DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord / Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor The Resurrection of the Lord / La Resurrección del Señor Is 50:4-7 Phil 2:6-11 Mk 14:1– 15:47 (38) Jesus, humbling himself out of love for us (2), did not shield his face from buffets and spitting (1), but offered his life on the cross (3). He relied on his Father’s love (Ps). Acts 10:a, 37-43 Col 3:1-4 Jn 20:1-9 (42) On this day of days (Ps) we offer a joyful sacrifice of praise (Seq) to the Father who raised his Son from the dead (1,3). Let us be intent upon the life Christ offers us (2a), Christ our Passover who has been sacrificed (2b). SATURDAY, April 4, 2015 SATURDAY, March 28, 2015 Priests are preaching this weekend /Los sacerdotes predicaran este Domingo 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Pedro Euperio + …………………………………….. Martina Cruz (Sanacion) ………………………….... Fr. EO Fr. GM Priests are preaching this weekend /Los sacerdotes predicaran este Domingo 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass……………………………………. Fr. ET SUNDAY, April 5, 2015 SUNDAY, March 29, 2015 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Soledad Reduta + …………………………………… Chico Okoro + ………………………………………. Patrocinadores del Boletin (Accion de Gracias) …… Pueblo de Dios ………………………………………. African Mass (Okonkwo Family (SI) ……………….. Pedro Euperio + ……………………………………… Bonifacio Elias + ……………………………………. March 30, Monday Is 42:1-7 Holy Week (6) Jn 12:1-11 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP March 31, Tuesday Nm 21:4-9 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP April 1, Wednesday Is 50:4-9a 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP Okonkwo Family (SI) …………………….. Jose Guerrero (Thanksgiving) ………….... Sara Grifaldo +…….………………………. Chrism Mass (6) Jn 8:21-30 Fr. EO Fr. ET Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. EO Fr. EO Fr. GM 8:00 AM Church EN 7:00 PM Church BI April 3, Friday Is 52:13-53:12 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 8:00 PM Iglesia SP April 4, Saturday Readings 1, 3,5, 7 7:00 PM Church EN AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM People of God ………………………………………… Alvine Eke (Thanksgiving)………...…….……..……. Jean Ignacio +………………………...………….…… Misael Aguilar (SI)……….……………..….………… Familias de la DM (Acción de Gracias) ……..…........ NO Agape Mass ……………………...……………… Benjamin Florece +…………………………………… Celia Duarte +………………………………………… Pss II (257) Fr. GM Fr. EO Fr. GM Pss II (258) Holy Week (6) Mt 26:14-25 Saturday, March 21, and Sunday, March 22, 2015 5:00 PM 176 7:00 PM 518 Pss II (259) Zita Marina (Birthday) ……………....……. Fr. EO Zita Marina (Birthday) ……………....……. Fr. GM Almas del Purgatorio …………...……....…. Fr. ET Mass of the Lord’s Supper (6) 1 Cor 11:23-26 Jn 13:1-5 Pss II (39) No Morning Mass People of God ……………………………… Fr. ET, GM Fr. EO Bilingual Mass—Only Mass of the Day The Passion of the Lord Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 Jn 18:1-19:42 NO morning mass Liturgy of the Word and Adoration of the Cross Liturgia de la Palabra y Adoración de la Cruz Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Rom 6:3-11 Mk 16:1-7 RCIA Candidates (Thanksgiving)………… (40) Fr. ET/EO Fr. ET/GM Pss I (41) Fr. ET Pope Francis Convenes a Jubilee of Mercy On the two-year anniversary of his election, Pope Francis announced a surprise Holy Year of Mercy. The "extraordinary” Jubilee will begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica on December 8, and it will end on November 20, 2016. Since 1300, there have been 28 jubilees. Twenty-four were ordinary and just four extraordinary. This will be the fifth. Ordinary jubilees are held every 25 years. The last one took place in 2000. Extraordinary jubilees occurs only when a Pope calls for one, as Pope Francis just has. The Pope wants the Church to show a stronger type of mercy. The Jubilee will also take part on the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. Fr. GM Fr. EO Fr. EO Fr. ET Fr. ET No Mass Fr. EO Fr. GM ATTENDANCE: 8:00 AM ….