! I m~~~rofJ~t lPointtllltuitm , 11IE GROUE POIIIft pa.RYIKG co .. , ........ 'HOllE LEJIIOXI. THE HOME NEWSPAPER CROSSE POINTE AND nlE. FOUJITEE NnI CONCRESSIONAL DISTRICT -----~-------------_......::.:.:.:::..:=::.:::..:.:.=.:.,;",:,:;..:.:,:..::~::.:..-=;,;;:;,; ~VOL. 14-No. II L. B. OLDHAM, Publisher .. ()Il' W! P~'N'T IT A! WI: C!:T IT. WITHOUT FEAR oa PAVOR - ADVERTISING HAJ NO It&LATION TO oua POLICY GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, XOVDtBER lo £ L, 9, 1939 1:3 - )y'JUit $2.00 per ,.ear; Single Copies 5 Cent. •• I Economy Group A Wonderful Time Was Had • • . • . • lAcal Horticulturists, • • • in spite of th.i .noo..e1l:pt"lP' ... inn. of the winnen who He-Elected In City Chrysanthemum Show varied in ageirom 2'h to 12 YUrt. Of Grosse Pointe Saturday and Sunday ; Thirteen hundred and forty-eight residents of the City of Grosse Pointe braved the rain and cold to cast their baliots Tuesday. of the incumbents were re-elected .Iso voted upon favorably. and the two propositions All were (Loft . I Grosse EU8'gerationJ? FOR MA YORMason P. Rumney .....M........... FOR CLERICB,. A. PRYOR N'orbert P. N'el! In spite of the awful eonllict in FOR COlJMCILMEN_ Hugh M. Dill Europe, tbemail censors manage to Ralph B. Netting Jce~p Ih~;r sell!e of humor. We hurd Edward F. Spilzer that a woman living here, received a Walter C Hartwig _ Jetter from her husband, who happens D. M. Ferry, Jr ....... to be 'stuck' in one of the war zones. . Chester F. C..rpcntcr ........ _ When the letter arrh'ed, recognizinl'i' John H. Made ber 11usband's hand writing, she oPened James S. Roehm _ ........ it in feverish huteo I~side, she ~ound Ed. R. Peoples __ .," I M _ _M _ M M _ M_ MM.M._ M._..M_._ M_ I your husband talks too FRONT ROW 1,149 M 1.099 ClilMOND RANDALL 1,039 744 742 732 FLOYD ZEF.B REDES _ r~;:: 1.050 RACI( (Left 1,021 ROW to RiPt) MARCARET O'DELL 999 JANET LOWRY 823 MA.R-VIM SCHWEM ,!~~ l.i"NN WEiSrI'iGEl\ 846 I ~ ...;::;:--;.:-=~,_4JS NQ._________ Yes ... ....... 1 Z09 .•. _ .._ 1,ll64 ------- I •..,---~ ~ = 'l:bw' a ~ \ut ia eloine it, .h. rot bieeoqbs aad blew fifte:ca thousaad perco1&tor tops, before aIJ)'OlIe could stop him. P art 1.'C.1p a't. .oo-oo ..to 'oo' ''''''.It''' _ ID' _~ Armiatice Day Servicea ~ -Mason School p. T. A. sponsored al Doril T.fQk doiDg' a tap dance; JUJI 10118'lql1 and anus; a JriaDt .. ized 10ftFilteen Girl Scout troops and ele.ve!!1 costume Hallowe'en party on Tuesday, Rex, LeiP Pucoc, Donald SeUen,t and crow and maso. of all kindt. These All our eul,. skepticism aboat the Boy Scout troops in the Grosse POlllte Oetober 31, for all the boys and girl I Harr,. Fitzsimmons as acrobatic ~s; decorations were -<loue in the art lie" mallagentent of the Punch and municipalities have been invited to par. in the community. 1>(r. Lawrence D, Yvonne HodIlrSDD.Ann Jensen. atcomrla .. e. ~t \h,on ~!1d were Judy Theatre, has vanished. We've ,icipate in a grand scOut rolliy and,' Marr and his committee huds, Mrs. panied by Mary Fra1lees Hudson in an ranged In the gj1J1!laS'um by member. lfI'OIIVn to like the lobby: and their run Armistice Vay service at the Groue Howard Scobie and Mrs. Percy Beatty, interpretive dace: as well 15 Miss 0: ~he Art Cluh. of good and NEWER pictures, is a Pointe Lutheran Church. worshipin8' in organized an interestin8' e,-ening's pro. Denise DePorre who played two iOlo ~eedle5J to. say the five hundred pl~l!!1l1t ~UIJlrise. Best of all, we can the Pere Gabriel Richard Sc!:"d ;ludi- gram from 0'30 to 8:30 p. m. Included numDers on her accordian. . school children: pilrents, a~d .teaehen look up the weekly schedule in the torium, Kercheval and McKinley. next were a mO"ie, "namateur show with The gymnasium was decorated ..-~th h~d a most enJoyalJle evenlng I enterGrosse Pointe Re\'iew, (if vOll'll ex- Sundaj', November 12, at 11 o'clock. Jacqueline Beally, Janet Foster, and huge Hallowe'en pumpkin-men w,th tammnt. cuse the plug), and make our- plans ac:Url. Wilber M. Hrucker, wife of . ariingly. former Governor Brucker, will deliver :he Armi~tice pay add~m, speak,~ng on WL .. GVA. We understand that _~'v.. m1.. ~" 'FOundations In • Luting P .. r~ Mr •. , • .. .. 11_ .. __ ;I" -. - _ - _ _ g ell .c.aeth!n by not having !ee~ }'hU-~c.~ '1 Brucker is a .v.: knewn educator and At a meeting of the Farms C;:ouncil ETanl In Hamlet. However. our sent!. lecturer on CIVICS. last Monda). a building renu,,,bering Srh~1 zr-, W-II. I Paul M. tDeac I Explain th W r M M Farms Adopts Building Renumbering Plan alents are NOT th~t of a local debu. The sen'ie. will he in char~e of the tante .... ho, when asked if she'd seen it, Rev. M. Luther Canup, D. D., pastor, Hid, "'Vhy should I go to see it, I've 1II.hois a member of the Sons of Amer. dog and a scolly. Not a \"ery pretty picture, but its present o~ner has given glamour to the pup by telling his incredulous friends tha t it's a "ery rare species: SO rare in fact, that there arc only three in the country-this his two brothers! one and OBI Vb, Y ST. R The marriage business is a flop, When thil i. an it neh: ~Jones won .t b e respom,_ e LOVE' 'Ll I For ~{rs. Jones's deht~." ordinance was adopted. The ordinance Paul},f, Deae, foreign correspond. i~ to '"ke efrect Jan::ar). 1St:,. 19-40. ent, Iingu;st. lecturer, formerly DiploThe adoption of this ordinance is a matic Editor of the Tribune de la Pe- 1c::n Revo!ution and for 12 ),ears was chaplain of the Detroit u A~!' D . chapter.'11' ~ ,._e!lle "R-","rs. I. f' "b ceppmg R . kWI. d"sm .... OC" () •.,.ge~ y emlC, an ,ur. Edgar sing "Thatt S SJohn Geist, fO'd" Jr.b will J hAW ~,. B b0 .• , d yon '{' weet tory . - es. • ~,sses ar ~r~I an d -' .a"an 11 I a bl~uster gato ''Th WI pay A a 1VIO S In "b an plBno 0 I M' , ". ISS S e Stnge h on 11', • II yb raga. t th e a d e tI p,ano f USan hid ep ~nson WI d or .t. e sen'lces. II e an .. b posWag u e, j h "p 1 pre Ch p a)'lng th tel I tt R'nm orus. y • Th as e. a er..11 b .. th d nero • ~er\"llce wi egm WI • 1& gran proceSSlona of boy and glr scouts, (ContinUed on Pll4re Two) ---__ ._ from out of".hen town. the Hedogaccepted offer andll arrived. theit turned out to be a cross between a bull Farm. Property Ownera Aaan. Meeting Nov. 13th "ery progressi"e step in the histor}. of rv;r,~c F2~!n5 ~;nce it wi!! dear up many difficuities encountered by . h the Post Office Department III t e sorling of mail and .....i11 also aid in the prompt deliver y of merchandise to resi. dents of the Farms and permit for acI curac y when it becomes necessary for Ihe Potice and Fire Departments to make emergenC\., calls. ),!any citizens 01 th e Farms have expressed them5eh'es as being very plcased with the renumbering plan. Mr. Emmett F. Connelj', ...ho has b T f h \"11 f G' e~n a rustce 0 tel age 0 rosse POInte Farms for several years, nsigned at the last regular meeting. He statcd t hat h'tS new d'u.tles as ,.n..'d Cll en t we met a }'oung man from of the inYCstment B"nkm 'r.... AS5oc,al'on timrs finds that an) ', ..\ ,,'o","n ,'. I,.•.•• " ...... ~<..... ",h ~t(:rt'd, her for life. Vlme. hus.hdifid I,ol!'.~-when '\,. ha~n't shc's ~hc', fini,~h('rl! Fwry n,l)' :< fit~" r',}' for a gra« 1\,nl'l\\'. 11 c:."':i1l'" \Hil'j("n ~~:r! \\!,~t tht: I ),Ir. Dcae to --'- boun"=::; h ~. ply of ~ dacb, .ad c!:ic;kelU o£. fered, there wi! be a mammoth turke,. preteJIted. A1Jo there will be 20 added features cioDaied by ~ iudiviliaal ROo tarian.. A. F. Hernaua is 8'eneral chairman He is beiDc assisted by the following committee: E. ]. Poncraz, V. R. Dc. Petris, Ernest Provo, F. H. Henk, Palll Rehmul, Adolpb Verdonckt, F red . car PAUL M. DEAC n:. 2-33Z8. Frands Ni{i~7~etty ~" L 1445 ...... Shaeffer, Grosse .r.o.. The replar sbOW' sehd-ale caDs for fifty cw,es in cut blooms Inel potted plaats which embraces pompons, liacle., anemone, e:cmmC!'dal. ""l,ibiliull, Japanese and cascade t)'PC. \Vbile the major part of the cxhihition will be provided by the conserntarie: of the large pd,'ate estates ill Grosse Pointe. Rochester aad Bloom. field Hills, the person without glass will have an opportunity of entering Mer santhemums, sprays or blooms." Local florists as usual will eonlrihute arrangements which arc outstanding. Vincent R. DeePtris, Grosse Pointe Farms, ....ho is known nationaliy (or hi. lIV<!rkin hybridizing", ill include in hil display several new creal ions includinc at least three large blooms. "Saratoga" in color a deep gold; "Gladiatora striking red with gold reverse. and "Leviathan" a pleasing golden yellow; als" a sil'lgle. an arctic hybrid. whicb. he callJ "Admiration" and contribute. and entirel)' new play of color to the chrysanthemum world ,,'hich may b... best described as "muskmelon bronze. Visitors to the show are favored in h' th' fi t . of om of aVlng 's rs pre\'lew s e the introductions of 1940. (Continlled On l'lI4re T wo) ~ Pn,nle . '. of cJie foliage may be used," altd aus No. 53, "Vas. of hardy outdoor grown Chry.. ,OY., M:rcerc, fcatare two c1as.es for outdoor grOWIl bloom.; tbese are Class No. 52. ~Basket of hardy outdoor grown Chrysan'themums, arranged for elIect, outdoor Pointe Chapter of U. 01 M. Club to "eet December 13 shire. Mr. --ewtiac j in Giaeler, and James Dry •.ule. Tickets may be procured from any member of the Rotan- aub. The Grosle Pointe chapter of the University of Michigan Oubb will have . h . their next meetUlg er K~~[ L In h' I Decem d" t e Pierce Scboo au ltonum, erCne. val nenUe at b'Nottingham. . b' • f For this bor the du . II rlnglng . . rOm .\nn ~Ing Ar the 9Z':1Ic<:e UniveTltybt' Concert B dab..... h' an. i' II m.m""rs d may h 0 aln: elr own ree h h tK:ket dd"an pure 1 . au k not more ".. t an tree f a ,tIona tiCf ets h f atII JV eents each _ b romf anyone h . k 0 t e .0 0...... IlIgD mem et comm,ttce: M ers M 0 .h t ~e tiCan.. S h Bid r. . ." eauer, """ tro go., or 1215 Audubon. Miss Bernice Moore, Pierce School. Mr. Vincent PeteTson, 1068 Devon- reader.', The \,ro"e Pointe.. Rc"ie", de. h h "res to state t al any OOmlC'In; ~ may 1-:' lad,'anee are hi<-~ntf not ne~cssarilv tho.e thi. new'papcr. \Ye "re ceon'fidr'nt that 'ollr rcaders "ill find hi. .. om e WoodsCommunity Clu.b ~ro~ 0; I I Groue Pointe Park FIOre Repo..&- IPromInent . __ h:. ,r,o," '" nl .'O""r. ,\(','I.('T~ 1:' I .. rP"" , ..~ ~"r' j"';"r '["rl'l" o",~. Kccc'oc r"~~. ;';'r"'l,:",("rt1• ~'1 ~1:t:1rf h:,,,,~,,: :"C , ''''''', <"l'\!,,(".~ tl:c -em her m.ot in'l: , nn 10 h(come bcrl of the a;soci~Tion. (;e.'«r "eve, ""0< ;00£ I I i I m'l I 'P...;,otr :,.cn~"'I ..i ~';'."eh a~" i"IClYC'1 "a, m.:. hc maoc),y (: 'ct (cmr'rr, I. rif r.1:,in~ :\:,,~~'.'!'"-1 .~;;.~. :-\11~ .\If 1"j(i:-,r,,, ~j1I; ;.;;":,,~c;"":~.ai \' nTT'.Oi I FO'I" Jo'b mcm. \I;'" l1H "C ',', or;; in r;,'''' r 'Poln te are i can Gro ... ill\ltt;J :~ attend this mCClm.ll'. 0 ReSident Nnv..m~r 4th Motion-Picture Display at Go P. Women'. Club I 'Tl: I ,:cc' ,.: I•. " .::\-('~ ~-:-.... "~\n,.,l li,oIlRh:. I', r:, '<1 he ,;>eccl,ic,~. (C<laUrouOllOIll'~c Two2 (In introducing te-...... to ... __ Librar;-, Kercheval at Xottingham. DepL I~ ..... u . t 'Air. Herbert L. Hobart, !>{alTe:School, 22294 D h f'lI It ~{-'\"1I: R u: to dt ~ adv.~nt ch.' y :a. 'fro '\'~Il~am '\~tkn: 'f' S h I "h'eat. eran t e ~eSlt~nls startIng t el~ -'" r, . , ,am a . ms,,, alfe e 00., coltlnO' ""t em<'M . ~ "'S"". <er:~' presented each weck, of transThe Gro'<e r\';"lte \\'ooJs C"mmun. J fi h . h P !~~'e'!_ k ccnde~t intcrest. it....Pla"!1I'ollnd ha, been dosed for the An~' t.'ckels remallllng after Dece~res an occfurr~~ hlll t.e ~r r~. _. ber I ...,11 be sold to the general public. cent l y, some 0 "IC were QUIte $e,'0 ,season, ha\ln~ had a ve~~ successful l."n;,'er"ty of MiclJigan ,",lumMi \\'ho IOU" . 'umrr:er untfcr the supervISIon of MISS are inlerested in I'oining the dub On Octoher 16 the fire d.parlmer.t ' Died S"mrllricu.t ... ith tl,e co.operation (>f .h""I" .rn:! I" '!c !-!cnc,- "'a~cc~ r, .. :. e:! ~ ~:~!~o :~" ,.~.",. •. r :.~",. lIne \ ,liaQ:e and liuh. \\ e hope to IJones. 137: Whittier. for an applica- G. E. Mo.er at IflU "'er,<IM~ton Dm'c" \\'e ha,e karncrl. ",lh rr"r~t. of: h",'c "n ~cc .katinl< rink on the play. ti(>n blank. It i, not nece'.'ary to be where they fo"nd the co"'rlete'y t',. 1",< In 1;", C"'''m'' o;t" of .\ <l"" " I i=:ro..n~ I " ",m!rr. Ia l[rarluate 10 become a rel"'Jlar mem- ahlne "n ~TtlnL .\, ler ao",\'[ \"0 ~c\:al':l. "ho p~"( ~ ."a,' la.t -" ..... ~a' .. 1 An,'''nr inlerc'led :n <lc\Clorin~ a1h.,... .. -\ny rerson ...ho has taken re,,hour< of hard fi'lhtlM" the fire \\'.1< e:<\c\C'rnl1cr 4. aHt"t .an ;i:nc5S of (.\'~:- a I (('1mmWl'!Y c~nt('r in Gr("lc.~~ Pomte dent or t'xttn~j("ln ,,-ort< from the uni. tln'lltlli~nerl :.nrt 1t '''rile. 1",')tlnr\ r:,;;~ the .I r,.r', ,1,.: 01i('n. \\'(\(lr.< i< in, ited tl'l attend our nexI ,'ersily ma)' join the or",ani,ation .. Par- efficient "ork ~f t,h fire. n,'»r'."o"t e the man,. re'l'''':' r~c~i,'erl from o"n. ~!r, .'rl,alll. ""0 ,,~. (wer ~::: ,'~,c' 'c."" mc.:,"". Decem!>er 7 ,: g p. e"t. who ha\'c. or ha-'e ha<l. ehrl<lren h~<l kept II .n",r., .. conhne<l \0 the cr, "f r''',ert,. ,1ut';cc of lhe orl(;[in.l ~fr' ..\. "'. Brn"rr will <1",,,, e01Me" ('iT!, ,,'a< II,. "wr,(r l"r ",'cr 13 ; cae, '1 '''C l"""c ""ornle \\'""n' )'fllntcipal atlendlllll' the l"niver,ity (If ~fichill'.n alllc. On Ih,\ call t:1e Park fire nearea a ncci,i,," ".,. marie ill Ih, Octo- motion riel"r" "f (amp R.nl1e,' and "f tJ'e \"O«e i'0; ':f p" ,,', '/', ""'1'];;-11,. ,,".,"," 1M fl.c (;r,,«e Poinle are a's" in"ilttf to join, Rr joinin", he. rarlment \\a< a''''lrn h ... lhc ucpart. hrr rn('C'tin~ tn t':\:("nd fh(': ~rttl. Th(" ('If \;UiA11, ~.;rnf'n" :H fhe' m('C'ITT1~ ()f T'11~rr. ~n1 h.1r1 fli;l"':'; ir~~r:,15 :11 tr:'e I "-"I''lei .. (,.(l~f'('Il r;,Q1"lft g ('ll1;nhl~ fC'r f('lr~ n~c~mhfr I. any pr"~p(,:cli\.t mf'm~ mtnt fronl Grc'oc:.<.(': Pc\i:1:~ CitL nr\,,' h<'llln{].1f'rc; ~' ::I(,0p.('( I. I m,l~(' \. C.l~inl"'" ,. Lt, the (;ro"~ r,,'nlr Proir«j"lla' \\'OlllI' ." r •,ro. . I mrm',r"<',:.., i.] 'I-e I'. '. c'''h '". For furthcr • her may cxercise filII memhcrshi" (In ;';unna,'. (let.,I,,, 7'. > r,'l ".,~ f "rm • '11 h ("r~1;"'.1. " '1."''''"' -"" '-~n cn', CllIh on Thnr.'nar, Xn\'en1~(r II). L. .' ... ,. t'l - ::l'.in. "":cormatlnn rail \:'a ...,q .