Republic of the Philippines Department of @bucatton Region VII, Central Visayas DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran April 16, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. \ o^ , s. 2015 BASA PILIPINAS EFFECTIVE LITERACY INSTRUCTION: TRAINING FOR GRADE 3 TEACHERS TO: ALL SY 2015-2016 GRADE 3 TEACHERS (PUBLIC SCHOOLS) 1. This Office is pleased to announce the conduct of the 8asa Pilipinas Effective Literacy Instruction: Training for Grade 3 Teachers on May 18-20 (batch 1) and May 21-23 (batch 2), 2015, in three venues in Tagbilaran City and Dauis, Bohol. 2. The training is for all SY 2015-2016 Grade 3 teachers handling mono-grade or multigrade classes. It aims to: @ equip teachers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitude in implementing strategies in effective literacy instruction, and @ provide teachers with a working understanding of the accompanying materials-revised teacher's guide, leveled reader, and listening storiesand their use in the classroom. Please note that only teachers handling grade 3 pupils should attend. Substitutes are not allowed. 3. This is a three-day training. Participants from districts relatively close to Tagbilaran City will have a LIVE-OUT arrangement; the rest, LIVE-IN arrangement. (Please see enclosure.) 4. Note to MULTIGRADE teachers: Teachers handling combination classes of grades 1 & 3, 2 & 3, 3 & 4 or any multi-grade class with grade 3 pupils will have the training on May 21-23, 2015 at Water Paradise Resort in Taloto district, Tagbilaran City. The arrangement is LIVE-IN. 5. Regarding Day 1: The opening program starts at 10:00 a.m. Day 1 breakfast will not be provided in the venue; however, breakfast allowance will be provided together with the travel cost reimbursement. 6. Note to lactating or pregnant mothers: A lactating mother may bring her infant and 1 companion (female only). A pregnant mother in her third trimester of pregnancy and needing assistance may also bring a companion (female only). Expenses are paid for by Basa Pilipinas, as follows: @ Companion of pregnant/lactating LIVE-IN teacher-participant - Meals and accommodation are charged to Basa Pilipinas @ Companion of pregnant/lactating LIVE-OUT teacher-participant - Meals are charged to Basa Pilipinas 7. Participants with chronic medical conditions are required to bring their maintenance medications. In case of minor sickness, Basa Pilipinas can only provide over-thecounter medicines. 8. Expenses relative to the participation shall be charged against Basa Pilipinas Funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Payment for travel expenses and meal allowances will be on a reimbursement basis and can be claimed through Palawan Pawnshop at least 10 days after the last day of training. On Day 1, please bring a photocopy of your DepEd ID to be attached to your travel reimbursement form. 9. Enclosed is the deployment matrix. 10. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. WILFREDA D. SDNGALOS, Ph. D. OIC, Schools Division Superintendent ENCLOSURE to E^d Memo No. \ >&(, s. 2015. Basa Pilipinas Effective Literacy Instruction: Training for Grade 3 Teachers Deployment Plan for May 18-20 and May 21-23, 2015 May18-20,2015,LIVE-IN School District Carmen West Lila Dimiao Candijay Danao Getafe Clarin Guindulman Carmen East Ubay2 Mabini Talibon 1 Garcia Hernandez Inabanga South Sierra Bullones Tubigon East Sevilla TubigonWest Bilar Pres. C. P.Garcia Loboc Balilihan Loay Valencia CD 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 ClusterandVenue 1 2 3 4 5 Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant 1 3 Bohol Plaza 1 6 Resort& Restaurant 3 2 3 Bohol Plaza 1 7 Resort& Restaurant 3 3 May18-20,2015,LIVE-OUT Alburquerque Corella 1 1 Antequera 1 Dauis 1 1 1 Baclayon Sikatuna Cortes Panglao Maribojoc 1 1 Reyna's 8 9 the Haven and Gardens 1 Reyna's the Havenand Gardens 1 May21-23,2015,LIVE-IN School District Buenavista Bien Unido Pilar Loon South Inabangga North CD 2 2 3 1 2 Loon North 1 Dagohoy 2 2 3 3 2 San Isidro Duero Alicia Trinidad Catigbian Batuan Talibon 2 Sagbayan Anda Calape Ubay3 San Miguel Ubayl Jagna Clusterand Venue 10 11 12 1 Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant Bohol Plaza Resort& Restaurant Bohol Plaza 3 13 Resort& Restaurant 2 2 Bohol Plaza 3 14 Resort& Restaurant 1 Bohol Plaza 2 15 Resort& Restaurant 2 Bohol Plaza 2 16Resort& Restaurant 3 May21-23,2015,LIVE-IN Multi-GradeTeachers (fromall schooldistricts) Water Paradise Resort
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