…..…….....212 10:00 AM …..…..……....489 12:00 PM…...………….1021 2:00 PM ……………...1000 4:00 PM ……………….107 6:00 PM………………..250 7:30 PM………………..350 Okokwo Family (SI) ……………....………. Fr. GM No Evening Mass in the Parish No Misa en la Parroquia HOLY WEEK TRIDUUM April 2, Thursday Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 TOTAL .…………………..…...4,123 Regular Collection: Building Fund: Bereavement Fund: Flowers for Easter: New Sanctuary: Total of Collections : $ 16,984.95 $ 1,959.00 $ 1,620.25 $ 205.00 $ 25.00 $ 20,794.20 Please make out checks in Black or Blue ink only. Favor de escribir cheques con tinta negra o azul solamente. Loan Balance: $ 831, 738.36 The Vocation Chalice To reduce confusion—it has been decided that the Vocation Chalice will be sent and returned to the Sunday 8:00 AM mass only. This devotion is still open to all members of the parish. La Cáliz de Vocaciones Para reducir la confusión, se ha decidido que el Cáliz de Vocaciones será entregado y devuelto únicamente en la misa 2:00 PM cada domingo. Esta devoción sigue abierta a todos los miembros de la parroquia. MESSAGE FROM JESUS I shall give you a small portion of My Passion, but do not be afraid, be brave; do not seek relief, but accept everything with submission to My will. ( from the 1053) Servants of the Divine Mercy PALM SUNDAYOF THE LORD’S PASSION / DOMINGO DE RAMOS DE LA PASION DEL SENOR SATURDAY, April 4 9:00 AM 4:00 PM NO Meetings RCIA / RICA Practice (Church) Altar Server Training (Church) SUNDAY, April 5 SUNDAY, March 29 8:00 9:45 9:00 11:45 1:45 4:00 4:00 5:00 6:30 6:30 AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Toddlers Sunday School (Genesis) Faith Formation (FF center / Portables) Sunday Concessions - Seminario Jovenes Faith Formation (FF Center / Portables) Faith Formation (FF Center / Portables) Pre-Confirmation (Bethany / Capernaum) Confirmation (Nazareth / Emmaus) African Fellowship (SFH) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Estudio de Biblia (SFH) MONDAY, March 30 5:30 5:45 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Sport Group –Chelsea (Fields) Devotion to Saint Joseph (Church) NO Millennium Classes (Leviticus, Emmaus) Cenáculo de la DM (Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethany) Coro de Jóvenes (Exodus) Confessions (Church) Seminario Jerusalem (Church) Niños de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis) English Intercessory (Ladies Altar Room) Bible Class (SFH) TUESDAY, March 31 9:30 5:30 5:45 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Chrism mass in the Cathedral Método Natural Billings (Pentateuch) Sport Groups– U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Anthony (Church) Pastoral Care Meeting (Emmaus) Niño's de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis) Renovacion– Emmanuel (Capernaum) Renovacion– CC Jesus (Bethany) WEDNESDAY, April 1 10:00 5:30 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Holy Rosary and Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Church) Youth Group (SFH) NO Pre-Confirmation (Capernaum) NO Confirmation (Nazareth, Pentateuch) Jovenes de Renovacion (SFH) Practica de Lectores (Leviticus) Confessions (Church) No Men’s Group Meeting (Emmaus) No Parish Council THURSDAY, April 2 Mass of the Lord’s Supper NO Meetings 4:00 PM Altar Server Training (Church) Overnight Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament FRIDAY, April 3 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 PM PM PM PM Good Friday NO Meetings Stations of the Cross (Bilingual) The Seven Last Words Novena of the Divine Mercy (Bilingual) Altar Servers Training (Church) 8:00 9:45 9:00 