School of Nursing Student Policy Manual 2015-2016

Student Policy Manual
1/13/15, 3/23/15, 4/17/15
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Suffolk County Community
School of Nursing
Student Policy Manual
The School of Nursing Student Policy Manual (the Policy Manual) is a supplement to the School
of Nursing Student Handbook (the Handbook). Students are responsible for reading each policy
statement as outlined and complying with the policies as stated herein. Student signature on the
Student Handbook Verification Notice indicates review and understanding of the policies as
stated in both the Handbook and Policy Manual.
Policy 1.0 Academic Integrity
Nursing students are expected to adhere to the School of Nursing policy on Academic Integrity
as outlined in the School of Nursing Student Handbook. Any student accused of a violation of
academic integrity will be referred to the campus Associate Dean of Student Services.
Consequences of violating academic integrity are outlined in the College Student Code of
Policy 2.0 Advisement
Nursing students are assigned a full-time nursing faculty advisor to help in planning and
implementing their schedule throughout the program. Students should make an appointment to
meet with their faculty advisor during priority registration. Faculty advisors will provide
additional advisement throughout the semester as needed for students. Students who are
experiencing academic difficulty are encouraged to schedule an appointment to meet with the
lecture faculty and utilize College resources for student success. Students of the School of
Nursing are permitted to self-register online for nursing courses within their curriculum code.
Policy 3.0 Attendance
The School of Nursing complies with the College’s attendance policy as stated in the catalog. All
students are expected to attend every class session of each course for which they are registered.
Students are responsible for all that transpires in class whether or not they are in attendance. The
College defines excessive absence or lateness as more than the equivalent of one (1) week of
class meetings during the semester.
3.1 Attendance: Clinical
The clinical instructor will record attendance of students during the clinical pre-conference or
method otherwise stated by the instructor. Students are permitted to miss one (1) clinical
day/evening. Two (2) or more missed clinical days/evenings constitute excessive absence and the
student may be subject to failure of the clinical component of the course. It is at the discretion of
the clinical instructor in consultation with the course coordinator and lecture faculty if an
appropriate clinical make-up can substitute for the missed clinical day/evening. Students that are
absent from the clinical facility orientation may not attend subsequent clinical day/evening
meetings until oriented. In some cases, make-up orientation to the facility may not be available
to the student due to absence. Students who are absent from clinical and fail to notify the clinical
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instructor and/or unit (this is referred to by instructors as a “no call/no show”) will receive a
failed clinical day. Punctuality to the clinical setting is crucial; lateness to the clinical setting
may result in missing pre-conference leading to inability to perform clinical duties. Students with
patterns of lateness to clinical may be subject to failure of the clinical component of the course.
3.2 Attendance: Lab
The lab instructor will record attendance of students or using a method otherwise stated by the
instructor. Students are permitted to miss one (1) lab. Two (2) or more missed labs constitute
excessive absence and the student may be subject to failure of the lab component of the course. It
is at the discretion of the lab instructor in consultation with the course coordinator and lecture
faculty if an appropriate make-up can substitute for the lab experience.
3.3 Attendance: Lecture
The nursing faculty will circulate a dated attendance roster at the beginning of each lecture class.
It is the sole responsibility of each student to sign the attendance roster for themselves. The
roster will serve as the official documentation recording student attendance. The School of
Nursing defines excessive lecture absence as two (2) or more missed lecture classes for lectures
meeting once weekly, and three (3) or more missed lecture classes for lectures meeting twice
weekly. Excessive absence may lead to failure in a course or removal from the class roster. The
lecture instructor, in consultation with the course coordinator, academic chairperson, and the
School of Nursing Associate will determine the consequence (course failure or removal from
roster) if a student is found in violation of this policy.
The first lecture class meeting falls within the official add/drop period as stated within the
College catalog. Attending the first lecture meeting permits the student to become acquainted
with the instructor, her/his teaching and learning philosophy, expected classroom norms,
classmates, and course learning outcomes, content, materials and technology. The lecture faculty
will review the academic and social expectations for the course, the method used for evaluation
and grading, faculty contact information, as well as anticipated dates for course examinations.
Students who miss the first lecture class meeting are responsible for acquiring the information
Policy 4.0 Background Check
All nursing students are required to complete a background check through a designated company
prior to the start of their first clinical experience. The student’s Social Security Number will be
used to process the background check. Students must also permit the School of Nursing to
release the outcome of the background check to the assigned clinical facility. Students with
‘flagged’ background checks may be denied access to the clinical facility. Students who cannot
participate in clinical experiences due to adverse backgrounds are unable to fulfill the clinical
requirements of the program. Further information is provided in the Nursing Student Handbook.