<74.;. privilges on these tickel<recelH,. I' ff"m lnr.; }\:.:,,';> I •... , ... s.,." f"'1 rl.nrr~ I ~tnl{'("~"i'(",e.,r'l" h . r rNn, i' IIt',e t"r1," 0\\ n~rs ,':1'1:;' t~,(" ~r("::l in{'jo~("r! n:n"11"'r \, in 'h,. c:.("r, 0; ~t f.. Jt1 lil !~~. T- l ..Ii,,\". :'"(W("T',""r i ;ot ~. P:.,!i'1O, r::u:tnu ,)('Ime ."'~ :\{i. n .Ilnr (:1. ("re Th I'", f'or The Ladie! The Rirl "',,, marti" '" " boast a more intimate knowledge of European diplomacy than Paul M. Deac, His culture and cosmopolitan training, - couD.led with an alert and inquisi. tive mind. enable him to prohe de~ply and thorough I" of most > world problems delicate approach. He is, in fact, the only American d'd d f~relgn or war corre,pon ent prO"l e with a real diplomatic background. The first of Paul ~1. Deac's articles ~pp~ar;. elscwhcre in today'; paper. I eBeI'I1 I tite Entente and Aide to important European statesmen, is now writing a series of articles of foreign affairs for The Grosse pointe Review. Ko authority on foreign altair. ean I GroHe takeoftcn a grcat of I ,b t' f of his Amcrica time andwould is ve".' out dcal of the e rcgu ar .,o"cm er mee '''g 0 California. who knows Joan f"'-i the Grosse Pomtc Farms Propcrty CII)" and hc felt that lhe counCIl should He tells lIS that it is absolutely true Owneu a«ociat,on \\':11 he hrld ~t 8 h~"e 5"mc""e ".h" is h~!!~r able to that she makes hcr own bed, deans p. m. Monna,', Xovembcr 13. in room atlend mc~tin'l;5 and who has the time her O""n rOOm a"d looks over the 1 . -. . Jr' L ~ L TIT (, ." \' 11 ~ .ff '-- "'l,_' 1140 the (,ro"e P""'le '1:'1 ;'(.000 I" 00" 3- •• er ... c ."a .. c. ,a:". .,,~, hOtT•• ~"ld liner. c,'~ry weei<. becau~e This a,socialion was formcd abollt C01IDcii appro,cn the appolOTment "f ~ho E~'JO~'S dO~':". it. Well: y..c'd c~. one and a haif ye"rs ago. to protcct ~lr. ,,"m. K. ~[Ilir I,) fill lhe Hcaney JOy do.nrc It too ,t )u.: onec ID a .. h,l. and ad,'ance the interc<l v[ l"Ul'orty ),!r. ~f"ir hat .c",cd on 'the council on -' ml'ght S,,~n '". ~' an d t h e m~m h er< -e in Clark Gah'''s arms lowners ann re,i<lcnt< of the area en- pre,',oll' occa.,o", . Or cry on Spcncer Tracy s shoolder, clo.cd h" :.rack. TIc1an>:cr, Cha1fonle of the hoard .... re vcr" r1ea'etf when lIInen Ining;. R0t too 10"'1:". A. it ;<lan<l ),!adi,,,n a,cnIlC'. F,v co."pcratn,,:i(,.<1 of his acceptance of the ap' no .... our domc<lic cmot,,,n~li<m i. inlr "ilh Ihe h"ildCT< of' new home< (lQ:ntmcnt. 9,'" ,tcit C'n 1hl" ';H1'nrl"ym~n. ,,"ho ha~ a wrt!1in :h(' ar!'.l lh co~"~0C'i~til')n h,,~ h("('n ------"'iie and fivc clJilrlrrn and nOt"n't l{ive ahle to m~ir.tain rcason"b1c bl'ilding a ""hoop whrt:-:rr ~};(' htltton holr!' on r~~trlctionc.. our blo",e are ,tarchrr! tC';cther or not. A< a r""lt nf i~lrrc'l ,1,0"'" and Recently e .. ea n.' Each Week in This Paper of _~. ~~ I read the book 1" A Grosst Pointe ma.I, \\'00 wanted a dOll', was offered one by a friend prO-I Rotarians to' Stag'e Fall .Party November 20th El .M_._......""';" -IJ"".- DOLOR~ FOR ASSESSORNeil Blondell fO. wl'lHA&LECharles H. Locke "._ ......_._ FOR JUSTICE OF PEACEFrank W. Linnedmann, Jr. _ Joseph P. Uvick M_ PROPO-"TJO!lf! PnpoeitIoD to bornw $lz.-Yes __ ........ SIMMONS 1.168 M_ 1.019 Theo G. Osius __ "' __ .....~, JOAN WEISINCER .rEANN!. • shed ~ ~:lPer01': wh:d::w:a pr:llt~:1,FOR TREASURER"Madam, _ •• _\.ttt to Riclrt) JACK ROWE ELIZABETH HOLLINGER 1,101 I Mrs. F. S. Ford Mrs. J. ll. l'ord, Jr. !llrs. Joseph G. Standart ~{i:li. <;ameron It '"Vi.t~rmiou Miss Sarah W. Hendrie Mrs. Murray W. Sales Mrs. Fremont Woodruff Dr. and Mr .. Fred T. Murpby Mrs. JOhD W. Staley Mn. James T. McMillan Mrs. Dexter M. Ferry, Jr. Mr .. Jobn S. Newberry Mrs. Edwin S. Barbour ;,Yaido A. Avery Mr .. William P. Stevens, Mrs. John V. Redfield Mr. and Mrs. Truman H. NewbertT Mr .. Arthur H. BuM Mrs. Frank W. Hubbard The ReODd amma.I faU party of the Mr .. Russel A. Ala... GrODe Pointe Rotar,. Oub will be held Mr .. John J. O'Brieu Monclay evminc, N_bcr 20, at the ~e R. Cooke Ncia'hborhoocl Oub. ln4S Waterloo Mrs. Edward H. Butler avenue. Mrs. Ii:. A. Turnhull This UlulertaktD&' merit. tbe lupporl r:.w,.., i.. Fora of the citizcu of the Grnue Pointe Dr. and Mrs. H. N, Torrey cocnmtU1it:r. The ~ are daignecl Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Webber entirel,. to ebariUble mterprsca. Mr. ud Mr .. Joseph B. Sc:.hlotmall Amoq the uses to which last :rear"1 Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford 'WI!!'C :!~~'!d ~e the send-I Mrs. Hear,. Ford . of lIDdfto-prPrilegcd Iloyl 10 the lln. Standish H. Baem ChIll S1III1JDct' cunp, Y. . Co-ope~tin! wi.th t~e .sPOII~ng s0/ ~~hborhood M C. A. _bcnbips and tbe Good_,,,.et; ai'" t ..e uaroen wau ot MK:h'CaJlo feUow Chr' Imal fwd. It is hoped Junior League Gardea Oub, The Little that incr~ sapport tbis year will Garden Oub, ~ro .. e. Pointe Branch ~e p'ff'-<:;.-.:t ~=,,~to ~ahk. th~ 01 The Wnmf'ft ~ N!tl<:!!!al F1."'1lI ..,,4 JACK SOUDERS The following is the tabulation of the votes: -- The roming week-end, Saturday and Nu",.t:mucr 11 znd 11. win vide flower loven with the opportunit:r of :c:eini' owe of the: b('st .;..x1..ibitoins of ChrysaDthemums evCT staged by the Gt-OSIe Poilue and E.asterD M ichiga"" H ortieulfural Society. This, and the Flower, Fruit and Vegetable show .taged earlier in the fall, are part of the edacational pro> ~am of the bortiCtlltural society for 1939, whieh bas been lI1:lde possible by the following list of patrons: Mr. ana Mrs. Loll R. MUOD Hal H. Smith lSUiiU4Y. DACC ROW ------- ml':e ;n )'f:. '. Elfc" K-ir'l;l-r"fl'. "j ~ro"e pointe.: ", hro" ''':'1''".lrr' :,., I"r nrcneat'''n, rrj Priftttal' Point. Kon-Iona&. ~ II ....' ..• f'(' {.iT'" 1'" 10~() ;;:c""rm~li\" han. :\r:. the tht l . ------- I Hom~r T. Ri~elo .... ~f Gro~.e thr hla7(":..in tl'~ ~t~:c ~:~.:,.n'~,r ~,,')le P"'n,~. h>< h~'n ~1ect~tf <oc.al cha r- of th.e h.",. c. \\ ': .r. ,~o, . , c.l,l<rr' hy m~n L.tt ... kia4 '"1":(": '", h .... 'r.rl 'fn;,..-{~\'. '."\('mhl"T~. Printm. ~ 1S11l :n :"c ;0',':' hallroom <It the L'r-I,'erI1IL J Sit). of :'I"hlgal\. 0' . fC"'r nrw T.l('l~r! H('luc.r rlf"lrnlltC"'TltOl; \\'e,' Quadnngle M1chll"" ,,,,hl("h frrml~'t i,ot r"lIH" n.i).1 1 '( ~C''i at the L n'Hnlty nrlC"(t"".C ~l~f"'!"'\'O' 01 .'!,,"".' 01 t"(" .1".~~ ~:~r" ~;a'" ......,;.. t":i'(" 1.'('. ;,:"''''.''n.''t ...: ..",;-•• -e: nre f,,,,,: '~"e' ,I, ", ,':", . ,_ '."d ~;;;ck1y h<ld tnc "laiC O,:l:I(;Cl,hc". TRJt DweUiq Comfort 10f the Ilalf, :When he .peakl to the! up to the present time. The lecture CoaIlderable '\II'ork hll ~n done loUISa St. CIaII' Chapter of tbe Dauah-l i, IpoDsored by Ihe World Advcntur' ..... ard the esta~lish1!'ent ot the co.1'- teu of the AlDerican Revolution at S.r~., the pl.lb!i~ !~HI~e CO"..:::e:.t th~ recl decree D_l numldlt)' for dwell. l\ewberry House. Tbunliay, No\'Cmber 1111l1ilute. .... _~rth hIS a lIO-Call:ed eom fOl1 16. MeMberl win allO lilt~ t. Mr. _, ..."c III a Jnaxunum .. ------temperalUre ot '70 derrees Fahrenheit Adams, who II prCSllient of Ot'pheus IJld • minimum humidity ot 30 per cuit Collrt," "".iU be the slIbjeet of an . elC ctDl; a minimum temperature 01 addrell by CarroU p. AUDlS, a member 15 ~ eo degree~ !ahrenheit, and. Club. IInll a ....oup of baritone IOlos. Standings ot Neighborhood ClIID ~um hutmdlty o~ ~ per cenl. He will be accompanied on the piallO football learues: • N. the ranee which haa been .. ~ .... II bliahed as bein. most arreeabl. II people livin, in temperate eli. ... York Swanhout. . M~I. Paul Hale Bruska, "~t, wiU preSide at the mttlinlJ. Mrs. Charles Jr. Lions .....,----A_ Bigelow, ~hairlnan of the Chapter'. Red Winsl _ ........- mites. ------- Louiaa St. Clair Junior Amtrican Citizens Clubs, will report on the work of her c_illee in s!JOIIlOrin!!'..I"h. in Ih. I...... l... n"'.... delllentary scdools of Detroit, in whi~b 'Wa.~ne Co~nt.y ~r~end of the Cou~. the steadily increasing meo~rship, aA A(jJunct 01 tne ,\ ~)'ne C"ullty now numbering over two Ihousand, is • • el<pected 10 tolal over five thollsand before tbe end of the school yeat. ~ ~ IThe committee's work includes IlIJ'plyin, hand books, oullines, membership pins and certificates 10 newly orpn' .;, I ized .....oups. . Mn. Jacob J. Lamb, chairmaa or "" ' tbe approved school cOlllJllittee, which \ thi, year I I is toncenU'atiall in elforta . . • - - IU~.Hi the j.). ~ It. $cnoel tor mOIlA. taID boYI and 'Irll at Tamasset, Soutb Carolina. will report on the commit. tce's worJ. ill prep:aring boxes of cloth. • d pli t be t t tb Inl an Slip ~s 0 .sen 0 e school at Chnstmas. Sateen otber • &<::hoolland coUtJr:es for allder-pri ..lI'Sed boyl and girb, who otberwi>e Chapter D. A. R. -- I CU--I ~ii!!iiii!!... !iii.. I J. VERBEKE'S - 1& FroNh Ea.a l"Uiiluv " ~ WhcIaaIe aad Batter _ p.etaiJ Dodaera ......__ Rams .._ .._-" . t Ik )'011 .., d' h d ..- I 1 2 0 3 lumes were Joan DOUIin~, Marl~ne 0 J 0 0 Pratt. NOI"IIl&Furneawc, Duane DavidMl4,et. 5On. Dean Froehlich. Joanne QUlndl. Cardinals _._ ......_-3 0 () 9 Gari Kenten, Shirley Coulttr. Edilh Wildcats ---..0 I 1 Z Michie, and Joaon.e EIliJ. The funnie,t Btars -_ ....._ .....-_.0 2 .! coslume. woo pnzes for Belly Adel. hart, Sally Iler, and Harriett Furton. . The le~g'ue readin~ Ir. Lions made A perfect p:arty-witb all the candy, II lhre~ In a. r~_ wfIen..they d_ereat~d ice crhm and cookiel children enjoy. u<.-'~.<o KalD el~,'en oy .:le In Ihe evenin" /IlISS Arndt enlerslzght mar,," of one point 1.~ Th~ tained her adult dancing dasses at an ~ams ~~redd first o~ a R~fty;;rdl pa .. informal dance, ler..;n, Ihe usual Hal. rom lyiLt t~ pau. II.. r" ~ p IInge Iowe'ed refreshments eider and for ex:~a polnt.1 failed makmg the dOllJhnuta. It wat surely another srore ._n<1 6:{\ !n hvor ~! the RanI'. !Demar.ble ciay iD~ .U who llileod.ol; ~ 4'-":1"'''' A,,! ....,. b,•• "'_ 'fl"'lln ..... :;.'""-= ~ .... a c1i~ax- ~'h~'~ Mili:" .. I ------kle f h d b I"\-..t ~c 0{1 Qutree .yar s an a)1~:e fawn.. c eeoodn s pa u. to ~n or POlllt was S all d 111 meant VI(;. tory No. 3 for the Lions. R d W' d L' L d l' Pierce- Junior H~h School welcOllled e . lOgS an IDOlS are 'c .. e II e.. _. _' more tllan four hl1m!r~d rarents and meet today .I~ ",!IU sllou~h ll~;e~" friends in its firlt Seventh Grade opell I"j~".. o"li or -';~~.h;. -.-n 11 .' I~ BIn' boule, Friday. November 3. Student, a::d facu!h' members -eeted the record e' turnout witb a-prOfram of tours, ex. bibits, demonslratioa •• and entertain. ment. Identified by name cards aad eleorted by seventb "ade pupils. visitors were COtldueted through tbe building Sculptor at Art " IJUtitute November 12 FamOUI ••Open •• All Day Sunday Call U. for Delivery Beer Delivery After 2 P. M. t.\itwii no.glum, bu. .. "i c..-plor~:, will teU the story of the sculj>t"i; ••g of the giant heroic heads in the Black Hilb of South Dakota and show motion pictures of the leulpture~ wl1ell he appears, in per,on, at the Detroit Institute o! Art" Woodward at Kirby, next Sunday afternDOn, November ll, at JJO. Hi. motion picture iecture is enlitled "Great Stone Faces." Conlistinr of the heads of Thomas Jefferson, Georre Washington, Abraham Lincolll and Theodore Roolevelt, the MI. Rushmore Sculplures are acc1aimtd a. triumph of sculpture and en. gineering. The heads are mammoth and can be sua fl.,m a dislance of more Iltan a quarter mile. Washinlrton's nose, for inslance, is 1000rer than the enlire height of the EeYPlian Sphinx. The eyes ite eight feet across and tlte mouth 18 feel. Mr. Horlt'lum's lecture at the Detroit Inslilule of Arts will be accompanied I by m"tion pictures telling the compi('te I story of the ~culplurts from t"e surt Our deepesl sympathy goes oat 10 • --------Hazel Allor for the loss of her father, (t , also to Mrs. Aticklon in the loss of I, II'~:~ I Ice Cream ~~~b:~:. ~a. DRINK w. ] ..;,:.:.: ;:; :10: !..~i ;f were an ...ery IIlael to lee Ethel I Call V.ln Time to Serve ~ LEACH DRUG II 1 Be cIa,._ I SERVED WHEREVER TU. 2.3333 QUALITY COUNTS 1 pledge of aUeaiance 10 tbe Flaa ad the siDPac Gf the NatioGal Anthem. At dJ,e ~. Of .&be acIlIreN lolita Dee B teaoI the Gitl ScoatI bs the Scout Oath. She will also givc= a ,hort talk on "ScOllling. m The lervice will close with Ihe dOll:. I 'Y~~""" ology and benediction after which taps will be sounded, in charge of EU.ene Howard and other memberl of his troo~. This:will be the s~cond. annual ,ervlce held III Groue Pomte III CODI. t' f the A . t' d" memora Ion 0 • rmls. Ice an IS Inlended to emphassze the Importance of ~..... ,...... I The ----GrOSH L th U 111 CUI.Ul"lI,)" liJ\'llcd. Ch cb :--=:===-- •__ ,...JI I !~ _ T .... ~. __ I~_ ...... Iill i lIilli'iii ill. B S I on In ..... ..... 37S3 ......... ....,. ~ 0 M)U Ie r ,s • LE. 7786 MULIER'S MARKET u:,.,c: n.o:n;ue".. v __L -' A VIe __ ! ... t B-c I. .. ,on "' e... We Deliver Week.End SpeciaIa .. 23c HOME-MADE RIB • • • • • 27c • • • 3Sc • • Choice Fruita and Vegetables fu?eeiaI for One Week Only F~~::~~~~I~~39 IMPERIAL CLEANERS AND DYERS TU.2.3000 - - - YaACK AT NOTTiNGHAM - . Detroit', SmfJl'test Theatre Re,taurant pal'] _\. BOB HALL I -EXTEMPOI\AHEOUS I .... l I 1 I' -9 USE REVIEW LINERS FOR RESULTS for the dance. wor- bf'~,~~ " .._.. Ii All Our Work Is Done by Expert Craftsmen Four ),{ar:)"/l'fo~dents from this seclion ...i11 allend th~ a.nnual Tower Dance al the college, FrIday, Konn- I_ ._ ~l!!I~i!!Il!lJe!li!!ll! "'"Ii • I Miss Mary Lou Berns. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius L Berns, of Bedford road, and MilS llary Kalhleen Schrage. d;j,ughter of 3.fr. and Mrs. \V. E. Schrage, Devonshire road, will attend Ihe annual Tower Dance at Marygrove College, Friday, November. 10. j :Ui!s Berns' escort will be Burke' Fosstt, SOn of Yr. and l.lrs. Richard --B. Fossee, \"ayburn road. Mi~s Schrage's e~cort .....ill be John Gaymann, son of Mr. and Yn. John ~ym~nn, winbe E, J. HOELZER. Pro,. 17%11MACK ~%:'-:it. C:";' ....a "D"'. Oa_ c...... Poiule City Jl~ Roast of Beef. or Marygrove College Notes Irons _ CEDAR FARMS It ellea-..'X rpomr. ate,.RR.....-COlSlatma ofetJ-a utop...;.r ... a ROLLED Annual Armistice Day service and Boy and Giri SCDULI ally at the Grosse Poinle Lulheran Church. Richard School auditorium, Sunday morning, November 12th, at 11 o'clock, held in commemoration of the s~nin, of the Armistice in 1~1S. Sunday School at 9 :45 a. m .