Unlock the Power of POS Integration
By integrating POS data with video through DIGIOP ELEMENTS™ cutting-edge video
and data management software platform, you gain real-time video-enhanced business
intelligence and powerful tools to improve operations. Most VMS software only offers text
overlays. DIGIOP ELEMENTS provides actual video and a visual dashboard to see exactly
what is going on inside your business and creates the link between the video and data
that brings real power to your video.
DIGIOP ELEMENTS provides unlimited access to important POS data and video with the
ability to easily extract data from existing POS devices and gain valuable insight into
operations and the health of your businesses.
What POS Integration through DIGIOP ELEMENTS™ Can Do For You
POS Transactions
Filter Queries
Internal Fraud
Notifications & Alerts Engine
Simultaneously Access POS Data
& Associated Video in Real-time
Efficiently Mine Data for Specific
Events & View Recorded Video
Monitor Dishonest Employees
in Real-time
Real-time Alerts Based on Exception
Transactions within the POS Data
Leverage POS Data with Video Analytics
Store Conversion Rates
Speed of Service Management Queue Management
Increase Store Performance
& Profitability in Real-time
Measure Customer Service
Metrics & Improve Employee
Optimize Staffing Levels
& Minimize Wait Times
Heat & Dwell Map
Understand Your Data & Improve
Decision Making in Real-time
Powerful Tools to Manage POS Data and Video
DIGIOP ELEMENTS provides the tools you need to effectively manage your data and video, so you can gain insight into operations
and improve your business.
Filter Query
Real-time Notifications
Filter queries provide the ability to
perform granular searches of video
and data. This search feature enables
users to efficiently mine the data for
exact events and view the associated
video. In order to narrow search results, multiple criteria may be added
to a filter query. This feature allows efficient searching thru data, by
using terms like “contains”, allowing users to select the specific data
stream and have a “Google-like” search of that customized data field.
Notifications are alerts that
bring attention to events.
Events can be everything
from the system not
recording, the system being
offline, video loss from a camera to system loss. Notifications
can also be generated by an Action that is triggered when a
defined Rule is broken. When notifications appear, they can be
managed and tracked to resolution.
Data Summary Forwarder
& Quick Export
Data Summary Forwarder is
added flexibility to send data
to an FTP server location,
based on ‘rule’ specified by
the user. Data information can be exported using .xml or .csv files.
Additionally, with a single touch, users can save and export selected
time range of recorded video or selected image clips for training
purposes or evidence purposes.
ÂÂAssign To
allows an Admin user to assign the notification to
a system user.
ÂÂIn Progress allows users to indicate which notification they
are currently working to resolve.
ÂÂAdd Comments allows a user can add comments that will be
visible in the description field.
ÂÂComplete allows a notification to be marked as complete so
it will no longer be visible on the notifications tab. Completed
items, comments, and assignments are searchable.
DIGIOP ELEMENTS™ VMS Software Provides Deep
POS Integration with Your Data and Devices
DIGIOP ELEMENTS video and data management software integrates video and data from back-office-systems, including POS systems,
access control systems and video analytic devices. The integration provides synchronized steams of information and enhanced
business intelligence enabling real-time management of any type of data exception.
DIGIOP ELEMENTS™ VMS platform is seamlessly and deeply integrated with a variety of devices from various manufacturers including:
POS Systems and Devices
IP Cameras
Microsoft Dynamics, pcAmerica, Torex, VeriFone, APG Cash Drawer,
Gilbarco Veeder-Root, NCR-Radiant, NCR-Aloha, ICG Software,
Micros, Retalix
3S Vision, LG, Sony, ACTi, iQinVision, Axis, BLACK, DIGIOP 3D,
IQinVision, Samsung, StarDot, Brickcom, Sanyo, Supercircuits,
APC, Bosch, DLink, HIKvision, Panasonic, Sony, Toshiba, Arecont
Vision, Canon, Infinova, Pelco, Sentry360, Vivotek
Access Control
RBH, infinias, Access ATI, PCSC, RS Technologies, SIS, DSX,
Cardax, Keyscan
Video Analytics
VCA Technology
To learn more about how video and POS integration can benefit your business, visit www.digiop.com/products/elements