complete conference packet

 Fifty-Ninth District Nine Conference • April 17-19, 2015
Hilton San Antonio Airport • San Antonio, Texas
To be distributed to ALL Club members
Registra on Form ................ 2 Vendor Applica on ....... 11‐12 Invita on to Conference ...... 3 Program Ad Form ............... 13 Hotel informa on ................ 4 Preliminary Agenda ........... 15 Int’l Representa ve ............. 5 Friday Fun Night ................. 18 Keynote Speaker .................. 6 Club Photo Assignments .... 21 Memorial Form .................... 7 First‐Timer Informa on ..... 23 Conference Service Project . 8 President’s Checklist .......... 24 Founda on Auc on Form .... 9 Delegates and Alternates ... 25 Club Display Form .............. 10 Tradi ons and E que e .... 26 1 Fifty-Ninth District Nine Conference, April 17-19 2015
REGISTRATION FORM Please print legibly.
Your registration will be confirmed via email.
Name ______________________________________________ Altrusa International Inc. of ______________________________________
Address, City, Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email _________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________________________________
Check all that apply.
International Representative
District Officer
Club President
Past International President
Past District Governor
District Committee Chair
District Committee Member
Conference Delegate
Conference Alternate
March 13
Affiliate Member
Charter Member of New Club
New One Bring One Member
AFTER March 13,
March 31
Received after
March 31 or
FULL Registration: Includes all three meals, workshops, business
sessions, and conference materials.
PARTIAL Registration (two meals): Includes two meals, workshops,
business sessions and conference materials.
PARTIAL Registration (one meal): Includes one meal, workshops,
business sessions, and conference materials.
banquet $35
banquet $55
One Meal, No Conference Registration (Guest): Includes one meal Friday Fun
Night $50
only. No workshops, business sessions, or conference materials.
Which meal? _________________________ Number of tickets ______
Friday Night Fun Night
Regular meal or
Vegetarian or
Saturday Awards Luncheon
Regular meal or
Vegetarian or
Saturday Night Governor’s Banquet
Steak or
Tilapia or
Vegetarian or
* Other special dietary requirements must be ordered by April 1, 2015. Please describe your need:
Total Amount Enclosed: $_______ No refunds will be given after April 1, 2015.
Make checks payable to
District Nine Conference Fund.
Send registration form
(even if paying by credit card) to:
Name on Card: ___________________________________________
Sarah Bullock, Registration Chair
P.O. Box 700955
San Antonio, TX 78270
Email: [email protected]
(An additional 3.5% plus $0.15 fee will apply to cover the expense.)
Card Type:
 Visa
 MC
Card Number: ____________________________________________
Expiration Date: _________________________________________
Security Number (on back of card): _________________________
611 NW Loop 410,
San Antonio, TX 78216
Phone: 210-340-6060
Altrusa rate is $129 (single or
double). For reservations, call
888-728-3031. Deadline for
hotel registrations is March 31;
use the code “ADN” to get
the guaranteed rate.
Fifty-Ninth District Nine Conference
When I think of San Antonio, I always think of unique celebrations and
a good time, and this year’s District Nine Conference will be nothing
short of spectacular! The Conference Packet you’re reading will give
you all the information you need to know, whether you’re a Club
president or a first-time Conference attendee.
It is my distinct pleasure to invite you to our annual Conference in San Antonio. If you’re a
Conference regular, you’ll love the changes we’ve made—both obvious and subtle, all in the
interest of making Conference relevant to all attendees year after year.
And if you have never attended a District Nine Conference, all I can say is … What are you
waiting for? It’s so much fun, and a great opportunity to let your hair down with new friends
from across the state.
This Conference packet should give you a taste of what we’re planning, but if you have
any questions, feel free to contact me personally or Program Coordinator Linda Moore
([email protected])
April will come around faster than you think, so start planning to have a wonderful time …
find a roommate, a ride, and a reason to come to Conference in 2015. You won’t be sorry!
With Altrusa love,
Beth Blair
3 The Conference team has chosen the Hilton
San Antonio Airport for our
weekend of fun and fellowship. You’ll find beauty, tranquility, and amenities galore.
Stay at the Hilton San Antonio Airport hotel for
easy access to San Antonio International
Airport, just under 2 miles away. Travel for
only 8 miles to reach the vibrant city of San
Antonio, full of culture and attractions. Shop,
dine, and be entertained right by our San
Antonio Airport hotel at the North Star Mall
and Park North entertainment center.
Settle in to a guest room in warm Texas-style
decor that offers WiFi and amenities for work
and relaxation. Upgrade to a spacious suite to
enjoy separate living and sleeping rooms.
The hotel has recently undergone a $13 million renovation, and we are looking forward to
seeing all the new and exciting amenities!
Make your reservations soon.
Enjoy the ideal location of this San Antonio
Airport hotel close to many corporations and
businesses, and take advantage of the complimentary parking.
THE ROOM BLOCK IS OPEN! Call 888-728-3031 to reserve your Conference rooms.
Be sure to mention the code AND (Altrusa District Nine) to get the group rate of $129 (single or double).