11:45 1:45 4:00 4:00 6:30 6:30 AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Holy Saturday Easter Sunday Toddlers Sunday School (Genesis) NO Faith Formation (FF center / Portables) NO Sunday Concessions - No Concessions NO Faith Formation (FF Center / Portables) NO Faith Formation (FF Center / Portables) NO Pre-Confirmation (Bethany / Capernaum) NO Confirmation (Nazareth / Emmaus) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Estudio de Biblia (SFH) Please support our Sunday Concessions Concessions for this Sunday March 29, will be by the Seminario Jovenes, and April 5, there will be no concessions. Please continue supporting our Sunday Concessions and help our church. Anointing of the Sick If you or a member of your family are in the hospital, and need a priest URGENTLY, please contact the hospital’s Pastoral Care Department or the Catholic Hospital Chaplain to call a minister or priest. Otherwise call the Church office for one of our priests to visit your loved one in the hospital. Also call to schedule a Lay Eucharistic Minister to visit and give communion to your sick loved one at home on a regular basis. Please call the parish office during office hours for any emergency. Or call the parish office number after office hours to obtain our emergency numbers. Please use church after hours emergency numbers for urgent pastoral needs only. Unción de Enfermos Si por alguna razón usted o algún miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el hospital, y necesitan ver a un sacerdote inmediatamente, le pedimos que notifique al departamento de Cuidado Pastoral o el Capellán del Hospital. También pueden hablar a la oficina de la parroquia durante horas de oficina si quieren que uno de los sacerdotes vaya a visitar a sus enfermos en el Hospital. Después de las horas de trabajo, llamen al numero de la iglesia para obtener el numero de emergencia de la parroquia por cualquier necesidad urgente. Favor de usar estos números solo para EMERGENCIAS! Hay ministros de Eucaristía asignados para visitar y dar comunión a los enfermos en las casas. Solo llamen a la oficina para que uno de ellos visite a sus enfermos en los hogares. DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX SCAP Prayer Leaders / CDAS Líderes de la Oración PARISH RENEWAL COMMUNITIES For Next Weekend / Próximo Fin de Semana The next teaching for the New Jerusalem Community teachings will be April 7, 2015. The Love and Mercy Community teachings have been suspended until further notice. The Resurrection of the Lord / La Resurrección del Señor Mass March 29, 2015 April 4 and April 5, 2015 Prayer Leaders Remember there will be no Agape Mass in April the next Agape Mass is Sunday May 3, 2015. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in the Easter Triduum services, beginning Holy Thursday, and including the Overnight Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Sat. 7:00 PM Carlos and Helen Lovato Sun. 8:00 AM Orly and Lena Euperio Sun. 10:00 AM Reckson and Marietta Enero Sun. 6:00 PM Jim and Vivian Abalos Sab. 7:00 PM José y Lupita López Dom. 12:00PM Antonio y Leticia Martínez Carlos y Alejandra Egure 2nd COMUNIDADES CRISTIANAS DEL PREP Dom. 2:00 PM José y Flor Chavira Pedro y Mercedes Esquivel 2nd Dom. 7:30 PM Jesús y María Aguilar El Nuevo Seminario de Renovación Parroquial continúa con las clases el Lunes, 30 de Marzo, 2015 a las 7:45pm en la Iglesia. Se les anima a todos los Hermanos que continúen con sus enseñanzas. The next Divine Mercy Praise and Worship will be April 17, the third Friday of April. Ministros del Altar para el Próximo Fin de Semana La Resurrección del Señor 4 de Abril y 5 de April de, 2015 Misa Sab. 7:00 PM Dom. 12:00 PM Dom. 2:00 PM Dom. 7:30 PM Lectores/Comentaristas Monaguillos 1. Liliana García t. 2. Edwin Herrera 1. C. Raquel Ocaña 2. 