Dining Out For Life Restaurant Information Please complete the following information as you want it listed on our local and national websites- please print clearly. (Please return this form with the Restaurant Agreement.) Restaurant Name: ___________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Contact Name: ___________________________________________________ Fax: _______________________ Email: _____________________ Phone: _____________________ Title: ___________________________________________________ Contact person at your restaurant for Dining Out for Life: _____________________ Neighborhood: (ie: Castro, Soma, Haight, Financial District etc.) __________________________ Website: ___________________________________________________ Restaurant Seating Capacity: _____________ Cuisine: __________________________ Open for: [ ] Breakfast Days / Hours Open: Reservations: Price Guide for Website: Forms of Payment: [ ] Lunch [ ] Dinner ___________________________________________________ [ ] Yes [ ]$ [ ] No [ ] $$ [ ] $$$ [ ] $$$$ [ ] Check [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover [ ] American Express [ ] Cash Only Dining Out For Life ® Restaurant Agreement This Dining Out For Life® Restaurant Agreement is made and entered into by ______________________________ (“Restaurant”) located at _____________________________________________________________________ and San Francisco AIDS Foundation (“SFAF”) located at 1035 Market Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103. RECITALS A. Dining Out For Life (“DOL”) is an annual international fundraising event throughout the United States and Canada in which restaurants contribute a portion of their proceeds on a designated day to benefit local AIDS service organizations. B. SFAF, a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation, is the San Francisco area licensee of Dining Out for Life International Association, Inc., and the beneficiary of funds raised through the local DOL event. C. Restaurant desires to participate in DOL and support the work of SFAF through its participation. AGREEMENT In consideration of the mutual promises and obligations stated herein, SFAF and Restaurant hereby agree as follows: 1. Restaurant agrees to participate in DOL on Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 (“DOL Day”), and to contribute to SFAF a minimum donation of 25% of sales (“DOL Donation”) from all food, alcohol & non-alcoholic beverages served on DOL Day. The DOL donation will be based on all meals served on DOL Day regardless of other promotions occurring on that day. Restaurants have the additional option of increasing percentage of donation. Check one 25% of sales 35% of sales 45% of sales ____% of sales 2. Restaurant agrees to permit SFAF to use, without charge, Restaurant’s name, address, phone number, web address, and/or logo on DOL-related websites and in promotional materials for DOL Day. 3. Restaurant will prominently display on its premises at least one DOL poster, to be provided by SFAF, for a minimum of three weeks prior to DOL Day. 4. Restaurant will inform its wait staff, managers, and other personnel about DOL Day so they can help promote the event to diners and answer basic questions about DOL. 5. Restaurant will permit SFAF to prominently display on Restaurant’s premises on DOL Day a donation box and donation envelopes for the collection of direct donations from Restaurant’s patrons. 6. SFAF agrees to orchestrate a publicity campaign to promote DOL via the Internet and local radio, television, and print media. The publicity campaign may include promotion of DOL via emails and on websites maintained by SFAF, DOL, and others, dissemination of DOL dining guides listing participating restaurants, distribution of DOL posters, and other activities designed to encourage consumers to patronize participating restaurants on DOL Day. 7. SFAF will appoint a volunteer Ambassador for the Restaurant who will work to promote and bring diners to the Restaurant for DOL Day. Restaurant agrees to work with its Ambassador in accepting dining reservations for, and filling the restaurant with patrons on, DOL Day. The Ambassador will be on site at Restaurant on DOL Day to thank patrons, share information, answer questions, solicit feedback, and encourage direct donations. 8. Restaurant agrees to send SFAF a check, payable to San Francisco AIDS Foundation/DOL, for the total DOL Donation from DOL Day no later than Friday, May 15, 2015, two weeks after DOL Day. Signature of Authorized Restaurant Representative Signature of Authorized DOL/SFAF Representative Printed Name Printed Name Email Address Email Address Date Date Please return this signed Agreement by fax to 415.487.3094 or by mail to San Francisco AIDS Foundation/DOL, 1035 Market Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103. Please call Josie Larimer at 415.487.3114 with any questions. Please Note: In order to guarantee your inclusion in DOL promotional materials, your signed Restaurant Agreement must be received by SFAF no later than Friday, March 20th, 2015.
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