4 We are pleased to welcome International
President Ilona Kerby as our
International Rep. She’s never visited District Nine, so let’s show her a great time!
Ilona has been a member of Altrusa
International of Longview-Kelso, Washington,
since 1987. She has held
every office in her local
club with the exception
of Treasurer.
In 2007, Ilona was
awarded the Altrusa
International Foundation’s Community
Leadership Award for her
work organizing and chairing a weeklong
Celebration of Literacy in her community,
a project she chaired for 10 years. Ilona
served on the Altrusa District Twelve Board
from 1999-2007 and was District Governor
in 2003-2005. Since being elected to the
Altrusa International Board as a Director in
2007-2009 she has also served as Vice
President (2009-2011) and as PresidentElect (2011-2013).
Ilona is the executive director of Lower
Columbia CAP (Community Action Program),
where she oversees an $8+ million nonprofit
business that provides a wide array of selfhelp and safety net programs and social
enterprises including Self Help Housing,
financial literacy, employment and job training, energy and weatherization, and transportation. Ilona serves on a number of
boards such as the Cowlitz Economic
Development Council Board, Southwest
Washington Workforce Development Council
Board, Pathways 2020 Board Chair, Cowlitz
Wahkiakum Council of Governments Board,
the Washington State Community Action
Partnership Board as well as the Altrusa
International of Longview-Kelso Board. She
holds a master’s degree from California
State University, Hayward.
Ilona has been married to her husband,
Jan, a retired electrician, for 34 years, and
they have four daughters and three granddaughters. She loves to travel, scrapbook,
spend time with her family, collect Roseville
& Weller pottery, and read!
5 Our keynote speaker will be one of our own! Temple Altrusan Dr.
Patricia Sulak
will address the Conference body on Saturday morning. If you haven’t heard Patsy speak
(even if you have!), you are in for a real treat! She will also be leading a workshop on
stress management. Now, who among Altrusans could not use some of that wisdom?
Patricia Sulak, M.D. is a nationally recognized
practicing physician, researcher, speaker, and
medical school professor at Baylor Scott & White
Health and Texas A&M College of Medicine. She
graduated from the University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio School of Medicine
and was named the 2006 Distinguished Alumnus.
In addition to her busy clinical practice, teaching,
and research, she presents throughout the country to businesses, organizations, schools, and
healthcare institutions on numerous health issues
with a focus on disease prevention.
She continues to be included in “Best Doctors
in America” and “Texas Super Docs” and has
been selected Outstanding Clinical Instructor
by the Texas A&M College of Medicine medical
students. Dr. Sulak was given a "Heroes for
Children" award by the Texas State Board of
Education and received the American College of
Obstetrics and Gynecology Community Service
Award for her work in adolescent health. Her
adolescent wellness and sexual health curriculum is utilized by school districts throughout
the state of Texas and beyond.
Dr. Sulak speaks throughout the country on
adult wellness issues with an emphasis on promotion of scientifically proven healthy lifestyles
to prevent disability and death. She founded
and directs Living WELL Aware, a truly unique
wellness conference on disease prevention
through healthy living. Her book “Should I Fire
My Doctor?” and her keynote addresses and
conferences delineate the eleven essential
elements to health and happiness, empowering
everyone to take ownership of their well-being
and partner with their healthcare providers for
optimal health. She is married to Dr. Jeffrey
Waxman and they have two sons, Bart and
Gabe. And, she is an Altrusan!
6 On the last day of Conference, we take a moment to
Memorialize Our District Nine Altrusans
who have passed away during the last year. All District Nine Clubs are urged to participate
in this particularly moving service by sending information about all their lost members as
soon as possible.
Altrusa International of ______________________________________________________
Name of deceased member __________________________________________________
Date of birth: __________ Date deceased: _________ Member of Altrusa since __________
Photos included
Please attach an additional sheet of information, listing the deceased member’s Club, District, and
International offices held, along with contributions to Altrusa and your Club. You may include a few
personal anecdotes to share as well.
Submitted by _______________________________________________________________
Telephone(s) _______________________________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________
Contact information of member who will participate in Memorial Service at Conference:
Name _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone(s) _______________________________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________
Please submit this completed form and photos by March 15, 2015, to:
Susie Stephenson
7213 Fair Valley Way
Plano, TX 75024
[email protected]
If you have a member pass away after this deadline, please contact Susie as soon as possible.
7 Altrusans are leaders in service, after all, so what Conference would be complete without a
Conference Service Project
The Center for Health Care Services in San Antonio has recently opened a transitional children’s
mental health facility that accepts children with
mental health emergencies from schools and
law enforcement with the hope that they will
arrive here first and not directly to a psychiatric
hospital. The Center offers early childhood intervention, crisis intervention and management,
cognitive behavioral therapy, family counseling,
comprehensive case management of integrated
services, and therapeutic foster care services.
Because it is a transitional center, children arrive
without any of their own personal belongings.
