Kol – March-April 2015

From Our President: A
final newsletter
Three years have passed at
what seems to be the speed
of light. I can vividly recall
this time in 2011, when the
nominating committee asked
me to accept the nomination
for president. At that time, a
four-year term seemed like
forever. Yet, in a month, I
will be past-president and
Mark Rubenstein will step in
as president. This will be my
last President’s Column.
My years as president have
been the most challenging
and rewarding years of my
life. I have had the
opportunity to work with
many members of Dor
Hadash that I would
otherwise never have gotten
to know. I have been able to
grow my leadership ability. I
have come to understand
how I can change what
needs to be changed and to
accept what I cannot
change. I have learned that
each of us has strengths and
weakness and as a leader I
need to emphasize the
strengths. I am much wiser
than I was three years ago.
I have many people to thank
for help and support these
last three years. I want to
first of all thank Leslie
Hoffman for keeping track of
all the innumerable daily
details needed to (con’t p3)
Volume 53
Number 4
March/April 2015
Adar/Nissan 5775
Dor Hadash Annual Congregational Meeting
All members are encouraged to attend our Annual Meeting. We have
many important issues to discuss and proposals to vote on. Come and
be part of the future of Dor Hadash! Come and meet our hard-working
Board members and learn what they have been doing this year. Come
and schmooze with fellow congregants. Here is our exciting agenda:
~Welcome our new Congregation Manager, Helene Kessler Burke.
~Learn what the Board Committees have accomplished this year and
plan for next year
Vote on :
~The proposal to merge the Dor Hadash
Religious School and the Congregation
~The proposal to purchase additional cemetery
plots and learn about Jewish burial
~The Annual Budget for 2015-16
~The Slate of Nominees for the next board of Dor Hadash.
~Approval of changes to the bylaws
March 29 between 3 and 5PM
Pavilion, Tree of Life Building
Our Social Events Committee will provide refreshments
religious school
board of directors
Religious School Report
President , Nancy Levine, [email protected]
On January 31st, the Mitzvah Class (7th graders) and
their parents attended the Orthodox Shabbat morning
service at Poalei Zedeck. The students have been
studying the movements of Judaism (with the emphasis
on Reconstructionism, of course), and there is no better
way to learn than to experience another movement’s
service. In the next class, we made a list of what the
students observed was similar and different from the Dor
Hadash Shabbat morning service and discussed them.
At the oneg after the service, Rabbi Yolkut, the PZ rabbi,
generously spoke with our students and parents, and
answered questions, including why men and women sit
separately, why women are not allowed on the bimah,
why some men were not wearing tallits, what a Bat
Mitzvah is like at their synagogue. The students and
parents readily said it was an interesting experience.
Past--President, Kathy Blee, [email protected]
On February fourteenth, Kitah Dalet/Heh (the fourth and
fifth graders) (again with many of their parents) attended
Dor Hadash’s informal Shabbat service & Torah
discussion. This is the youngest class we have had
attend this service; we want our students to experience
all the services at Dor Hadash. Dan Leger came to the
class before the service discuss the portion and the
service. The students were given the Torah portion to
read with their parents, and they participated in the
Torah discussion, as well as the discussion we had that
morning about what to do when you are feeling bored
in a service. The informal nature of the service, where
anyone can interrupt and make a comment, was
something the students liked.
