WELCOME TO ST. DAVID’S PARISH th January 18 , 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – B Reflection When Jesus enters our lives with the gentle call of His grace, how will we reply? Will we be busy with other things, afraid He will ask too much of us, or will we trust Him? Will we be open to His call and a new beginning in our lives? In today’s Gospel Jesus calls the first disciples, simple fishermen from Galilee. They leave everything in order to follow Jesus. May we also come to recognize and embrace Him who calls us! Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 2015 From January 18 to 25, let us pray that all those who believe in Jesus Christ will grow in bonds of unity and fellowship. General Meeting for all Wedding Couples An important meeting for those couples getting married at St. David’s this calendar year will be th held on Monday, January 19 at 8:00 pm in our church. Please plan to attend. Adult Confirmation Classes ....for those who have been Baptized and have received First Communion, and who now wish to complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. Classes began this past Tuesday and will continue for the next seven Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Please call the parish office if you still wish to join (but you can’t miss any more classes!!!) *****First Communion Meetings***** A reminder to the parents of children who are registered for First Communion, you must attend one of the important meetings to be held on th Tuesday, January 20 , 2015 and Thursday, nd January 22 , 2015 at 7:00 pm to continue preparing the children to receive the Eucharist. The First Communion book will be distributed at these meetings. The enrollment ceremony for First Communion will be held at all the Sunday Masses on the weekends of February 7/8 & 14/15. (It should be understood that anyone who has not registered at this point will be preparing for First Confession and Communion next year.) Weekend Catechism Please note that our sacramental preparation classes for students who attend public or private school and who are wishing to receive their First th Communion began January 10 , and continue every Saturday at 4:00 p.m. All the sessions will be held in our Parish Hall. Please call Rose Scaini if you have any questions or concerns. Good Shepherd Casserole Program Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The hungry and homeless of the city need and appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans at the parish office during the week. Thanks!!! Mass for the Sick th On Saturday, February 7 at 9:00 am there will be a Healing Mass with sacramental anointing. There will be several priests present to administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to our suffering brothers and sisters. After the Mass, we will gather for a coffee hour in the parish hall. As always, please bring some sweets to share. Mark Your Calendars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You won’t want to miss this one...... St. David’s Third Annual Dinner Dance in support of our twin parish in Tarapur, India at the Terrace Banquet st Hall on Saturday, February 21 . The evening begins with a full antipasto buffet and open bar at 6:30 pm, followed by a lavish dinner which will include pasta, veal chop (vegetarian option available) with vegetables and potatoes, salad, dessert and coffee/tea. There will also be performances, music and dancing, and raffle. Tickets are $85 for adults and grown children ($50 for children 12 and under). You may purchase your tickets after the weekend Masses, at the office during the week, or by calling Dominick at 416-717-7446. We encourage you to arrange tables of 10 if possible. Confirmation Sponsors’ Names Needed Attention all Confirmation candidates!!! Please call or email the church to submit the name of your sponsor and the parish he/she attends. Be sure to spell it out!!! Also, be sure to include your name and school you attend. You can send it to [email protected]. Thank you!!! 2015 Offering Envelopes Boxes of envelopes are ready to be picked up in the church hall after all the Masses this weekend. Envelopes are in numerical order. Please put your name and address on the first 4 envelopes that you use in order that we may