Also, Clubs and members are asked to bring
donations of other items that the children can
use during their stay at the Crisis Center:
Bed-in-a-bag sets or twin sheets, pillow
cases, light blankets, comforters, and
pillows (new only)
 Age-appropriate books for ages 7 through 15
Service Opportunity at Conference: The District
Nine Service Committee hopes to provide these  Toiletries: personal-size like those provided
by hotels (bring yours down each day!)
children with items that will make a very scary
situation more comforting. Altrusans who attend  New or gently used stuffed toys
Conference will have the opportunity to write
 New pajamas and underclothing
comforting messages to the children on cards
provided by the San Antonio Club.
8 Each Club is asked to contribute at least one item to the District Nine Conference
International Foundation Silent Auction, where they will be displayed
in our Silent Auction Room for all attendees and guests to bid on! All proceeds from the
auction will benefit the Altrusa International Foundation. Gift baskets are always popular.
Each Club is asked to contribute at least one item to the District Conference Silent Auction
(minimum value $25). All proceeds from the auction will benefit the Altrusa International
To ensure that we have room for your items and can prepare a proper bid sheet, please complete
this form for each auction item and submit by Friday, April 3.
Please type or print clearly for proper bid sheet completion.
Altrusa International Inc. of _________________________________ wishes to donate the following:
Auction Item Description:______________________________________________________________
Retail Value of Item: __________________________________________________________________
Comments or Special Instructions: _____________________________________________________
Please send completed form by April 3, 2015, to:
Sheryl King
P.O. Box 700955
San Antonio, TX 78270
Questions may be directed to Sheryl at 860-833-6978 or email [email protected].
Please bring your auction items to the Silent Auction Room anytime after noon on Friday, April 17.
9 Clubs are invited to create a Club
Display to show off what they’ve been up to.
Displays will be shown off in our Club Display Room, and each display is eligible to win one
of our Club Display Awards on Sunday morning of Conference!
If your club will be presenting a Club display, you are asked to reserve a table in the Club Display
Room. Tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Be creative and share the amazing
difference your Club has made in your community over the past year! (The Club Display Award
Criteria are available from your Club president, on the District Nine website, and on your 2014
Conference CD.)
The deadline to request display space is Friday, April 10.
Please type or print clearly.
Altrusa International Inc. of ______________________________________ wishes to reserve a table
for our Club display at Conference.
Club Display Contact Name ____________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone ______________________________________________________________________
Other Phone (Cell Preferred) ___________________________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________________________________________
You may begin your set up any time after 1 p.m. on Friday, April 17.
Please send completed form by April 10, 2015, to:
Sheryl King
P.O. Box 700955
San Antonio, TX 78270
Questions may be directed to Sheryl at 860-833-6978 or email [email protected].
Please bring your auction items to the Everything Room anytime after 1 p.m. on Friday, April 17.
10 Altrusans like to shop, so we bring the goods to them with our annual Vendor
featuring Altrusans and others with creativity showing off their wares. You’ll find a unique
array of items, from gifts to accessories, and plenty of time to shop in between sessions.
Basic information is on this page; a Vendor Application follows.
Altrusa International District Nine is pleased to invite you to be a part of the Fifty-Ninth District Nine
Conference, which will welcome members from the State of Texas with a few guests from other states.
We expect to host more than 250 attendees. Please make sure that you bring plenty of stock if you will be
handing out materials.
Hilton Airport San Antonio, 611 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78216, 210-340-6060
Registration is $100 through March 20, 2015. Late registration is $125 through April 1. In addition to
the table fee, vendors are asked to bring a merchandise donation for our Foundation Silent Auction of a
minimum $50 value.
Your application will be considered for a table based upon criteria of quality, uniqueness of the
merchandise, and price point. Altrusa International District Nine reserves the right to refuse a vendor.
Each registration fee covers a 6-foot skirted table and two chairs.
Meals and other accommodations are not included.
Table assignments will be done on the day of the event on first-come basis.
All Altrusa member applications are 100 percent refundable until April 1, 2015, and non-refundable
after April 1, 2015.
Registration/setup begins at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 17. All exhibitors need to register at the Altrusa
registration desk in the hotel lobby.
No later than 11 a.m. Sunday, April 19.
Altrusa International District Nine disclaims any and all liabilities for damages to or theft of display or
exhibited materials. The vendor fair area is in an open lobby area; we will NOT have the ability to lock this
area after each day’s activities. Please plan to pack and stow your valuables each day.
Friday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
11 Vendor Application
Vendor Business/Organization Name ____________________________________________________
Contact _______________________________________Title _________________________________
Mailing address ______________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State _____________________ Zip ____________
Day phone __________________ Cell phone ________________ Evening phone _________________
E-mail address ______________________________ Website _________________________________
Member of Altrusa International, Inc. of __________________________________________________
(Alcoholic beverages in any form, homemade food products, and perishable foods cannot be sold.)
Other comments for the consideration of your application:
The deadline for exhibitor applications is April 3, 2015. Interested Altrusans are encouraged to
return completed applications and supporting materials as soon as possible as the timeliness of
receipt may be a factor in the selection decision and space accommodations. Your application will
be considered complete when payment has been received.
For questions, please call Debbie Davenport at 210-771-0320 or email her at
[email protected].