Policy 5.0 Cancellation of Classes
The School of Nursing complies with the College determination if weather conditions will
interfere with class attendance. Nursing students should tune to local radio stations to determine
if classes are cancelled. Cancellations will also be posted on the College Web site,
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Page |3 In the event of a delayed College opening time, students attending clinical
will be advised of where to report for clinical through the clinical phone chain. In the event of a
College afternoon or evening cancelling of classes, students must leave the clinical site at the
designated time.
Policy 6.0 Change of address, phone, or name.
Nursing students should immediately submit any changes in address, phone and name to the
Registrar’s Office and campus nursing department. Failure to do so may result in missing course
and/or program information, and the student is responsible for the information missed.
Policy 7.0 Clinical Accident/Injury
Students absent from clinical due to illness/injury must submit documentation from their Health
Care Provider stating the student is cleared to return to clinical and able to perform full clinical
duties. Clinical agencies have the final determination about allowing students to return to their
All nursing students are required to participate in the College accident insurance plan. Students
who are injured at the clinical site should contact the Campus Health Services Office for claim
Policy 8.0 Classroom Decorum
A faculty member may bring charges of misconduct against a student for disruptive behavior.
Students whose behavior in class is considered disruptive may be subject to disciplinary action
described in the College’s Student Code of Conduct.
Therefore, nursing students in lecture will be expected to:
1. Arrive on time and be prepared for class to begin promptly at the scheduled hour. Lateness
interrupts the intent and structure of the class presentation.
2. Take care of personal needs before or after class or during any class break. Leaving in the
middle of class, unless there is an emergency, creates another disruption, no matter how discreet.
3. Turn off all audible sounds from cell phones and electronic devices.
4. Show respect for your classmates as well as your instructor by listening attentively,
participating actively, and refraining from side conversations or other disruptions.
5. Use appropriate language when addressing classmates and the instructor during the class
6. Consult privately with the instructor when extenuating circumstances require special
Policy 9.0 Complaints
The School of Nursing complies with the College’s Student Complaint Policy to address
student complaints about the nursing program. The student should initiate the procedure within
one month of the end of the semester in which the alleged situation occurred. Complaints should
begin with an informal attempt to resolve the complaint directly with the nursing faculty. If a
satisfactory resolution is not reached during this encounter, the student should then meet with the
nursing campus academic chair in attempt to mediate the complaint and arrive at a resolution that
is acceptable to all parties. If the student is dissatisfied with the manner in which the complaint
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has been handled, the complaint should be put in writing and forwarded to the Associate Dean
for the School of Nursing.
Policy 10.0 Counseling Form
Nursing faculty will document student’s behavior, action or performances while in the nursing
program on a counseling form to provide feedback, warning or reprimand. A student receiving a
warning will be directed for follow up as per the instructor. A student receiving two (2)
reprimands within a course, either lecture, lab or clinical may be subject to failure of the course.
A student receiving two (2) reprimands under the category of “other” within one (1) semester
may be subject to dismissal from the program. Patterns of unprofessional behavior within the
nursing program may result in dismissal from the program
Policy 11.0 Dosage Calculation Competency
To ensure consistently correct administration of medications in the clinical area, students must
demonstrate proficiency at the start of each clinical course through a dosage calculation
assessment. Procedures for administration, passing standard, and consequences of failing are
outlined in the Nursing Student Handbook and course outlines.
Policy 12.0 Electronic Communication
12.1 Electronic Communication: Email
All nursing students are expected to have basic computer literacy including but not limited to
functionality in email and basic Internet search and navigation. The College portal, e-mail, and
on-campus internet access are available from designated computers at the College at no cost to
students taking credit classes. Both the College and the School of Nursing uses the College email for announcements as the primary method to provide official notices and communications
to students. Students are expected to regularly access and maintain their portal and e-mail
account. Students requiring assistance with the College email account should utilize the support
services available at the College.
Nursing students are expected to maintain professionalism in all forms of communication. Email
communication using crude or foul language is strictly prohibited. Emails that contain language
interpreted as harassing or unprofessional will be subject to the College’s Student Code of
Conduct policy and may be subject to dismissal from the program.
