Divine Mercy Parish 312 Davis St., Scranton, PA 18505 / 570-344-1724 / www.divinemercyparish.us Worship Schedule Saturday……..4:00PM & 5:30PM Sunday………….8:00AM, 11:00AM & 5:00PM Monday - Friday…………..12:10PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00AM - 11:45AM or anytime by appointment Eucharistic Holy Hour Wednesday 6:00PM Sunday Evening Prayer Sunday 6:00PM Office Hours 9:00AM - 5:00PM Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 3:00PM Friday Religious Education Office 5:00PM - 9:00PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00AM - 11:00AM Sunday Fax Number: 570-344-1787 School Information All Saints Academy 570-343-8114 Holy Cross High School 570-346-7541 Head Groundskeeper Martin Montoro Assistant Groundskeeper John Nestor Sacristans William Castaldi, Anthony DelVecchio, Edward Fortuna, Sal DeFrancesco, Daniel Burke, Michael Boyko, Jeffery Manzo Office Staff Rev. Francis L. Pauselli Pastor [email protected] William Drazdowski Parish Consultant [email protected] Brittain Banull Director of Religious Education [email protected] Nicholas Katchur Director of Music [email protected] Michele Manzo Office Assistant [email protected] Parish Council Michele Manzo Ann Marie Cawley Lois Fuller Mary Ellen McDonough Joseph Walsh Edward Fortuna The Seventh Sunday of Easter Weekend of May 16 & 17, 2015 Margaret MacArt Cathleen Shields Kathryn Moceyunas Jamie Hayes Dominick Georgetti Page 2 THE WORD IS THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD THROUGH SCRIPTURE, THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE CAN CONTINUE TO BUILD OUR FAITH. Religious Education / Life Long Faith Formation (Advent and Lent Bible Study) / Vacation Bible School / RCIA / Children’s Liturgy of the Word Religious Education News: From Brittain Banull DRE Youth Group Our High School Youth Group will meet on Sunday, May 17th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Parish Center. We will be discussing and planning summer activities at this meeting. All Newly Confirmed and high school students in private or public school are welcome to attend. Vacation Bible School Information Vacation Bible School is scheduled for Monday, July 13th through Friday, July 17th. Registration will begin in the next couple of weeks. Erin Burke will again lead our VBS team. We are seeking new volunteers and invite back all who did such a great job last year. Even if you can only help for one or two days, please volunteer. The success of this parish program depends on you. If you would like to volunteer, please call Erin at 941-0703. A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Seventh Sunday of Easter May 17, 2015 “Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers…He said „My brothers, the Scriptures had to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand…it is necessary that one of the men who accompanied us the whole time the Lord Jesus came and went among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the day he was taken up from us, become with us a witness of his resurrection.‟ Then they prayed, „You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen.‟” Reading the Acts of the Apostles we are constantly reminded of the role and the power of the Holy Spirit. The group of eleven and their companions depended on the grace and power of the Spirit to direct them in their new found mission. In sports language, the Holy Spirit was the twelfth person on the field. They knew they needed outside help. It is no different today. The church calls us all to ministry, some ordained, some consecrated, all dedicated to the building of His kingdom. The Spirit speaks to you as you read today, expressing the need as well as the call. We too pray, “Oh, Lord, you know my heart, show me what you want me to do for your church.” From the Desk of Father Pauselli Today we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our diocese to support local communication needs. The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship, and witness. Visit www.usccb.org (search “Catholic Communication Campaign resources”) for additional resources and information on funded projects. Next Sunday is one of the greatest days on the Church’s calendar, Pentecost Sunday, the final Sunday of the Easter Season celebrating what has been called the “Birthday of the Church.” Why not wear red next weekend which is the liturgical color of Pentecost. This Sunday, between Ascension and Pentecost, is an image of our spiritual discipleship between the “already” of Jesus’ proclaiming the Kingdom and the “not yet” of its fulfillment. So, too, Jesus, arms extended between heaven and earth, our High Priest interceding for the community’s protection from the Evil One, is consecrated in truth. The world may hate us for witnessing to a truth not determined by popular opinion or sophisticated polling. Indeed, says Jesus, if we are living discipleship properly, the world may hate us. But we will know the joy the Spirit bestows on those consecrated in truth. And that joy remains! Have a great week! Page 3 WORSHIP IS THE TANGIBLE EXPRESSION OF OUR LORD’S LOVE FOR US AND OUR RESPONSE TO HIM IN A CONCRETE