Please mail checks and application to
Debbie Davenport
P.O. Box 700955
San Antonio, TX 78270
12 Any Altrusan or Altrusa Club can honor a member or advertise a business by buying an
Ad for the Conference Program. Why not consider a business advertisement, personal celebration announcement, congratulations to a special Altrusan friend or
family member, or an in-memory page in the Conference program this year?
We are pleased to consider your application for a program ad for the Fifty-Ninth Annual District
Nine Conference program. The ad reservation deadline is March 15, 2015. The program page size
is 8½ x 11 inches. Please be prepared to supply vendor-ready artwork (.jpg preferred) prior to
March 21, 2015.
Please make checks payable to: DISTRICT NINE CONFERENCE FUND.
Mail application and check to
Kimberly Glodich
P.O. Box 700955
San Antonio, TX 78270
Questions? Please contact Kimberly at 210-685-3281 or [email protected].
13 We know you’re curious, and food is always a topic, so we’re going out on a limb with
Conference Menus. We know that not everyone is going to like everything, and
we’ve worked with the hotel on menu options that would be enjoyable for nearly everyone.
If you see something you don’t like, remember that you have vegetarian and gluten-free
options on your registration form.
Friday Leadership Luncheon
Saturday Presidents’ Breakfast
(By invitation only)
(By invitation only)
Trio salad: Chicken salad, tuna salad, and shrimp
salad served on a bed of mixed greens
Freshly baked croissants with butter and preserves
Scrambled eggs with chives, choice of hickory
Rolls and butter, chef’s soup of the day, and choice of smoked bacon or link sausage, hash browns
iced tea, coffee, assorted hot teas, or milk
Silver dollar pancakes with honey butter and warm
New York style cheesecake served with Chantilly
pancake syrup
cream and raspberry sauce
Freshly squeezed orange juice
Friday Fun Night: Hats Off to Altrusa Buffet
Chicken tortilla soup with shredded cheddar,
sour cream, tortilla strips, green onions, and
avocado slices
Hot flour tortillas
Nuevo Laredo salad with tomatoes, avocadoes, and
red onions
Orange, jicama, and cilantro salad
Freshly brewed coffee and assorted hot teas
Saturday Awards Luncheon
Chicken medallions served in tamarind glaze with
natural pan jus
Rosemary mashed potatoes and broccoli
Mixed greens salad, rolls and butter, and choice of
iced tea, coffee, assorted hot teas, or milk
Beef fajitas with green onions, tomatoes,
jack and cheddar cheeses, pico de gallo, sour cream,
and guacamole
Key lime pie garnished with fresh mint and seasonal
Chicken enchiladas and cheese enchiladas
Saturday Governor’s Banquet: Altrusa Royalty
Spanish rice and borracho beans
Choice of
Roasted New York strip loin: Sliced peppercrusted strip loin with caramelized onions in a
merlot sauce
Pina colada glazed tilapia grilled with a tropical
fruit salsa
Caramel flan and tres leches cake
Iced tea and freshly brewed coffee
Cilantro infused rice and grilled asparagus
Mixed greens salad, rolls and butter, and choice of
iced tea, coffee, assorted hot teas, or milk
White chocolate mousse in a dark chocolate cup
14 And here’s what we’ve all been waiting for: Preliminary
Schedule! The room assignments aren’t final yet, and let’s be serious—you don’t care
until you get to the hotel anyway. Just scan this schedule to get a look at what’s planned.
And don’t forget to expect some great changes along the way!
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015:
11am to 6pm
Registration and Credentials Open
11am to 6pm
Exhibits/Silent Auction Open
Noon to 1:30pm
Leadership Luncheon, by invitation
1pm to 6pm
Vendor Fair
1:30pm to 2pm
Incoming Program Team Meeting
2pm to 4:30pm
District Board of Directors Meeting
4:30pm to 5:30pm
First Timers Orientation
5:45pm to 6:15pm
Delegate and Alternate Briefing
6:15pm to 7pm
Opening Session
7:30pm to 10pm
Hats Off to Altrusa Fun Night
Hotel Lobby
Travis and Goyens
Texas Ballroom A
Texas Foyer
Texas Ballroom A
Lone Star East
Texas Ballroom A-C
Texas Ballroom A-C
Texas Ballroom A-E
7:30am to 8:45am
Club President’s Breakfast, by invitation
7:30am to 8:45am
Registration/Credentials Open
7:30am to 8:45am
Exhibits/Silent Auction Open
7:30am to 6pm
Vendor Fair
9:00am to 11:30am
Business Session
11:30am to Noon
Registration/Credentials Open
Noon to 1:30pm
Awards Luncheon
1:30pm to 1:45pm
Business Session Resumes
2pm to 5pm
2pm to 5pm
Exhibits/Silent Auction (will close at 5)
2pm to 3:15 pm
3:30pm to 4:45pm
6pm to 7pm
Club Photos
Governor’s Reception/Cash Bar
Club Pres, PGs, Board Line-Up
7:30 to 9:30pm
Altrusa Royalty: Governor’s Banquet
Lone Star East
Hotel Lobby
Travis and Goyens
Texas Foyer
Texas Ballroom A-C
Lone Star East
Hotel Lobby
Texas Ballroom A-E
Texas Ballroom A-E
Hotel Lobby
Travis and Goyens
See workshop lineup
See workshop lineup
To be determined
Texas Foyer
Lone Star East
Texas Ballroom A-E
SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015:
8am to Noon
Exhibits/Silent Auction
8:30am to 11am
Devotional and Closing Session
11:30am to 2pm
District Board of Directors Meeting
Travis and Goyens
Texas Ballroom A-C
*Times, rooms, and schedule are subject to change … and most likely will. But here’s the general idea.