The Kitah Bet/Gimel classes (second and third graders)
were scheduled to participate in the Shabbat morning
service on February twenty-first; however, the service
canceled due to snow. The students had prepared
prayers and songs and were each going to do individual
readings. They had been practicing hard, and we were
disappointed that they did not get a chance to show
what they had learned. We will look to reschedule their
participation. A special thanks to Toby & Judy Yanowitz,
two of our school parents, who had volunteered to colead that service, and who did a lot of work organizing
Past--President, Pam Goldman,[email protected]
Co--VPs of Ritual, Miri Rabinowitz and Lisa
[email protected]
VP of AdministraHon, Wendy Kobee,
[email protected]
Secretary, Jo Recht, [email protected]
Treasurer, Harry Levinson, [email protected]
Adult Education, Ellen Surloff,
[email protected]
Sedra Review Coordinator, Carol Schubert
Life Events, Dan Leger & Doris Dyen,
[email protected]
Social Action, Geoff Clauss,
[email protected]
Social Events, Rob Kraftowitz ,
[email protected]
Membership, Janice Gordon,
[email protected]
Member at Large, Laurie Heller Tarr,
[email protected]
DHRS Liaison, Dan Zuckerman,
[email protected]
KOL Editor, Robbin Steif, [email protected]
Congregation Manager, Helene Kessler Burke,
[email protected]
Interim Congregation Manager, Beth Hydovitz
dor hadash
President’s message continued from pp1) …..
keeping our congregation running. We called her
our Congregation Manager, but she did the job of
Executive Director. I want to thank Beth Hydovitz for
stepping in for Leslie after Leslie did take a position
of Executive Director at another synagogue. I want
to thank all of the Board members, the executive
committee, standing committees and Ad hoc
committees. You have given your all to make Dor
Hadash the exceptional congregation it is. I have
come to appreciate how hard many of our
congregants work to ensure that Dor Hadash is a
welcoming place for all. Most of these members
work behind the scenes and are never
acknowledged. I want to thank every member of the
Congregation for all of your ideas, your kind and
encouraging words, and accepting my strengths and
weaknesses as I grew into the role of President.
Thank you for giving me the honor of serving and
the opportunity to strengthen our community. I want
to give a warm welcome to our new Congregational
Manager, Helene Kessler Burke, who comes to us
with a wealth of administrative experience in the
Jewish Community. I welcome Mark Rubenstein as
our President and all of the new members of our
Board. I will soon join a very special group of Dor
Hadashers- the community of Past Presidents. I look
forward to many years of continued service in this
new leadership position.
Nancy Levine,
Soon to be Past President
Social Action
Opportunity at the
Squirrel Hill Food
The next opportunity
to pack grains at the
Squirrel Hill Food
Pantry will be on Sunday, May 3rd, from 9:30am to
10:15am. To sign up contact Laurie Heller Tarr,
[email protected]
Sarah Delano and
Michael Marks
invite all to join in
celebrating as their
daughter, Anna
Marks, is called to
the Torah as a Bat
Mitzvah on Saturday, May 2. Services will begin
at 9:30 am in the Chapel. All are warmly invited
to the kiddush luncheon immediately following
the service.
Lunch on Saturday April 25th
The congregation is invited to
attend a lunch at 12 noon in
shul. Hosted by Ruth and
Seymour Drescher, and Sarah
and Stan Angrist, the occasion
is in honor of their 60th
wedding anniversaries, both being celebrated this
Please RSVP by April 20 to
[email protected] or leave a message at
The Dor Hadash Cemetery located within
Homewood Cemetery’s Jewish section has a limited
number of plots available at very reasonable cost. The
Ritual Committee has met with representatives of the
Homewood Cemetery to explore the possible
purchase of an additional section for our community.