AND LOVING EXPRESSION OF FAITH. Liturgy Committee / Art and Environment / Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration / Evening Prayer / Music Ministry / Eucharistic Ministers / Lectors / Altar Servers / Choirs / Cantors / Musicians / Ushers and Sacristans / Hospitality Mass Intentions Monday—5/18/2015 Tuesday—5/19/2015 12:10PM 12:10PM For the living and deceased moth- For the living and deceased mothers remembered on the Altar ers remembered on the Altar Wednesday—5/20/2015 12:10PM Helen and Bill Walukonis Requested by their daughters Thursday—5/21/2015 12:10PM For the living and deceased mothers remembered on the Altar Friday—5/22/2015 12:10PM Mildred Pauselli Saturday—5/23/2015 4:00PM Kathleen Barrett Saturday—5/23/2015 5:30PM Catherine M. Brady Requested by Susan Rogers Requested by Peggy Murray Requested by Sophie Neishell Sunday—5/24/2015 8:00AM Mass for the People Sunday—5/24/2015 11:00AM Matthew Grendel Sunday—5/24/2015 5:00PM Gerald Carpenter Requested by his family Requested by his family Liturgical Minister Schedule for May 23/24 Cantor Lector Lector EM EM EM EM AS 4:00PM SAT Ned Abrahamsen Michael Kavulich Dorothy Bouselli Lisa Minnichbach Gerald Phillips Patrick Tobin Carol Trapper Vanessa Grzyboski 5:30PM SAT Eileen Hayes Edward Fortuna Germaine Helcoski Mark Evans Joseph Donovan ----------Jordan Grzyboski 8:00AM SUN Michael Tedesco Suzanne Ritterbeck Joseph Surridge Mari Walsh Rose M Kloss ----------Mia Spinelli 11:00AM SUN Barbara Malinowski John Finnerty Jake Finnerty Mary A Donovan Mary E McDonough Chris Musso Barb Poplawski Raymond Rinaldi 5:00PM SUN Lexi Manzo Karen May Janice Patterson Peggy Walsh Michael Abdalla ----------Jack Patterson Ministry Schedule The Ministry Schedule for July through September will be released on June 19th. Contact Nick at the Parish Office by June 17th if you have any scheduling conflicts, would like to change your Mass time preference or be taken off the schedule. We are always happy to see new volunteers coming forward to share their gifts with our parish community. If you are interested or know of someone who may be interested in participating in any of our many ministries, contact Nick at the Parish Office for more information on how to get involved! Contact info: office phone - 570-344-1724 / e-mail - [email protected] Divine Mercy Parish Music Ministry Divine Mercy Parish is currently seeking new Cantors! If you are interested in participating in the Cantor ministry, please contact Nick at the Parish Office (570-344-1724). **Ability to read music is NOT required.** SUNDAY EVENING PRAYER EVERY SUNDAY AT 6:00PM Picnic 2015 June 4-5-6 Page 4 WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF GOD. WE STRIVE TO BE THE FACE OF GOD FOR OTHERS IN OUR PARISH AND THE PEOPLE WE MEET DAILY IN OUR COMMUNITY. Parish Breakfast / Craft Fair / Calendar Party / Parish Picnic / Movie Night / Doughnut Sunday / First Friday and Lenten Friday Luncheons / Clothes Shed and Coat Drive / Easter Egg Hunt / Breakfast with Santa / Concerts Coordinating Team Members: Tom Cerep, Mary Theresa Montoro, Chris Musso, Karen Grzyboski, Jen Roever, Bill Drazdowski, and Marge MacArt Looking for Volunteers for Children’s Games Any 5th thru 12th Grader or adult who would like to sign up to volunteer at the children’s games for our picnic is asked to call Brittain Banull at 344-1724. Volunteers are needed for setup and to assist in running the children’s games. Any time you can give will be greatly appreciated. Looking for Donations for Children’s Games We are currently seeking donations for the Parish Picnic children’s games. We need $5.00 gift cards, new board games, lollipops and monetary donations to offset the cost of prizes that we have already purchased. Please drop off any donations at the Parish Office. Thank you for your help. WOMEN'S GUILD NEWS Women's Guild members will meet in the church for Eucharistic Adoration at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20. Our regular meeting will begin afterward at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Hostesses for the evening will be Marion Raymer and Rose Pawlak. Women's Guild dues for 2015 are now due and may be paid by submitting the Women's Guild envelope, which is included in the most recent packet of envelopes. Membership dues are $5.00. Women’s Guild Envelope Update: The Women’s Guild membership dues envelope was included your quarterly envelope packet. As always the fee to be a member of the Women’s Guild is $5.00. Please include the $5.00 in this marked envelope anytime in the coming weeks. If you do not receive envelopes but are interested in becoming a member of the Women’s Guild, please contact the Parish Office. Please consult the work schedule for various food preparation for the picnic which is on the insert or the reverse side of the monthly calendar for May. All men and women of the parish are urged to assist with these tasks, both before and during the picnic, which is being held on June 4th, 5th and 6th. Any questions, please email/call Kathleen Boyd at [email protected] / 570-335-7940 or Irene Gleason at [email protected] / 570-903-3062. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION The Minooka Lions Club will offer three (3) awards to High School Seniors who plan to attend, or students currently attending a two or four-year college, university or technical institute. Eligibility requirements for these awards are as follows: 1. Must be a resident of Minooka or the son or daughter of an active Minooka Lion. 2. Must be accepted by or attending an accredited two or four year college or technical institute. 3. Must be of good moral character. Scholarship applications may be obtained from any Minooka Lions Club member. Submit all information to Mr. John Pocius, 2933 Cedar Ave., Scranton PA by Friday, June 12, 2015. St. Joseph’s Center Auxiliary is Looking for Your Help The Annual Summer Festival to benefit St. Joseph’s Center will be held on the grounds of Marywood University on July 24, 25 and 26, 2015. The Auxiliary is asking for your help to stock our General Store, Holiday Hut and Bookworm Booth with items for sale. Bestsellers are new or “gently used” hardcover books, paperback books, DVD’s, audiobooks, any holiday decorations, frames, candles, figurines, dishes, kitchen ware, serving items, toys, and home décor. No clothing please. Drop off days will start on Wednesday, May 20 and continue until the end of June. Donations will be accepted on Wednesday’s 6:00 -8:00 pm and Saturday’s 9:00-11:00 a.m. at our warehouse located at 320 Blakely Street, Dunmore, PA. Please use the entrance on the W. Pine Street side of the building. Call 570-963-1290 for more information. Page 5 THROUGH SCRIPTURE WE KNOW GOD CALLS US TO SERVE OTHERS. WE ARE A PARISH COMMUNITY COMMITTED TO HELPING THOSE IN NEED. Eucharistic Outreach / Divine Mercy Table / Social Concerns Committee / Food Pantry Support / Blood Drive / Holiday Donations / Souper Bowl of Caring Coordinating Team Members: Mike Abdalla, Marguerite Coyle, Joanne Corbett, Cathy Genovese, Rose Marie Kloss, Sr. Janet Jeffers, Bill Drazdowski, and Michele Manzo BLOOD DRIVE/HEALTH FAIR PLANNING The Social Concerns Committee is again planning a Blood Drive in the Parish Center on Saturday, July 25, beginning at 9 A.M. until 3 P.M. Having done this for the first time last year, we believe this year’s drive can be bigger and more successful. Further details on Blood Donation will be available as we move closer to the date. In addition, we are looking at the possibility of a "Health Fair" throughout the day with health care providers/vendors volunteering their services. We are looking for parishioners who work in health care services as a vendor or individuals working in the healthcare profession who may be interested in donating their time. If you would like to assist, please respond no later than June 1 to give us an idea of who would like to be part of the health fair and in what way you would be able to assist. The Committee is open to hearing your ideas as well as questions you may have. If you are interested, please email your ideas in this regard to Marty Castaldi at [email protected] and/or Sr. Janet at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible. Together, as a parish, we can make it happen. Monday • May 18 Easter Weekday Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday • May 19 Easter Weekday Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday • May 20 Easter Weekday Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday • May 21 Easter Weekday Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Friday • May 22 Easter Weekday Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Saturday • May 23 Easter Weekday Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 Sunday • May 24 Pentecost Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 20:19-23 Important May Dates May 18: Service Coordinating Team Meeting - 7:00 PM May 20: Community Coordinating Team Meeting - 7:00 PM Women’s Guild Meeting 7:00PM May 30: Picnic Truck Set-up - 8:30 AM Used Clothing Drop-Off Shed Sponsored by the Divine Mercy Parish Youth Group Items Accepted: All clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, drapes and stuffed toys. (Please no rags, fabric scraps, pillows, toys or household goods) -Send clothing to people who can use it all over the U.S. and World. -Help the environment by keeping your clothing out of the landfill. -Receive a tax deduction for your donation. Receipts are on the shed. **Help us keep your donations clean and dry.** If possible, please put them in tied or closed bags. Thanks! Mass Attendance May 9 – 10 Saturday 4:00PM 219 5:30PM 156 Sunday 8:00AM 11:00AM 181 396 5:00PM 104 HOSPITALITY MINISTRY Men and women who have available time in the morning are invited to participate in Serving Families and Friends who are grieving. Duties of the greeters are to offer a warm welcome to guests and provide the program which will help them take part in the Funeral Mass. Volunteers may stay for the Mass or leave after the family and friends have been seated. Members of the Hospitality Committee might be called to help once or twice a month. Please call Rose Marie Kloss at 570-562-0871 for more information.
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