1. Mario Zamora Liturgia de las Horas Liturgy of the Hours t. Iniciando la Semana del 2. Lupita Soto 1. C. Margarita Leal 2. 29 de Marzo, 2014 Pss II Cuaresma For the week beginning March 29, 2015 Pss II Lent In homes during Lent 1. Israel Sánchez t. 2. Mario Méndez 1. C. Alta Gracia Brito 2. 1. José Ramos t. 2. Victoria Espinosa 1. C. Judith Rodríguez 2. Oramos Lunes-Viernes a las 5:30am y 6:15pm En las casas durante Cuaresma The Resurrection of the Lord April 4 and April 5, 2015 Sat. 7:00 PM Sun. 8:00 AM Sun. 10:00 AM Sun. 6:00 PM Lectors/Commentators Liturgy prayed 6:00 am weekdays 7:00 am Sundays and weekdays after the 8:00 am and 6:30 pm masses. The following devotions are being prayed before the evening mass each day following the Holy Rosary. We invite everyone to participate. Altar Ministers for Next Weekend Mass A las comunidades de Renovación se les pide a que asistan a la celebraciones de la Semana Santa y Pascua. Favor de llamar a sus dirigentes para que les proporcionen un calendario de actividades del mes de Abril 2015. No se olviden de asistir a las Estaciones de la Cruz cada Viernes a las 6:45pm en la Iglesia y la venta del Pescado Frito a las 6:00pm en el Salón Santa Faustina. También, recuerden que el Día de Campo del PREP será en Campo Galilea. Altar Servers Monday-for St. Joseph at 5:45 PM Tuesdays-St. Anthony of Padua at 5:45 PM Wednesday– Our Lady of Perpetual Help 5:30PM Thursdays-St. Jude at 5:45 PM Fridays—Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 5:45 PM 1. Tessie Dizon 1. Laura Villarreal 3. Puring Reyes 2. C. Raquel Ocana 3. Laura Villarreal 1. Ron Didier 1. Kolbe Didier 2. Roger Fulton 2. Noel Foster C. Alice Ramirez 3. Marissa Martinez 1. Helen Lovato 1. Vinedict Aguilar God bless and heal all our sick. May He strengthen them in their weakness, and may He bear with them their infirmities. Amen 2. Rebecca Estrella 2. Giselle Aquino Fr. Ernie C. Luna Fajardo 3. Billy Medellin 1. Becky Estrella 1. Vincent Egwuonwu 2. Melissa Inmon 2. Lawrence Evangelista C. Remi Bacani 3. Francesca Tugade Matthew Villarreal Prayers for the Sick / Oraciones Por los Enfermos Let us pray for all the sick in our Parish and for their families who are caring for them presently, Oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia, en especial por /especially Phelana Foster, Lupita Galindo, Dulce Silva, Martha García, Anne Pérez, Raquel Martínez, Andrew Foster, Carmen Chavarin, Mel Martinez and Gregoria Castillo. Prayers for the Deceased / Oraciones Por los Difuntos Let us also pray for those who recently passed away. También oremos por las personas que recientemente han fallecido, en especial por Sara Grifaldo PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION / DOMINGO DE RAMOS DE LA PASION DEL SENOR The Prophets I Father Ernie has continues a series of teachings on the Prophets. Date Lesson Mar. 30— 6 Book of Jeremiah—II Fr. Ernie Apr. 6— 7 Book of Jeremiah—III Fr. Ernie Apr. 13— 8 Books of Lamentation Fr. Ernie And Baruch Apr. 20— 9 Conclusion and Evaluation Apr. 27— 10 Certification / Fellowship Fr. Ernie El Papa Francisco anuncia el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia Queridos hermanos y hermanas, he pensado frecuentemente en cómo la Iglesia pueda hacer más evidente su misión de ser testigo de su misericordia. Es un camino que inicia con una conversión espiritual. Y tenemos que andar este camino. Por eso, he decidido convocar un Jubileo extraordinario que tenga en el centro la misericordia de Dios. Será un Año Santo de la Misericordia. Lo queremos vivir a la luz de la palabra del Señor: “Sean misericordiosos como el Padre” (cfr Lc 6,36). Y esto especialmente para los confesores, ¿eh? ¡Tanta misericordia! Este Año Santo iniciará en la próxima solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción y concluirá el 20 de noviembre de 