JUNE 2015 FULLY ALIVE! Fully Alive! COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS LET THERE BE LIGHT! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: SON ROCK KIDS CAMP 2 LIFETREE CAFÉ ON SUNDAYS 3 SUMMATYME FOR YOUTH! 4 YOUTH GARDEN 5 WHAT’S GOING ON AT POBLO? 5 RCLS POSITION OPENING 6 RCLS BLUE & WHITE NIGHT & MORE! 7 Thank you to everyone who has chosen to support our Let There Be Light! giving emphasis. On Sunday, May 17 thirty-one households committed to giving $11, 820 toward our lighting and message center sign project! to serve us and save us! As we place our trust in Jesus we find great SATISFACTION in responding to His call to share His love and life with others. No sacrifice is too great because we understand the GLORY that is yet to come! It’s not too late to participate. Simply bring your special offering What a great summer we have in to worship and designate it to: store! Let There Be Light! • Worship in the Courtyard! As we move into summer we remember that each of us has a • Pioneer Drum & Bugle Corps in worship! RESPONSIBILITY to carry out and support the mission Jesus has • Men’s Softball entrusted to us. Because we do not know when Jesus will return • Son Rock VBS that gives our serving and giving a sense of URGENCY. And, as we consider how we give and serve at Holy Cross we find our MOTIVATION in Jesus who came • Youth Farmer’s Market! • Ugandan Kids Choir! • Lifetree Café on Sundays! Jesus said to His disciples, “Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) SPECIAL GUESTS IN WORSHIP ON JUNE 28 Plan now to attend worship on Sunday, June 28 for a special treat as we welcome the Pioneer Drum and Bugle Corps from Milwaukee, WI. Those who experienced them in worship with us last summer know that this is a Sunday you don’t want to miss! FULLY ALIVE! Page 2 WEDDINGS AT HOLY CROSS QUESTION: Who can get married at Holy Cross? ANSWER: Weddings at Holy Cross are reserved for members. Either the Bride or Groom needs to be a member to schedule a wedding at Holy Cross. ANSWER: The pastors provide ceremony planning guidance AND pre-marriage counseling which is required for all couples. Holy Cross also provides Wedding Coordinators to assist with all the details of the wedding day from beginning to end. The Wedding Coordinators meet with the couple and work in conjunction with the pastors. QUESTION: How does someone schedule a wedding? ANSWER: All weddings are scheduled through either Pastor Schauder or Pastor Green. QUESTION: What about music? ANSWER: Our Director of WorQUESTION: What kinds of sership, Cindy Wessel, is available vices does Holy Cross provide to guide couples in the selection for weddings? Join us at Holy Cross’ Vacation Bible School!! July 20-24 9:00-11:45 with lively songs, hilarious skits, creative crafts, exciting games, Bible stories and tasty snacks—all of the things that make Vacation Bible School so much fun. This year’s program is SonRock Kids Camp, a week SonRock Kids Camp can be an inspirational and educaof fun and adventure! tional adventure for your As they participate in funentire family. filled activities, campers will learn how each one of them is loved by Jesus! We will have a great time Holy Cross Softball Our team will again be playing on Monday evenings at various locations in Rochester. It is not too late to join the team. We have a great time and have also enjoyed some success in our league the past few years as well. Contact Pastor Fran Green [email protected] 507289-1354 with questions or to join our team. of their music, and on occasion play for the ceremony. QUESTION: Are there any fees? ANSWER: There is no charge to members for the use of the Holy Cross facility. However, there are fees for the Custodian, Wedding Coordinators and suggested fees for musicians and other possible expenses. QUESTION: How do I schedule a wedding? ANSWER: Call one of our Pastors to determine availability of date and begin the planning process! Contact Pastor Fran Green for more info or register online at Holycross-church.org. COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS Page 3 LIFETREE CAFÉ MOVING TO SUNDAYS FOR THE SUMMER! Check out the upcoming topics and give Lifetree Café a try this summer! We will meet in the Lounge following worship. We will give you plenty of time for fellowship following worship and begin Lifetree at 10:50. We will conclude at 11:50! Come Join the Conversation! You will be glad you did! SHARPEN YOUR IMAGE! We have set a goal by Summer of '15 to get all members and regular attenders photographed so that we can better connect with each other by attaching names to faces. We have contracted with a local photographer to do the work, and they will be offering professional photo packages to those who wish to purchase them. Once we get the photos done, we will have the ability to print our own photo directories that are current and up-todate whenever needed. If you can help by serving as a host for one of the sessions, or by making some calls to help get people signed up, let Curt Boger know. If you missed the first round of photographs in April and May, the dates for Phase II are now set for June 10, 12, 13. The signup for times is now open at www.holycrosswww.holycross-church.org. Help us out by getting signed up as soon as you are able. We are wholeheartedly encouraging anyone that is part