• wilh c1alSes for all ages and grades. You and your family arc cordially invited. I I .._. ea'C' ainlct -"--F...h JrH._ fro. _try twice weeldJ'. AIoo ~!!ry .I....ud. wbile " .... wail, 08 Satanlay. Deli"' ..... B.tI .... Weekly H_ Deli ....,. if .... ired 1- Por k Sausage I FRESH ;:,~~.. SSED CHICKENS. Pointe eran I EGGS COUNTkY YGaI' Scalp F_lI Refreo~Y ... HaJao Loob P ... ttinly Racliaat. TL. modera ..... it: ., OFIYio Sutera Special Hair Tonic wiD ...... ~ HooJ:o=- !only .hee~ -:.. ii -y to ---.. .... keep i>eaDtifaiI:, ........ followed by the placing of the Colon, vember I], praise GOd lnd enhance lhe sell'ice 13161 \\'ark nenue, "'ill altend ,;t:, Our Pre~;dent. Eln Xeil!en, al- with beautiful music. l::unie \'ill~rof, son of '"Mr. and Mrs ttnd~d tj,~ ~a\'y Day r"n,ntC'n in Ihe 9:15 a. In_-BiMe slu~y da5~tS in l!~r.ry E. \'illerot. ~fiss Mary Lou company "f 011r :\.!;C'nal Ddense ,,'nich ,he BillIe is al'Plied 10 life s;lua- R01h. daul<hltr of !.Ir. and Mn. Pctcr (nairm.r,. Elra."or Th?m~.: FI,-2 :>"0 lion! for e\'try aRe group. Roth. 4024 Haz~l""t'Od avtnt:~, wil: ;,t. alle~ded Ihe dmMr It'\'tn ,n hOMr of 6:00 p. m.-Junior "Iis,ion L~ag'1lC tend "ith I:rank Hartg~, ."n Of ;,Ir. olJr Deparlment rn.idenl, Joan Dan- lunch ton. All confirmrl!. :7 years old and !.Irs. Frank J. Hartg~. "Ii,. ~lar" hoff. or ~'oungtr. are inviltd 10 allend. Ann Ouro:htr, daurh~tr of !llr. and A little reminder for our Posl is "Ionday, i:OO p. m.-Rrguiar Ttach. ;,In. O. O. DurO<'hr, Ji$J Montgomery ha,ing \n !.rn,i,lice D~y dan~e Salur- ers' and Church \Vorktr,' Training avenue. ",ill lallend With jack ~Iurray. day. Xo,tmber l~,.1 t.he Harlun. Air- courses. ~on 01 "fr. and !.Irs. ]. Murray. of [><'rl. Tt:'C BOl.t '-' en.,rm.n. Thunday. ~o\'emhtr 11\. 8.00 p. m - Tole<!..,. Ohio. !lfi" ~on;e Schrol.' Our ne,1 metl;nli; "il1 he Xo,-ember Th~ Via (on,ul "I ~wedtn "in arl. !dllllthlrr of ~fr. and !.frs. Leo 5.' 1.1.t lI1e "eleran', h',ilrlinll' at e'gl,l;drt" 11le Hroll1nhood gr,',;,' . .-\1' menll~rh.01. t4~,l) Dt,ler Fhd ..... ;!~.Undi o'cl.r><kand ."~ do mean tilt'ht o'clock. "'-Cr_ 21 are ,1i'1,bl, 10 at:tnrl .and h..l- "'ilh Johnn,- \lr(",,,I«', ,on of ~,Ir. and I II he seemg ) 0" ~ t~r :nfnrm lhem,el\'t! of "'OT,d (ond" \fr,. Charlu McCallley, of Kenlt;~ky -Mary Del Barba tlOnS as they are in current hislory. avcnlle. I m'lii Wlaite.1 FRESH AS A DAISY from Page Otte) ...U~ puouc: P II ......-eeL iie.~~. .. F ,.R..EIii/ll'SCiiiH ............... FISH~IPllOl~ W. apeci.alize ia f... loly ca"pt • _L_ H_ fialo. Trout. ..... f"1I1o • Pickea-el • Perda. _ Mra. Wilbur M. Brucker p .• . to art I C I pat e m Armistice Day Services (Contillued Pipe 16126 Mack Ave. jffilr I THE BEST Stove and Furnace at Audubon Groaae PoiDle Paril Niqara 0775 IlII I BolWnian BEER FAST DELIVERY SERVICE Sunda}~, 10:45 a. m.-R~gu1ar Boyd--!l PaiDt - Sheet Meta! Glu. . eomforta"'le these ehill" ia a crew.neck pull.OY. rweatet'. ..t~:~ i I'I;~;Ul- ~u;;n';'-;~(~-ti;;~:~.t~ ~~;'f~;~~= ~:J::~\~':ir, :~~o~:.;~::;c~':~:-~ii Of";f;. ~~~:~(r::'<R~;~;;;'-'T.'s';~~';~~"I' ~:t~"'\\'~~I"~h~i~1~:ts~~a~.~ R. VERBRUGGHE HARDWARE • PIp OM) ~B;~~:":~~ml{~:~charge ~;:;r ~::t ~e:~;n;i:~d!:~~p~:';e"~ii ~~ East Jefferson and Philip a,enues. • able to ha,'e h~r ,,-ilk US ~;om now on. R. .D. Lj"h~rl, putor; \\'m. G. \\'aeke, I hope that all of the gIrls Ihat were aS~lstant. r ME' N 'I II T~'t.i:. Tu. 2-1150 ROAD ........ I c.. Faith Lutheran Church FISHER N......... Clem5ear Ie [ I Major Burm Henry P~t, 303, AUXl1iary In CWIn. a' War'-- I'" KAY PARCHER "fDe-UDI: Gift." Of the Society are William president; William Lutey, . Ch ar Ies... .,. F arrow, vice presl 'd ent; treasurer. and William P. Thomas. $1.95 in Na't'J', Green &: Browa secretary.. Other. t $3.50 $3.95 $1.50 Roy Berry is lIenual flower show a.. cbairman and warki.,. with him on the committee are Ernelt Wolff, Ben N k' P n:... an ervlS. Tom earson, I..... m _c. Innes and E!lsene H. Evan.. Jnl4 KERCHEVAL AVE. This show is open to the public free near St. Clair of ch:.rlte and ",.iIl be held at the Nei&,h. Ala .. C:-e ... lLDd eam.... S"ppiie, bor~~ .. Oub,_ 11145 ~aterl~ at St. Opea • to • Cl.;r, ... lY of vrosse Pomte. On Saturday doors open a! 4 p. m. and close at 10 p. tD.; Sunday the i'l opeDUlI bours are 10 a. m. to 10 p. !D. I ---- I Through tbe courtesy of Captain Leonard, local admiQistrator for the Michigan Police. Ihe Hannall Y. M. Co A .•• .: ih~mi ,,;;;;.1 M.:md.iy eveI..illg, Kovember IJ at i ,30 p. m. a sOllDd talking pict'Jr~ depict in. the varied aClivities oi the work being done in Michigan by this branch of the Service. This proaram i, p:an of tbe Hannan FIreside ForUlD schedule add ia free and open 'to the public. AD oificer from the Michipn State' Police .. ill abo be on hand to answer queltions regarding their work. The Hannan Fireside Forum CODImittee announce that their next uries of public presentations will be around the subject; ''Toward Belter relationlhills between employer and worker." All sides of Ihis troublesome question will be llrelented .".eek by week starling Monday, November:zo. There is DO charge for Ihis stries. .------ come Ufllcers ~"""")hna IQto the administlative offices of the ,cbool marched Ihe radio canlca::!e to i1itroduce Fri:ldpal Charles Eo Lt::lvi.t, Dean of Girls Bernice Moore, Dean of Boy, Paul Jang'e, and Mr. James And~r5<>f1,leY'nth grade chairman. Here the mlcrophone's progress fallered. Dr. F. R. Van K1eeck, superIntendent of schools. ftying from Washington, D. for the ~pell house was delayed by adverse !Iyin, conditions. Nothinll daunted Pro"alll Co-ordin. ater William henon called from the audience Mr. Jc.hn R. Barnes, director of instruction. As Mr. Bar,les conc1uded his impromptu remarkl Dr. E. R. Van Kleeck anil'ed from the airport. Hasty program revision permitted inlroduction of Dr. Van Kleeck in hrief words of welrome. The evening', program concluded ~l'ith an invitalion to the Home Making .:leparlmenls. There Ihe Boys' Cook Club lerved reircahments, under the slIptr'l'ision of Miss daudia Grennhoe, and Mrs. Helen Anderson. Said Principal Leavilt to departing ruests. "We are very happy to have :,.d lhe pieasure of teeing so many par~nts and friends this evening. 'Ve hop~ ~"'u will lake evcry opporlunity 10 vi,it us again." ------- 'I E1ectN Mot....... DVNCAl'~ I: McNICOL thUs,. Us ud aeacl • rift from If r== !=Te IIeautifuJ C Jonas, II Hannan Y Nota rr.. (Caatihed II ----- Dl'lera~ Chry san them um Sbo w Saturday and Sunday 1== tr SERVICE .:_ ... And so we COUle to tbe end of a • "uiet week', so qUiet that one can al. .. most hear Ihe pallin, of dividends. I~~ ..Jt:~--=r I REFRIGERATOR th.e C(;illlDunity and that next year they w,ll stay home and read a ,ODd book I -or practise their deviltry, bela ... tbe City Limits I H H lei ouae e a Pierce School Nov. 3 them oue E (Coiltinued from Pa,e OM) The reporters OIl the DailYI must have bad a 'civi~ tOllJUe in their cheek' when Ihey made auch a huUabaloo about the 'carryin'l on' of the Grosse Pointe children, on Hallowe'ea. Surely even those with silver spoonl in their ":Ihl ougl,t to be e~~uled for havinlJ a 'one trek' mind, when it comes to celebrationl that call for painled faces and witchery. However, we hope that Ithe children realize now thev di$ll'l'ared for a r..t ,- N_ _~ I I Turkey Dioner Gr of .n 1dsooI. of Mett._ Pm-. • Bo. Sprigl:_ 0.. Da, S~ Me___ 11M Sprieop L-ea7IN a--liq d j I Miller MalUeaa Co. __ ICe all those raily co,hlmed . ,. . YOUDl"lterl eattrUil tue Grosse POinte Hiah School laat Sunday? They were Th American Red Cross "rat aid there to attend Mill ElaiDe Marie course conducted al the NeighborhoOd Arndt's anllual Hallowe'en party which Club oa !londay evenillp has been was a very py and feslive aftair. Corn. well attended and loti of interest Did November 9. t939 F. ta.. M.t .... _ ... e.P............. elaui6ail u __ Thursday, NO'i'tIIlbtr 23. 10 .. aAuual Thadkqivinll ICrvi~e. We in. I vile )'OIl to wws'up at }o'aitb 1.\ltheru Church. We preaell tbe Old Goepel for mocterll tima, A Gay AffeJr where bome room and cllls teachers More Ihan three thousand hooks and I ell' If S ralg WID. C roy, • ar explained the projects in which stud. NI. .. IUIS Mack A.e. ten thousand mar-!.ne, were :o.:tot b:'- backhdof the Cards. Ic:red d the lir:,t enll enaart- SpeCial exhibits had been I ••,,,,,••,,J the Chapter las~ year to the American ~~:'b~:~ ~~a :~~,y~tenwa:~oocL arranacd in m.all.:r of the classroom I to -------------Merchant Manne Library at Sault ilhutrate typic~ ,tadent activities. In Stc. Marie, buicles boob lent to the Mart,. B~rD. ICOred the final marker the DeW illuminated dbplay cases in the .. f"r tbe le&lfUe leaden wheD he ran you yearning local Manne Hospllal a~d to 100:&1 40 ardl behind be!utiful interferen~c. ball&. pictures. books, postet's suppleboYI' clubs. Books for lirll are dlsy mented clauroo!D uhibits. tributed to comICunit,. cenlen in the. AU visitors rathered in the auditorcilrThe FllteeD a~b have made plaDt :Her the bd!~;!!gt!)t,r I!) w;!nes! We .... ; every Mrs. Forest E. lIcKee, Chairman,' for, a roller skatlllll party. Saturday. a radio revieW M the ~eventh-graders'l Wed. 4: Sat. eYeDiDa'J will report for the student loan fund Novemb~r 11.. at ~t. Clemrn.. Fro~ schGOI day. Evelyn Be!! :ccl '....aatr DeIiciouI and ~ committee. Other ehairm ..n rep<:>rting a pre-A.e ViewpoInt a ~y cre'o>w Gibbs introduced the pr08Tam in which IIMii be Airs.. Iiaroid V. Hastins!, bud. ,~~~~ }J~.th.::.t.,....~iL:~~}.,iu~.~.~.~.. all of the two hundred seventy-five 7B, 'I,e!' and Mra. Lucy Geor1re Vedevcer. / ...... <<1 ''''w ......... " ..... ce ..... cw,," .. pupils available p&i1icipated •. Corridor , membership. . . --. doae-up .. tllacted by Eli:za~th MurMr .. Herbert Poehle and Mrs. F:'Inlc A ~llbar:d and plllg.~1' lonma. phy, JO&II Terry, George Flanders. and ber Y.. L Scott. Jr., will be hastene. for the m,ent IS belD~ conducted for mea.a ' loIarYin Scholl, preceded a "Carnival "~.i.' --da)'. An:allBl!llleDts for a buffet .Iunch. o:.~~.~a~ ..~ers .~~Ub. .A meul .....111 be. .Sc:hottiacbe". by the 7B girll' I)'m ~ "~.s eon are III cbal'lrt of Mr .. Wilham L a" •• ~~..... " w~.~tr In each tourna 1J'0ups. MilS Garnette Foster. girls' .... Braule ..... ho will be assisted by 1frl. menl. athletiJ: director, .upervised 35 blue Alfred Wilson Crabb, Mrs. Heman E. clad younptm in a colorful speetatle. Grallt, Mrs. William H, Holmes and All.bo.,-s .lId lirll of the cOlZllllunity The mobile mi.--nbone swung into .tC...L '-,_ o_L .~._" Alto ...... --. •__ ...... __ 1Ii11 Francel LaeDa Currey. arc 111\'1t e d •t 0 OU~ rqu la r Tb e&lre a lCienc:e c1emoustration. Embryo Ici'_"i. __ ~,~..... At. ~ f.... ~ Kr .. Party - Friday mpt. Now--'»u 10, mWb. Nut Howd, Joseph FaaCher. c(-~,_ '-' ... .... -• &! 7:31/1 " .TIIe ~ ..... Bu.. Fred Day, . ...~ ~~ '~ UWIi .1;_ It t ..... ,,...rc: "Ill.'. Kiss Eleanore H, Hutzel. thief of Clall, and a Pil~-Play die ~y: preyed to t't'tryQII.e's satitflction that _ed'i diTision of Detroit polite, who mate.s .Oub entitled "Indians VISIt. air does exert pressure. Mr. James Ad .,..,11speak on "1'he ~ffcc:t of the VamillIOn f ree. AllderSOll. Inenlh ....ade chairman, had 50 McQUEEN. PIlOP. ... tion Picture of Today on the Youth' .. • plaODed the dramatization. 15Z41E.W~ of Today... MtIIlben will view pic. Camp Fire Girls wtll bolel a spec:ial Gear,. Bruyneal atld Bob Vernier in .. ....... HI .......... . tlll'es on Iill8'e~ printinr to be .hown meehn~ t h'IS F'd rl ay. N ovem b er 10,at eimat~d conversation conducted tbe by Robert Moore, superintendent of 'I• p. m. 10.we Icome m.any new. mem 1......n audie.c:e by radio's malJic carpet to the the Identification Bureau of Wayne who arc Interested III IcarnlnlJ about choral rOOllJ. Here Mi .. Helen K e • , r_ -' Ie. Thi t' . can Couaty at the County Jail at 2 0 clock, ......mp !"Ire war I mee Ing U and Mr. Samne! Trickey presenled 125 Tuuday afternoon Noyember 28. to open to anyone wishing to further members of the iB chorus in "Whe 1 n be fotlow~d by 'a conducted tour th'ell' .""ow I.lH e_e 0 f Ca mp F'Ire. Wlli a Lad" from Gilbert and SuUivan', ,,' P'IDaf ore and" L'ullaby' by Brahms. thrOlllh the ja... Are Thursday. a '. pump ... l" an l'{Itc es ecor~le . ,hown. However on account of Ihe W L T P the room where ~he. mlDy .,ames .ere jSize of the clau 110 new members can .) 0 0 9 plared Those wmnlng' prIZes for bav- be accepted for this clan. 2 1 0 6 ill&'tht mOlt beautiful and unique cas_ .~d"b. l/~;- Poultry Dnued """"'Yoa Wail ....- D I would have no opportunity for all edu- "" a v~ry eUltlnr ~me. . O:JI.. t e . • . 1 c.• "a _ .>; a t! vICtory they catIOn, are either entire.)' .. 1:1 UY IRed IdWlIIBS. temer.et' With f L Th wou 11'0 III 0 a Ie or nrs l) ~ce. e dependent upon the D. A. It for SUlJ.IL. -ill b t to h'f port. Mr .. Thomas Day MouIe, as I' I~S ~ . e ou s~op t IS.so ,1'OIft L_' f th A • M h t all llldlCatlol1s $Oce lDterestml .000tcl ...~m.an 0 e m~r~n ere. an ball will take place. Manne Library auoclabon commIttee, r ....'_... • "1 _ .. :__ ,I.. n." will report preparations for the book • • "~~':"'i'" .t.. d.... drive to col1ect and distribute books ~n the Mt_tt eague, SU ~ e a I~n.)' . . aggregation and magUUles 10 Am encan .. amen. Improved h' tb' d Bear t • bt . MIlt 13~ for S"LOre hr u J.... "'I Fern ltEV[EW' IHallowe'e Par." bbo hood CI b r POINTE GROSSE CHAP" MADIE AND RAY Daft. Stan .f Ih. PichrD "V_'.. a S_tloevt" RUTH CRAVEN HoDywood Hotel Sinciul Star j Kurti. Royal M.rionettea Jean MOD& f DANNY DEMETRY'S I i MUSIC CLUB ROYALE CRAnOT at S.MILE RD, PINCREE 1666 ftu:sday. November 9. 1939 THE New~~u&~I. ~m~~~dt~eh"~~u The.e clane. are part (If a clty.wide procram, sponsored by the Detroit Chapter, Red Crou, a Community Fund allencl', which will enrell mere than 1,000 penonl in 21 centers of the Department of Recretaion, Detroit rublic Schools, and Community Fund sett Iementa. Reaistration may be made with AIfred 5. More:r.u, fint aid director, of the Detroit Chapter, Red CroS!, in l~e Community Fund Building, 51 W. War. ren avenue. Telephone CO. 1600. I II tail ~ ~ u or GROSSE MU.IIt7 a. .. POINTE t_1 ..... W. a_.d.Ii ... R..un-a FIRST -~ "'CYCLE N_ AilS I I 6 NOV."", . 