Just come. You won’t regret it.
15 Conference is the best place to get training, so we’re providing you with a
Preliminary Workshop Lineup to figure out where your time is best spent.
Presenters have worked hard to bring you the information you need, and they’re eager to
see you on Saturday afternoon.
2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Lone Star East
Presidents Workshop (for incoming Presidents and
Presidents-Elect ONLY.)
Lone Star West
Living WELL Aware:
Stress Management
Membership: Event
Success Planning
The Skinny for New Altrusans
Rio Grande
Living WELL Aware:
Stress Management
New-Club Building and
Revitalization (Recruitment!)
International President’s
Workshop (TBD)
Additional workshop titles and venues are pending! If you are interested in hosting a workshop
or have an idea you’d like to see implemented, please contact Program Coordinator Linda Moore
([email protected]).
16 Workshop Descriptions
Presidents Workshop (for Incoming Presidents and
Presidents-Elect ONLY). Governor-Elect Sylvia Zamora
fills you in on everything you need to know to be successful in the coming year. We are opening this session to
Altrusans who will be stepping into the President’s
seat next year as well, so come a year early and get the
inside scoop. (Please, presidents and presidents-elect
ONLY because this will get crowded! Priority seating and
handouts will be reserved for those members who will be
club president in 2015-2016.)
Incoming Officers’ Training. Excellent, practical information and resources for the coming year.
Incoming Secretaries, hosted by
District Secretary Susie Stephenson
Incoming Treasurers, hosted by
District Treasurer Leslie Thompson
Living Well Aware: Stress Management. Temple Altrusan
Dr. Patricia Sulak will discuss why we are prone to allow
stress into our lives and the detrimental effects it has on
our body. Effective ways of managing stressful situations
will be discussed. Learn how to tell stress to Take a Hike!
(This session will be presented twice.)
Membership Event Success Planning. Learn a step-bystep process for a proven recruiting system, including
an outline for the actual recruiting event and all of the
follow-up details necessary to successfully convert
prospective members into members of your Altrusa Club.
Everything you need to know to implement recruiting
into a successful event will be right here. Presented by
Director Antonia Buban.
The Skinny for New Altrusans. Everything you ever
wanted to know about Altrusa! Get the inside scoop on
what makes us tick from one of our very own dynamic
Altrusans, This workshop was designed for new Altrusans to get the scoop, but it would be great for seasoned members who want new ideas for new-member
orientations, recruiting events, or mentor programs. Presented by Melva Hill of the Greenville Club.
New-Club Building and Revitalization. With the newly
chartered Rockwall Club just days old by the time we
convene Conference, and the Lewisville Club right on
its heels, you will want to find out what the secret was
to reaching brand-new Altrusans to get to charter! Join
New Club Building Chair Mary Black Pearson, along with
Rockwall organizers Michelle O’Neil and Shirley Raymer,
as they present some innovative strategies for introducing Altrusa that will help build new clubs and strengthen
existing ones.
Wisdom From Our International President. Our International Representative, President Ilona Kerby, has
graciously offered to lead a workshop at Conference.
We are working with her on the topic but wanted to let
you know how excited we are to have the opportunity to
learn from someone who’s been all the way to the top!
AND MORE! Program Coordinator Linda Moore is still
finding rooms to accommodate more workshop titles,
and we will announce those on our Facebook pages (did
you know we have a members-only page now?) as we
schedule them. There will be no shortage of interesting
topics for ALL Altrusans—young or old, new or seasoned,
male or female! Just COME TO CONFERENCE!
17 After we kick off Conference with a short business meeting, we head straight into
Friday Fun Night! Clubs are encouraged to coordinate dress to support the
Conference theme: Viva Altrusa.
You’ve heard the stories of late-night conga lines,
slightly off-key karaoke, and questionable wardrobe
choices—now see it for yourself as Altrusans from across
Texas let their hair down and show off their fun side at
our Friday Fun Night dinner.
Dinner … Enjoy a fiesta buffet with plenty of choices,
including tres leches cake! There are no assigned
seats, so you can sit wherever you want. You’re encouraged to mingle, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.
Drinks … A cash bar will be set up outside the ballroom, with ample time to mingle before going inside.
Dancing … Altrusans like to dance, dance, dance, so
we went simple with a DJ this year. The twist is … this
guy is supposed to be the best! Come on out and shake
what your mama gave you!
And a Hat Parade!