verify and adjust our records. Please do not use envelopes from another year!!! Thank you for your cooperation. Pre-Authorized Giving This new way of supporting the Church is now being offered in our parish and many of our parishioners may find this method practical and convenient. Please take a brochure home and see if this new way of giving is right for you. Hollywood Gala to Cure Cancer Support Vaughan in Motion’s annual fundraiser by purchasing tickets to this great event, to be held th on Sat. Feb. 7 , 2015 at the Terrace Banquet Ctr. Proceeds will go to Mackenzie Health Foundation for the purchase of cancer care equipment. “Dedicated to cancer care in our community.” BENVENUTI A ST. DAVID’S Ordinario: Seconda Domenica – B – In ogni rapporto profondo e sincero c’è sempre un momento privilegiato in cui si cerca di dare alla persona che si ama un nome segreto ed esclusivo. La tenerezza eterna del Cristo riserva a ciascuno di noi un nome che riceveremo nel regno, scritto su un sassolino bianco. Settimana di Preghiera per l’Unità dei Cristiani Dal 18 al 25 gennaio, 2015, preghiamo affinché tutti quelli che credono in Cristo saranno uniti in fede e in amore. E questo che Gesù vuole per la sua Chiesa. Santa Messa con Unzione Sacramentale Sabato, 7 febbraio, alle 9:00 am, una Messa speciale sarà celebrata nella nostra chiesa con l’Unzione degli infermi. Saranno presenti diversi sacerdoti per amministrare il sacramento. Dopo la Messa ci sarà un’ora di caffé nella sala parrocchiale. Siete pregati di portare qualche dolci. Grazie. Classe di Cresima per Adulti Le classe hanno iniziato martedì, 13 gennaio e continuano per i prossimi sette martedì alle 7:30 pm. Siete pregati di venire all’ufficio parrocchiale per iscrivervi (però non dovete mancare un’altra classe!) Questo programma sarà eseguito in inglese. Riservate Questa Data!!!!!!!!!! Non mancate.............. la Cena con Ballo di St. David’s, sabato, 21 febbraio, alla Terrace Banquet Hall, iniziando alle 6:30 con buffet di antipasto e bar aperto, La cena consiste di pasta/risotto, veal chop con contorni, insalata mista, dolci e caffè. Sarà una bellissima serata con musica e danza. I biglietti sono di $85 per adulti e $50 per bambini (meno di 12 anni). Cercate di oraganizzarvi con tavoli di 10 personne. I biglietti saranno in vendita dopo le Messe domenicali, e all’ufficio durante la settimana, oppure chiamate Domenick al 416-717-7446. Venite tutti!!!!!!! Buste di Offerte – 2015 Le nuove scatole di buste saranno disponibile nella sala parrocchiale oggi dopo le Messe. Siete pregati di ricordare il vostro numero!!! ************************************************** th Baptisms- January 18 , 2015 Matthew Nicholas Lopes De Francesco Victoria Di Adamo Adriano Montoni Marco Petracco Valentina Marie Satira Beckett Reed Silvestri Reya Sulaiman Giuliana Antonia Trifiro Saturday – Sabato Jan. 17 5:30 p.m. †Giovannina Mannicci (1 Mo) Sunday– Domenica Jan. 18 7:30 a.m. †Biagina e Erminio Iannuccilli †Raffaele Orsi 9:00 a.m. †Maurice Bousquail 10:30 p.m In Onore del Sacro Cuore di Gesù e La Madonna †Maria Conte †Ada Iacobucci (10 Yrs) †Lucia Cubellis †Antonio Bellavia †Francesco Mariani †Tamara Dzuba †Giovanni Russomanno 12:00 p.m. †Carmela & Faustina Fragomeni 1:00 p.m. Baptisms 5:30 p.m. Pro Populo Monday – Lunedì Jan. 19 7:30 a.m. †Santo & Rosina Mirabelli 7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Vincenzo Petrolo (1 Yr) † Domenico Mazzaferro (1 Yr) 8:00 p.m. Marriage Couples Meeting Tuesday – Martedì Jan. 13 7:30 a.m. †Vincenzo Rizzo 7:00 p.m. First Communion Meeting No Evening Mass Wednesday – Mercoledì Jan. 20 7:30 a.m. †Carrie Aguilar & All Souls 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:30 p.m. †Danny Gregoris (10 Yrs) Thursday - Giovedì Jan. 21 7:30 a.m. †Evelyn Muldoon 7:00 p.m. First Communion Meeting No Evening Mass Friday – Venerdì Jan. 22 7:30 a.m. †Giuseppe Guaragna 7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Michele Fazzari (1 Yr) Saturday – Sabato Jan. 23 7:30 a.m. †Piedro, Luigi & Antonino Gallo 2:00 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Francesco Vitale (1 Yr) 5:30 p.m. †Biagio Corrado HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!! BONNE SEMAINE!!!!
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