9 T~~~~~~~n~H~~~ 010 b....m., paintioq, .... Idiq vents reverberahon. c. Stor masS h SHOP ..... Re6JsiaIWl, The SIX large able to extend facilities to more Grolle Ill- MOTORCYCLES Pn- Bic7dM .. ~ Ca1I ,.. 14ZJ l.Uepeiatoi DeJn-1 NI.M7I • .. [~-~ !i~ FAMILY I' Ch oco Iat e ~ GROSSE.PQ]INTE '" ~.LAUNDIlY :. ,'.' _ LE. I"-i'"_ n ~ ~ -==!::- ~b- I5 PRY TIle the !Dain ~dy of auditorium are remonble, ill order th". on occ.asion, stm luger orchestras may be accommodat~d. Main aisles ill the auditorium are cork covered, as are the two nmps that lead from t!Je rest of the school. The5e wiD be the entrlnte used by the pupils for their assemblies and dramatic and musicia.l events. Toilets and a small tbecmg room are provided off the main foyer for the connnience oj the public and to pre. vent the necessity for opening the rest of the building. The auditoriulfl, like To the Voterl of Graue Pointe ""01' I wiah the anr ad m COIIDCiI a sacceuful admiD. !!tr&&a ad am treat!,. apprecian- of the MIPPOrt gjva me ill the receat electiGa JOHN H. MACK • aEA UTI FUL M U M*Pi:ANTs~1 cur FLOW'C'..RS .. _~ -... far -1' eeeui .... t r-oabale pric:u Ccloriui ehefty ple"h, ..nth Ierae ecraI berriea GROSSE POINTE FLORIST Nt 2513 ~:i~,er;~n h~::~::i~;.~ve Correlative passages to be read from the Christian Science textbook:, "Sci~nc" and Hellth ",.ith Key' to the Scriptllres," by Mary Baker Eddy, include the following (po 336): "lllllDortal man ,..s aad is God's image Or idea, even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immortal man ;s co-existent and coeternal with thlt Mind." _ I ~ Fashionable Coiffures ,oar l-:.,,~ I '231 LeaO'll: ttt Beac:oufield at JefenOD ~-,-~ - .~C" ~- ~ caaru. ...... AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS A. a Jif .. ~ .... id .... t ..f e.-H PeO.too I ...-pKtf- ..11y oolieit " ..... hilt .,.... &JIll ru.ra"t~. I~ Mt"ri<:e. t~,' 1 n!Dw.... s--t.,. :rown. "WI ~ ~J- •••• C\tIU':' •• II C'clny 1115II., ut:tu .VV')3IVU •• :IollJn "'I I I y lcc',r''l"e'. 'Indrm 01 Llle lrll ~e youn~rr Yesar Orden Are Appneiatecl PL. 8508 .., I ,., __ ,. ,..... ~ "' ._~_.'\>~~~~::..~:::.::..~~i;:.t::.t:;.~~ 1S~ .. .- . 1Oc - HAND .. S c PACKED It. I C&II .... FRJ;.£-ISc c... 31c LIBBY'S KOSHER OR PUJN bill Pickles Chlcl-s Broda MICHIGAN FRESH DRESSED FINE • Ds. FOR STEWING-3.Ls. ST1UCTL Y FRESH 14~c ... 15c ;.r LEAN Fresh Ham AV£RAGE WHW • Sha..k Hell I MICHIGAN CORN FED FRESH DRESSED YOUNG HEN TURKEYS Mud.1i Luthw ... ChareIa Southra ~t corne' of Kercheval and l-<lkewoort i\"enue~. A. H. A. Loeher. paslor. H.H Lakr".ood a\"Ciiues. Telcphone Len"" ::;21. "The Chrhlian Here and Hereafter." Thi, w,l1 he Ihe th~me to be tre~ted in the ,urne,1I on ','r comll'>: Sllnda). :-"memh.r 12. The 'cn Ice will t.'" in a mo<lrrn "'"Mid :pJar~ ,t 11:1.\ a. n'. The -""",I.'Y S,:h"ol iac;:'!;e, D 19c • Ib.29c • 21c • CENiER CUT SMALL RIB Lamb Chops Eat More La ... f... HeaJtJa ~25c c...... C", .. : !,a~.; ~rc "('t~\ir1::: Ischo~s i~ks ~~~~ r1i,~ :~jnew \la., ~rthmay ~,u earoU ~ ~IS ~a~ ~ lb. 3 a-.f of 110. • ...... ... 23c Sirloin 13lhc Steaks .. 2Sc , ., 114922 Kercheval A I ve. Alter Road etrolt. Createat Independent Super Market. AT _ ;':~h;."~e~:;;:~~t;~r\';e~' <;~.~~~r'hjp f,.r :\.i,,::, ,,::: ."en,j)1e nl'"t 11 .. 200 E. J~fJf'rson at Newport ,':..t ".f .~.~;:'::-, '. ,Th"r<ri~,. ewn;n>: ~t 1\ o'clock to eM. 7938 K~rcheval at Van ~ke • j' I' ~ .~" I,~,- <Ie":"t ! wr "'rr"e~ , 1;n'" 11' '!lIri,. "f In. ri.'C:r,"n ; : "e I 16322 E. Warren nr. 3-Mlle Dri"e /.,. "'r;;" ';." ~'I ('''('1('<t'' r,...,in~~ r"'I~'H. ~Lulr'(T".74n Ch::rc~. rrr~(\n5 Intere~tc[: I ~I; . '-- (]~p;jlnmtnu Balie'r.Whildln Coal Co. Ii :;~',~<~T">' ':':::~' I~ :i~~:;T1L';h~"'c(~~:~: j' ... . "<f~ A spec,al attachmrllt perm,ts per- of the school during the hour of worman~nl rcc0c~jngs of :mportant broad- ~hip. Youth groups meel at 6:30 p. m. C~5-t5. Recording wil: also be used in _ ~: ~,I _ c ..,Wh-lte",Meat' T\IIla,~~.'~' ".~-., Roast of Beef.. ,';>,.ch teachinst. The "P. A." !}"slem Jtives students r'aiiy news rraa b~. a spec,al announcer f'''m a diffrrent homeroom '8 dcclcd eac~ "e~k. An a<!mi~j'lra.li?n re;",e-I '("I,,::, e del,vers hul.el:ns If speclal c"nccrn to the facllI1\". ! I Throll<:h lhe~c r.(ilj:i,~ many sludI ! ent, intrr~'te<1 in ra<1i('),,'i!! ha\"e an C'>P\:orl1tnil [C'>rpractice in broa<1c;lSt 'I • ~ I r.DJ:'J:'N No. 2 Pork Loin Roast • II .... SNID1!:R'.1IIN'J:'rTAII I In Pure Olive 00 .. . 3 • I .....,.. I~' --~- KINNEY'S .• CHICKENS. A.. ue I ~: • m••_~ 6-Day Savings on TOM'S Quality Meats Baptist Church I Ii SINCE 1tz4 .. I ... _ hined," says Roy Howard, teacher of manual arts and director of radio The Reverend Wayland, ZW1Iyer, KENTUCKY SPRING 5"\";CCS. it is an R. C. .11.. inslallation mini!!~r, ""ill deliver an Armistice with thirty.two speakers serving the mrssage at 11 a. m. and will officiate • • Ib. Gual purpo.e of communication Ind at a special evening Communion ServEat More La"," fon HaaltJa program broadcasting. It ",as installed ice at 7:35 p. m. in wh)ch ten other bv ~lc:Cl~ilr\~..Harmon Cornoanv. ThIne ...J.,u"l"'h~! "":-!"Uf!"t~~:- '\~':IIrrm! '!!~"~!'!~ STJUCiLY FRESH LEAN facilities ",,11 be \"Cry helpful to the llities ....ilI participate. dramaLic .and mu.ic classes, ".ho are If you are ",-ithout a thurch J,ome thus enabled to broadcast songs and in this vicinily the mrmbers Ind piS' 1'1a}"s10 every room. Social studies and tor of the Jefferson A,-enue Blptist Engli~!l classes use the s}'stem con sid. Church cordially invile }'Ou to worship erably aho. with them in these services. The thurch rhe ~,.~trm will be ab1r tn broad- is locat,d at th~ corner of E..t Jdf. ca~t spccia! programs from any part of erson and Lake"iew a"enues. RUMP OR STANDING RIB the world inlo e.very elas, r~m - a The Church School meets at 9 :45 !<teat adrantage In undustandlRg",'orld a. m. "ilh a nursery and a second ses.1 C r T--'-_ , A' . l'. , . ...., •. •. •• '. .t ,.......... Joricv St..... R.,..f I ~-~~ Th~t Good Coat II SeiMt~CQa F .... e.... Orifiaal 1&. e.-.-.... StwiIw NOIt ~StehrMWI ~ Ie..,... Stolrer ....... Vale, Alltlllndte 3N~~25c COFFEE Leg of Lamb Ke,. ,.our coiBure to the ' .... ioD_ New dreo colon a...~ deailJUl aD CCIlIIIPin to draw more att"bOD to hair. J akimee Beauty Salon Jeff ... "The n~ public address system in Ihe school i5 the best that tould be ob. 1 .. 35c ... I I 7 C Lima -888n.•---3 - 25c TOM'S OXYDOL 2 ... 3Sc Wheaties Tomato Juice ... 12~c TOMATOES :~IO::~~: i: I We Deliver '!!!!!!'!~~~~~!!~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[ . _ College Inn Chicken a I. King ------------------""'............ :~-------I ' .. K.I.,. R",d . ~1.Y'5 "' ~.~~I••••••••••• Butt6r III DIAMOND .... Crystal Whit e "Mortala and Immorta1s~ will be the lIUbject of the uSlOn-Sermon iD all Christian Science Churches throl1lhout the world on Sunday. November 12, SCOTT 1939. The Golden Text (II Cor, 6 :16) i,: "Henceforth knO"il' 1\'e no man ;uter the lIesh.H Among the Bible citations ia thi5 pllsage (Actl 17,28): "For in him we Ih'e, Ind 1II0\'e, and hl\'e ollr being; I DELIGHTFUL HOSPITAL BOUQUETS AND fLORAL ARRANGEMENTS W. __ THREE ••K.I•r•.k.s•• F.I.ank.e•• ChrUtiaa Sc:ieu.ce Church ~::mP~~~c s:~~:~~~s o:;:v:ni~:e f::: pedestrians and motorists. ... I Th" decorative effect in the auditor~ 'urn is especially attractive. 50ft green I Iind buffs and creams Ire carried out in the upholstery of the selt bottoms and backs Ind in the stage curtains. These blend into the ",'ann wood panel. ~ ling of the walls. The gener&! died is lone of qlliet reserve, with a complete absence of the lfIlady, accordinlJ to the architetls, Derrick and Gamber, Int. M_ - All <:elan CHOICE 15~ IOc Pineapple S •••O •••. A •••P •••••••••• 3.-•• c•. Corned Beef • :1Oa. ~ I LIBBY'S 1dM! SIsorI.aiaI classrooms in the rest of the building. Inr and 1C&'lDlI ""'''''''''''''':"a "... The at:''''e ia thor .......hly sound-insulatbeen earefu.Uy c,olllider.ed to msur~ the -ff __ Th P e cd froin tbe faD room beueath. Abon mot!' e e~tlve ma ...... e. I rce ib WQt lid. Is ltore fO!' eceDU'1 JIIJUOI' !UP School sa UIlqU~17 "1I_".ofw1dt:b.~arepl'O'rioW. c~ of tM.~'" ~ ~ The'&nt two rowi"of.eau in'die ~Matt .... I!ft .. ~ .. ........... -. an Alae ..., 4 - 23c 5 UGAR ... 5 C have leemed' Z4~ju adjacent toilets, it is pouible to lend velous to a 7th, 8th, or 9th grade ~tud-l th~ili~~~~q~ili~~~~~~~.~~~.~I~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e-. ., wa.wr. can IOc I MILK • PUMPKIN Hardware W. AIM 5'1 5 Ie Ia ~ .... ~ \ . bar WIta DU Meats ver;mar.1 ef"""" ~~~~ ~.u.. Pure IGranulated '. Damman 1~~;a;h:.:~"~;~~~~:~ ..;;,:;~; ..~~~.~~~~;I~ ~ui~ Peanut A. L. Apparel W. D. All KiMoo BAKING I I i~-b.d.-~.II w....... Up 111!..... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PREMIUM pit which will seat 22 musicians. Director of Instr'Jction, "whereas most , The stage itself is -40 fed wide and schools of this siz.e take 12 to 15 months measures 30 feet in depth. It is entire. or !!lore. \Ve think thlt. it. is Ion un. • _.' •. ,0.' _, ._ •..••• '.' "suall" wel1-olal1ned hUlldln@'. The 14~U'lVU~~I~~~~~. ula~~~~&~ a~~.JA..~'::';h.~~~~J .tl~;.~~~'I~ .p•• r.I •••••••••••••••••••••••• lights are Installed m ltJe tront af the ..........'" _ ....._.J ....~:- ---- ....... - ....... _ ... _. stage. A ,piral metal nairway leads ranged 10 that tney may be uled by Stobl.,'. Faaq CoIdea from the stage to the three' dressiD&' both Itudents and thole who do not rooms which are built on the aide wall attend .ChoaL. • . of the .tage well above the floor level "The equipmel1t In the public library, .. '..,... . ' ..... "'Mil'. <ri",n,e -rooms. shoo. and VELVET BRAND mat. CteerfuU,. Ghl'eD. ~ • An 1l1•• P!_ NiNhr • All =- ~, M=== 'He SPECIAL lb. S<) C 1-~ • a.n . 6C Mon. Tues. Wed. T0m a t0 SOUP •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cally on the new Pierce facilities. "Many modern ideas on scl•.:.ols have DIAMOND <;RAND been incorporated in the constructi?" of the new Pierce Schcol." said E. E. Allen, Director of Administratj,'e Ser' vices. "rt has ben built IlO that the I lights have been built in the projedion junior hia'h scbool students of Grosse, booth and in the auditoriulD ceiling Pointe may have ,.,hat few junior higb above the stage apron. The apron school stude"ts h:....e had in the 'I":::.y f therefore lacks the dark or "blind" Inodern education." . ur • ~Fr.• Sat• CAMPBELL'S hfu~~,~~~~m~~~ 1~~_a~g~M~"~~~~~~~st~~mm~~ent~~~long ladders. There are two 35 millimeter moving piclure machine" which are equipped for sound, installed in a fire-proof proiection booth. These are used for noon movies and for "isual instruction. Spot- 98C an d Up REPAIRING: V........ MIGHTY BARGAI N DA YI' • -1 direct lights, which also .erve as over- Pointe peopie. Esoeci&lly do we wish head air ducls, have twenty-five too- to invite Pierce stud~nh t" ~v.il th.m. watt lights in tilch. Th~se ~re i"epla~- selves of this buutifuly new branch." ~d via.h~nd-~oles cont(lle~ In the c~llTwo administrati"e officials of the 10 11 13 14 15Th •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I OP _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~C~~~D~st:=~:,,=~~~~~~~=.p.&.G $4 50 d A. ' ..._ of Education'" ~ EW LOW PRICES EVERY DAY AT TOM'S 7 MJeghty Super Markets ~e~p~£IO:;;~:~bi:[O;~; ~udllorlUm wlllch srats 930 people; books. Over 10,000 books are now on making it the large,t in Grosse Pointe, the librlry Ihelves. Nearly 300 are "as inspected by hundreds. The ceil-I new. ing and walls abo\'e the walnut pinelSaid Miss Fl"r~n~~ It S~v~r., "w:! .r. -------------- "-7 atJ'Ie - -W Ie -- d adCI all all_oLi... _in at reapricea,; "Our low " .. head 1& tM _. U111.. ~ CABINET ,........... : I~:~~d:~:n you have the money and time it is not Gro~se Pointe Board ~ffic~tto~~agoodl~oo~he ~~k~u~~~p~ooewiq~I I .NOTRE DAME BODY SH ~=============!! . ea. ~ G • MADER _ I e~::i:~~~.~i:Slc~oor:::a~r~Dr:~P;~; l~i.:..~ NEW FALL TIES • H d T"I eel' :.: ~="':oLNU ;:. t::ns~~:::' ~~~l~r~t~~~ ~:a:rl~S o~. ~~~~:I~;~:'re:~; ~============~~~~~~~~;~ te M.". Loa :::::;~~~~ N •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• E.I Red erO!! ,l~!!t!ard 6ut aid cLuICI are being tonducted' by Wilbur Gil. . lette, Red Cross volunteer Instrllctor i!! N~ighhorhnod Club, every :Vonday e-.'~!';!'::~.~ ':Yl ~'! 9 '3(1, !-:O. !. 1'.. ':i,,01 .1 10 weekllo Anyone over 17 yeau an ."~~~~t,ed~II~~~~II Built for Tomorrow'. World and Economy ~~~::~~~ Pace T1ir", REVIEW yoWlJ mell of that country lor the uid. .We didn't have ~uch time, and the Pierce building. Roman Catholic priesthood, say. we have been as sparmg as pOSlI1>le 'B 'f h Colller'.. All other educational in. . , . . 'eaUll ul a5 it hal been oped the ltitution. of thiI kind in Rome are w,lh monel', alway. keep'ng In mmd library would be, it is even more at. out8ide the Vatican walla. econo.m~. for many ~~an .a.nd n.ot mere- •tractive in reality.~ comnlented Dr. , . ' Ily In mltlal c~ast. we"tnl~k, I\owever, R. Van KJeeclc, .uperintendent of Balr-aa ....... l)~iDk and the public Monday night seemed schools A .'MW ~ of ~lctai1, both an1edti- \0 agree, that utility and beauty have The ~ew librarv is in the Georgian septic and hall-ralSma, was revea b b' d 'th'" , with the arraipunent of two meD een ~OlD lne WI rea .. econ~y III Colonial Ityle. The panellin. i, .....albe!o--" H~ited State:\ cOmm.55l-:m- the Plerte school. We hlv~ tried 10 nut "ith rEd litiiii and l:iir~h. All 1:8ht " e... l>ll "h"rgts or po~~e~s' II bu,ld the ~chcc! fC'l' 100r.o~row's needs ing IS indirect and chandeliers are'supilia tax-unpaid liquor. Reportedl,. as well a. toda;i',.H plelllellted b floor lamps. Cunducted at The Neighborhood Club , POINTE ,trumentl, lIIirron, drilll and ,teriJiuu. Two connectinll' rooms are fur::ished pupils will be quartered in these rooms willi, two beds each. Each is equipp~d Special features of the lIew Jolul D. with a wash-Itlnd and I toilet. III until their parents cln be notified. Pierce Junior Hi,h School Of Groue In charge of this Ihining, sanitary Pointe, ofattracted headquarter. wl'!1b", '[rs. Hel"n pro\'al hundred, theof enthusiaslic visitors at apthe h"alth • " , ichool's first "open house" Monday Lan. of the Board of Health nursing nelling. The P. W. A. contribuled stiff. She will lee to it that the health $395,100 of the bllilding's eoat. of each Pierce etudent is safeguar1ed by the facilitie. at her cOlDlDlnd. J.lr •. More impeltant, however, t~n the La' I " Sllnday School at 9 :45 a, m. Armistice Day lervices at 11 a. m. The Canadian Lesion POlt No. 100 ... ill be the .utah of the charel" Tbey will ait tOlJftber in a body for the Itr"icea. Dr. Kircher will speak on t!le th'lIIe, "SileAce in Heaven," Christian Endeavor roupa at 6 :15 p. zn. ' At 7:30 po rD. wt will have our Collimunion lervicello Wedne,day evening, 7:30 p, Ill., we will continue tbe stud,., ''Tbe Sims of IlOSin~e~~~~ ~:~u:~~~o~~~ tile Times." maintained a Papal Ethi,'pian col~e ~ ~ P~H ~ ~~_ Red Croll Clule' GROSSE 1281I Woodward at Clendale 8110 Mack "ear Mnwell 7624 W. McNichola at Penninltoe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'Ip Foor THE SEEING THE FAIR cu. uamine ..,~ thlt ~tailll to bOUlilll:, AdjoUaill' this is the "TowII 01 Tomorrow," a cc:nplete community .,. H.ny L. H ......... ~. of 15 model home.. Price I r'aqe from Wid! the atan of ita fall lealOll, tbe $1~,OOO and are.hitectural .t)'les run N. Y. World'. Fair bc:~::i the last lap lrom colonial to ultra modera.. AdmiJ. of 19~ run, .