirk Nelson. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Vice Chair LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, October 10, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Review of Park CIP requests for 2012-2016. Staff/Commissioners: Chairman Orth commented on the CIP budget. Public Hearing: No one spoke. Commissioner Downing questioned the if the funding amounts for PK93-004, would be enough, Dirk Nelson said yes. Vice Chair LaMacchia commented on the variation of the amounts requested over the five year plan. Commissioner Kennedy asked about the availability of outside funds for reforestation, ie FEMA. Mayor Bosman stated that if any funds were available, it would only cover damages from the storm, not tree replacement. City Administrator Pacetti stated that equipment purchases were replacement only, there is no fleet expansion. Chairman Orth questioned looking into the State Bid list for pricing. Finance Director Stancato said that the City looks at the State bid list first and then determines if an item needs to go out to bid. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the City has looked at other methods of equipment disposal, such as auctions. Finance Director Stancato said that the City has used auction firms in the past. Chairman Orth questioned the recurring costs of harbor dredging, possible ways to help defray the costs. Commissioner Kennedy commented on how Kenosha slip fees compared to other local communities. Interim Director Lemens explained the dredging process. Chairman Orth commented on the possibility of working with another local community to have dredging done at the same time to lower the cost. Shelly Billingsley explained the Master plan process. Chairman Orth stated that he was pleased to see the joint effort of departments to move this forward. Superintendent Warnock commented on the status of Anderson pool for 2012 and the work that would be conducted. Vice Chair LaMacchia commented on working with another group, such as the school district for public pool use while Anderson is closed. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Vice Chair LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Review of the 2012 Executive Budget for Park Division and Washington Park Municipal Golf Course Staff/Commissioners: Mayor Bosman gave an overview of the Park and Golf Course budgets. Chairman Orth commented that Parks has done more with less by thinking outside the box. Public Hearing: No one spoke. Review of the 2012 Park Division Executive Budget Superintendent Warnock explained that more equipment maintenance was being done in-house with current employees. He also stated Parks is working with an outside vendor to do preventative maintenance on the larger mowers. Chairman Orth commented that an intern is working on the Park fee structure project and hopes it will be done by the summer of 2012 in order to incorporate any changes into the 2013 budget. He also commented on working with the Special Events Coordinator to promote Park usage and working with others such as the Convention & Visitors Bureau. Commissioner Kennedy commented on advertising the use of Parks for weddings and other special occasions and asked about the any feedback received from customers using coupons at the Pools. Mary Durkee stated they are looking at doing some advertising and that the pool coupons worked well. Review of the 2012 Washington Park Municipal Golf Course Executive Budget Mary Durkee gave an overview of the Golf Course season so far this year. She stated the start of the season was slow due to bad weather, and that less weekend tournaments had been setup in order to promote more open golf play. She also gave an update on the events planned for the off season, including an ice skating rink and cross country skiing. Commissioner Kennedy commented on promoting youth golf. Chairman Orth commented that even with a bad start, the course is steadily improving. It was then moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Vice Chair LaMacchia to approve the 2012 Park Division and Washington Park Municipal Golf Course budgets as presented, motion passed 5-0. Citizen/Aldermen comments: No one spoke. There being no further business, it was moved by Vice Chair LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green to adjourn at 7:15 pm, motion passed 5-0. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Meeting held Monday, November 7, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, November 7, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by Chairman Orth. At roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Green. Commissioner Kennedy was excused. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, October 24, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Award of Contract for Project 11-1416 Petzke Park – Phase I Mass Grading and Parking Lot (1700 29th Street) to BCF Construction Corp., (Waukesha, Wisconsin) in the amount of $588,000. (District 1) (Also referred to Storm Water Utility & Public Works) It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia to approve. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:48 pm. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Meeting held Monday, November 14, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, November 14, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm by Chairman Orth. At roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, and Green. Commissioner Kennedy was excused. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Superintendent of Parks & Shelly Billingsley, Assistant City Engineer. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, November 7, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Acceptance of Project 11-1420 Park Field Office Building Tuckpointing (3617 65th Street) which has been satisfactorily completed by Custom Restoration, Inc., (Pewaukee, Wisconsin), in the amount of $100,686.92. (District 11) (Also Referred to Public Works) It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Downing to approve. Motion carried unanimously. C-2 Approval of Agreement between KAA and the City for the use of Poerio Baseball Diamonds. Staff/Alderman: Jeff Warnock explained that the expiration date should be Amended to November 15, 2012. As well as a $10,000 fund from the KAA to the City will be paid into a newly created account for improvements to Peorio Park. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve as amended. Motion passed unanimously. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff Warnock updated the Committee on Poerio Park. He also let the Committee know that the Parks Department is starting to get ready for Winter. Shelly Billingsley gave an update on Petzke Park. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:08 pm. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Meeting held Monday, December 12, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, December 12, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 pm by Chairman Orth. At roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy and Green. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Parks Superintendent and Shelly Billingsley, Assistant City Engineer. It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, November 14, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1 Acceptance of Project 10-1411 Parks Field Office Building Painting (3607 & 3617 65th Street) which has been satisfactorily completed by Nehl's Painting (Kenosha, Wisconsin), in the amount of $27,880.00. (District 11) (PW-Ayes 5:Noes 0) It was moved by Commissioner LaMacchia, seconded by Commissioner Green, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-2. Approval of 2012 Pool & Golf Fees. Staff/Commissioner: Jeff Warnock spoke. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-3. Reschedule of December 26, 2011 meeting. Chairman Orth canceled the meeting. If there are agenda items a meeting will be scheduled January 4, 2012. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Stewardship Grant Applications Status – Shelly Billingsley gave an update. 2. Union Park Sculpture Update – Jeff Warnock gave an update on the Sculpture process. He also noted that he will get photos with the size and dimensions to the Committee. 3. Process for Naming of Parks – Chairman Orth commented on how they should consider renaming some of the Parks and what the process is. Commissioner Downing noted to make sure the Parks are in the right Districts after the redistricting is in place. 4. Displays in Civic Center Park – Jeff Warnock spoke about the displays and the cost over the past years for the electric. 5. Presentation on Golf Course Concessions – Peter Gochis spoke about his proposal for the Golf Course and the Concessions. Chairman Orth would like to talk about this over the winter months and requested Mr. Gochis to have a plan ready for the Committee to review at the January 9, 2012 meeting. DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS: Jeff Warnock updated on Poerio Park and snow plowing. He also commented on having Ice Rinks placed at the Golf Course and Pennoyer Park. As well as dredging at Lincoln Lagoon for Ice Skating. CITIZEN/COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: John Fox spoke about the Parks in Kenosha. Chairman Orth commented on the back stop at Petzke Park being taken down and the possibility of having that back stop put up at Bullen School. He also noted that snow incidents should be reported on SeeClickFix, along with the pictures that are taken. There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:53 pm. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Meeting held Monday, December 19, 2011 A meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on Monday, December 19, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by Chairman Orth. At roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners LaMacchia, Downing, Kennedy and Green. Staff members in attendance were: Jeff Warnock, Superintendent of Parks. It was moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, December 12, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Approval of Vacant Land Sale and Leaseback Agreement between the City and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for Property Located at 1613 Washington Road.(FinRecommendations Pending) Public Hearing: Claude Krawczyk, Attorney for AT&T, was present & spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve. Motion carried 4-1 (with Alderperson Downing voting nay) C-2. Approval of Lease Agreement between the City and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC. Public Hearing: Claude Krawczyk (Attorney for AT&T) It was moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve. Motion carried 4-1 (with Alderperson Downing voting nay) There being no further business to come before the Board of Park Commissioners it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:54 pm.
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