The San Antonio Club has come up with a great theme
for the evening: Hats Off to Altrusa! If you attended Fall
Leadership Event this past November in Allen, you saw
some of the fabulous hats that were presented. The San
Antonio Club encourages you to create a hat masterpiece of your own (individually or at least one per club)
to wear on Friday Fun Night. Use your imagination: support a team, your club projects, or just be “Fiesta-y”!
Your dress should reflect the Fiesta theme as well. Not
sure what to do? Google “San Antonio Fiesta Hats” to
see how the tradition unfolded and get ideas for your
own Viva Altrusa hat!
18 Saturday will be a whirlwind of activity, but one of the best parts is sitting down for our
Annual Awards Luncheon as we showcase how every Club’s achievements
are stacking up to make a huge impact in our communities. It’s a great opportunity to invite
a guest, to pique their interest in Altrusa by hearing about all the fabulous projects from
around the state.
Assigned Seating
You will be assigned to a table with your Club members so you can celebrate your achievements
together. Tables are assigned randomly, so don’t get to thinkin’ that just because you’re in the back
row that you didn’t win anything! When you enter the ballroom, expediters can show you how to find
your seat. Please do not tip chairs up so the legs stick out. We don’t want anyone getting hurt!
When You Win
Of course, you’ll want to stand and cheer, but remember that a representative from your Club
should come forward (quickly) to accept the award. If you would like to pause for photographs,
please move well to the side so we can keep the flow of the program going. Our awards presenters
and Conference photographer will be available after the program for individual photos.
Tracking the Winners
Your Conference program will have a page for you to write in the winners, but don’t worry if you
don’t catch something. All the winners will be listed in an upcoming issue of the News of Mighty
Ninth, and winning entries will be posted in the Shared Files—District section of our website.
Something’s Missing!
We’ve been listening to you! Some of the awards will be presented on Sunday morning. Please stay
to continue the celebration. Also, the Sue R. Powell Perfect Attendance Award certificates will be
given to Club presidents at the Presidents Breakfast on Saturday morning. Clubs and the number
of Perfect Attendance will be announced—but not presented—at the Awards Luncheon, but you can
have your photo made with Aunt Susie after the program.
What’s Next?
Did you know that the first-place winners of the Mamie L. Bass Service Award, the Dr. Nina Fay
Calhoun International Relations Award, and the Letha H. Brown Literacy Award will compete against
both last year’s winners AND the winners from all the other Districts for an International Award?
The awards will be given out at the 2015 International Convention in Kansas City. Make plans to
come cheer on District Nine!
19 After gettin’ your learn on during Saturday workshops, it’s time to doll up for the
Saturday Night Governor’s Banquet, where the glamour never stops.
It’s a little bit formal, and a little bit traditional, and a whole lot of exciting and fun to see
your favorite president dressed in her (or his) best to represent your Club. We guarantee
no rubber chicken.
What to Wear
The attire is anywhere from business casual to formal, so pick out your favorite ensemble and be prepared to
strut your stuff. Because this is an installation year, expect to see a lot of glamour!
Prepare to party hop as several clubs will be hosting traditional in-room receptions for their clubs and club
members who are serving on the District level. Everyone is welcome, and some of these parties can have
some unique and wonderful themes! Drop by as you have time before dinner.
Club Photos
All Clubs will be assigned a very brief window for club photographs (location to be announced; please see the
next page for your estimated time slot). All club members should be assembled 10 minutes prior to your
assigned time in case there is an opportunity to get ahead of schedule. We want to make sure everyone has
an opportunity to get a nice photo and still get into the banquet room on time.
Cash Bar Available
A cash bar will be set up outside the ballroom, with ample time to mingle before going inside.
Lineup for Club Presidents, Past Governors, and Board of Directors
Each current Club president (or her designee), past governor, board member, and International representative is requested to participate in a processional at the beginning of the banquet. We will gather at 7 p.m. to
be called individually; please be on time.
Where to Sit
Seating will be assigned by Club. When you enter the ballroom, expediters can show you how to find your
seat. Please do not tip chairs up so the legs stick out. We don’t want anyone getting hurt! Participants in the
lineup will be seated at the reserved tables in front and at the head table.
Dinner Choices
The meal choices are listed elsewhere in this packet; be sure to choose one (steak or fish, or gluten-free or
vegetarian) on your registration form.
20 Club Photo Time Assignments
The official Conference photographer will take group photos the evening of the Governor’s
Banquet. Clubs are asked to be ready 10 minutes prior to this time in case there is an
opening to get ahead of schedule.
