Sunday, July 5, 2015 11:00 A.M. Pastor Michael E. Shannon, Sr. Dr. Andrew J. White, Sr. Pastor Emeritus “The Church That Serves God and the Community” The Order Of Service The Church School Devotion - 9:30 A.M. The Morning Worship - 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY holy communion (The service begins with prayer and meditation) The Prelude The Introit The Call to Worship July 5, 2015 No. 262 “Holy, Holy, Holy” “The Lord Is In His Holy Temple” The Invocation The Hymn of Praise “To God Be The Glory" The Church and Community Concerns No. 66 Administrative Assistant Fellowship Period The Morning Scripture The Morning Prayer The Choral Response Genesis 50:15-21 (Good News Translation) “He's Sweet I Know” Deacon Maynard Skelton A. Jackson The Offertory: Tithes and Offering Traditional "Let Jesus Lead You" J. B. Brown Memorial Choir The Presentation of the Offering - "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” The Selection Allitsen "The Lord Is My Light" Alter Call and Prayer The Selection Howe "Battle Hymn of the Republic" THE MESSAGE PASTOR MICHAEL E. SHANNON, SR. "I FORGIVE YOU" The Hymn of Invitation (Insert) McDowell "I Give Myself Away" ADMINISTRATION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Closing Hymn and Prayer (Insert) “As You Go Tell The World"" Pastor Shannon ********************** Welco me to Zion We extend a special welcome to our visitors and those worshipping in the Della Bannister Fellowship Hall as we join together in worship. Please take a moment to fill out the visitor’s form on the bulletin and place it in the offering plate, so we may have a record of your visit. We hope you will come back and join us. ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY – A monetary donation will be taken today, July 5th to support the Summer Enrichment Program. THANK YOU - from Ms. Geraldine Maclin for being there during the sudden passing of her niece. 2015 PICTORIAL DIRECTORY - Families of Zion Baptist Church - The next scheduled dates are: Friday, July 10 - 11. If you were unable to schedule an appointment to have your picture taken for the 2015 directory on those dates, you may contact Life Touch for Guest Services to schedule your appointment (call 1-866-756-0281, Account Number 371243). You must use the account number to make sure your photo comes to Zion. OFFICIAL BOARD - will meet Thursday, July 9th at 7:00 p.m. FOUNDERS DAY - Children's Home of Virginia Baptist Inc., Saturday, July 11th, 2015 at 11:00 am. Lunch will be served immediately following the program. Cost per Person - $20 - Children 12 and under - $10. R.S.V.P. by Monday, June 29th to (804) 590-2080. JOINT USHER'S ANNIVERSARY - July 19, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. *********************************** Genesis 50:15-21 (GOOD NEWS TRANSLATION) Joseph Reassures His Brothers 15 After the death of their father, Joseph's brothers said, “What if Joseph still hates us and plans to pay us back for all the harm we did to him?” 16 So they sent a message to Joseph: “Before our father died, 17 he told us to ask you, ‘Please forgive the crime your brothers committed when they wronged you.’ Now please forgive us the wrong that we, the servants of your father's God, have done.” Joseph cried when he received this message. 18 Then his brothers themselves came and bowed down before him. “Here we are before you as your slaves,” they said. 19 But Joseph said to them, “Don't be afraid; I can't put myself in the place of God. 20 You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened. 21 You have nothing to fear. I will take care of you and your children.” So he reassured them with kind words that touched their hearts. PARTICIPANTS NEEDED Sponsored by the Ministry of Christian Education - - August 26 during Bible Study time Each participant will receive a copy of a specially prepared study guide – which will contain much of the information you are already familiar with. This is the fifth year of presenting this creative and unique way to prepare for bible study. Team and audience participation is desired. Invitations will be extended to guest churches to participate also. Please contact Mrs. Deloris Jordan (520-8622), Mrs. Ernestine Newsome (732-7335) or Rev. Percy Everson (722-0883) to sign up. OR, when they ask you to participate, please say yes. "Women In God's Service." W-I-N-G-S" (Isaiah 40:31) Women's Day September 25 - 27, 2015 Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 5:30 p.m. Subject: Potential Speakers
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