It will be very helpful to know if members of the
congregation are interested in purchasing the
remaining plots as well as plots in a new section not
far from our present section. Please contact Dan
Leger ([email protected]) and let him know if you
have an interest in either of these options. Also please
contact Dan if you have questions related to any
other concerns you may have related to end of life
considerations. The ritual committee may be able to
help you to explore your concerns and answer your
dor hadash
March / April 2015
Adar / Nissan / Iyyar 5775
Wednesday, March 4
Come one come all to the Dor Hadash Purim
Celebration on Wednesday evening, March
4th. Pizza & salad dinner starting at 6:00
PM. Purim Service/Megillah Reading starts
promptly at 6:45 PM. We will be finished
by 8:00 PM at the latest. A wild time; lots of
fun, lots of fools, a lot will go wrong--it's
Purim. Time to drown out Haman's name
with a grogger or bring your own noisemaker. Purim Oneg Sponsors: Betty and David Segel
Saturday, March 7 / 16 Adar
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
10:00 – noon, Rabbi’s Study
Parsha: Ki Tisa, Exodus 30:11 - 34:35
Haftarah: I Kings 18:1 - 18:39
Kiddush luncheon following the service
Friday, March 13
Erev Shabbat Service, 8:00 pm
Service Leader: Jon Pushinsky
Sedra Reviewer: Laura Horowitz
Oneg Sponsor: Ellen Surloff
Saturday, March 14 / 23 Adar
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
Shabbat Parah
10:00 – noon, Rabbi’s Study
Parsha: Vayakhel-Pekudei, Exodus 35:1 - 40:38
Maftir Shabbat Parah: Numbers 19:1 - 19:22
Haftarah Parah: Ezekiel 36:16 - 36:38
Kiddush luncheon following the service
Saturday, March 21 / 1 Nissan
Rosh Chodesh Nissan
Shabbat HaChodesh
We Join Tree of Life in celebrating
their 150th Anniversary, 9:45 am
Parsha: Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1 -5:26
Maftir Shabbat Rosh Chodesh: Numbers 28:9 - 28:15
Haftarah Shabbat Rosh Chodesh: Isaiah 66:1 - 66:24:
Kiddush luncheon following the service
Friday, March 27
New Member Shabbat
Wine & cheese, 6:00 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm
PotLuck dinner
Service Leader: Jonathan Budd
Concert by the Vokols
Oneg Sponsors: Membership Committee
and Tova & Joel Tarr
Saturday, March 28 / 8 Nissan
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
Shabbat HaGadol
10:00 – noon, Rabbi’s Study
Parsha: Tzav, Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36
Haftarah Shabbat HaGadol: Malachi 3:4 - 3:24
Kiddush luncheon following the service
Sunday, March 29 / 9 Nissan
Dor Hadash Annual Meeting: 3 pm
Friday, April 3
Erev Pesach, 1st Seder
Saturday, April 4 / 15 Nissan
Pesach morning service
Rabbi’s Study, Time TBD
Parsha: Exodus 12:21 - 12:51 & Numbers 28:16 28:25
Maftir: Numbers 28:16-25
Haftarah: Joshua 5:2 - 6:1
Friday, April 10
Erev Shabbat Service, 8:00 pm
Service Leader: Paul Needle
Sedra Reviewer: Paul Needle
Oneg Sponsor: Deane Root
Saturday, April 11 / 22 Nissan / Omer 7
Shabbat & Chag Morning Service and Torah Study
Parsha Shabbat Pesach VIII: Deuteronomy 14:22 16:17
& Numbers 28:19 - 28:25
Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25
Haftarah : Isaiah 10:32 - 12:6
Sunday, April 12 / 23 Nissan
Dor Hadash Board Meeting, 10:00 am
Everyone is encouraged to attend!
