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Dates to remember ...
Volume 41
April 16th– Pastoral Home Care/SASMAD Volunteer
Appreciation Tea with a workshop from the
Alzheimer’s Society– An Introduction to
Alzheimer’s and Strategies for Communication.
2000 Sherbrooke St. W. 1:30-4:00pm
April 2015
Contact Wendy or Cathie to RSVP
April 18th – SASMAD Ressourcement (en francais)
Micheline Gagnon– L’accompagnement des
malades, un second souffle dans la foi. 9h-15h30
at Sanctuaire Marie-Reine-des-Coeurs.
Contact Wendy or Cathie to RSVP
Council on Palliative Care –
Three Free Workshops:
Easter Joy in Everyday Life
Jesus loves us - right now. At this moment,
Jesus holds each one of us in his warm and
loving gaze and loves us so freely at a
depth that our human minds can’t take
in. Whether we comprehend this or not,
Jesus loves us endlessly and waits for us
with his arms open, ready to hold and
support us.
Pope Francis said at Easter, we leave
ourselves behind and encounter others by
“being close to those crushed by life’s
troubles, sharing with the needy, standing
at the side of the sick, elderly and the
A r c h d i o c e s e o f M o n t r e a l
E n g l i s h S e c t o r
- S A S M A D
As we receive his embrace and feel the
peace and joy of Easter wash over us, we
can look over his shoulder, and see beyond
to those in need who now wait for
us. That’s when we realize that the real joy
in our lives is putting aside our own faults,
challenges and difficulties for a while and
entering into the lives of others.
We are being missioned as Easter
People. We find peace in Jesus’ love for us
and now we share it with others. We find
ourselves standing side by side with Jesus,
looking together at those we are being sent
to love.
April 13th 6:00-8:00pm What you wanted to know
about hospitals and were too afraid to ask.
Dr. Eugene Bereza MD
April 20th 6:00-8:00pm Being Mortal: Medicine and
What Matters in the End with author Atul Gawande
April 27th 6:00-8:00pm Advocating for Excellent
Care Joan Foster, BN.
All three talks held at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
4100 Sherbrooke W. No registration required.
April 14th through May 26th Hearing God in
Others Listening Skills Course. 7:00-9:00pm Ignatian
Centre 514-481-1064 $120
April 27th End of Life Choices Conference- Seniors
Action Quebec. La Plaza Hotel 420 Sherbrooke St.W.
9:00am-5:00pm $40/$50
May 2nd Messiah Trap: When Helping You is
Hurting Me 9:00am-3:00 pm Ignatian Centre $60.00
May 5th Annual Sandra Goldberg Lecture—Council on
Palliative Care “ Public Choices, Private Lives:
An End of Life Conversation” Leacock 132 McGill
University 6:00pm
Basic Pastoral Home Care Formation
for New Visitors (or a refresher for
experienced visitors)
Beginning May 2015 at Jesus Light
of the World Parish, Pierrefonds
Registration: 514-931-7311 ext 354
That is where the real joy of Easter waits
for us. Creighton Online Ministry
Pastoral Home Care Services
SASMAD Anglophone sector
Cathie Macaulay, Coordinator 514-931-7311 ext. 354 [email protected]
Wendy de Souza, Secretary 514-931-7311 ext. 249 [email protected]