2016, domingo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Rey del universo y rostro vivo de la misericordia del Padre. Confío la organización de este Jubileo al Consejo Pontificio para la Promoción de la Nueva Evangelización, para que pueda animarlo como una nueva etapa del camino de la Iglesia en su misión de llevar a cada persona el Evangelio de la misericordia. No nos cansemos de pedir perdón. Confiemos este año desde ahora a la Madre de la Misericordia, para que dirija a nosotros su mirada y vele sobre nuestro camino. Cristo Rey Dallas College Prep, A Catholic high school opening in July 2015, is accepting applications for incoming 9th grade students. Cristo Rey Dallas will host an Open House on Thursday, April 23 from 6:307:30pm at its campus at 1054 N. St. Augustine Drive, Dallas 75217. For more information, call 214-850-5040 or visit during office hours from 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Men’s Study Group Christ Our Compass 4-1-15: Holy Week (No Session) 4-8-15: Justice and Love for All 4-1515-15: Being Truthful and Free 4-2222-15: Virtues: Expressions of God’s Image 4-2929-15: Fellowship Los Hechos de Los Apóstoles (todos los Domingos del 15 de Febrero– 17 Mayo, 2015) Fecha 29 de Marzo 5 de Abril 2 de Abril 19 de Abril 26 de Abril 3 de Mayo Lección 4– El Concilio de Jerusalén No Hay Sesion (Domingo de Pascua) 5– La Segundo Misión de Pablo 6– La Tercera Misión de Pablo No Clase 7– Los Últimos anos y Martirio de Pablo 8– Conclusión, Evaluación, y Certificación Pope Francis announces Jubilee Year of Mercy Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church might make clear its mission of being a witness to mercy. It is journey that begins with a spiritual conversion. For this reason, I have decided to call an extraordinary Jubilee that is to have the mercy of God at its center. It shall be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live this Year in the light of the Lord's words: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (cf. Lk 6:36)” This Holy Year will begin on this coming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will end on November 20, 2016, the Sunday dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – and living face of the Father’s mercy. I entrust the organization of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promotion of the New Evangelization, that [the dicastery] might animate it as a new stage in the journey of the Church on its mission to bring to every person the Gospel of mercy. FOOD FOR THOUGHT "Now all things have been filled with light, both heaven and earth and those beneath the earth; so let all creation sing Christ’s rising, by which it is established." -St. John of Damascus "But He who descended into the regions beneath the earth came up again; and Jesus, who was buried, truly rose again the third day. -St. Cyril of Jerusalem "...Now since you are celebrating the holy Pascha, you should know, brethren, what the Pascha is. Pascha means the crossingover, and so the Festival is called by this name. For it was on this day that the Children of Israel crossed over out of Egypt, and the Son of God crossed over from this world to His Father. -St. Ambrose of Milan From this moment, we entrust this Holy Year to the Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her gaze upon "For just as by dying He endured us and watch over our journey. all evil to deliver us from evil, so was He glorified in rising to adCristo Rey Dallas College Prep, vance us to good things, accordUna preparatoria Católica la cuál abrirá en julio de ing to Romans 4:25 which says 2015, está actualmente aceptando aplicaciones para that 'He was put to death for our estudiantes entrando al 9 grado. Cristo Rey Dallas trespasses and raised for our juslos invita a una recepción de bienvenida el jueves, 23 tification' de abril de 6:30-7:30pm