-eared for a bri!o IiaJltita IiDUlIl, the S'ow smooth operations 01 .ion to the •.tOWD:' lue. FOOD ZONE the world's J'l"eatest npolition prolllises L_ I b The f-..o _e i. one of the most to III&ke the last t1ll'0 mon t.... 0 t e """" fair ita &'tutes!. The exhioit. have popula.r 01 the fair. The expo.ition ftahened up Ind cheaper adminion erected 2 blaildiaa. ,,'hich house dis. plays of the dustry and the f~'l tic:ketl are now a \-al'I a bl e. R estaurlnls ~ in the fair&'founds ue eomparable to ~ibit. N.tilJftal Biscuit shows I 10 Y C. lIIU1ute Walt Disney picture, "Mickey's ;:: :~:t 1~ln>;;;~e;:;ur~:: te)orn~ Surprise," O.tstlndillr tIItertainment, KI.l1,. of the theatres are rellaht.... it should :sot ~ miSled. ilIId hotels ha,'e for the most part re"Th. Dairy World of Tomorrow," tunled to thcir rer.>1u pr:c,es, Here s~red by ~or4en, draw~ the cr~wds are a few tips for your Vilit to the, with III exhibit. 01 ISO lledlflTccd COWl. III' I I ;"Jeffer ..Ch- Baptiat GR.OSSE :PO:r'N!,Z AMUSEMENTS But the U.hter .ide bll IIl1t beea nealected ill the World of Tomorrow. A mile Ion&,midway Issur« you of f_,' At Billy Rose'l Aquaca4e )'Ou call ad. mire aqua belle. aDd .... i.aamiq' cham. i pions, while ItrlJ1&'e allllOsphere beckoa 1t.EVI1!:W Thursday, No\'C!mber 9, 10" pun COIlQtrict SOUleof ...hlch Ire now Hun,arian, Jta~~n 01 ,Our Saw.iot. L &t war call <:OII1etoeether in this lIIan-' Sccolld RoumanIan. RU~51an, Swedi~ts. ~ nero Ulcrani.n, and 14 e;lt I e I n Baptllt _ Service. America CIn be The Reverend Wayland Zll"'~'~r, Chur,hu. _ ~- event, the .ipjfi~llce o~ which munion hardly Deeda explanation, ~'ill talee happy that th;s kind of tbin, caD OC' minister of the ]elfenoQ Avenue BapP...... '. &i'rie ... place thil Sunda,., '1:30 p. m., at the cur, that on Armistice Sunday nia'ht tin Church, will officaite and will be Gydnia, the miracle port on the these variou, peoples who were bom Issisted at the Communion Table by at Merrie Eqland, Th tbe Cuban Vi.lLlce Baltic, II not only a bU117 harbor, L_' Bil'I ]effers<m A.tIIue Baplist Church when or whose parenti were bo", in Eure- either the pastors 01' .enior deacons but ~ .. ubor. play.round. of and SUll Valley, ell t~e " Robillson ill the "Swin&, Mikado," Illd of the Burll' Avenue, Conner. Avenue Poland; her Riviera, wboae "piaat the far eDd of the loop. the famed nad. II crowded with tourlsta. German, Christ Polish, uechoslovak, Parachute JumP. T Id' . htll he Wor 01 Tomorrow II at. ling place. The best thinl".about it II that )'OU can enjoy tOQlOlTOWtouy. _ •• • New MacbJDe Bnna-' Life To Storiet deleptel or entire COD&'teradOllsof tea churches repre.entiQ&' diftcrent national background. ,."iU unite UI a Com- t. Thank You Sincerely The '"-eI, IUpport 'GrMte P~t~ m ~~i!!r .."... I . .... ANNOUNCING of the ruicl.b of the City of !IH e.! ~ Cit7 Clerk ia deeply the _ -,Worlcl of Tomorrow.The Distill~. ,of Ame~tca have ,ercctccll It II onl thill&' to read fusouaSbalteMAGNITUDE a creat build"" ,,'hlch exp~s the speuian P~YI. It iJ another to heu First of Ill. the Ne .... York e),.1lOsitioa processes 01 that .i?dustry, Nllle ot~r them rcad by rrut actor •• 110 a very bi&' affair. It comprises 1216 seperate food paVilions have been bUilt,! Grosse Pointe Hi&'h School .tu4cats acre! of exhibit Ind alftl1semc~! ~r~" lIJId w~et~er they sbow. :he ~anufae. in the future will hear import&Jlt .cene. • p<arkiq lieldi and lagoon., w«.ta tire LlIre Ot c~re.ltes or gl\~ .avay fr.e from Sbakupeare ;u well ill a aood nen the most U1thusiastic fairgoer. IQ lamples, each IS worth a Vlllt, du.l of modern poetry .pokeD by prvan. ther. are 105 principal buildinp OIl MEDICAL EXHIBITS feSlional actors, such Or~c:: W~!l! the fair crounca. ODe of the certaill "lJlustl~ of the or by the poets themselves. I, When you fin! amve, im~ediately fair iI the Hall of '4edi~ine and Publ~c' Tbis win be possible a•• rault of tak .. one Of the UltraOlllral lal!' buses Health. Pannrama~ <:If .m~n and h15, the purchase vi a. Dew combmatiola which III.d:e .. complete tour of the health are unlolded whieh sbow the ~radio-record player. The new mac:biae faiqrollllda for 3.5c, This i. the only decline of the death rate, and the was bought with the mOlley earned by -1' ;YOD CIll ,.et aa idea of how com- cradual taperiO&' off of sickness and the En,lish department in sPOItlOrinl' prchC1!sive this exposit~ .really is'. ~se. Each of the ~ibita relates two playi, "Dr. Faustus" Illd "The YOtI can check the buildlJl&, you lI'ill a different 6eld of medlcme, alld each Yerry Wives of Windsor," riven b,. waat to see, and mark them d.owD OIl __ .potllOl'ec1 b,. SOIIle manu{acturer the Detroit Federal Theatre Group, • little map wbich the DIU IttenciaJlu or health &'foup. No ad'lertisin~ was Mercury Text Recorda by Orson pe .... ay free. allowed except a ."~all pl~q~e III the Wells !lave also been purcnasca for THEME CENTRE back Of eac~ exhibit. Th~ IIls~r~ a tbe use of English classes. To date After the tour of thf' !T0unds ro uniform qUllit,. to the entire bUildIll'. tllree plays have beeD rccorded: "The 6nt to the biJr ball and spike you have This e..vJ!ibi! hi! been !!l ~1.11~! th~t I Merchant of Venice", "Tweiitb Night," beeD teeia&, from evtry poiIlt of van- after the espositioa is over, the con. and the famou.l historical pia,.. "Jvlius tap ia the fairlrroUllds. These are the tents be lII.o'l'Cd to a pertDllJlent Cu.ar." Tr,.ioa. lIJId PcriJpbere, the theme home. I ddi':. t thCf' recorda OIl bad • V t ON Da .....n 00 , • centre of the productIOn. - t>1: '!!!.~ PItODUCTI the English -!~artmCDt will acqaire the 'OIl foot Trylon and go up .everal/ In the Production aad Distribution records of Amtr iclln and E.qllih bal. 10000sinto the hute ~a:1 by an esc~!or zone you will find the 1arI'est 5ingle nds, contemporary poets, IDd .elee. -!he largnt ev~r bUilt. Then Inude I section of the fair. So muy excellent tions sucb IS Cha.ucer's. "s.uterbury this .1obe ;you will It~ onto a revolv. bui1dillp have been erected that the Tale •. " ... platform hUD&,higb over I great followin&' ODes are .taadout.. J b f Grot Poillte model of a city of tomorrow. It is this Coluolidated Edison of New York UJt t::1III1 many 0 • 19 Ie -_ .._. '-'-'th ''--ot f the School', 184 aracltllltes 0;< 39 arc no'" _ ... Wn"", .ets e .. ~¥U e 0 bas a sreat city of U.ht dioramz. ~~-. II __ L_" •__ • .._"'-'t .... AIfair. "Buitdill tbe World of Tomor. . IJI co ere _y I<UVWI QeJlIU '"'3. :,. ~ .~cd b7 Walter Donnn 1'ClIpc. tboqh transcripts ha .... beeo amt oat ftJW. Housed ill an appropriate .tructure, a to maDy coiiqe. the .cadiDa' of a .Accor~ to pred.ict1on. of the m~cl bloek: in length, it shOWl public utility tranlcript doe. 'not alway. meu a f1It1Ir4l c:JtieI will have home ICCtionl services used by the cily of New York. student will attend the coUCEe to which ';U i..,..1at~A ~ ).,"1:"'." .,.'" f ... tn-~ . 'ili . . aJ • : . -. - -- -: ,-. • , . - •• I. Ae CJ«usc ut uea nave to pro- the transcript goes, Only a later check 4tistricU, ~y oat IJI the ~untry_.o vided &II exhibit" of lIDtI4ual interest. It with colleges can varify the facti. tkat a lIWtU!IaJD of aumbUle Ind 111" i. caned "The Forward March of wiD be free for all. ~hts of tha America" &lid .how. two typical .treets i If 1939 ITadllltes follow the exampl~ lIIOlIel ebaD.n from dav to Di2ht lIJId _, "m -'....... .'.l:''': .:... __ " r of gTaduates of former year., they wi1I ~: mali: it beard. The ...-cice Of);; the W;~'~The~';~;~~"~i ,catter to ~dely different H. V. KaJtenbora ezplafn. the .pee. it 10 accurate that it ma.ke. SOUle t~oughout tne countt:'o In the QcIe Ud exploits the theme of the '. eIght years GroUe PolJlters han ft. people weep to .ee It. . .. _ "." I'-.....;n!' fair. ....-;:ral E1.."Ctric', bui1din&, it tere« '" _! •• ~re!1t CO'=5-- aou 'll'!!•••• , .After haviq ICC!!I thiJ dramatization i~v ~! ~!!.::::.d~ liitics. The l'lumbe: of diffc,nnt colleges )'OU Jeaft b,. 1RY of the Heliclille, al~~iq~Jcbd,;'~.the Watinghouse att~de? r~ached Its pe~ 111 19~ when ~ C1IJ"'ria,r ramp whid! winda pavilioa.. You wi1I witae .. P"~blcrw- 31 mslitul.iolls were ~C11 tile Norbert P. Neff olt_ Shangle Beauty Salon F I . IIII 18020 MACK AVENUE FENCE =~ Betweea Waahiqtoa and LiocoJa RoUs Steel" for ,....., w. at_ a cordial iDvit.tioD to the lacIi.- 01 tIda com.. to .wt oar SaloL Our Nl"ricea wiD iDdade Hair StyliQ. P....... t W.y .. , Hair.l.tiIl ...FacialI, Muicuree, . Scalp Trealmeata, ete. W. will be pleaaed to bave 'ou ..... aa for aD appoiatm.t. Picket, for IJenty w....for ,..... ..... W..... P. ...wi)' F Materiala a.dIea ... .. openillg on Nov. tStii ...... .. ,.....,.... 1~~~~E~!; ...,1 I n~~NBAf~~~ . , -i~.~i" ...m I.. Select Your I I I ;i I colic:: l;;i hia'h-) 11I,,~~;.,..• ,;;... I It,. • _' .~., ,~<~ ,:. ' ~d~ta. _ ~~ 7.oNtwa -which cIramatizes the grouth of travel fair Is divided into ftfttI clivia- from JlOIDId da,.. to the takeoff of a Ana.or zona, each elIsit,. recopizab1e: rocketship, the automobile di.playa CGIllllIumcat!on. .nd busines. S,..tCZIII, beckoa. But they are not mere lato tramportltioa, community iIlternh, • bows ; iIldeed, the motor companies fl:lod. I'OYernmCllt, production and dia- have let the lJigbest standard for exhitn'bation and the amusease.at area. biu Us the cntJe fairgrounds. ... fait .-ter-t.... • ~ .0 hav.~"-"e.- ~ Fir.t of IIOte-it the G. M. "HilrhwayS .a- ..4ol't-, ."d Olle or more __ .t..._~_ U b .... - -. ......vuwq lIJId HorizolSs" czbibit. IIqtlestiona Iy cae:h _..:It II' b •• t to do .-. ., h ds ............ ." the hit of the fair, It preclicts t • rea -tioa, lOiac fint to the "focal" exhibit Of America ilS 1960. But you Deed not J_ -~h. ... ....,-:. a c."traI --'-:"it. , ""_' _'-. :III < ..... C>U:JD wallt: thrOUCh t .... OIle, Slllce .... :ur. on - "- the (air ---ration, whieh teta . lad tak th "t p t -.. liT -- ..mOVUlI' P orma. e e VIS, or as tlIe tnClllI for each zone of tbe World models of super h,.hway. of the future. of TQlllQlTcnr, The sale &f the models aradually in'=OMMUNICATIONS crC&lCl,until)'OU come on a :;:~.;,.~ re-I Let 1111'0 to the Communications and pro<!ul:tion of a Itreet intersection of 8usiness Systems ITOUp. The focal th future. Overslong walks for pedese:dUhit: is located just inside the main ~na are Drovided in thi~ bl""k 1nng cnUUlCe oi the huge Communication reprCJe!ltatlon. Tbis is truly the "World 1Iuildinc. It .ha ... the past prOl'tUs of Tomorrow," and the prObable future of communica. Ad'" . " 'F d exhib't, f • ,., . . )omml" IS t. or I I eatJcnu. Broau~.st"'" film. and pna~ turill,a ride on the ramps of tomorrow are. also exhlb,ted. in, Oil, under, and above the building. Nearby is the American Telephone .....Iso a great turntable sho ...s the cycle and T.!~IT!pb B!!ildi:l;; ~h~:t frG .... 1 oi production ior the manufacturer oi mo.ing ',;,.mp you un see lile "voder,~ automobile.. ,.o~ I Hel,. Hour Servicea S\LW!d.,. November 12 , I ke\'erend Father John C. Vumua, D. 0" Chapbin of Gabriel Richard Council, Knights of Co1t1111btll,will eoa. duct a Holy Hour Service ill St. Philip From Our Attractive Stock I I 2.'e. the largest &'fOllp C'l'er seen in th~s years ago, the devout .upplications of country, comprising 58 nation, and two those in attendance will be offere" in i::lCr..at;on.l Il"'UUi's. Each has iL pa\"i-I behalf of a speedy temllnation of tbe Eon in the Halls of ~ations, a great! prcsent European conllicL cluster of p::"ilions lV"oup.d ..be::! the ,I Court of Peace, The 24 nations "'no di" not have enoullh noom In t"'. Iimil.1 ayne nty ~uc ed spice provided there, have erected ~iiel. "(vC:1A4e D..lijuings. Eacn is a ~I masterpiece by ;!sel/. C.ua!!}. a res-, There h .. recently !leen formed all tall rant i. ill conjunction ",here one' East Side unit of the \\.a~-ne County ma~ enjoy foreign foed! in their l1at;'-t Lealfue of Women \'oters. The next \'~-.~:,,; .. .,:.;.:, "",.:..,,, ..,' "",''v,,. ,lI'll:. 'mettr~1l: ('l[ Ihis l!'~.>up i. to be held on Finally. as of 1"'";9. yo:: .ee o~r modern Franc •• nd E~"'i!an~ !la\"e :!lC l.r"es! 'Tl;~rsda)". Xo\"cmbcr 16. at 1,30 p. m"1 exi.tence. in ...hieh man is very de- e"hihits. uch spendinlt many mit:ions at lhe home of !t!, •. EmtTSon Da\"is, Pf'ndenl on hi. iel:o...- men. of dollars. Jrel.and has a sham.roek 8;0 Tromh:.y road. ~,lrs. Winford W, PI'~.d ,a:o::r.d t'-',.! lcca! exhibit ~rel.hap.d fla"ilion .. hile Japan hts reo G~.,l'n,ll ...il1 lead a djscur,i~n on lhe man)" !l:,.n1rI .... ~ ;"~\.ll.- ...c:~ ~mo:"';; ,,1'lrh produced" Sh!:ito ~hrmt:'. D('lW'M flit "'l nt"m~10ym("nt Com~n~.atlon ."ct/' the H.l1 of .1....... 1, rale',., lhe c>'c. i front of Ita;)"', uu,j<jlnif ca~(arlc~ a 10 ,cd the qlle,t,on o! "~al",!lal Dcfen.e~ Hrre O",tr ~'.'l\n(..-, ,\nrtl~.I'\: r,rec:o~.s ~lory ".tcrfa~r ... hiie 1r-r pa"ijon~ "i "iij ~e dlo;;CU~r,t'd undt:r the leadership ~ton~s :l.<e dl.;>l.yed by I Jfth Annue PoTancl a,nd Cz.ch~.sTo\'ak,a •• e!l .land I ()f ~frs. O,,-;II~ J. Bond. All women Je ....el.... out. Sw,t~.,land tealures ",'.atehe •• ne! . ,n:e, .. ted are rn\"lt~d to attend. A Mon.dtn<"'llTii:u.:~()ri.al a:l T~mp~~ of I (~j .. tc:~ m~kin~. ". h:T~ ~\~ ~IE5' T'r.c'"!t:""!1 f _ COMMUNITY INTERESTS The Communil)" l"'",~H zone is :1n. other ~nA ""~ "I !