FORM ,) r ).'I I '' ri 'r :l ,l ") GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION FORUM Operclio ns lising Tro nsformolio n Shifting Diologue to Effective Action Kuolc Lumpur, Moloysio 21 -23 October 20]5 Hosted by ffi {ffi'l;lr'.;n, qq;*tc Govemment of Malaysia Organi:ed by BTT?* BIS TAST RESULTS INSTITUTS ln Partnership with OELEGATE INFORMATION DIFTARY REQUIREMENTS , I Dletary Requirements: No Dietary Requirements l{ Others. Please Specify (Dietary) A) EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FEES (On , I Vegetarian l-l Others n or before30 June.2015) NOTE: 7///////////////ln a) *Mu5t be supported by Un;Yersily L?cturerAtudent card or other docummtary prwi. b) **For gtoup registration, please iil! up the'Group Registralion Form' with all delegates' particulars. Prites guoted ar€ tax exclusive. Tha Organiser reserves th€ right to charge any Govemm€nt taxes {where applicable}, B) STANDARD REGISTRATION FEES (After i July 2015 Onward) NOTE: '//////l//////l/l/tr// a) *Mu5t be supported by Universiiy Lecturer6tudent card or other documenlary proof. b) *'For grcup registration, please iill up the '6roup Registration Form' with all delegateJ particulars. Prkes quoted are tax exdusive. The Organiser ros€rYes the right to charge any Government taxes {whera applicabl*}' €f//l/////y//V//l///////V/'///// TERMS AND CONDITIONS OT REGISTRATION 7////1ff////////////////////////// l. il. ksgirtrationEntidement 1. Upon payment of registration feel delegates can attend the GTF 2015 Opening Ceremony, CoffgdTea breakt Lund and gain accesgto the exhibition, they are also entitled to a delegate bag and other rehted materials. 2. Fffs fgr a.commodation, iliglrt5 and tours are NOI lncluded in the registration fees. unlorereen d(umstanrer r€quire guch action, ln the special chcurhJtaffer that the entire event has to be crn€elled, the OrganisE will refund the regisration f€ to the i€tLtranG. Howeyst the Organisr will not be liablergr othsrassoriated cosit €.9. a(ommodaticn and trayelling exp€nser, and any inconvrniem€, incurred to the RegistrrnB due to the cancellation" Ih6!*rorq Regirtran* are advised to arrdnge for thek wn trard irsumnc. 1. Reginrants can register via online tegiskation at Alternatively, they may complete the regittration rorm.and lend it to the Seffetariat*egistration Team via efiail at 6TF20' or tax (60!) 4257 I 133. 2. Online registralion i3 open till 14 Octaber 20 1 5 only. Atter 14 Octobsr 2O1 5, registration tlL posted on the official webllte. Plea* conta( the GTF 2015 Seretarlat via &mail at CTf?01 o. by fax to (603) 4257 1 133, if you have any queri€s aboul the disclosura of personal inf6rmation and privacy policy. R€sist,arionprn,,sandpayment w,globaltraosformation.corn. 6TF 2015' on q. befoc 30 June 4, A letter confirm,ng the reglttration will ba rent via email upon {ull payment of fees, flease trring along thir confirmrtion and present it atthe regiSration when eolleting your delegate badge 6n 20 & e.l October ;*,:H:j;H;,fJ*iilli'lix1[fr{',"i,]['Jfil1[t]iffi;i,::il#mffi" to leglrtrdtlon Transfer reEistration lfier r0l5. regirkationf6$canbemadeyia: i. Credit Card (Vi* & Ma*erCard only) ii, Telegraphic Transler w. Can.ellaiion and Refund Polltles 'l.Allcancellationof regiitrdtionmustbedoneinlr.ritingandsubmittedtothafiF20Is se(relariat vir email at GE2o'I5€globaliraBlomation.rom or fai to (503) 4257 1 133, Any can(ellati$os received on or be{arc 15 Septemb.r 2015 will be charged a handling fee of MYR 105 {USD 30). The balarKe otthe regiitration te$ will be refund€d after dedu$ing other related JieJ and (hnrgss incurred in connedion with su(h re{undt includicg co:3 of foreign exchange convenion Credit Crrd cBncellation and/tr banking tiansaction. Any (nn(ellations after 15 September 20! 