VOLUME 25 Monday, June 1, 2015 Number 10 WHAT`S UP DOC

Monday, June 29, 2015
Number 12
WHAT'S UP DOC? (Calendar)
Jun 23
Jul 6
Jul 13
Jul 18
Jul 20
Fri-Sat Sep 25-26
Fri-Sun Oct 16-18
Flint Chapter's Annual Dead Creek Picnic, Frankenmuth Heritage Park; 6:00-10:00
Jun 28-Jul 5
International Convention & Contests; Pittsburgh, PA
Music Team Meeting; Royal Oak Middle School; 6:30 p.m.
DOC Chapter Picnic, Sylvan Lake Community Park (Sylvan Lake) 5pm-9pm; (food is about 6:00 pm); all invited
"Quartet Boot Camp", hosted by Pioneer Quartet Champions Association, Okemos Conference Center
Board Meeting; Royal Oak Middle School; 6:30 p.m.; chapter members welcome.
Jul 26-Aug 2
Harmony University, held at Belmont University, Nashville, TN
"Bush League" (Novice) Quartet Contest and coaching; Gaylord MI
Pioneer District Convention & Contest; Kalamazoo, MI; Detroit-Oakland plans to compete.
Team Meetings: Normally, the music team will meet on the
first Monday and the board will meet on third Monday of month.
The meetings are now held in the Music Room at Royal Oak
Middle School, starting at 6:30. If you have something to bring to
the board or to the music team, talk to Dave Montera and Jim Kunz
Next Performance:
We have no chorus performances
scheduled to date. We will probably sing a couple of songs at our
chapter picnic on July 13th, and we are planning to compete in the
District Chorus Contest in Kalamazoo on Saturday, October 17th.
If you have a potential singing engagement for us, contact John
Harmony Education Programs:
One of the primary
purposes of our Society is to educate our members and people
throughout the world about this art of singing barbershop harmony.
You can see, in the calendar above (and the one on the back), some
programs specifically designed for that purpose. Start with the
international convention, held this week in Pittsburgh. Here people
can see the best our Society has to offer. If you can't make it to
Pittsburgh, take advantage of the webcast to witness some of the
events. Go to the Society website: www.barbnershop.org and
follow the links to the Pittsburgh webcast. Next week, July 9-11,
CMU is hosting Harmony Explosion Camp for high school aged
singers. The following weekend, July 18, is a Quartet Boot
Camp--a one day education program for quartets, hosted by the
Quartet Champions Association, right here in Pioneer District.
And the best of the education programs is Harmony University,
held, for the second year at Belmont University in Nashville,
Tennessee, at the end of July and beginning of August. This school
not only holds classes for individual barbershoppers and for
quartets; but it has quite an offering for Directors and Music
Educators throughout the nation.
Quartet Boot Camp: takes place on Saturday, July 18, at the
Okemus Conference Center. They are limited to 15 quartets due to
available space, but they only have six quartets registered so far.
Check with Roger Lewis to sign up your quartet.... You do not
need to be a "registered" quartet. You do need to know at least two
songs. You will learn to sing better, tune better, balance better,
perform better -- both personally and as a quartet -- and have fun
doing it!!
The program is being run by Pioneer District's QCA (Quartet
Champion Association). The cost for the day, including lunch, is
just $50 per quartet; and if you go on to compete in the Bush
League Novice Quartet Competition (in September) you get the
$50 Bush League registration refunded to you by the QCA. For
more information, contact Roger Lewis at [email protected]
DOC Picnic: Our chapter picnic will be held on Monday, July
13, in place of our regular rehearsal. It will be at the Sylvan Lake
Community Center. The address for the Community Center is
2456 Pontiac Dr., Sylvan Lake MI 48320. DOC is providing brats,
burgers, hot dogs, buns, beer & pop. We expect you to bring some
sort of dish to pass. No other details yet; George Burkett and Pete
Peters will be looking for help with this.
--Harmony College/Directors College/Performing Arts College:
July 26 - Aug 2, 2015 at Belmont University in Nashville TN
(Register online at www.harmonyuniversity.org)
--Golf Outing: Pitch Pipe Classic, Sunday, Aug 9, 2015, Royal
Scot Golf & Bowl in Lansing; see upcoming district events on
district web site: www.PioneerDiostrict.org
--Bush League (Novice) Quartet Contest, Sep 25 & 26, 2015;
Gaylord, MI. Go to website: Harmoniemeisters.org