~e larg.st of all the .ctions at th ... ...".lIl'~ fair. The theme ia man's life In .ocielv and hi. coni. muna1 interests, In th.-Hou~e Fum;S:l. in,s buildmg. the focal exhJbit exp] ..ins t~:,. Y",:.: ":'i'i !~~ b:!~,:"e ~"~:..:.:"::,e$' Life in l7ll9--the cO;oni,,1 \'irT~;:-~.in"~ndent, complett:y s;mpl~. Then II the years frO on. Iii. is aided by In. GREETING The most .suc~fW ner, to ~!!!e:- the t!nlverslty of ld:lch~an from Grosse POlOte wa. last year. arou~. Current freshmen at ADa Arbclr will have to earn 54 per CCllt A's and B', and 42 per cent C's to equal th~ record set Iut year; a record c~u.t~bly above ibe m,ul.i .:of t:'iiiVU.;:Y Gf' Michigan freshmen as a whole. model r-ai1road, the largest locomotive ~:ed Ch.'~i'ch. a.ii;l~""Q. i1Qd Datzin the ...orld, and I collection 01 histori-Ison, on Sunday evenifll', NovCIlIber 12, cal train.. In addition, "Railroads On from 7 to 8 po m., u the Council', conParade," the transportation pageant by tribution to Armistice Day's COIIIDlClll. Ed1ll'ard Hungerford, combines rod~o. oration of the memories of those who light opera, circus alld theatre in a ga,'e their Ih'es durill4r the World War. spectacle that s1lould not be missed. This relilfious service will be open to Admission to the pageant; from Z5c. aU membErs of the Knights of CoIUIIS' J:"OA!,r;~ '~loIit, ~:1t~1:.I:U~:;.t.~•• i.l rd~k.;!';, w-:~t:.ht; I :.J:~n,. nal,ions exniuiling bring. o~t Catholic or non-Catholic. In addition the International character of a ....orld J to rememberin, the departed victiIlu fair. S'ew York has brought together of the ....orld coaRict 01 a score of hour. Adjoining in th~ ,R. C. A, Pavilio.n can .ee televl"on-the con:mum~l.iUrl of th~ .future. A~tual t",~.t-I mr and rcee'~lIlg ~o on sImultaneously. Belter not mlS! thIS. Enry visitor .hould take UI the Masterpieces of Art Museum, also ill this lection4 Here one JlJ;jV see an ic. 'Via'on!i"i c.ol!.don cr. ~"'odd'. greaL canvases, EI Greco, TitIan and. Raphw :sre wei! represented. Ar\mission: I ~"_. d:U'. an iIlgenilos mechanam which produces T ...ent,. •• eftll Eastern railroads 'yntberi" .peech. Also, 150 frte te!e- h.ve combined America to present pbnne call. ~ anyplace in the United their slGry ill a fittin, manner, In States ue &,I\'en away te. lucley petl"re their bui1dine )"011 may ICe a g:-eat ;, _ ~ullted for 040per cent of allt.be marks oth wbile D'. aad E'. made up the er 14 per cent. I J . last eight yUl'. have ciou -U 1ChoI. astically, In the eoaatr)o at qe they liive maintained &It avcrap honor point average of 1.39, ..,hile GrOl!e Poillters out at the Ulliversity of Mich. ipIl, in the Iut eight yean, attained aft avenge bonor pOint average of 1..36. Official fil'ures sbow that ~ per Cellt of the total mub of Grosse Poilltc f.esbmen in tbae Iut ei&'bt ycu. he,.. beCll A'. Illd B's. The C mub &C- ne each _" ~ W I I I I Cou ' I 'I ._ I I I Grosse Pointe Printing Co. B.,:ci,l1i Center )()U '" a ,,"r: I: z()nc of Lor m.l, 'l1 ,: :'" hP"'SlII"n. ,1,",1 \:',1,,1 I"~"~.,,"e:~ ',e:~ CO"tg" ll'"ar)" a '''phomnre in thel :1 , I 15121 Kercheval Ave. LE.1162 Jl:.li,;:ion lS anet".r bddlnll' we!: worth: f',:,"il::re highli,;:ha h:"l",. f,e"" 11.• t Cl'.:!e< R, F,eld!'!". of Grosse Pointe, \',~ilJ11" G'~Ge-':o, ",., d',,, eOj(l:'1 :"-:;;nc.n.".n (ou":,,. TI,','\" j.,. I'., :',e",I,. Ir,n,Hed in:" Zela Psi I "(,a~cl,"er< "" r',,,"," ,'.~ ",,~,"..', " :';.-.,,~,-.:'.'-, '"'' ';r;;: i" I''', "'- .:"f:"", .' :,' i ni\e'<i:, of J.[jeh. i t".. ; e.... c,'.. 1n tne lLme I, of Women Voter. I _"'M!I!"","_Ii!!_ ~ ."--_!l...:_"_,-_'..'II_!E_...~...~.._ , !I_. ." _ ~-. ...._ ........._ ....._ .. I , - Thursday, November 9, 1939 THE PERMANENTS Machin. and Machinelna-$2.59 to $10.00 complete liD. Df Holilla, Menbaadiae "IT)' • D... tD the .u" ... of our E... alar Bu.i ... France in the crisis prior to break of hostilities in Europe much more is being said about that the fight ii on, Let this PoUc,. THE BEAUTY BOX , w,1I be Fi ... Ni,hb • week, ...... 0.... to • p .•• S.t ....... ro. Z.%149 to • p. I Chef STEWART-~,°K::! I I The Belt Food- for every tute an.d occasion .so, BEST VALUES REVIEW IN DETROIT .30, ,45 and .60 Complete, Incomparllhle Luncheons .75 Ie 1.00 Steak, Chicken, Turkey, Fror ~, etc. Dinner. .75, 1.00, etc:. Perfect Dinnerl for the Sunday Mood Page Five Dr. Van KJttck predicb & substantial increase in employes' contributions this year, "This campai.n amonr the pupil. will aho haH ils efftct on the adults in the .choo! system," he de. elared. ------Maire Note. lhe out. desire to convince thc world, once and and aot {or all, of Hitler's duplidty. her now It was a costly, unpop"lar and even not mis. hllmili6lip&, maneuver, but it bad to be <;:.:i~o U" The French have Ilways preferred facts to words. They have moreover, made it a rule to avoid publicity. And, Premier Edouard Daladier is no eltceplion to this rule. Official France hal lonl' considered that an apparently unassuming France would be more likely to enlisl help from without than if she showed her r.al ,trength. In accordance with this school of thought, France's way o{ doing lhings has been carefully studied to contrast with that of the Reich, her III. 51 OAK ST, AT THE POINTE Behind French Foreign Policy B, PAUL M. DUe &dier accepted to '0 to Municb is freVery little has been said about quently intimated as ha"in, beea his Pre-View to Xmas ... Wo GROSSE Fort large ships had spreaJ out hnwise for .afety, head into the storm. Up on Chapter, the crest of a mountainous whe Olle could sec some of Ihe other ships, in Members and guests Of Fort Pont. the trough of the sea, one could only chartrain Chapttr, Daughters of the .ee the tops of lhe maIlS. American Re,'olulion, will attend a The Michigan was abreast of our benefil bridge tei, to be given Tues. ship (Virginia), and a few of u. feUowl day afternoon, 1\ovember 14. from 1;.30 from the black gang were watching D. A. R. &hool I Pontchartrain dont. to 5 o'clock, in the senice building of her, from the top-side when her (oreTo ucuse her betrayal of CzechosloThe 3A pupils of the llaire School Delroit Edison Company on Third mast bent over tht side. The gred v."'i~. Franee onee m"" mfrkly entertained Iheir mothers It a Hallow- avenue, ?I f rs. \V .~,IJ L , E v.erar ..' an d I U";"CL IJId" rn<lcic up oi slcci tuoi"l1 pointed out to her "helplessneu," while: "'e~ party Tuesd.l,y allernoon, VClOOU Mrs, Charles K, Cooper Will be co- bent over in a semi.circle, the ob.erthe dictators challenged the world and 31, In the school h~rary. , . chairman of the affair. which benefits vat ion tower under the surhct and the paraded their might,-thus alienating Mothers atlendmg the party 1ft. the chapter's philanthropic fund, Tick- ship dangerously listed to the portc1uded Mr •• Clay IonI Purdy, Mrs. Pando, CL.) w-.r ".. , I.U" 6U.\' IUC:WUI;~~ • '" I s.~dC'. Ci.ppkd, iih~ ''r .ith drew !I0111 1h~. what,flovf"r' iY"'P.'It h'.". I,. I't Tt)r t h ...'" I ~ ..... ". uc lJl)i4llUCU U Today, France is radiant {or she has Il\n'on, Mr~, lonar.ts ~eecnlllg, Mr~. The regular meeting of the chapter Illeet anti mad. her \':~l' b~ck to t!le reJl:aitled not on!, the idnd of world ~H.rbert Ma,oney, !ot~i, ",tlJrge Braunu. I Friday ahernoon, Kov.mber 17, at I na"y yard at Norfolk, sympathy she wants and needl, but !o{rs. Cono"er san'I~, ,!I~rlMClar~nc~ o'c1ock, at McGregor Library, ~ill be a January 17th. riding out the tail end also effective Brilish support. In fact, Buslepp, Mrs, Fred _mlt, ~~ 11 ay Kational Defense program, With Mr .. of tl,e storm. lhe steering gear "f the tbe French through clever diplomatic mond Croa.dale, Mrs. RObet\; ha I~ce, Wa!late Hall add~e5sing the members Georgia fouled and we crashed inl!) moves, have: maneuvered the British to Mrs. ,Eric Dearnley" Mrs, t e crt on "Or What Are We Afraid?" Miss her, ,dlh slight damage due to ,.ble open the "preventive" war Pari. has Spurner, and Mrs, Mlchad Mahoney. Madge Quigley will present. urly maneu,'ering which sent lIS to the nayy I ;3il1 arch-en.my. been lookinlf forward to ever since the American music on the harPlschor~. yard where tht writer took a picture of Thus, while Kazi Germany thundered, l.. t world war. Vernier Parent. Mrl. Henry B, Kellogg, regent, w,1l the ).[ichigan, Any of you boys call threatened and dared the world, France Meanwhile, the British are hning a preside. Hostesses for the day ",i'l l'oJilp!y more details of th Great Would j'OU like lo reed our menu? Ju.t phODe NI. 9311' quietly asserttd her "desire for peace hard time tryin .. to believe that Cham. to Meet Novem r be members of th.e National r~den,e I Storm? Wiii be leemg )IOU Jatn', Complete Diltinguilbecl Bar Sernee and co.operation with all countries," berlain and not Daladier il the lIIan department, of ....hlch Mrs, W.lham R. As a re'lllt. the lesser powers Boded who is runnine Europe. The parenti ef the Vernier School Walter is director. ],~rs. Rob~rt ,H. Emple7" IIe&1tII around France and asked her to dCl ------will mett Oft Thursday evening. No. Peteuon. prOll'°am (halfman, will 1ft. The air hygiene foundation. it • .t D;o.dUze • someth'ng about it. Which she readily Pointe to vember 9, at 7JO p, m, Dr, Van Kluck, troduce the speaker. Tn follo""l the ncn-profit, scientific or,anizatioo AMPLE PARKING SPACE did by lining them all up agaiast the superintendent of schools, will discuss prol(Tam. with headquarters and a mu1t.ip~ lijpossible aggressor. problems of our local scheel systtln. ------fellowship at Mellon institute, Pitt:&------------------------------For many years. this trick has helped •. . Parents of t h t ICh oe I In d t h elr .. . f'rlen d sM' A bur"h. It represents a collective ef. &U'e __ • ,. fort employers Thein foundatioD. behal1 of emthe French 10 largely supplant their C~.opcrallnit with the De:rolt Co , m. are cordi6lly invited to be: present. ployceby health. in deficiency in man.power and maintain muntty FU~d Plan f~ publIC, Prtvat~, The second meeting of the Maire addition to its fundamental rueareh a real hegemony over the continent. and paroclual school. In th~ metropol~. School Parent.Teachers association in industrial health, provides memHitler had somewhat upset their tan area, the ~roue POlftte pu~he Muon Pupil. takes place in the auditorium of thc ber companiel with praet.ieal plant plan~ {nr ~ time. but they heve :!!lte !chool .wlll nnt we.k reeel,vt to school on Tuesday enning, November :::ca~~;t~pre=rind~u:n~ re-established the balance in their small ~ntnbutlO/ls to the Communl~y 14 at 8 p. m. The speaker will be Mr. hyciene. FridaY-Saturday , November 10 and' 11 favor through discreet and cOllcerted Fund In all elementary grades and In Royce Howts war editor of tde Detroit _ Randolph Scott - Bun .... 1JanoH ' 'th h B'f h tht hil'h school, announced E, R. Van " b' '11b "Wh t acllon w, ten II . . d 1 Th tu tS &ad doll. of various Fr,"c Prell. HIS su Ject WI c a "FRONTIER MARSHALL" ' , f . 1 . Kleeck supenntendent, ycster ay, fo' e C'OI m "Af h' t II. T_er 01Pin The starting pomt 0 thtS c ever 41" lowmg " ler IS f a Sat, 11 P. M,-Cleoda Farrell "Torch, Runa for Mayor" a con {C'rence Wt'th th e sc h 00 I (Ountrie! wbich werc secured last year Passes the Censors. 9 The leanine tower ot Pisa wu iJs. plomacy can be traced bacle to 191 • ... through tbe elforts of rOOl11mothers, Mr. Howes Will answer any ques Ions staif tended to stand upri&hl but the IOi1 Sunday Thru Thursday Ncv2m:"', 12 to 16 At the Versailles Peace Conference adLocIDtn15ltrattIhvcfl" • I d 'th teachers aDd pn-ncipai oi :Mason school the audience may care I" ask him rela- beneath gradually cave way on _ " sc 00 0 ICla s agree WI, '. , • E that ended World War I, Germany was f h 0 't B d fare hein" tranrltrrC'd to the Profes. twe to the curreot 5ltuatlon In urope. side until the marble Itructure waa . I h' spokesmen 0 t e elro, oar 0.. . ~. M' .. ordered to dISarm comp etrly. T , I' Ed ucallon . _~ t'IOnaI va IUe' t 0 sional Library of the Grosse Pointe' Mr. Howel "'as "orn. ,n . InneapollS 1ll feet out ,,' th.. Dl'""'''r1;eu1ar. t h at t h e ~uca ". Ray "as to take place at Once ..... Board of EducatiOll. There they will Ind attended the UmvelSlty . of ,,,,lOne. under mID. . ,the ch ildr ea 0 f elt t en d'uti th e campa'.... E ute control of an AU,ed committee b h I ill b e { t th n become a part of tbe Children'. Mu. sota. In 1924 he made a tnp to ngFOR EXPERT CLEANING AND I he~ded by the late Marshal F""h. In to t elsc 00 sh~ ...H tar tghreaferd a .eum' undtr the su-rvision of !diu land on a cattle boat and remained PRESSING CALL . , . the va ue of t eU' .~ts 0 e un • r~ ,. hIll compensation, the Alltes promised to ,.. • I . 'U bl- AUc- ~ucker and wiU be available for there SIX years. Dunng t east . ',Tne ~cnoo campaign WI ena ~ ~ £ ff f h GROSSE POINTE VALET r follow SUit by gradually d,sannUlI', 'I '. t . f th d m C'Xbibit in any of the other schools. ~'ears he' bas been on the sla 0 t e SERVICE PUP! s•. to parhclpa e Indbone 0 t" e t'.. e • • Free P ress. B'd 't' ----'-------------------------Ithemselves. •. Th-~ kind---rten with Mn • Stanley De'tro.t 1..IIiIiIl1Ai!iIIP!I!Jiiii!iIPItiiijililJiiIIil~i!!Jfiii!@!JiiIJjlj;l~1iliiWJi!1Ili!lii!Ii!lili!Jii!ii!ell&Ii!Ji!!li!lJii!lilmllMii!l!lilii!•• !I!Ii~!!Ii!!U~!Ji!lJ oeratte Institutions, an y par IC'lpa !p.. .... -, • , dE' esl es wrlp'mg l7IU MACK AVE. NI. IMt "Oar 5an'_ p __ p •.rtiaUar England kept her word, but not the childrrn ....i11 learn the philosophy Mackenzie IS room mother and Mrs. artlclu fer t~e Satur ay \'emne PeopleFrance. • .. 'h f d t" ..... nted WiUi6m Quialan al teacher, chose Mr. Howes IS the author of numerous U ..... I(I • C un movrmen, rwl I f hich have France had suffe'ted atrociously duro t L M BartlC'lt of the Grosse Pointe Swellen as the country they ....ould rep- m~'stery n~ve ~ s()ftle a w. ing the war and the French were all ~: rd Education, who is in cb&rJte resent. Two d01l5, a boy and a gill, been pllb!,shed by the Cnmc Club, ALICE BEAUTY CLEANED AND RENEWED anxious to "never let it happen .... in... f;h lans here. in native e~tUtlle anll a Swedish coso AmOll, hIS latest novels a:e h Callao SALON Clemencean is often quoted to have 0 I L CPt f th h b't f tume lor a rirl abollt ten )'urs of"e Qub," MDuth en the Bndre," Illd Venetiu Blinda Cleaned OJ' Made to Order said that since the Allies h&d not ell'~~ &,YOUl1&"s ~.r;m e. a ~ °d were parchalecL "Kurder at Maneuver,," His dQbby il Permanat Wa~ $3.