Thursday, April 16 / 27 Nissan / Omer 12
Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day
calendar & more
Thursday, April 16 / 27 Nissan / Omer 12
Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day
Saturday, April 18 / 29 Nissan / Omer 14
Torah Study, 9:00 am in the Rabbi’s Study
Shabbat Morning Service, 10:00 am
Shabbat to honor the outgoing board members
and to welcome the newest members to our board
Service Leader: Miri Rabinowitz
Parsha: Shmini, Leviticus 9:1 - 11:47
Haftarah: Shabbat Machar Chodesh: I Samuel
20:18 - 20:42
Kiddush luncheon following the service
Sunday, April 19 / 30 Nissan / Omer 15
Monday, 20 April / 1 Iyyar / Omer 16
Rosh Chodesh Iyyar
Thursday, April 23 / 4 Iyyar / Omer 19
Yom HaAtzma'ut - Israeli Independence Day
Friday, April 24
Reggel Scholar Shabbat
Erev Shabbat Service, 8:00 pm
Service Leader: Mark Rubenstein
Heath Mackenzie Reynolds, our Reggel Scholar for
Oneg Sponsor: Eva Engler
Saturday, April 25 / 6 Iyyar / Omer 21
Reggel Scholar Shabbat
Torah Study, 9:00 am in the Rabbi’s Study
Parsha: Tazria-Metzora, Leviticus 12:1 - 15:33
Haftarah: II Kings 7:3 - 7:20
Kiddush luncheon following the service
Sponsored by Sarah & Stan Angrist and
Ruth & Sy Drescher in celebration of 60 years of
Save the date: June 2, 6:30PM at Bellefield Hall
The Sound of Jewish Music is a magical evening for
women. The event includes women from across the
community - Chasidic, Conservative, Orthodox,
Reconstructionist, Reform. There will be art, short
speakers and of course, music! You can order tickets
Date Hebrew Date
Date this year
Raymond Clauss
17-Mar-97 8 Adar II
Donald Coufal
14-Feb-89 9 Adar I
Annette Schutzman
20-Feb-05 11 Adar I
Charles Rabinowitz
04-Mar-85 11 Adar
Walter Lane
05-Mar-04 12 Adar
Sid Fineberg
10-Mar-98 12 Adar
Dorothy Ellis
14-Feb-38 13 Adar I
Dora Fox
17-Mar-84 13 Adar II 04-Mar-15
Istvan Brown
20-Mar-89 13 Adar II 04-Mar-15
Sylvia Shulman
14-Feb-76 13 Adar I
Forrest Kent Root
21-Feb-97 14 Adar I
David Melnick
04-Mar-69 14 Adar
Elana Belinkoff
14-Mar-06 14 Adar
Rebecca Silberman
23-Feb-05 14 Adar I
Blanche Rubin
16-Feb-95 16 Adar I
Philip Wald
17-Mar-87 16 Adar
Sharon Gabor
07-Mar-07 17 Adar
Solomon Aizenstein
20-Feb-03 18 Adar I
John Nelson
18-Mar-06 18 Adar
Freda Ordo
28-Feb-05 19 Adar I
Alex Skolnick
04-Mar-45 19 Adar
Robert Hochheiser
27-Mar-00 20 Adar II 11-Mar-15
Julius J. Maas
28-Mar-00 21 Adar II 12-Mar-15
Manuel Hirsh
12-Mar-77 22 Adar
Bernard Rubin
24-Feb-65 22 Adar I
Manuel Hirsh
12-Mar-77 22 Adar
Eugene Fertman
28-Feb-08 22 Adar I
Dorothy Grumet
27-Mar-95 25 Adar II 16-Mar-15
Rose Conway
15-Mar-07 25 Adar
Leah Sturt
28-Feb-03 26 Adar I
Hyman Sucov
09-Mar-56 26 Adar
Florence Siff Zimmer 02-Apr-89 26 Adar II 17-Mar-15
Sarah Merenstein
01-Mar-95 29 Adar I
Louis Segel
15-Mar-83 1 Nisan
David Pearl
01-Apr-95 1 Nisan
Rita Begler
07-Apr-11 3 Nisan
Glenn Rickard
16-Mar-94 4 Nisan
Avner Hovne
15-Apr-67 5 Nisan
Jon Harris McKibben 18-Mar-02 5 Nisan
Laura M. Colker
13-Apr-70 7 Nisan
Isadore Angrist
23-Mar-53 7 Nisan
Abe Roth
29-Mar-04 7 Nisan
Mark McKibben
08-Apr-14 8 Nisan
Joseph Rubenstein
23-Mar-10 8 Nisan
C. Kenneth Leavitt
31-Mar-12 8 Nisan
Harry Artman
01-Apr-74 9 Nisan
Alexander Klahr
01-Apr-85 10 Nisan
Michael Engel
13-Apr-03 11 Nisan
Bernard Mizel
04-Apr-74 12 Nisan
Sylvia Rose Weinraub 30-Mar-99 13 Nisan
Edgar Silver
17-Apr-03 15 Nisan
Ruth Spodeck
04-Apr-96 15 Nisan
