Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas JH \ BOHOL DIVISION OF BOHOL City ofTagbilaran June 1,2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 211 s.2015 FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION (FGD) FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL To: Education Program Supervisors/Coordinators, Distr ict Supervisors/Coordinating Pr incipals Secondary Schools 1.Attached is the full text of unnumbered regional memorandum which is self-explanatory and requesting compliance of all concerned. 2.Immediate dissemination of this memorandum to all concerned is enjoined. VILFREDAA B9NGALOS, Ph.D. dK^ Schools Division Superintendent CPG Sports Complex, CPG Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol TelNos.: (038) 412-4938; (038) 411-2544; (038) 411-2720 / (038) 501-7550 Telefax: (038) 501-7550 email add: [email protected] *\ ;:-'O6 2 CIS 16:19 kt?L"3LIC Of THi Fs^TLIPPIKZS K4CAWARAN NG EMJKASYO;-. DcRaRTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIVON VII, GITNANG \ SA\AS REGION Ml, CENTRAL \ SA\ S v& Sudlon, Labug, Cebu Cit y MEMORANDUM TO SCHOOLS DiViSiON SUPERINTENDENT" @ Division of Bohoi ? Division of Dumaguete City FROM : JULIET A. JEKUTA SUBJECT : FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS DATE ! : JUNF 1, 2014 Attached ih a letter ironi Dr. Maria Cynthia Rose Banian bauiista, Commissioner, Commission on Highes Education, inviting teachers who are actively involved in the Senior High School Program to participate in the Focus Group Discussion* in Bohoi and Dumaguete City from June 2-5, 2015. For details, refer to the yUached communication and enclosure. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. JUMETAJERUm Director ill Officer-in-Charge JAJ/jbrn Of ice oftbeOtralLr < f Field T*t(iniu>lAiiistaim.* ' r r - , Qualicv *>*nr*n' > _ Education @NHpiHTT^rvii.^ i u x 1 UiEL >@ j1-i309; 414-73S9; 4i4-*325: Of ice or die -UiBTjHi Direct; f i i-?324 Csrr ieulam Lcsndng Maasigaiitr ct Division (ClJ I -10* i Hitman Reonro; Pc'cSspf lcar BpIjIod (JJRIfDi, "T f ) 25-^-70^ Planning. pi>Ii\ iind itisa^rCii ?>ivi?.wa(Pf^X' :L Nos.: <fi32) 454-7326; 414-4307; 4I4-'V,rf; 4!.4-*'3J2: 4V1 Tsi.>ios.:(03I)2i6-237S;i55-S ii;4i4-Vj2: ** 3(12CJS; Siatapatan n$ a&att fPaaanagtitaa tvj. ahat *' ) 255-4542 Ji2) 4 (4*7325 At tachment B FGO QUESTIONS FOCI'S Cf iOCp DISCUSSION (FGDi GLIDE i/i S I IONS StNICR HIGH SCHOOLS IN BOHOL / DUMaGIjETE @ What tracks do you ott er in youi- school What were vour .ronjider ctioas t o offer ing these tracks?: @ How is ihe status of eoroihuem in vour SHS programs? sir ippbc&bk! Develorjuofent of CurricjaIam.Materkls @ How did you prepare the curriculum materials f or: o <pore Academic Subject o Specialized S"ui.'je<rs a Applied Subjects * Who v-rotr. or prepared the materials? * Where did you oas^ the contentfor the said materials'. * What H-;-!;. the tunef rame in the development ofihefe ^lai&ia-*-' Teacher Training @ Where did you source youx SHS u-achers? o What were your qualif ications in hir ing SHS teachers? @ How didlyou prepare yo-i.