-$$-$7 BUY NOW Prices Are tered Berlin as conquerors, thc Ger- chontn hutillghtOt u Qntmunflt y. un u_ Fr--Ie Surn, _ m-her and polo. 5..... • __ J •• • t roug out t e we lve ycarl 0 hII pu b...... ,.~~ u, , ill b f 7'30 mpoo, Fiil&erwaw _ man w,,,,ld never llt!('!\OwlC1!ll'e the:: Il_ b I lif d h' th Mrs. Georp DoqIas tAcher of aaSlroom, w e open rom • R!'I":,..". ~ ii1lddeat. ..,; Ie 00 e, an . e IS more &n. _ • . _ '. • • _ . • m, io i . w. anci it i. hooed thai I. • • .. • iiJ • iiitei to continut hll contrtDutlOllS a. 11\ graae, enose :)C(ltlaaa. 1\ ;:ocatcn p p. • ., pL_ _ NL1- 11.__ .6.--a From that moment on, France atmed ~ It" M B tl It h' cd. costome was purchased alld tbere i. aU parents will use thiS opportunIty to __ _. I1R' ~ II HI. 6700 15810 .. __.... t W "bu- ~I to hold Germany down {or as lone & ~Th&' u: br. &rt e elltP aslDz '- 't sdideat 111011.... left to (>anha .. twe visit their chUdren's rooml &nd to betbe Open Eveuing. -~ • ....... "" . . I II IS t e 6t.}'tar e,,01 -; b' t d ,'th their ,., t'me as It wou d take Poland atld C 't F d Ca . h beell Scotch dolli. come elter acquam e WI. [email protected]!lf'mWWblil!Dll!Crezchoslovakia,Rumaaiaand Juga- __~~~un.11 uhn h IIIIPa~~n lIS • rl The IA.2B nOUD chose France and teachers, During the evening the I. h er sate II'ltel to COll10l....te I' 'It .v> C l.. orbn •• , \ purchased s av,&, f~... h'Icu tnto Tb t e boo! .. t'a ....ir- of Fr.tlch doUs school lib rary w ill b e open an d the _ new F-J, of 5Z4Sl. Clair h bas I0Il. e K partu::pa lOll was rU .... will "" _ .... t CDlselves and e•• trOll!l' _ash to laDSlecl followialJ a ltud of tloe 0. tar-elo. tM elorta of )In, J. tk:Pone. boob feall • ., .~ _ 1M5I ~ _ ..... ..l face the German "ant "'Ithout fAr. p. of Oe.relaad. ~ HIoool ~ , ... K .. Pau1iDc S8pJa, (iqlaYI of this kid To put this p... tbJ'oucb. w1tJoMt to-. ................ _ . _ .' _ line. ~ ."~ ~OI' to T --.-:: arouslllg world su!picioti, France OIIce rifts to the eo.uuunity Ftm# fO!' JliN V"'et Clemen, teeoad p-ade eoaaidcrmc pV1nr 'boob Os • ill 0.. ~, more adopted her favorite attitude. twutyycars. The fact th&t C1ne1and, teacher. aad M .... Ra,. DeGraw, room prueu.... • EJ.ctricaI I She poised as if constantly menaced a city OIIjy two-thirds tile oi:DelIIo,hCi". pu;;:h .. cil : ~!'~ D,,!~!: l:C:l'~re!!!~ d M!.lr~ SchOC'! d!l!~!"ffl ROBntTS !LA.!)!O S£!!VICE by Germany. So, iastead of di.lUlUia&', trcit DOWregularly rabC'5 a COIIUIlDDityltUttlC &ad two Dutch dolls. Th~ their relatives and friends, are cordially IlIa Eo at B.Ir-: TU. Z-45lt she rearmed. fund' of a million dollars larger tha.a p1&Ato ptucbue a boy's' Dutch cos- invited to the mcetiD. llext Tuesday Gnu. p..-- IterPremier Oaladier, commonly bOWl!. Detroit now rerularly r&i.es a com- tume. A pair of woodeD slJoa which tvenilltr, _ A · B1e s sin· School II 16023 M ck Ave g 5tuelenb Aiel Community Fund i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P T Punch & Judy Theatre Kercheval at Fisher Road be 9 NI 3898 School School Muaeum I)"';'" Donate Cottumea I Judy Garland - Frank Morgan Bert Lahr Bolger in "WIZARD OF OZ:' • -I Window Shades Risiar II LINWOOD CII A ... - ..... n --••,.,......."V'. 05"1 I oi I I J I IB-I ~I Russell's Barber Shop )"'*),' ~ ........ =:: ... Have Y Q.urHAIR me ~/jtt't>.£t,M 41In~vid';ializea"p:.manenf Waving as "Ie Taciturne~" doe. not boast w1J,.en munit,.' fund ef a miUion dollus ~= LE,3511 15324 E. Jefferson Francel FOll: Representativea at the GrOIM Pointe ad 7.Mile Road Salona 30Z D .....ld Wlt.ila..,. RAndolpb 4656 Biela. 7..1. W. j.Mile it.. UNinnilJ' Z.N4I Ai;,. _ ~ also/ luger Masoa Scbool hacl formerly w.,... secured . J ~e says France IS r~l.dy, for she rully thalt Detroit', is attributed to the I from Ho~nd ~iIl be ~ODated to thel Group 2 of Olrist Methodist Church, I Is-and ~erman Hi&h Commaod ...ell tr:L"li!!;; period in the scbools. museum ....Ith tlllS exhib,t. East Warren at Haverhill, will sponsor knows thIS to be t:ue. ~wenty ye:,,1'1 Grene Pointe's school clmpairn will Mexico was the country chosen by a play "Tne Berea Church in ....:!iu~" of c~n5tant and lntenStve rcanaan, Ollen Wedaesday, Nove:mber IS, a~d the third. Ifl'ade ... hose teachcr was au Friday, November 10. at 8 p. 'tl. haJ gl\'ea her a great advant~e over cootiDae for OIte week. The pupils lirs. Thomu McCoa.ell &ac! whose' _ CLEANERS her "h~reditary" foe. The grcat re- themJClves will organize the c:ampaigu rOOtD mother ",-as MI'I. WiUiam serves of fighting pla~e., tanks and ill their own ,chools. Student repre. Schmidt. Two Mexican dolll were pur. Veteran'. Comer We Specialize ia L..... other war apparel which have been s"ntat;vf'C from e~~}, g1'adt! or hOll1e- ella.ed and there is som. mod'ty left cieri!!: C:.meth~dicl!.!!): ~(o"iteci and kept. up to room will take: cbarge o{ campa;,n lit- {or IOllte IrtiCle of c1othin.. lOut of a $ollior's di6ry, a saga of the tam. aDd Draperie, date In ..anous undtrKfound htdeouts, erature and information and pre,cllt Two dolls were .tl:tIrtd from Yor- SU, tbe Ilcat storm of January 15-1i IthroU~hout ~~e country ha,'e .ne.ver lig. it ia brief speechu to their groups. occo by fourth grade: teaCher and room 19111. One of the 1II0st se,'ere winter; t ~~~C'f'&1 LE. ured In. offlC:~1 French statlsllcs, nor An individual canister wili be placC'o I mother, Mrs. DOllaId MeldrulII and ever experienced on the Atlantic coast. t I I , I I has _ t~elr ex.stence been .rel-ealed t~ in ea~h r.ooll! along wi~h poster~ a~d Mrs. William Presley. The great fleet, based in the ~arbor oU new sdlgg.~s, ~ut they eXI!t. n~etht ,bulletin dl!llll~'! presellttllll' Co=ulIlty Tile fifth audit chose Alaska anll Yorktown, Va., was prepanng for a less. and K'YC france ~ supenO:lty her Fund purposes. purchased aft Eskimo dolL Mr. \Vii- ten-day.' patrol of the coast, deliberate meekness "",II not eXIst. 1\0 check will be made of the amount lard Shinners 1\'as teacher of thi. The Vestal, navy repair ship COlllin,",h.n in 1927, Marshal Foeh la. <of individud contributions, declared ifroup and ),frl. Perey Eeatty 1\'11room uously steamed back and forth, the SERVICE n~lIneed that .German ~isarmameat was Superintendent Vaa Kleeck, and ao- mother, lenrth of the channel, keeping it iceOa aD .... _AD _k raanatee.l y \'lrtuall r~ahzed. (whICh meant tho.sc body will know ",.hether a child has or ThrOllrh Miss Eudora Frazes. teach. Iree. CefIDAD Refripntioa Senice of the Allies WhlCb had not yet dl" has not contributed. cr, and Mu. Corrado Parduccl, and Ten o'c1ock in the morning, January %81 Mo.-ou Rd. NI... ar~ed . could new ~o so), ~ymond MThe size of the individual gift ....ill the help oE Mrs. Parducci's sister, Mrs. 14, 2J ships of the line, headed by the POJncalre, at that tIme Prem.er, con. ::ot he emphasized. bul rather the spirit Freedman, in ~ew York, two Hun- Pennsylvania, .teamed out, accomtrarily declared that danger of air- in which it is givtn said the Superin. gian dolls, a bride and a bridegroom, tanied by destroyers and sub.chasers- RUSSELL I ). ... or-. I I CURTAIN I 1 8275 . REFRIGERATION ~~~::~~~~~~~~~::::~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~Ie-r, .. in" ~.:! "~~~r been gr".'e.r, And. France -,,'ent n~h~ ..head wt~h her preparations. trammg and armmi her proteges as sbe went along. This Germany bitterly restnted for it is unlikely she had any plans for reo venge just then, but her reputation as a rapacious power Ifave little weight to her protests. ?lIa,.be the French were right, after I 3 - Piece Suits Spotted and Form Pressed Or Overcoats Men's SOcPicked up and Delivered I MACK .............................. AND NOTTINGHAM I I I III an impressive sight, The SC'& was calm as the fleet sailed into the darkness of night, but there e,-ide::t!, ~:2. :. '\":arning reee;,.ed of hea,'y wcalher ahead for, down in the sto\(e hole, we could hear the blasu of the shrill bos'n's pipe aad orders (or all deck hands to turn-to and make fast all hatches and lundry equipment. Off walch at 12 midnight. a hot bath SOCIETY I I III~_:... I :':>: I :1'('re ~'". :~.",i.d.n~~ng':_I~~~ ,c. ':":."'" '''~ • ,c."" cor.Clh':Ny allllude I. (I ctai.',", .nd r.rllcubrly II I".', I LeD OX 5885 I I..w.._l.. ,. .,... 10408 MACK AVENUE i the i \\'enl. TU .... r HAVE I I I j Z.ln7 YOU EVER wn~N .A. I I -I• Directors I ~~pire, arr -"I.d l~ 'ron<or this method of SO. TUl1tman, Otto Schuh7. l.<>raine Dein-I'I, cr ....: C'i ~eamen ",cr. 'tru~glinl< "It;, ",at a eli' ....ork.. 17rr, Ron Rhodt, Belly Relckle. ayM thc ~h1l's Ill.no "Inch h~rl roBed end toward the .\ .tNrate omr"ll'n amonK 11'e em- Gro<~, Rett;. I'lrennan. Glen Beyer. {nr end ~e,'eul time, hetMe ,t finally l-I,tler 1I'as rlo,.e< 0' Ihc Rnarti "i E.;uc.lion i,. J.nie. \\'eneil, Grnrjtc Kurz. !<fanlyn ,,>< la.hed f.sl. cn:nmend.hle. ~mce they eoulll not ",11 af!'nrd to ,('<':er~ M,I:'. Ii" French ;orctended ttl r al::ree. h:ll left the initiali"e of .uch a mnve entirely with London. Thn~e do.e 10 Pren,ier Daladier ~n()W t'1.t he n~\'tr h~li~\',,; the ).[U". o",'o'.-'r (().,H "r w"tlld r~:~~e an)t:',:>o;. Tile re.l rca;nn ...hy n.l. I I Cooper Bros. Fun.... I ! ""U and Dyera and a Hunganan blouse and apron were purchased. ". The (>rmclpal, Mus Ethel Tucker, secured a co~plete. Japanese ot:tfit f~om an AmC'rlcan fnen~. Mrs. Gnce Knapp, who has been In Japan for three ~'ears. I I Imperial Cleaners tendeni. So that oslentation may be noid"d, a maltimum limit for individual gifts was agrccd upon by the school princi. pals Tuesday. Elementary "hool chil. dren will be urged to contribute any amount {rom one penny to one quarter. In the junior high school the ma"i. mum lim;t is to be 50 cents, ",.hile iJI the h;,h school contributions from one cent to one dollar ~.i11 be solicited. and into the hammock on Ihe gun deck The Community Fund School Cam. lfr. and !ofrs. A. p. Halliday, De. bv one A. M. At t,,-o awah"'d b)' a, llailfl.! w~nreplace in Gros~e Point~ ~h. I :,,,,.l; :i.frs. ~iJa JJa ....son. Imlay City; hug" ~'a'-e ~lal'ping the ship b:cadsid~,1 I ~l:llie!!1!lo!l of fClod for ThanI.:sgl\'1ng Ilr\","e and John !lorland, De.rborn; and the qUlvenng of the shIp as It baskets ....hich has been carried on oc- Mi~s Eleanor Deuster and Mr. and struuled to rid the dtck. of tons of casionaUy in \"Orioos schools in the past. :Mr~, Seymour ]eiil.s and famli~', Grosse ' ....ater. some of which streamed ir.t~ Said Mr. Bartlett, "We fed that thf I Pointe, ~pent Sunday on the Tranzow the aun deck throll!!," hatches and Community Fund provides a much farm near Imlay City. ports not .ufficiently light. The ship more a~equate plan of social work than then Jlarted a rhylhmic rolling ...hich thc seasonal contributions of food. .".s Mari!yn and Janice Wendt from incrtased as dawn approached, finally Ihe .I,meeican ....ay of meeting com •. Pemberton road. ".ere ho~te" to a. gro"'ing into a ,cries of pitching, rollmunity responsibihliCl. the Community scavenger hunt for some o{ their ing, lurching and ~""""o';,,e' Tt,e'l Fnnl! ha, been almost Ilni,'ersally friends. Fridav eHnue. Xo,'emher .t • ''''ell ~! !~~~:l~~: ....;c r,~i"" ..,c'; :.e'l 7. ;.,:;.,~ ;.;,..;;,:.. ':........v .. n.. «;1 iiiiponaiit laciOPt('o rn our countr:-.. and hilS merlt~d j 1" fhe rar~~. ~'~r~ Shir1rv non~ldson.1 twctn decks, on~ drum of it 11a\ing i,~tnr in Etlrore.n politics. the British, the ,omplele appro,:a! of '<xi.l l~ad~r, Ii CharJe~ Koul11man. Marguerite Jon.'ki'l hr"ken loose an~ smashing from onc I hern", conSClnU< to ....hat an C'xlent an. ,,'eryw here. That 1< ....hy the schools rani Pet"<, Barb.,.. Aueh, K.r1 hulkhead 10 anotner nad ~I'runl< a lcak all. In 1933, ....hen Hitler came to po ....er. the French once more poi~ted Ger. many out to the world as \",olent ;tnd war-benl, although both British and French money had powerfully con. ,!r,b ..ted to AcioH Hitier's ~uccess. I....gain the ....orld took r.o!ice. The Briti~h alone were somewhat stospiciou~, hut Ih~t didn't bolher Paris as an ,\n!'rlo.Gcrman alliance could only be {'('nciuded at Britain', expen~e. Prior 10 Septcmber 1938, a~ the I TUxedo 2-3000 _ I I 45c I = C!==. t I New York Style CARNATION UI Show Let CORSAGE? Them to You! Cor,eo.1 eO""lea for all part .. oe. calion_Gardenia. Viol"t (frelh .1 he",~ cnnduclrd eoincident "ilh anrl f1l1l Snyder. After the hunt: On the t"I'~;de at dawn thrre \\.'1 the mornin,!) and atherl. Oar Or. r,)("l., d.les of the crntral dri,e. ~o- i they rlay-.; .ame< anrl fCOlledon pTenl." ll'"inll' on. Th. wirele,~ m.<'" Hmo'r 6.2l. Comnwn,ty Flinn mem- \\'end!', famous l,.mbur~tr. A iood I...ere hrn.tn .nd .'"ayinlt I,,'m eah:" ch id C o".,e. at $2.st. wiD de lig.t her.h,p hlan •.' ha\'t heen dist~ibt:led time "as had by a'l. a ho~'n'. ere", ....orkinl<' to cllt thrml' tnrough the Bnud n, Eaucat;on off'ce -adrlf:. Some one remarked Ihat !I'e to all mtmh.r~ nf the teachinll', cieri. June Lar'on, ('If Gro.se Pointe Park. ,on1:. ,hi" ...it:' its wireless intact Olnd/' ,.1. ~nrl custod,al <lalh, .l1d (onlribu- ' ....11 rccenlly initiated intn I.e Cercie ,,'ani, ,,'a, t,~, :\rkan,as. ....11 toe FLOWERS ~:,'n •• ",:1 he c.~"e(:.ri .",1 l:>r"ed ",er Fro" .. ;•. clul, f"r ,t"ri~n:, of French., <m,licr ,.~«.l< had heen MMred hac\: i 17"' KERCHEVAL AVE . '0 II" D~fr(>lt ,,/l"rr, ''1 a I~r:;.. sum, :al lhc CniHnl'y 01 ~!Ichlgan. j,omelime durlllg the nIght and Ihc " TU_ Z-6fzt ~1r~.1 I ! 1 ,.au. I Harlow J. Lingeman J R•~ew THE Linen GROSSE POINTE RXVIEW Thursday, November 9, 193P W--ted-T Buv FA \\'N .Tap lapin coat, wool lined, of "!he WiArd of O~,. bailed I' Hol. helpless, dependent invalids.10. Ate toys with .harp eda'es diJ. Mary Connolly, 5.]. Roth, ),{rt. Dulel beauliful condition, $..'0.00. NI. 9668. ... 