MAY 2015 NEWSLETTER Altrusa Club of Longview-Kelso To identify and address community needs through volunteer service. [email protected] In this Issue President’s Message Business Meeting Minutes Board Actions Help Needed Backpack Buddies May Events Birthday’s Youth Awards http// This is my last President’s Message for the 2014-2015 club year. The year has been awesome & I’m proud of each & every one of you. Thank you for your “can do” spirit. Thank you for achieving my goal of “Getting Back to Basics” which was detailed last month. We are making plans to get a picture of the sign over “our” room at the Emergency Support Shelter to go with an article for The Daily News. Plans are in “high gear” for the District Conference in Nanaimo, BC, May 14-17. Sara Burt is working on details for Anne DeFrancisco’s Installation as our next District Governor and also working on the Reception to follow the Installation. The Reception is the responsibility of our club. 17 members from our club are going to District Conference. The workshops will be educational, the Installation will be elegant and we will also enjoy the fun, food & fellowship. Bon Voyage! Did you notice the date for the start of District Conference? Because of that, we will not have our Business Meeting until May 21, with Notebook Exchange following the meeting. And then, drum roll please, Installation of Officers for 2015-2016 is on May 28. Congratulations to Pat Gurrad, Incoming President, and her Officers and Committee Chairs. I wish for you a year that is as successful as this year has been. THANK YOU to everyone for your help, support and friendship during my year as your President. It has been an honor to call the meetings to order with the gavel passed on to me by Thelma Somers, my sponsor in 1984! Thank you, Thelma, for the gavel and for sponsoring my membership in Altrusa! Thanks for the Memories! June Remember the PEP Philosophy: Work with Purpose, Enjoy with Enthusiasm, Serve with Pride. Enjoy Life, this is not a rehearsal. (from Learn to Live) 1 ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL OF LONGVIEW-KELSO BUSINESS MEETING APRIL 9, 2015 ATTENDANCE: Mark Bell, Lois Brudi, Sara Burt, Bonnie Canaday, Kathy Demarest, Cindy Donaldson, Donna Freund, Mary Gillespie, Pat Gurrad, Jan Kerby, Ramona Leber, Gail Mezger, Nancy Russell, Carol Ryan, Glenda Schuh, Aileen Stanford, Diane SueWing, Edith Uthmann, Pat Vining, June White, Kathy Williamson. The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. by President June White. The Blessing and Pledge of Allegiance were given. MEET AND GREET: Two minutes were given for members to visit with each other. ANNOUNCEMENTS: June White mentioned that today was also Altrusa’s birthday party. Kathy Williamson said she has a sign-up sheet for the Installation Dinner in May. It will be held at the Country Club and payment is needed in advance. Pat Gurrad encouraged everyone to attend. She will drive anyone who would like a ride. Kathy Demarest announced April 28 th is RIF Day. She also reminded members to sign-up for the Youth Awards this month also to be held at the Country Club. Ramona Leber has a sign-up sheet for the Go 4th Wagon. ALTRUSA ACCENT: It is the 98th Birthday of Altrusa. MINUTES: The minutes stand as published. Mary Gillespie read the following two motions passed at the last Board Meeting: Motion #1 – that “we request that Deb Whitney and Allysa Shiply get together to make a common policy for students to receive food through the Backpack Buddies program to be implemented in the fall of 2015.” Motion #2 – that “we purchase, out of operating pubic relations budget, an Altrusa banner. Estimated cost is $100.40 plus shipping.” TREASURER’S REPORT: Gail Mezger reported there was very little activity on the operational side. An additional $45 was received for pecans, bringing the net total to $2,401.95. On the Foundation side, the Backpack Buddies budget line #620 now shows a zero balance as requested by the membership. The Service Committee has spent all their allocated dollars except for $1,000 being held out for the time being. The report will be filed for audit. VICE PRESIDENT: June White reported for Nadine Ledford on the Youth Awards event this month which replaces the program meeting. WAYS AND MEANS: Cindy Donaldson reminded members to sign-up to help at Go 4th. The new fire system will be installed in the wagon next week. There will not be a meeting this month. [email protected] http// 2 ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL OF LONGVIEW-KELSO BUSINESS MEETING APRIL 9, 2015 (CONTINUED) MEMBERSHIP: Aileen Stanford said there will not be a meeting next week. OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS/PROJECTS TIMEKEEPER: June White asked members to continue sending their hours to Nadine Ledford as she tracks them. ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION: The following people were nominated and elected as delegates: Karen Dennis, Jan Kerby, Glenda Schuh, Ramona Leber. No alternates were elected. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The question arose as to what we were bringing for the silent auction at the upcoming conference. We usually bring a $100 bill in a frame and this will be done again. ALTRUSAN OF THE MONTH: June White presented this award to Kathy Williamson “in appreciation for all your hard work and dedication to Altrusa as shown by you taking charge of the food preparation for our 5th Thursday Membership events as well as being responsible for sending ‘sickness & distress’ cards to members.” BIRTHDAYS AND ALL-FOR-FUN: Gail Mezger passed out birthday wishes. Bonnie Canaday won the All-For-Fun and donated it back to the “Brag Bucket.” SHARING: Glenda Schuh, Nancy Russell, Edith Uthmann. June White mentioned she hasn’t heard if anyone was going to the Aberdeen Altrusa celebration and would be happy to share a ride. Aileen Stanford led the singing of “Happy Birthday” in celebration of Altrusa’s 98 th Birthday and dessert was served. The meeting was adjourned at 12:36 p.m. Mary Gillespie, Secretary NOTICE IF YOU HAVE ANY BILLS YOU WISH TO BE REIMBURSED FOR, YOU MUST SUBMIT THEM TO THE TREASURER BY JUNE 15. 3 BOARD ACTIONS Motion to approve Carol Ryan's request for Emeritus Status Motion to ask each registered member for District Conference to pay $55 of their Registration Fee Motion to continue our support of the Historical Society with renewal of $75 Dues DUES REMINDER MEMBERSHIP DUES MUST BE IN BY 5/26 ANY RENEWALS AFTER 5/31 WILL BE ASSESSED A LATE FEE SCHOLARSHIPS Mary Harding reported we had 8 applications for 2 available scholarships. Two very deserving individuals were chosen and both have accepted our offer. There were no applications received for the Technical Education Scholarship so the deadline was extended. With assistance from one of the instructors at LCC who made the students aware of the opportunity, two individuals have submitted applications. The Committee met after the Board Meeting to review the applications. YOUTH SUMMIT Ramona Leber reports that after all the planning, the County decided to buy the food needed for the Youth Summit themselves and hold a preparation session at the First Baptist Church this past Thursday night. Thank you to those of you who had volunteered to help . 4 Committee Reports May Events Birthdays Backpack Buddies, Sue Kirk, Chairperson Help is needed at 10am on Thursdays for bag packing. On Thursday the 14th and 21st, Mary Harding will lead the packing sessions but we have no volunteer for the 28th so far. It only takes 4 –6 people max to get this done in a short amount of time. If you have a couple of hours to spare, please consider coming to CAP on Thursday mornings to help with this project that is so important to those children who receive this benefit. School will be out soon, but we can continue to drop off plastic bags at CAP throughout the summer. IMPORTANT NOTICE You may have noticed when the slate of Officers was published for 2015-2016 that Aileen Stanford chose to be slated for Vice President and that will leave her position as Director for 1 year only vacant. Our policies do not currently allow this position to be filled until the first Board Meeting in June even though the Nominating Committee knew there would be an open Board Member position. If you ever wanted to be a part of the Board, have a vote in what direction the club will go and have only a one year commitment, please contact Pat Gurrad, [email protected] by June 1st. This is open to any member in good standing (dues paid for the coming year) who has been a member at least one year. You may also call Pat for more information 425-5582. Happy Birthday May of Events 5/7 Board Meeting 5/14—17 District Conference Nanaimo 5/21 Business Meeting 5/21 Notebook Exchange 5/28 Installation 5/31 End of Altrusa Year Bonnie Canaday 5/6 Patricia Bosh 5/8 5 Gina Pafundi 5/20 Aileen Stanford 5/31 YOUTH AWARDS 2015 Recipients Table Décor Pam Hayes Youth Awards Speaker Alice Dietz Youth Awards Luncheon Report On April 23rd, twelve students (two students absent) from our six area high schools were honored with lunch, a certificate of accomplishment, a copy of Dr. Seuss’s book “Oh the Places You’ll Go” and $200.00. The absent students received their awards via their school counselor. Many parents, school counselors, friends, and family members were on hand to support each student. Our guest speaker, Alice Dietz, offered some heart-warming words of support and encouragement. It was so rewarding to hear such strong convictions from this young woman who is making her journey to greatness here in Cowlitz County. The Country Club was a pleasant place to hold this event and the staff was extremely helpful. This event would not have been possible without the awesome assistance from many Altrusans. Many thanks go out to the hostesses: Mary Harding, Ramona Leber, Nancy Bross, Pat Vining, Aileen Stanford, Amber Rosewood, Gail Mezger, Nancy Russell, Edith Uthmann, Kathy Williamson and member in waiting- Julia Bishop. The committee worked diligently to make this event a true highlight with colorful and whimsical decorations by Pam Hayes and Aileen Stanford. Gail Mezger provided the support with paperwork on finances, and Judy Kirby was helpful with wonderful certificates and table cards. Look for picture -perfect photos taken by Patricia Bosh in this newsletter as well as an upcoming photo in the Daily News. Diane SueWing helped out as greeter to all who attended. President June White provided the steadfast assistance and personal support I needed. Many supplied help with items for table decorations: Karen Dennis, Cindy Donaldson, Aileen Stanford. Here is just one sample of the thanks we have for this event: Thanks for the luncheon yesterday and the goal you have of promoting education for the disadvantaged. These are typically students that won’t get recognized in another forum and is a first time award for them. Katrina Miniutti ( counselor for R.A. Long High School) Altrusa Club of Longview-Kelso PO Box 1354 Longview, WA 98632 6
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