- teacher to teach in SHS, in terms of conic-.f and pedagogy"? @ What art the char^cter.wr ics of an effective in-service teacher nainmg program'/ Government Support @ In what other ways c^ ihe gover nment support oilt schools in light of the Ki 2 transition? ^jUBSk- Republic ofthe Philippines OFFICE OF THE @PRESIDENT ,ggS Department of Educatic @ % OK s:^ nsgiort Vii, Central Visay^s COMMISSION OH HIGHER EDUCATION ~''nmb15-7147" 29 May 2015 DUUUETA.JERUTA Director III / OTC Director Department of Education Region Mi Sudlon Streetj Lahug. Cebu. City Dear Dr. Jeruta: Greetings! Following the pass^e >*? tiv F hi.r n' B-^i. Education Act (K12; in 20i:>. the Commission on Higher Education (CHED> ':-" i*c ^i^- ^ r. L<'^ with the Depar tment of Education (DepEd) to ensure a smooth tr ansition mto at -. -r- i: "'-rcuiar, the CHCE.D has been foensins. otk (l)completnenring the initiatives of Dq>b; 1- * . v^k v-l t s>stetJ) through die development of supplementary materials for teachers in non-E^^Fd ^-ioou h . jv.iI aiso be submit ted to ue-pEd for uploading in its learning materials website, aiic (21 p'^r i.oit ih, ^^n'jip of teachers in aon-OepEd schools for the effective use of these mater ials. We are now in the iv e p b u^ incoming SHS tcatv -*- -, h n , _ s sps being taken is tiie conduct of a ser ies of focus group i"h= - ' *@ ^ i approach the full impkmeniauoa of SHS in SY ,~k discussions (FGD^ \ c ** a^uon as \ 2016-2017, Integral H >* <@ rr lt (!) ascertain the emerging needs of teachers from both public and private M,h -^1 i *- @> s t (2) learn from the ii-iu oir nitiattve ro develop quality supplementary mater ials f or our ler,^ dcvelopmenx (teachins guides) and teacher training and ^ -' n r>- ^nd teacher Training exper ience of FGD par acipants f rom schools in the region n^ ? = @* ^1 ai rL-r (^ inputs from the r:OD will heip improve ar)d refine our development oflear ning materials and training design. For the Visayas leg of TJie FGD, --vt; have chosen teachers from tii? iilitacs of Bohol and Dumaguet e to be the participants. : Thert wif; or ihree {1} sessions in Bohol and vio ;?} sessioiiS ;a Dumagueie, The participants have;the option to choose f rom tlie following FGD schedules. Vsrsue Dare iu-id Time of'FGD I jSessioii A; June @', fuesuay, 2:00pni - 5:00 pm ^Session B: June 3, Wednesday, 9:00am - 12:U0nn jSession. C: Kr^ >, W^.'.iesday, l;00pm - 4;00pm Multimedia Rooks Bch:>! Island Stats University L ! - r;sgbUai an Campus (^!.-5^; iSessioa A; June 5, j-vl,1ay, y:U0am - 12:00nn i Amencaii Sadies Resource .Session ti; June 5, brsday.. I .OOpm @ 4;00pm I Cenier, Robert Md Metia J. @ Siiljitian Library1, Siliiman ! University HlgSer Bducaf iott 0eveSopmt ttt Cent er e-yiarsg, C,P, Garcia Av@., UP Cssapujs, munsttx, Qmzm G&& Fhf ipfKff f e Web-Sit e wMf tChfed.Qov.bhTa. Hm, 441.1177,38&4391,44>116S, 441-114S, 441-1170,441-T216,3^-t e2S* In this connection, may we please solicit your kind support Us this activity stad allow the teachers to join the said FGD? We would like to iavite ai iea.t two (2) teachers from the schools in tfie attached list {attachment A), preferably those who arc actively involved in the SHS program either ia Mates isls Development and/or Teacher Trainieg, to join the FGD. These schools were chosen based on (1) the tracks and strands the school h off er ing, especially those that are off ering strand; thai, arc unique to die region, i.e. Agri-fisiie.'ies. and (2; their location, that is the distance of the school to the FGD venue. For the guidance of cho^e who will at tend, we have also enclosed in this letter {attaehmem: ) the list of the FGD questions. Meals will tk' served for aii pcrucipants during the FGD sessions- Hcv/ever, du? ro severe budget constraints, we are making the