5 \eill not be efunded. 3. Atl refundr wlll be made in MYR atthe prevailing loreign exchanga rate. 4, Refund tor (ancallations will be mad! wlthin three monlf aftsr thc confrnalion o, 2. on,y) iii. Local Order (Appli€ble to Malaysian Goyarnment Agencies iv. Cheque tAppli(abls lo Malayiia'r cheque 6. For paymcnt made by Local Order (10), pfease mail the original (opy of the LO Orde.) to the :0J 5 tecretaiat {or veritieation before 2 October 2015. To enjoy Sird Rates, pleam send the original L0 on or belore 30 June 7. For paynents made by Credit Card, the atount r€{led€d in l.he Gedit Card fit rom. munter 5. Paymentof only) or fax to 6At) 4257 1133, ThB new Regirtrant rhould (omplete the regirtration Transfer o{ r€gistration will not be allowed after 25 Srptember 2015. (Ltral tarly statemst 2015. amount pnld will be re{lecled in MYR and UsD terms. Univenity Lectur€n and Students, to rompletethe registration, a letter or any dtrumentary prcf &m the rElsatrt depadn€nt or learning institutlon 5hould be submittsd to {onfirm the Lectuer or student status. The document should be sent t{, the GTF Z0l 5 Secretariat via smail at GIF20lSaglobaltransformation,(om or fax to (603) 4257 1133, 9. lh€ Organiser reJerues the righl and will infom Regisr:nts on any aheration lo any af the arrang€men8 lor the GIF 201 5 including the cancellation of the event should 8. For ixuem will be bome by v, l}e Regbtran15, Liability 1. Th€ Organiser rese&es the right to make changes where deemed necesk.y. with or without prior notice to partig sn.ern€d. All dispuies are subjqted to the Malayrian law, We kindly aJk you to authorise us by your signature to u5e all registration dat. giyen ln this {orm for computerited handling of the tonfereme. 7////t///l////t////////////////// LETTER OF INVITATION (for Visa Application) 7//////////V/1/////1////////// 7//////////////////////#////l////// PAYMENT MODE 7Z////////////////////////// All payments should be made payable ro "GtoSALTRANSr0RMATION roRuM 2015". 0PTION 1: CREDITCARD I hereby authorise AoS Conventionr & Events Sdn Bhd The total amount due in cartr No: to (harge my Credit Card for: MYR--.**-Type nnnnnnnnflnnilnnX of Card: MasterCard t*p.oate, [I[[ t] visa fl Name on card (MMYY) secure code (cwcvs, IIf] OPTION 2: TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER Swift bank transfer must be made without charges to the beneficiary. and payable to "GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION FORUM 2015" in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) or it5 equivalent. Name of Bank: Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad Address Account No Swift Code : Z. Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia :3121 9461 6256 : SCBIM-YK-XXXX lmportant Nate: Please inrlude a copy of your bank tran:fer with your form, Bank dra{ts and cheques (excapt for loeal rlreque) will not be accepted for payment Bank €harges are to be borne by the payee. . . OPTION 3: LOCAL ORDER (Only Applicable Please mail the original copy of the No. Pesa.ran Kerajaan (Uo): LO to the Global Transformation Forum 201 5 Secretariat for verification. _*. -,, Amount (MYR): ,...,-.-,,.... OPTION 4: CHEQUE (Only Applicable Please attach the cheque or copy for Malaydan Government Agencies) for Malaysian Cheques) of cheque deposit slip wltflogf,fqrnh in ;1. " 1. ?u.pore of noti.e ,, IuJua, fyotls Governmeni of Malaysia and the GTF Z0 l 5 are se(retariat ("Organi5eri" or "we") Kerajaan Malaysia dan Sekretariat GTf 2Al5 {'Pengadjur' atau "kani.J dikehenda*i the meaning a! prescribed ir the Aat, 2. Procerring of p.6onal data The pesonal data proce$ed by u5 may include. but is not limit8d to, your aame, lC number, address and other conta(t details. 