The photographer will also take specialty shots (you and your best friend, etc.) AFTER all Clubs have had an
San Antonio ....................................................................... 6:00
Fort Worth.......................................................................... 6:00
Garland .............................................................................. 6:00
Temple ............................................................................... 6:10
Southwest Dallas County .................................................. 6:10
Rockwall ............................................................................ 6:10
Texarkana .......................................................................... 6:15
Downtown Dallas .............................................................. 6:15
Anderson County ............................................................... 6:20
Arlington ............................................................................ 6:20
Austin ................................................................................. 6:25
DFW ................................................................................... 6:25
Central Texas..................................................................... 6:30
Copperas Cove .................................................................. 6:30
Dallas ................................................................................. 6:35
Denton ............................................................................... 6:35
Lewisville (Club-In-Formation) .......................................... 6:35
Greenville .......................................................................... 6:40
Abilene ............................................................................... 6:40
The Big Country ................................................................. 6:45
Pampa ............................................................................... 6:45
Lubbock Dawners ............................................................. 6:50
Lubbock ............................................................................. 6:50
Richardson ....................................................................... :6:55
Nacogdoches..................................................................... 6:55
Southeast Tarrant County Early Risers ............................ 7:00
The Brazos ......................................................................... 7:00
Waco .................................................................................. 7:05
Collin County ..................................................................... 7:05
Borger ................................................................................ 7:10
Sherman ............................................................................ 7:10
Wichita Falls ...................................................................... 7:15
North Dallas ...................................................................... 7:15
The Woodlands (Club-In-Formation) ................................ 7:20
Houston ............................................................................. 7:20
Orange ............................................................................... 7:20
21 We know you have a long drive home, but what’s an extra hour? Stay
for Sunday!
You won’t be sorry. The Sunday session is one of celebration—celebrating ourselves,
celebrating our success, and celebrating the potential of the upcoming year. You will not
get the full Conference experience without it. Stay and be inspired!
Conference isn’t over after the Governor’s Banquet on Saturday night. We know you want to get on the road,
but we encourage you to make the most out of Conference by staying for the fun on Sunday. A few changes
have been made to entice you to do that, but you’ll have to stay to see what they are. If you miss—you’ve
missed out!
Devotional and Memorial Service
An annual favorite of Conference attendees is our quiet time together on Sunday morning. We begin with a
nondenominational devotional service that helps us reflect on ourselves and on the meaning Altrusa has in
our lives. Afterward, we honor the memories of Altrusans who have passed away since we last met. You might
not have known any of these departed sisters, but you will have a hard time not being touched by the depth
and devotion of their service. There usually is not a dry eye in the house, but everyone leaves with a heart full
of emotion for our organization and the special people who make it work. Please come, and bring tissues.
Wrapping Up Our Business
There will be a few loose ends to tie up, including bidding a big-ole Texas farewell to our International
Representative, Ilona Kerby. We’ll take bids for 2017 Conference and get an invitation from the Arlington
Club to visit in 2016. Newly installed Governor Sylvia Zamora will be introducing her 2015-2017 Program
Team, and newly ousted (hee hee … guess who wrote this?) Immediate Past Governor Beth Blair will pass
Governor Sylvia the District Nine governor’s gavel. There will be a few awards to be given out on Sunday
morning, too, including first-timers, club display, and some others. It will be a touching and emotional
morning that will leave you inspired and utterly in love with all things Altrusa.
Ever seen 300 Altrusans join hands for the Altrusa Benediction? You will. And be sure to get your hugs in
before you go! The Sunday devotional/memorial and following business session are usually concluded by
11 a.m., so you should have plenty of time to check out of the hotel and get on the road.
22 Thinking about coming to Conference for the first time? Please do. We love our
First-Time Attendees! From special sessions tailored just for you, to special
touches that will make you feel right at home, the Conference chairs have a great weekend
planned. Whether you’re a new Altrusan or a seasoned one, you can still get a lot of Altrusa
knowledge at Conference!
No hazing. All fun! Ask any seasoned Conference attendee, and you’ll hear fond tales of their own first
Conference. We treat our first-timers like royalty, showering them with gifts and lavishing our love on them …
OK, maybe not that much, but Governor Beth has a soft spot for first-timers, and we want to make your
experience a great one.
First of all, you do have to fill out a registration form and send it in with your fee. Please be sure to mark that
you are a first-timer on your form. If the form is confusing, ask someone—It’s better to fill it out right than to
have to change something on the fly the day of the event.
Before Conference
Be sure to comb through this packet of information. It will help you know what to pack, like something ritzy
for the Governor’s Banquet on Saturday night, and maybe something to donate to the Conference Service
Project. You’ll want to arrange a carpool with some of your club members, and maybe even wrangle a roommate to share hotel costs. That’s all up to you.
Checking In
Conference starts on Friday, so please make plans to be there in plenty of time, or you’ll miss out! Consider
coming in on Thursday (special hotel rates would not apply, though) to be well-rested and ready to go. When
you arrive, there will be a table set up for Registration. Just tell them your name, and they’ll give you a packet
of goodies! Inside will be your name tag and ribbons; you’ll need these throughout Conference, so don’t
misplace them.
First-Timers Event
Also in your registration packet will be a Conference program. Notice on Friday afternoon the First-Timers’
Session. Please make every effort to make it to this session. You will learn what to expect at Conference,
meet some District and International dignitaries, and have a LOT of fun—and I’m not just saying that! The First
-Timers’ session is where you will begin to meet Altrusans from across the state who might just end up being
your lifelong BFFs.
Special Surprises for First-Timers
We will have some surprises for you throughout the weekend. Special gifts from our board members are
drawn for a few lucky winners, and one first-timer who is registered as such by Saturday morning will receive
the honor of participating in the processional at the Governor’s Banquet (you’ll understand when you get
there). There might even be a few surprises out of the blue! On Sunday morning, special awards are given
specifically for first-timers; you’ll want to stay for that!