12.2 Electronic Communication: Cell phones, Computers, and Electronic devices
Student’s use of technology resources is governed by the College’s Information Technology
Policies and Guidelines. The School of Nursing students use of cell phones, computers and other
electronic devices during lecture, lab and clinical is established by individual instructors. Misuse
of such devices may subject students to provisions of the College Student Code of Conduct
relating to disruptive classroom behavior. No personal phone conversations, text messaging,
instant messaging, web chat, or internet or audio or video conferencing are allowed at any time
while in patient areas. If the student needs to respond to an emergency text, personal phone call,
or personal message, the student should discuss the procedure for taking and responding to the
message with the clinical, lab or lecture faculty. At all times it is strictly forbidden to videotape
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or photograph a patient or patient’s documentation. Students who violate of this policy will
receive a failed clinical day/evening, and may be subject to course failure and/or program
With regard to lectures, students require permission of the faculty prior to the use of videotaping,
photographing or recording the faculty and course content. Exceptions may apply to students
with documented disabilities who may need to use a device as an approved accommodation.
12.3 Electronic Communication: Social Media
At all times, nursing students are expected to protect confidential, sensitive, and proprietary
information. Distribution of information from clinical, lab or lecture through social media
networks is strictly prohibited and protected under HIPAA and FERPA guidelines and the
College Academic Integrity policy. Students that violate the School of Nursing use of social
media policy may be subject to course failure and/or program dismissal.
Policy 13.0 Professional Behavior: Clinical
Nursing students are not permitted in the clinical area unless under the supervision of a faculty
member or assigned specifically by a faculty member to a specialty unit or community setting.
Students are strictly prohibited from assuming duties as a student nurse when not under the
supervision of faculty if a student is assigned on a unit where they are also employed. Nursing
students must demonstrate the ability to differentiate between the student and the employee role
and scope of practice. Violations may result in failing the clinical component of the course and
dismissal from the program.
Students must maintain a professional relationship with assigned patients and families. This
relationship terminates at the completion of each clinical experience. Development of a personal,
non-professional relationship with a patient or family member will jeopardize the student’s
continuation in the nursing program and may result in failure of the course and/or dismissal from
the program.
Students must adhere to the Confidentiality Agreement outlined in the Nursing Student
Handbook. Violations of this agreement will result from dismissal from the program.
Policy 14.0 Professional Behavior
14.1 Professional Behavior: Nursing Resource Center (Nursing and Computer Lab)
Students must review and comply with the Guidelines for the Use of the Nursing Resource
Center outlined in the Nursing Student Handbook. Violations of this policy may result is removal
of open lab practice privileges, course failure, or dismissal from the program.
14.2 Professional Behavior: Smoking
The School of Nursing complies with the College’s Tobacco Free policy. Smoking in nondesignated areas either on campus or in clinical settings is prohibited. Students must be free of
smoke odor when in the clinical setting. Students in violation of the smoking policy at the
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clinical site may result in a failed clinical day/evening, course failure and/or dismissal from the
Policy 15.0 Examinations
Refer to the School of Nursing Test Policy located in the Nursing Student Handbook for all
procedures related to lecture examinations.
Policy 16.0 Grading:
16.1 Final Letter Grade
The School of Nursing complies with the College grading policy. Students in the School of
Nursing can earn a course grade of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, or F. Students that miss one (1) unit
exam will receive a grade of Incomplete (INC) for that course until they take the comprehensive
exam, provided they are in good academic standing. The following final numerical course
average determines the letter grade awarded:
Final Numerical Average
Letter Grade
16.2 Grading: Progression
All nursing students must maintain a minimum grade of C in each nursing and science course, as
well as satisfactorily pass the skills lab and clinical components of the nursing course regardless
of lecture exam average. Failure to achieve these measures will prevent the nursing student from
continuing to the next sequential nursing course. Students who receive grades less than C in any
Practical nursing course (PNU) will be dismissed from the program and may reapply for
admission for the subsequent application deadline period. Students in the Registered Nurse
(NUR) programs may repeat one (1) clinical nursing course (except Fundamentals of Nursing
NUR 101). Any additional attempts are not permitted and the student is dismissed from the
program. Students who receive less than a C in Fundamentals of Nursing (NUR101) or PN to
RN Transition (NUR130) will be dismissed from the program and may reapply for admission for
the subsequent application deadline period. Students must repeat science courses until a grade of
C is achieved.
