7 Repuilb dthe Philippines Derartrrent o[ @luntion Region V- Bicol DMSOI{ OF CAIIARINES ilORTE DAET April 10,2015 DIVISION MEII'IORANDU M No. 52, s.2015 CONCENTRATION TRAINING OF SELECTED ATHLETES, COAGHES, CHAPERONS FOR PALARONG PAMBANSA 2015 TO: Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary Principals / HTs / TlCs Heads of Private Schools / Colleges Sports Director CNSC District / Secondary School Sports Coordinator 1. This is to inform the field that the Concentration Training of selected athletes, coaches and chaperons for PALARONG PAMBANSA for Regular Sports Events will be on April 14 - 26,2015. The venue will be at Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pi[, Carnarines Sur. 2. The Division of Camarines Norte selected athletes and coaching statf of regular Events will be leaving bound to Freedom Sports Complex on April 14 2O15 at 6:00 AM. The assembly area will be at Eco Athletic Field. 3. Demonstration and Special Events will join the delegation on the departure date bound to Tagum City on April 26, 2015. The departure time of delegation from our division going to Pili Camarines Sur will be at 4:00 PM on the aforesaid date. The assembly area will be at Eco Athletic Field. 3. All selected athletes, coaches, chaperons and trainers should bring their own beddinsf. 4. Enclosed is the list of selected athletes, coaches, chaperons from the Division of Camarines Norte for your information, guidance and compliance. 5. lmmediate dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is desired. UBY S. ABUNDABAR, CESO V a SELECTED ATHLETES FOR PALARONG PAMBANSA 2015 EVENT NAME OF ATHLETE 1. Mahusay, Divina P. 2. Garcia, Albert Z. 3, Lacson, Rico Jay N. 4. Ramos, Marvin A. 5. Cabafra, Jefierson T. 6. Rait Jan Pierce P. 7. Tulagan, Reden Teoderick 8. Abarle, TyroneS. 9. Calajate, Jan Rafael scHooL Athletics Calasgasan Elennntary School A$letics Fundado Elenentary School Athletics Bulhao Elementary School A$letics Fundado Elenrenbry School Baseball San Vicente Elementary School Baseball San Vicente Elenentary School Baseball San Vicente Elennntary School Basketball Dmt Elementary School Football Basud Elementary School 10. Medina, Dave Mark V. 11. De Vera, Mikaela Lyka B. Football Tulay na Lupa Elennntary School Gymnastics Julia Abilgos Elermntary School 12. Taekwondo St. MichaelSchoolof Cam. Norte Volleyball Paracale Elenpntary School Volleyball Paracale Elementary School Volleyball Paracde Elenentary School Athletics Matango National High School Athletics Basud Nalional High chool Athletics Tabas National High School Athletics Basud National High Schml Athletics Aniceta De Lara PinentelH.S. Athletics D.Q. Liwag NationalHigh School Badminton Jose Panganiban Nad High School San. Roque NalionalHigh School Villan, Ahmir Akiero A. 13. Bacud, Joan Q. 14. Narido, Mark Edgie N. 15. Pones, John Clanenz O. 16. Alarde, Jesseca C 17. Garcia, Christy C. 18. Rile, Gisselle C. 19. Valencia, Rubelyn S, 20. Melgar, Joshua 21. Villagomez, Arvin G. 22. Marlinez, Nicole A. 23. Villamarzo, Arjay M, 24. Balane, Candy A. 25. Solano, Rowena G. 26. Guiraldo, Alejandra 27. Bea, Melfianc Joy P. 28. Ebeza, Erica Jean R. Baseball Baskeball (Girls) Baskehall (Girls) Matango National High School Basketball (Girls) Basketball (Girls) Basud National High School Baskeball (Girls) Rizal National High School Basketball (Girls) Moreno lntegrated School BaskeballtBoys) Moreno lntegrated School Basketball {Boys} Gymnaslics Basud National High Schml Sepak Takravtt Basud National High School Tmkwondo Alawihm National High School Taekwondo Alawihao National High Schml Volleyball (Girls) Paracale National High School Volleyball (Girls) Jose Panganiban Nat High School 38. Murillo, ManuelLuis B. 39. Dellera, Angelito M. 40. Abejero, Sofia R. 41. De la Cruz, Shemona P. 42. Nieva, Arlyn E. 43. Cananza, MaryAnnA. Volleyball (Boys) Parrcale National High School Billiard Pambuhan National High Schml SepakTakraw (Girls) Camarines Norte Nafl High School San Felipe NationalHigh School M. Wresfling (Girts) San Felipe NationalHigh School San Felipe NationalHigh School Wushu Basud National High School Wushu Moreno Integrated School SpecialEvents (Elem) S,noeial trvants fFlem Labo Elenrentary School I abo Elernentarv 29^ Nebres, Angelie R. 30. Ang, John Paulo A. 31. Arana, Justin P 32. Espayos, Abegail 33. Bonito, Raymond A. 34. Manigque, John Edwad 35. Domingo, Kim PhiliP S. 36. Lamadrid, Alaisa May T 37 Lumbo, Jaylene May N. Guapa, Johna A. 45. Gardofra, Julius C. 46. Habitan, Robert B. 47. Pardo, Ma. Vivian Q Elahanm /rhric lnhn ll M. Sepak Takrar (Girls) Sepak Takraw (Girls) Wresiling (Girls) Basud Nalional High School Basud National High School E.P. Borja NationalHigh School Vicente Basit Mem High School COACHES, CHAPERON and TRATNER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name Event and Designation School Roderick U. Quiflones Basketball Girls Basud National High School Juvert B. Galvez Easkehall Girls San Roque National High School De Leon, Jhona Marie A. Basketball Molina, Eliezer Billiard (Boys)- Coach Basud National High School Pambuhan National High School Defeo, Marino S. Sepak Takraw Quifrones, Janice ll D. Wresting {Girls) - Coach Athletics - Trainer llao, Silvano H. - coach - Asst. Coach Girls - chaperon - Coach Vicente Basit Menprial High School San Felipe NatonalHigh School Basud National High School
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