Luella Mattes
Alfred Polack
Michael Rubin
Paul Pushinsky
Dora Freedman
Rita Anne Conn
Helen Braunstein
Jennie Drill
Beatrice Sadowsky
Beatrice Sadowsky
Ruth Martin
William Sherman
Isador Friedman
Paul Brown
Paul Brown
Ruth M. Silver
Isadore Benjamin Flicop 20-Apr-47
William Elinoff
Dorothy Datter Stern
Edward Lieberman
Jerry Skolnick
George Weitz
Minnie Fertman
Jean L. Speyer
David Stearns
Benjamin Colker
Diana Gershfeld
Benjamin Colker
Rhonda Silver
Myron George Cohen 06-May-74
Mary Marks
June Delano
George Weintraub
Miriam Leiffand Gusky 23-May-97
Susan Sampson
Pauline Zlatis Bloomstone01-May-64
Lew Gumerman
16 Nisan
16 Nisan
17 Nisan
17 Nisan
19 Nisan
19 Nisan
20 Nisan
21 Nisan
21 Nisan
21 Nisan
22 Nisan
24 Nisan
25 Nisan
26 Nisan
26 Nisan
27 Nisan
30 Nisan
30 Nisan
2 Iyyar
4 Iyyar
4 Iyyar
4 Iyyar
6 Iyyar
7 Iyyar
8 Iyyar
11 Iyyar
11 Iyyar
11 Iyyar
11 Iyyar
13 Iyyar
14 Iyyar
14 Iyyar
14 Iyyar
15 Iyyar
16 Iyyar
16 Iyyar
… and more
Ed Feinstein in memory of Sally Kalson &
in honor of Dan Leger
Linda Arnold in honor of Nancy Levine
Alexander Orbach in honor of Sarah
Jean Clickner & John Pushinsky in honor of
Jeremy Clickner-Pushinsky’s engagement to Drew
Alexandra Gold
Lauren & Dan Resnick in honor of Dor
Hadash Religious School
Bill Blewitt and Craig Churilla in honor of
Dor Hadash
Nathana Marunich in honor of Dor Hadash
Nancy Levine in memory of Benjamin
Goldman, father of Pam Goldman
Nancy Levine in memory of Marilyn
Gabor, sister of Carol Schubert
Nancy Levine in memory of Sally Lupovitz,
mother of Laura Horowitz
Nancy Levine in memory of Howard Braun
Meira Gummerman in honor of her parents
Elizabeth Brown in memory of Paul Brown,
Istvan Brown , and Magdolna Brown
Congregation Dor Hadash
extends a hearty Mazel Tov
to Jeremy Resnick on the
launch of his daughter’s
Jewish ritual
textiles business (handmade
tallitot and chuppot). Sarah
Resnick says her work is
about living out Jewish
values. For more
information, you can visit
the Advah Designs website
at http://
Come one come all to the Dor Hadash Purim
Celebration on Wednesday evening, March 4th.
Pizza & salad dinner starting at 6:00 PM
Purim Service/Megillah Reading starts promptly at
6:45 PM. We will be finished by 8:00 PM at the
latest. A wild time; lots of fun, lots of fools, a lot
will go wrong--it's Purim. Time to drown out
Haman's name with a grogger or bring your own
~~Original Songs-- Everyone is encouraged to
write a Purim parody song to a familiar melody. For
example, “I Want to be Your Queen” sung to the
tune of “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” Make fun of
the Purim characters; modern references are great:
politicians, movie stars, Dor Hadash members,
anyone can pop up in your song. To be sung by the
writer between the chapters of the story, with some
help from their friends. Please contact Hal
([email protected]) by Monday March 2 if you
plan to have a song.
A Craft Activity for Kids following dinner:
making stick figures of the Purim characters which
will be used during the reading of the story.
The Purim Story will be read
ISocial Action Committee Fundraiser and
Presentation for Basic Health International, founded
and run by one of our members and school parents,
Miriam Cremer. More information about this will
Purim Songs
Costume Parade--with prizes
Congregation Dor Hadash
5898 Wilkins Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217