16.3 Grading: Grievance
The School of Nursing complies with the College formal grade grievance procedure. This is to
be initiated by nursing student if the student believes that there has been an unfair action that
adversely affects the student’s grade. The student should first discuss the grievance with the
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faculty member involved within ten (10) days the receipt of the grade. Students protesting test
item(s) must complete the Student Test Item Query Form and submit to lecture faculty. If the
student and faculty member cannot reach an agreement regarding the grievance, the student may
meet with the Academic Chair. If no agreement is reached, the Associate Dean for the School of
Nursing will consult with Associate Dean of Academic Affairs of the student’s home campus,
whom will meet with the student. The recommendation of the Associate Dean of Academic
Affairs will be given to the student and faculty member within ten (10) calendar days of the
meeting with the student. If the student remains dissatisfied, the student may present his or her
case to the campus Executive Dean in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the
recommendation of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Failure by the student to submit a
written request within ten (10) calendar days shall constitute a withdrawal of the grievance and
bar further action within the College. The Executive Dean may schedule a hearing for a final
resolution to the grade grievance.
Policy 17.0 Health Requirements
Nursing students must submit health requirements and supporting documentation as outlined in
the Nursing Student Handbook to the campus Health Services Office. It is the student’s
responsibility to return the issued Health Services Completion Certificate to their clinical
instructor for review on the first day/evening of clinical. Students who do not adhere to the
health requirement policies may be denied access to a clinical site by the agency and therefore
are at risk for excessive clinical absences and eventual course failure.
Policy 18.0 Nursing Student Records
A cumulative file is maintained for each student in the nursing program. Files are kept
confidential among the nursing faculty and are not disclosed to any persons outside of the School
of Nursing (with the exception of the background check report to the clinical site). Nursing
student records are maintained for two (2) years after graduation or program withdrawal in
accordance with the College Record and Retention Disposal Schedule. The following documents
are contained within the file:
Date of File
Program entry
Program entry
Program entry
Program entry
Program entry
End of semester
As needed
As needed
Student Handbook Signed Verification
Academic Integrity Signed Agreement
Confidentiality Signed Agreement
Guidelines for the use of the Nursing Resource Center Agreement
Background Check Report
Original signed clinical evaluations
Performance Evaluation Skills
Counseling Forms
Policy 19.0 Safe Clinical Practice
In an effort to maintain patient safety it is strongly recommended that students do not work the
evening shift ending just prior to an 8 am scheduled clinical. If clinical faculty suspect the
student is at risk for the performance of safe patient care related to lack of sleep, the student will
be sent home for the day and will receive an unexcused absence. Any student who appears to be
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impaired by alcohol or drugs, at the sole discretion of the clinical faculty, will be dismissed from
the clinical area. This may result in course failure and/or dismissal from the program.
The clinical instructor evaluates student performance using the Level 1 or Level 2 Clinical
Evaluation Tool. Guidelines to determine the student clinical grade are outline in the Nursing
Student Handbook.
All nursing students must meet safety and technical standards with or without reasonable
accommodations as stated in the School of Nursing Handbook.
Policy 20.0 Student Clinical Placement
Students self-register for their clinical section. Students may attend clinical within the boundaries
of Suffolk County. Students must provide their own transportation to agency and pay for any
personal costs incurred. Clinical placement is subject the change prior to the start of the College
semester. Affected students will be notified of changes in clinical placement as soon as the
School of Nursing is notified.
Policy 21.0 Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities must document the nature of their disabilities and request services from
the disability services counselor designated on each campus. It is the student’s responsibility to
identify accommodations to the faculty for appropriate arrangements to be made.
Policy 22.0 Phone Chain
Faculty and student phone numbers are to be kept confidential and utilized solely in the event the
clinical instructor initiated the phone chain. Students are responsible for destroying the clinical
phone chain at the end of the clinical course. Students who distribute phone numbers on the
phone chain, or contact a student or faculty on the phone chain other than when instructed to do
so may be subject to course failure or dismissal from the program.
Policy 23.0 Professional Attire
Nursing students must strictly adhere to the professional attire as outlined in the School of
Nursing handbook. Violations may result in a failed clinical day/evening.
Policy 24.0 Withdrawal
Nursing students may withdraw from a course and be guaranteed a W any time up to the midpoint of the semester. Students are advised to consult their lecture faculty and faculty advisor
prior to voluntary withdrawal. Withdrawn students are not guaranteed a seat in nursing courses if
there is a disruption in their sequential completion of the program.
Policy 25.0 Medical withdrawal
A Medical Leave may be granted, upon request, to any student who is unable to attend classes
for an extended period of time due to a documented illness, injury, or medical or psychological
condition. To request a Medical Leave documentation by a physician or other appropriate
health care provider is required. The student should make a written request indicating the
medical reason and the period of the leave and submit to the Campus Associate Dean of
Student Services. Students should consult the Associate Dean for the School of Nursing for
further information.
School of Nursing Policy Manual
Revised 1/13/15; 3/23/15; 4/17/15