same request we i-nade of part icipants in prcvioas FGDs, We would deeply appreciate local suppor tf rom the public high schools tor the travel, iood. acconimodation, and incidental expensei of participants subject to the usual accounting and auditing procedures that apply to these schools, participa-s from private institution^ rnav make an&n^cr ocnts with their respective institutions. Pk-^e contact M*. Soi Logo (0920-94S-i995} ;i this request ior local support poses problems foj you Confinnit f on o' i.1- thru email t -" _ their school. tK "j @ ' _li - ji, Al- Ma- There;3 C Car'oi;: K!2 Triasition Team. I_ @ r '-^ [-1-^ ^"^S rncsKagir^ at -H.\ 928 448-2336, Jiidicanng o ;. . r ' :i - Thank you very much for your cooperation. Very truly ypurs, t i LJ Mam Cynthia Rose Baozou Batista, PhJX Commissioner L - *ue session tiniy ch-oose to attend in. At tachment A - BOHOL PUBUCH f iGR SCHOOLS OFFERING SENIOR Hli.H SCHOOL IN BOHOL THAT WERE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IK THE FGO 1. Aguming National ilryr- School 2. Ambassador Pablo R. Suarea Jr. National High School 3. Bata&n National High .-School 4. Bikiag Tech-Voc ilicb School 5. Tubigon West National High School 6. Camjaya-an National High School 7. Clarln National SchO'>! of Fisheries 8. Garcjia-Hcmaodez High School 9. Govj Jacinio Borja Matioiisl High School 10. Ula [National High :i>,."zool 11.Lob<|)c Nation:-! High School 12.Lourdes National Iiigti School 13.Tabalong National High School 14. Valencia Tech-Voc High School ) 5. Quezon HS - Ban;an National High School Aimex 16.Rizal Higb School 17. Pamilacac High Sch :-o! 18.Malaga Naiional iiigh S^booi 19.Mansasa National High School 20.Tag^ilaraii City Science High School PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOLS OFFERING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN BOI1OL THAT W RE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE L\ THE FGD 1. Bohol International 1 ev/nii'i Cent er 2. Central Visayan larftiUuc Foundation 3. Colegio deia Mckila Vnkjrosa 4. Holy Fairdiy of Naii-rcch School 5. Holy Rosary Academy 6. Holy Trinity Academ> I. Immaculaui Higi bcbooi 8. ir onjaculate Mary Act:05my 9. Irnrr taculatc r iearr .>f"Maiy Seminary 10.Mater Dei College I1. Sacred Heart Acsdemy 12. Saint Vincent institute 13.Sail}! John rhe Baptist Academy 14. STi:-Tagbilaraa 15.University of Bohoi - ii;gh School 16. Univeisitv ofBohol - Victoriano D. Tirol Ad% aiiced Ls&; ning ("'-enter Attachment A - DUMAGUETE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS OFFERING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL iLN DI'MACUETE THAI WERfc LXVTTED 10 PARTICIPATE IN S BE FGI> 1. Bais < itv National High Sciiool 2. Dumalguete City High School 3. Lonoy National High School 4. OkiotNational High School 5. Ong C*hee Tee - Ea^oag rugh School 6. Taclof eo Nauonal High Sehooi 7. Taajaj Legislated High School 8. Tanjay National High School iOpao) PRIVATE HIGB SCHOOLS OFFERING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN 0UMAGUETE THAT WERE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE liN THE FGP 1. Colegio de Santa Cai&l.Ti,-. de Aiejandr ia 2. Foundation University 3. Holy Cross Higb Sot ;oi - Dmaaguete City 4. La Cojjisolacion College - Bai.s Cit y 5. Living; Word Chr i^ma school 6. Negros Oriental State L.'niversHy 7. Silliman Univcrsir>" 8. STI - Dumaguetc
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