The Secret of Beauty There is a beauty canon known since long ago. The Partenon was built according to a proportion that the Ancients called »divine«, the »divine proportion«. It was also well known by sculptors, painters and architects, like Leonardo da Vinci, Miguel Angel, Durero, etc. The beauty canon is a mathematical equation: x2 - x - 1 = 0 One of the roots of this equation is the »golden number«=1,61803399..., and the other is the »golden section«=0,61803399... These numbers are able to mathematically define beauty. If we analize a photo of someone commonly accepted as »pretty«, »handsome« or »attractive«, we will be surprised that his or her features comply with a relationship between 1 and 0,618. As we analize these features with more detail, we find more coincidences with these proportions. We will also find them, as I said before, in architecture. And even in common objects, whose design attract us. This proves that actually these proportions are being used by companies to make their products more attractive. For instance, the Adobe Photoshop logo is an eye located in a rectangle whose proportions are equivalent to 14x3,5cm. If we apply the golden proportions: 14 x 0,618 = 8,652 3,5 x 0,618 = 2,163 Now let’s draw two lines from these points and we will have another point where the two lines cross. Well, Do you know where the pupil of the famous eye from Adobe is located? I am sure you guessed.
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