3, Purpoi€ of pro(€ssing personal data The personal data i5 colleded fqr, amongrt oihert the follovring purposes: (a) to proress your registr*lion lorm for training eyents (in(luding confurences) organired by GTF 2015 secretiri3i and collaborat've partne.{!) lor adminbtratiye purpose such a5 attendance litt, issuan(e of invoice, officirl receipt and certifi(ate of attendance; (b) to communicate with you on the (oniirmation of tha eventi and matter in {onne{tion to 6ff 20'l 5 Secretarlat events 6nd Forumi (clto :€nd gut ema'h for ou, future tonfarences or workshops which may be related to you; (d) ta mail the 6ifi(i.l re(eipt and c$tifi(ate ol aitendance; (el to respond your enquiries or complainx$ and (f) other administrative purposes whith is related to the above" 4. Disclxure ol pertonal data The Fe.sonal data held by us shall be kept coniidential, However. we may disclose your personal deta to: {a} Co{rganiser within the GTF 20'15 Secretailat; (b) To ou. collaborative oartn€r, (ln termi ol name for irsuan(e of (ertificates attendan(e under paragraph 3(a) above); sf (clOther parties authorised by youj (d) Regulatory and gowrnmental agen(iss aJ permitted or requlred by law, authorised by any order of court or to tr€et obligationr to regulatory authorities. 5. Potxtion of pemBl data The security of your pesonal data is enrured by the OrganiJeri o, GTF 20 1 5 as we shall take all physical, techoical and organirational measur8s fleeded to earure tha security and confideniia,ity ofyour personal dala. Ifwe disrlole any ofyour per$onal dati to any other entitie5, we will require them to appropriatBly sa{eguard thr peasoal data provided to them. 6, Retenlion of periooal data It is our policy to retain your peronal data from the date of collection lor as l*ng as lt is nece:sary lor the fulfilment of the purposes as se1 out under paragraph 3 abow or for the comp{idnce with the law or any legal obligation of the 6TF 201 5 Secretariat. we shall stop preressing your ddta when you write to us using th€ rontrct detaib below to withdraw your (onsent. 7. A(ces, of personal data under the PDP,{ you have the right to a(cers youa personal data to enrure that the peEonai data we hold about you i; accuratq (ompletq not misle:ding and up-to-date, lf you wish to exercise such rights and raquert ac(s55 to your perlonal data, please contact u5. the GTF 2015 Secreiariat or BfR lnstitute sdfi, thd, a! 6TF 2Ot5 Secr€tarist BfR lnstitute Sdn. Ehd, 6TFl015@globaltranrformation.(om Phone: +603 -4252 9100 rax i,603 - 4257 I 133 Fax: +603 E: E: GTF20I Seglobaltranr{ormotion,rom Phone: +603 - 8872 7237 - 8872 7?90 2, Pem prosesan data pedbadi Data peribadi anda yang diprases ol"h kaei temaJu& tetal tida& ter&ad &epada, nama, nombor kad pengena lan alamat dan maUumat hubungan lain. 3. Taiuan mffiprotes data peribadi Oata p*ribadi ydng diambil *dalah bagi, ,ntara lain, unlut turrilan 5eflkut {a) unfJk dremprose, boGogpendafta ran prcgram latihan (temasuk persidangan) yang dianjurkan cleh Sekretariat 6lF20I5 dan rakan kedasamanya untul( fujoan pentadbiran seperti senarai kehadina pengeluaran inrcis rcsit rani dan sijil kehadiraa(b) untuk b"*o{hunikasi dengrfi anda mergcfiai pengsJahd tt aela ini dan s€barang perkara yang berkaitan dengan Sekretaiat GTF 20'l 5, acara dan pe*dangan. (.)untuk menghantar mel bagi persidaagan atau beng&6.l akan datang yang mungkin frglibatkan anda; {d} untuk penghantafan reJaf t.arrni dan juga siil kehadiftn melalai poE {e} untuk memberi msklum balas kepada .pa-apa pertanyaan atau penEadaan; tqapa-apa tujuan pentadbiran lain yang berkaitafi dengan pe*ata di atas, 4. Pendedahaa Data