en 1054 N. St. Augustine Drive, Dallas 75217. Para más información, llame al -St. Thomas Aquinas 214-649-1082 o visítenos durante horas de oficina de 9am-5pm, lunes a viernes. “And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He deDeacon Bill is leading a new series of teachings parted, and behold, He is here.” with the Men’s Study Group. The next class will be on 4-8-15 at 7:30 pm in the Emmaus Room and will continue every Wednesday. We will be studying the book: “Christ Our Compass, Making Moral Choices” by Fr. Alfred McBride. All men of the parish and gentlemen guests 18 years or older are invited to attend. All attendees will be asked to purchase the book for this study. Please plan to attend and bring a friend. ~St. Augustine "The Eucharistic mystery is in fact the "summit of evangelization" (Lumen gentium, n. 28), for it is the most eminent testimony to Christ's Resurrection. " ~St. Pope John Paul II DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC MESQUITE, TX April 11-12, 2015 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Domingo de Misericordia April11- Saturday 3:30 pm 5:00 PM Sabado 7:30 PM April 12- Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Domingo 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM English Mass in Church w/ Benediction English Mass in Church w/ Benediction Misa en la Iglesia con Bendición Misa en la Iglesia con Bendición Stations of the Cross outside around Church Grounds Devoción a la Divina Misericordia, y Bendición) Sunday 6:00 PM Domingo 7:30 PM April 3-11, 2015 NOVENA TO OUR LORD OF DIVINE MERCY Novenario al Señor De la Divina Misericordia Confessions/Confesiones English Vigil Mass in the Church w/ Benediction Misa Anticipatoria en la Iglesia con Bendición April 3-Good Friday Estaciones de la Cruz afuera en el campo de la iglesia 3:00 PM Holy Hour in the Church (Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, Sung Bilingual Chaplet, Mercy Devotions, and Benediction) Hora Santa en la Iglesia (Exposición del Santísimo, Coronilla Bilingüe Cantada, 4:00 PM March 29, 2015 Procession of the Blessed Sacrament in Church Procesión del Santísimo en la Iglesia Mass in Church w/ Benediction Misa en la Iglesia con Bendición 3:00 PM April 4-Holy Saturday 3:00 PM April 5-Easter Sunday 3:00 PM Abril 6- Lunes- 3:00 PM April 7- Tuesday- 3:00 PM Abril 8- Miércoles- 3:00 PM April 9- Thursday- 3:00 PM Abril 10-Friday- 3:00 PM April 11-Saturday- 3: 00 PM Bilingual Chaplet and Novena (Church/Iglesia) Bilingual Chaplet and Novena (Church/Iglesia) Bilingual Chaplet and Novena (Church/Iglesia) Coronilla Bilingüe, Novena y Misa (Iglesia) Bilingual Chaplet, Novena and Mass (Church) Coronilla Bilingüe, Novena y Misa (Iglesia) Bilingual Chaplet, Novena and Mass (Church) Coronilla Bilingüe, Novena y Misa (Iglesia) Bilingual Chaplet and Novena (Church) There will be veneration of the First Class Relic of St. Faustina after all masses on Divine Mercy Sunday. Habrá veneración de la reliquia de primera clase de Santa Faustina después de todas las misas el Domingo de Misericordia. Mary, Mother of Mercy, help us always to have this trust in your Son, our Redeemer. Help us too, St Faustina, whom we remember today with special affection. Fixing our weak gaze on the divine Saviour's face, we would like to repeat with you: "Jesus, I trust in you". Now and for ever. Amen. (St. John Paul II) María, Madre de misericordia, haz que mantengamos siempre viva esta confianza en tu Hijo, nuestro Redentor. Ayúdanos también tú, santa Faustina, que hoy recordamos con particular afecto. Fijando nuestra débil mirada en el rostro del Salvador divino, queremos repetir contigo: "Jesús, en ti confío". Hoy y siempre. Amén. (Santo Juan Pablo II) YOU ARE INVITED TO THE NOVENA AND FEAST OF OUR LORD OF DIVINE MERCY-2015
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