23 Club President, you have a few things to do to ensure your members’ success. Here’s your
President’s To-Do List that will itemize a few things you might not have thought
about, from electing delegates and alternates to helping your members find roommates
and rides to San Antonio. Any trouble, contact Governor Beth.
Assign a Conference coordinator to help Club members organize Friday Fun Night attire and to
coordinate roommates and carpools. This person is in charge of getting people excited about
Conference and encouraging as many people as possible to come join the fun.
Elect delegates and alternates 60-90 days before Conference. Send names of delegates and
alternates to District Secretary Susie Stephenson immediately afterward.
Coordinate your Club’s donation of a silent auction item to the Foundation Silent Auction, and
send the registration form to Sheryl King. (The Conference coordinator can be in charge of
making sure all donations get to San Antonio.)
Prepare a Club Display and send in the form.
Send any Club memorials in to Susie Stephenson.
Organize the Club’s participation in the Conference service project. (The Conference coordinator can be in charge of making sure all donations get to San Antonio.)
Talk about Conference at every meeting; have registration forms available.
Personally encourage all members who have never been to Conference (first timers) to attend.
Discuss Nominating Committee candidates with your club members, making sure the delegates
and alternates understand the pleasure of the Club. (Nominees will be announced in the next
News of Mighty Ninth.)
Keep track of registrations from your club and work with incoming president to make sure her
new committee chairs and officers are aware of training workshops being held for them
Be prepared to participate in the Saturday night banquet processional, or appoint someone to
represent you.
While at Conference, encourage participation and enthusiasm among your club members.
Squash negativity before it spreads.
Be sure to bring your Club banner for participation in the parade of banners.
24 Congratulations on being elected as your Club’s Delegates
and Alternates.
There are a few things you will need to know to make your Conference experience a
success. Here is a checklist you might find helpful. Serving as a Conference delegate
means more than just getting another ribbon for your name tag.
Club Presidents should ensure that a list of all delegates and all alternates (please specify which are which!)
is sent to District Secretary Susie Stephenson ([email protected]) as soon as possible after they are
elected. The number of delegates each Club receives is calculated as of January 1, 2015, as described in the
District Bylaws: Each Club in good standing in International that has a total Active membership of twenty (20)
or less for whom dues have been paid to International, and to the District where applicable, shall be entitled
to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate. For each additional twenty (20) members or portion thereof, a Club
shall be entitled to one (1) additional delegate and alternate up to a maximum of five (5) delegates and five
(5) alternates.
Upon arriving at Conference, delegates and alternates should first stop by the Registration area to receive
their registration packets, THEN proceed to the Credentials table nearby (someone at Registration can direct
you if it’s not obvious) to collect your voting credentials. You must be accredited to be eligible to vote, and
ONLY delegates (not alternates) should cast votes. However, alternates may be seated in the delegate/
alternate area and attend the delegate briefing so they are informed on the issues.
Delegate Briefing
Please make every effort to attend the delegate briefing on Friday afternoon before the opening session.
This briefing is important because we will be going over the rules of elections, introducing you to the candidates for office, and discussing any other business that will need to come to a vote. We need you there to
get informed!
Special Seating
Delegates and alternates (only) are afforded special seating in rows 2-5 of the meeting room during business
sessions. Please reserve row 1 for past governors.
The Issues
Delegates will, among other things, be electing the slate of officers for the 2015-2017 biennium. Voting
is by secret ballot and will be done immediately following the morning business session on Saturday; you will
be instructed on how to cast your ballot before you are dismissed. Only delegates may vote. All other voting
usually is done by a voice vote.
25 Do you know why we do what we do? Let us explain some Conference
Traditions and Etiquette that might help you make more sense out of
what’s going on at Conference. You’re also welcome to add to this list; just let Program
Coordinator Linda Moore know. Her email is [email protected] (or you can just grab
her arm at Conference, but don’t hurt her … she’s fragile).
During Friday’s opening session, please stand as the board and other dignitaries enter the
room. The governor will ask you to be seated when appropriate.
Please reserve the front row of seats for each business session for our Past Governors.
Get the most out of your Conference experience by expecting to stay for the Sunday morning
session. There is still fun and business to be had, and much inspiration to be garnered!
When entering the banquet rooms for meals, please do not tilt the chairs up to save seats.
If you are attending Conference for the first time, please make every effort to come to the
first-timers event on Friday afternoon to receive a warm welcome and valuable information.
Many Clubs will host in-room receptions to honor their members who are serving on the District
program team and board of directors. Everyone is welcome to come and go as they please. If
your Club is hosting such an event and you have invitations, please give them to Conference
Co-chairs Kimberly Glodich or Diane de la Fuente before the end of the business session on
Saturday morning so they may be placed on the tables at the Awards Luncheon.
Please turn all cell phones off or at least to vibrate during all activities. Using the camera
feature on your phone is appropriate, but answering calls during business sessions is taboo.
If you must answer the phone during a business session, please make sure you are completely
outside of the room before speaking.