Psrbadi oata pedbadt yaag disifipan oleh kami akail driimpan recara sulit Walaa bagaimaoapun, kami mungkin akan mend€dahr(an data peribadi anda kqpada.' (albadan-badan penganiur be/'rma di dalam S"kret riat GTF 2At5; (b) kepada lain yang menganju*an GTf 20t 5 berl€,ma (dad segi na$a p€se{ta "ntitiantiti unlu& pengsrua,.an tiiil kehadirao seperti yang dinyatakaa dalam perenggan 3{b} di atas} (c)pihak lain yang anda benarkan; (d) Agensi penguatkuasa dzn kelalaan sepertimana yang dibsnal&an atau drkehendaki orrr? undang-undaf,g, dibenarkan oleh mana-mana p"rlntah tnaltkamah atau unluk rlemenuhi obrlgaJi *epada mana-mana piha* penguatkuara. 5. Perlindangan data p€ribadi Xeselrmatan datt peflbadianda adalah dijamin oleh Penganjur fiTF 2015 kerana kami akan mengambil semua langkah fitrkal, tsknikal dan arganisast yang diperlakan bagi memajfikan keJeramatan dan keahJaan data pefibadi anda. ,eloi"n/a &ami merdedahr{an data petibadi anda kepada.nana-fiana pihala kami akan m€masti&an bah;wa prhak tenebut metrgaf,iil /angkalr yang sepatuln/a bagi m€fiaJidon &ese/amafarr data pedlar/i yang diberl kepada mereka. 6, Penyimpanaa data peribadi laftya frerupakan po{isi kami untuk menyimpan data peribadi rnda drri tarikh d*ta dikumpul sxlama ia psrlu bdgi nematuhi tuiuaa 5epetti dinyafakan di bawah p"renggan 3 di atas atau mengikut keperluan undang-undang ataa obligasi undangilndang SekGtarlat Gff 20t 5. Kami akan rnenghentikan pempros€.ran dat per/badi ardr, qpabila aoda mengernu&;kan perm,ntaan Jcca.a Ae.!u{is kepada kami nelalui fiauugrat perhubungan dibawah unlu& menan* baii& *ebenaran anda. kepada datap€ribadi mempwyai hak ufttuk /n?ngakJe' daf€ penbrdi ,nda untuk memartrk n data yang kaini simpan mengenai anda adalah tep;l lergr<a& tida& menyelereng dan te/ki.r?'. Jik*srda i($ii..reng9una&an lEr( lsiebuadil ire{nofron akjes&@ada dataperibadi anda, Jila hrburgj.$ekret;fl'at 6fF20t5 atau gFfi /n5aitute Sdn, Blrd. di a/amat dibarai: 7. A&5es Dt b,)wah PDP& tlnda GIFror.tSe(et rfrt 6Tf201'@globalijansformdtion.can E: 9ra0 Na. Fak: +6Q3 - 4257 1133 /Vo. Iel*fbn' +503 - 4251 8fR ,rstifule Sdn- &rd6; 6fF20r5@gioba,ltrantfatmalian.ton avo. Te/etonr +6s3 * &872 7237 No. Fakt: *6A3 * 8872 7290 ",//////////////////////////////// Kindly sign and acknowledge the Declaration Statement helow after you have read and understood the Notice and you <onsent to the processing ol your personal data by Organisers of GTt 2015 and the GTf 2015 se(retariat. Sila tandatangafi Penyata Deklarari di bawall.retelah anda telah membaca dan menaharni Notis ini dan anda m?ngizinkan pemproieran data peribadi anda aleh pihak Pengaojur GTF 201 5 dan Sekretariat GTF 2Al 5. To / Kepada: BrR lnstitute Sdn. Bhd. that I have read and understood this Personal Data Protection Notice on persona' data and by signing this, I consent to the proce5ling of my personal data in accordance with the terms of this notice. I hereby acknowledge ini menyatakan bahawa saya telah membaca dan memahami Notis Pertindungan Data Peribadi berkenaan dat: perlbadi nartdat*ngaai deklarasi ini, saya me.ngizktka/r pemprosesan dala penbadi saya se/ari dengan terma-terma nolis in,'. 5aya dengan ute da D dengan Name I Nama: l/C No. / Passport No. / lYo. lC I Na. Pasport: Please return this forrn to; GTf 2015 Secretariat-Registration Team c/o AOS Conventlons & Events Sdn Bhd No. 39 & 40, Jalan Mamanda 9, Ampang Point,58000 Ampang. Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. Date / Iarlkh: Email: GTF201 [email protected] Phone: +603 - 4252 9i00 5ignature I Ta ndata ngan : ENQUIRIE5 For enquiries, pIea5e conta(t u5 at: [email protected] 7///////////t////////// fax:+503-4257 1133
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