0 # Fails caused the largest Dumber of carded? ~ ... • 17I JO S t. Pa ul. IT--"-'O--o-r -r-o-u-r-f-a-m~il-y-ftatfor CiSii: h'"ood's most ambitions mu.ical .pec' H. Cronin, Mrs. J. Dwyer Kinnuc:allo tacle since "The Great Ziegfeld.. The deaths in the home last yur. Accord. -------------'{A"'S I LE. 0685 I Groise Pointe or un Side. Nl. 1. Are poisons separately stored? Xeil :\'ewman, Lieut. Jobn Bartkowia", raccoon coa • '. i.!4S._~- __ o_,_ _ piclure, OIle hundred per cent musical inll' to lI:ational Safety Council ligures 12. Are firearms kept unloaded and Mu. Anna W. Winkler, ane! ),{rL B. A. • ,. CAXARIES-AII A.I guaranteed sUlr-, USED Leopard jacket or cape: rea- and lilllltd in Tecbnic:olor, opens at 16.suo persons were killed in Ihat way Ha)'cock. beyond the reach of children? uNE $71).00 GOvernor v. lnthrop l!...k, ers "11 colors ReaS<lnabie 1381. sonable. Phone TU. 2-6164.. the PUnCA and Judy Tbntre next Sun. last year. Burns and explosions cau~d $25.00. OtIe mahogany double bed Wal'~rr., lUy, for aD enaagement or live days. with Beautyrut mattrrl$ and sprins'l Chairmen of Red Croll bruchet Members of the Red Cron Home 5,300 deaths, Ind poisonini caused 1.600 p.oo, and one $250.00 2-pc. li\'ing ro0':'1 TE .... ROO~!-C.:.:., .. ::';,~ineu, e-.celSafety Committee under the chairman- who will work with the eommittec fa.. deaths. The total number of dealh. !\tw inventions in lOund recording. lent condition. best locatio'n, GrOSSe laite $025.00. All in excellent conda. elude Mrs. C. H. Bennett, J>lymoulll; ship of ~frs. Downey include Warren color photorraphy, make ..ups which [rom home accidents was 31.soo. Pointe. Splendid clientele eSlablished. EXP-ER-I-ID-l\""C~E-D'-a~ir-l-w-a-nt-s-coo-kinrl Uon. SZ<lO Somerset. Mrs. Mary l.ester, Northville: ),{rt. A. Eo Bow, Rev. CarroU F. Deady. LaurReal bargain for someone. Owner must serving meals, ironinll' or c1eanina; elimisu.ted use oi mask., music and In calling the allention of houlCMASSIVE oak china cabinet, $10; sacrifice. Alldren to Box 0, Grosse Grosse Pointe .~ferellce.. W ..yne: Mr.. F'rtll 35 cents lyric writing, costumin, and special el. wives to accident hazards ic the home enline B. Collills, Mrs. Chas. W. Bris- G. Wilkinson, Italian i'(ln fireplace .el, com:>,.te, Pointe Re\'iew, 15121 Kercncv ..l. ho:.!rl,)' and IransportaLion. FL Z8iO. f«ts whicb are reported to be beyond tol, Mrs. E. Co Balch, Fred C. Fi.her, Rowlander, Belleville; O. RuettiDler, ttO. Call Nl. 3JJ4, 1334 Anita, Grosse Mrs, Dowl\ey asks the foUowing quesHELPER-Experie-nced GIRL'S (iOTHI~G, size 10 and 12. MOT HER'S Inspector Fred W. Juergens, Mrs. Flat Rock and Min Stella BlICkbcff)O, Poillu Wood •. with children. Therese Schultz. Nt solutiort were required to brin, L tions: velvd dreu, )edoutgrown: coat, RUSSIAN Ermine e\'ening coat, s~e 1. Ate stairways well lighted and Lottie Colligan, Mrs. James R. Walsh, ROUlulus. 4645. Franll: Baun's famed dory to the screen phers ski-rants, black M:uy )anes.7, 36; like new. Call Tdnity 2-1577. I • III r I r r I I III •• I J' 'T ••• MIDDLE.AGED womac wiU care for Iunder the direction of Victor FleCling, dear from toys and other objects? "1 J ete. 'fl). 2.0007. ,. LOVELY maternity dress, like new: BEAVTIFL'L children: act as companion, or do remembered lor hi. direction of "Cap' 2. Are small rugs secured arainst can'ed oak bed, vanity rClSOl1able. 16" Br)'. Drive, Grosse tains Courageous" and "Test Pilot." slipping? ::':",,~~':~'::'~.~!,;~;"~1 f'mrire !t'cre- plain sewing. Xl. 3745. Pointe Woodlo _ . • . ,.our Gruue Point. tarl" e"cdlent condition; melodeon. BELGIAN' LADY 'wi,hu washiiliiliid J. Are porch railinrs ane! /loors ironing done al home. Day work. Headinr Ihe Calt are Judy Garlacd sound? WHITNEY - English baby cab, non- Will sacrifice. 7JS Fisher Rd. No dealLad,. Hair St,.litt will Tuoday and Thursda)'. Good reler• tipab!t; &:i:i_y:t; 11.jgh. c:hair, detectoers. as Dorothy. Frank Morgan as the Wiz4. Are matches kept from children? create a coiffu.re iacliviet. ence. N'I. 5Z24. Jette baby su.lts, baby all.aluminum WHITE STAR Ra. range, good c"ndi. 5. Arc hot c:ontainers beyocd chilualizecl to your own per .. DA yo - 'VORK,_ge-n_er_a.l-c-Ie-a-ni-n-g-, -wa-sb: ard, Ray Bolaer as the Scarecrow, Jack Ilott1e sterifu:u. 794 Pembeno:l Rd, tion. $12.00. 656 Washington road, -.lity. ings, and lo\'ely ironer; ".-ill care for Haley as the Tin Woadmln, Bcort L,hr arens reach? ~'IOLlS, eomPlele'--~rfect' condit~o;;-; GroiSe Pointe. children e\'enings: 35c an hour. M U. ~s. t~e ~war~y ~i~ie ~,urll:e a~ 6. Are gas burners adiusled for .aaiJi<:~ S2S.00. Labeled ~"'ntvl1lOUS nn:fEO[.(TEL Y' lu\'ing to',\'!!; rrlU;t 2m.. \lunaa me UOOQ "".", ..... 'IS .... ' proper combustion? Stradivario~" MU. 329_5_. _ s..ll breakf~,t rnom furnilure, boy 5 Body Contour Dept. Hamilton as. the Wicked W,tch, Char7. Arc garage doors opeD when auto iAcoos coat, si~ 16. ~r(ect coii: bicycle; cheap, -.''''!. _567L~ ___ ley GraPnl'ln as Uncle Henry, Pat __~.~ ••••• _.~~; .....> ..................... - .. ,.. o. ditiOll, $15.00. TU. 2-l1944. 3S.M to DI~ETTE.SET, ""~,~, A'4:: U AID II. .A& UI:" A. I TU C::TI rnrn ju.t the thing for an &.IV"'''.: ......... ..., ... & ..... &&~ ..... ..... -.~ .. &&...., .. ...., ...... 'tW" iTHOUSEKEEPING rooms, private Walshe as Nikko and Clara Bl.andicll: VetDOD, Groase Pointe Farms. s. Is the baby's bedding secured apartment, $20. J578 Beaconsfield. bath, garage, heat, light and gas to b~ as Aunl Em. CoIlPLETE~ktiil-bir ;-bOWiing against possible smothering? ro.2.2160 11912 KERCHEVAL illcluded; near city limil.. Adults. lI:l. ba1I, "a" Ihon size 10, like new: air. , 9. Arc electrical appliances In goo<l way e:leanet. complete; Z book ascs, condition? '1 e1ertric .,late, 2 nlgS. living room suite, MA~ to work about house and grounds three mornings each week. piaftO. ll~ Beaconsl1eld. WE SEL~. IIOthing bu! living room \\'hittier near Jefferson. Please phone ATTRACTIVE fur.lished aparimeiii Spec:ialiata Us Furnace Qeanin, aDd Repairiq , funutUT'l'. t-l'i.<:e suite, custom made after 8 Friaay night. Nt. 9266.___ Bob Hall, extemporaneous chap, held lor couple or single rooms in refined COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE $f5.00. SaYe 4O'JIl,. Van Lokern, 14547 GIRL f;;r-hOuttWork:-;;-o cooking. hOme priute home. Garage. Oose to Hia'h over for a second week, will head the ~ nights and Sundays. CaU NI. 2695. C8arlnois. School :-;[, 0536TV. %-3737 21752 MACX new show opening Friday at the Club Gin You That CROSSE POINTE WOODS CO'\IFORTABLE adoining Ditb; Royale which brings to Detroit the ~ ~fl.fJt.s0tJar7. t ~ l "Well Dreued" Appearaaee Kurtis Royal Marionettes. which is auc:b aD aid •• t trt''for''*Y~N'~IL\W''-FVE''ood''Tallllt ED Moderate Prices :-;Loii~;~er roomers; home PfivilellCS. O1HU"s ATTRACTIVE studio room: privllte The Marionettes put on a e:omplete to BUIUs" Sil~ bath and entrance; garage. Cau TU. show with banjo and lUncing. piloted 2-2329. _ . by Beans, master of ceremonies. The PLEASA~T RO~M WIth young COil' tar ~ the show Miss Lotta Wind. a All work doae ill our own ahop. nl,. nn 4;;;t Cb,Jr. !'!~a.r K'!rche'v.!~: s "1"1 '. • A ..... tlipiSed lao&eL Lus-iau .u.pJidey. Ila~ Larae se1ed:ioa of fabria &om be~i-tr;nsp;;rlation. TU, 2-9357. would. be evening prllDa donna, tunsthat the ... t Irq" caa alfonl. QaMt, .-filet ...... which to chooee. I forlllS and ~du;atiooal microphone disTioe cloMat ........ tiaI ..... tnuuiellt botel to er- P .... cussion into a ,trip tease. Other char- P. ... ~'-:' -=.:..::...---'='-""=====-===~ Work Wantecl-FeaaaI. DONNA- II I ~iO?:.. I Wanted to Relit Help Wanted - Female IBob Hall to Head 3m. Roaau for R.. BROEDELL PLUMBING AND HEATING r room ~''''lIfj.. I I-----I RY US I · ,I R estaurant K ath erloe 11151 KerchenI betweea St. Oair Nd Rei. &mila- DinDen • % p. m. to 8 p. m. &1_- - J -........ UMiJ --- ....• V1l:(QJ url):rA_'" e. 4"- 1t ----- ~ Ul)lGib • rt_I - • rtA -" I I 1 •••••••• , -B---f-- .. T-h--k--. .-.--'-; Look Your est or an Illvmg. nu. Week". M.' I.adie.' GIo.- Special 144: ------ __ 1- ... '. Saib, Tapc:oM', Ladies' ram Colla .. ~ ~ ... preued • ~ pall' Cui A: ~ II 1/ .',. ,.... - I.... I' F..... ........ W •. '- -~ ----- - --- - Tak:- I - - - lap danc:tt, • For Reat or. the ~ith the .~~it Ch.apter. R:d ~ros!.'. a Iocr JI-BostoD Ball. 1342 Gfayton.l..v ...... "~:.1 ...""~ .Q<""1, ~"rwl5 Dark brindle. male, wbite feet and anllual home Satety YmpaJgn. bfast, Ia rB:e Iump 011 Its • hin'Q tb',. h. Participaticg in tbe campaign Gto~i.~lt Park ~ 190., Reward. Yn. Ule ~ ...... DeIiftry MORTGAGE .~% N_ M....,. MORTGAGE Kercheval. Cadieux ~ III f Service, I'" JC.cJwnd are '.... m ~ 1177111 NL t Cw, -. W c...... at Co KUELBV K.ROGER SERVICE v.. CORPORATION 1145 Na~ Baak B~ ••• CH~ I. pad.ab f ... MANUFACTUR£R!!I NATIOKAL -- - BANIt iIi. - ~ 13t.N~C. NJ&pI'aI" WaR. .. ••• I' I SERVICE N_.FHA ••• ~Ir &ro.Pt Dfnct to IIlI__ t ••• Loweat Mortpp Cosb H_ FislaDced ••• ow H_ R.m.aa-I for N_ or E.a.tiDIr ea-aaJa 01' At-t-b FHA.,. .s.T_ - t.eaosSlOl at l.eDoz . W'wtenze Your Car with GOOD GULF PR.ODUCTS $3.25 and' up C. B. Wy1ie,. 1253 Kensington ... ~,;.. ,: ~,~Qldf~: E. Jeffer_ •• Aid' Red Cross Home Safety IlIJPedion Blann wiD be dUtribated by Grosse I Pointe _ens cluDs in co-opera~ion LOST I ..-~. _ ..~ -------...,.,-----::,---- , ." -- and Reel Crou Safety - FOR PARTIES-J\ut_tie p~1 InPJu: beat orcbeltta .. late.t recGrOSH Pointe J4:si:. N! ~_ MACE AT NEFF TV. J41JI ------ - -- - Mona, CI b aa..- ..... FREE . Mae k CI.. neCarr7 r & Taylor Upper 1.aaIoIIrJ' 17.7 er, ]ean HOTEL SAVARINE N.S-fieLI "'1' Y..,.. ... Mack An.- 'VAYBtJR~;-im.(or.-Vernor-Low~ Royalettea, with entirely new numbers in four. family ; 5 br~ht modem complete the show. $JO.oo. Adults. _ _ ~ __ UPPER FL.'. T, five rooms, bath, side n, , t drive, garage. 526~ St. l?air, Grosse "' omen a u 0 ~ Pointe. Inquir. ~204St. C1.. ,., I DrIve ,rooms. 99c Oeaaiq aDd Preainc 1S381 Mack An. -------1 FlabFor Reat Europeu Plan From $1.50 Weekly American Pr.D From $11." WeeId,o Karl Kellerman S=r:--CGITR, 8..'9-Three bedrooms. adtr! presented by the star includes Stella M. Lachat, 50S Notre Dame, .Mae West. Grosse Pointe. NI. 1731. b bedroOiilhome, Madle alld Ray, who were mem en GROSSE POINT~J reconditioned, sun room. brea kf :nt of All-~e ~ Fay's p,'cture .You're a Sweet _ room, bboratory, new oil burl1er. Ervia. heart'" ate youthful aCf,,:"atic .tars.. Sorge. NI.;.;. 7:..;;0.;.;15.;..' Rutb Craven, Hollywood Hotel sing- I ,%, . J We Have Catered to Retired " Men and Women for Nine Yeara - I Houae-For Rent and I Club Royale Show CUitom Made Suib - I I.. S'TORES - - ~- I P. ,I -- ------ .K.... W .. ] • rnntlved by modem t1eemacwne.. H. Bw:keridge Laclrty, 130 touraiDi: road. Libri Oub '" Son, U:. 6740. 15108 Kercheval. 5t presideut: Ilrs. A. ),{. Smith, 8100 E. ]elfenon, head of the Womeu's &sociatiotl for the Detroit Sympb ..ny OrHATS RiilODEL~c1eaned and chatrL blocked; ,pecializing ill bereh alld turba"s to lIIatch your frock:, fu •• and fabrics. DR. 41158. C&11 after" and ,~turci .. ~5_.__ • _ • tractions trk cutting Devonshire Beauty Salon IIIZtMACK w. are p!eued to UIIIOUDCe the .cluaift 11M of Fuller Bristle Comb fur MW life aDd ~t!~ !~ !he hai!o. FIldal aDd vitalia pack It,. ezpert operators with each 55 permaIUIIIt Moa., To ... .nd Wed. MoaCapri ~~ ci! ;!-,.;;;-.poo for eaeb type of hair aad tealp. Wave aacI manicure, 'Ult .ma 0,.. Wed.. Tbar., Frt. E.... --Miacellaneoua I I !I .f - IIIeEi SlAPS COUNTIt'l' CU1B PUM~KIN Music Jlf~'~25c PT.' NO L:ESSONs-a-a-ss-ic-a-I-or-po-p-u-. lar, children or ad'llts; YOllr home or mine' experienced teacher. NIagara 4287. • 12.2 UOGU'S , . . 21 2 Tel NI. &488 POPULAR ~!';i~,!!!!.~/E ~. ~ ... .......... nUElIATI ~~;r=; • =.15c ;anESe.-~2~:!tt33: BLUE C..... ~ c_"", CI1rlo Fhoor 'AlCAKE FL8UI 5 :'.19c ,. ..... CIoou Sor-riora Set It........ c.w.. F.....,.-PIIID .. sa. IILI ~":c ~ .......will. , I! I . n. -.,."",nc~ of Ii...., '.., ..... eother Ii....wooob, the .rti ha ..e fOlhiotMd wilh .~n t:..... :0..1.,. picen. Elpe-c:i.an,. noteworthy i•• IM. ~ ''''l''mt ~~ .::-:.:! :-::::;:-.:;- '".oi:,;k:o ...... Cr.e.fal chain i. " c....tr•• l;....de.i", complete chi. ' .. pen. ~l;.MA'" COft- Blocked Sewer? f"'~~':"'!.!,.! .. _ble. '*-0"18 wcquer i .. i.h that i....... ed ... d hancl tis. "-atJ' of 6ne ...oocI •• £ia'ht Piece. priced at Comer Open ""bed i. .nd ~la Cupboard ' ,.$167.50 $66.75 DOOR MAN rARKS YOUR CAR E...,. E..... i..w Boq.1 P.J'"",.,a I.. teri .... Coa_TOI' SerYieo Can LEnox 6740 AU obstrqetioa. ~ from J'oar cloned HWer or cIraia. by oar IDOdern ELECTRIC Before ycoudi,_ aiao fUto_ sa.. . )'1GT 110. Ie : ~ to COUNTRY CLUB PICNICS nRANOEi) Beef Roast TURKEYS ...tII, Ch_1I Cat tbi. coapo.. ".. :,I~ 4)4c • II.. JI,. 18e NI ........ f. he'.n. A.. ICU.MJ ~ ,,!.... !TE.__ • '_ lOTSI 1M'. ,. t;p::;'. Ii • ~ 1St 'l:'A.NCY /i ORANGDiS Iii TEXAS n.. .... • mom, 23c I! Grapefruit 31c il! OES 4 POTAEfT ..,. ............. Ims M_1r: A_ 5. Jtro.tr •• A .... Cru",ut. '"II at::rY.., Crtrn , ,...- .. "'Iil'" lUll .. :C. 151 c...... 1Ih.. AVAL81 ILIII' •••••••••• 1111 • ; > IC,..*..... "."1' ••• 'I" lrlltE i"f .. N n£F. DUfV':II!T 1"'" lCere"nl A_ .1117MockA_ PJt... "L ..... I HI..... '1f7 .711 II.. 4 A-. L...... r.. ... u ..... "". 1., "'" .... ~.,.,~ ..... IrIn r..r- .. '.1:11 .... ",n or t""" PftIIt ,f""" uet"" .... ~ At Maryland J_IM .... .-JUco con"'" FiAluh1f -. ... "CCI" H. Buckeridge & Son x.:.,a 17, ~ .. 17e I~Celery Hearts II.. • • 1 ii. ' REA !lEIS • ~!5e LAY ERe A K E5: _ . ' Oodo aiII WltAT "FFS K.,........ ~c...... 'amoue 'Ii-lD. Pork Loin :::;. .nn,. FRESHDRESSED e-."'" CAllE • e-""'rClulo TIOTk-1)'!1 break iIoon CoMalt QI-Eitimatea Free 15108Kercheval Avenue CO. 2Ite ......,.... CUTTING MACHINE Complete PIUllllainl ancf Heatin, K.--'. ~~..;..isf.:;fl of 1... ,a--Or<Mr _lo ........... JtW. iiliEsT'cw r~ t.... c....... lie ••••••••••••••• TIMATI "c~1 5c. I'. 1'1_ P.dr TlMATIEI, COltN 4'::;,:251 CENTURY ,;..r rood to.le. Of m.hor."" tbla COUPON. • 41k 251. -VALUABLE Clip 11010 __ ••• <~ .... of FUCY liCE EIGHTEENTH t.lol. a KT~. doL BI.... It... A_ ~ CUlPIEW soup3_2k Pw. FIIEI CAlES a..rt..n ... T.. t....' RIBBON TURKEY 1f.1~ .... 110 PuiEiiiAR I 25~ 1.331 F... Widl RI:"V:lJ£cAcRVl1:G.SI~ :t""':"l; ~~l • • .~.25e 1"'lleI 'y.,:;... Gaar .... l....~~.~t 9C STORE CHEESE ~ -------------- Molo L I6-0 INf 21c 21~11Dc ~~tN I~ 12c e-tnUool T... WHEAT BREAD 1.15 • SALAD DRESSING BIG BEN BREAD Quiet Elegance Jtro...... BRANDS CIGARETTES -11e AsseRTED_110 C ilr Oily I'UlU'ItJN PIE SPlIE f"'f rnre 10c 29c lie 15e
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