of our ministries to sign up and get photos done, regardless of whether you are officially considered a "member" or not. Thanks for taking part in this important project. FULLY ALIVE! Page 4 WORKCAMP TEAM IS SET This year’s youth workcamp mission team is set to go! We have a group of 20 traveling to Greenwood, SC from June 25July 5 to work on homes of those in need. Along the way we have some camping and river rafting planned, as well as overnight stops at the church home of Bryant and Christin Frey in Cincinnati, Ohio. Curt Boger, Bob Ledebuhr, Chris Bany, Joy Peterson, Lisa St Peter, Dan Johnson, and Tim Gerber are the adult guides for this adventure, and will be joined by Jackson and Jace Gerber, Taylor Gowin, Nate Onhsee, Kaeli Giese, Juliana Murray, Libby Heroff, LiliElaine Davis, Sam Johnson, Sam St Peter, Katie Bany, Haley Klein, and Cassie Jo Hill. MISSION MANIA Many thanks to all the donors and customers for our annual “Mission Mania” event held on May 9. We sold a ton of plants, rummage and baked goods, washed a lot of cars, and grilled a lot of hot dogs, brats, and burgers. Combined with the plant sale, overall we raised over $2000 for this year’s youth mission trip! Thank you! SUMMATYME! FOR YOU Starting in June, “Nightlife!” transitions to a our summer format. Since there is no school in the summer, there will be no “after school” time, and no supper served. Instead, we invite youth to gather on the “Foot of the Cross” patio anytime after 7:00pm . We call this “Summatyme!” It is a more relaxed time of sharing, fun, food, campfire, and living out the abundant life that Jesus promised. In fact, this year we are inviting everyone to join us around the fire. No matter your age join us around the campfire for smores, or in the back yard for Frisbee, carpetball, or just some great conversation and growing as the body of Christ. See ya at the on the foot of the cross at the firepit. There’s room for all around the fire this year COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS YOUTH GARDEN OFF TO GREAT START Potatoes, onions, cabbage, kohl rabi, garlic, carrots, beets, lettuce, corn and more are already in and going strong! This spring has been at times wet and cool, but overall not at all bad for early season plants. We are looking forward to a large new patch on Al Mickow’s century farm for vining crops. We should have honey available earlier than usual this summer. There’s always something to do at the garden. We have teams of youth doing a lot of the work, but anyone is welcome to take part in this very therapeutic work. Hours are flexible and it can be a very pleasant time in God’s creation. Talk to Curt Boger if this is up your alley. The honey bee colonies that we successfully overwintered have All proceeds from the garden exploded in population this are used to finance youth misSpring, and are really doing well. sions. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE AT POBLO What does POBLO International Friendship Center do? POBLO International Friendship Center is an outreach program for immigrants and visiting foreigners. The mission of POBLO is to build relationships with nonnatives through human care programs. Once these relationships are built, we can share the Good News with them. • Working as a receptionist • Substitute teacher • Substitute receptionist • Meeting secretary • Taking inventory You can do any of the following: What kind of experience do I need? • Teaching English classes No experience is needed. You only need to have a smiling face and a willingness to serve and have fun. The Holy Spirit will take care of the rest! • Teaching sewing classes What is the time commitment? • Teaching cooking classes • Leading a Bible study What types of volunteer positions are there? • Child care during class times What do I do if I want more information or want to get involved? 1. Contact Kristine Murray by phone (507) 258-5134 or email: [email protected] [email protected] 2. Come visit POBLO International Friendship Center at: 225 5th Ave SW Rochester, MN 55902 3. Sunday Morning Connection Card. Indicate your interest in learning Generally, volunteers work 2-3 more about serving at POBLO. hours per week. When you com- Someone will contact you! mit, you only commit to one semester at a time (6-8 weeks). Page 5 FULLY ALIVE! Page 6 UPDATE FROM POBLO MISSIONARY JOHN GAYED On April 11th we had our 4th potluck at Trinity Lutheran Church. Around 100 people attended. The nationalities represented were Egyptian, Sudanese, Chinese, Iraqi, Somali, Ethiopian and Saudi. We've received 12 new students from Brazil, China, Iraq and Saudi. Following are a couple of stories from this and Mariam (my wife) prayed for healing. past month. All of the other students were watching and observing what happened, and how STORY #1 as Christians, we deal with difficult cirOne day a grandma became very ill at the cumstances. sewing class at Redeemer Church. We They took the grandma to the hospital. learned she had open heart surgery a She was released after three days. Mariyear ago. The volunteers gave very good we currently have 6 full classes and are am and I visited her in her home and care while we were waiting for the ambuunable to register new students because spent time with the family and prayed for lance. Pastor Heining and Pastor Koglin we do not have enough volunteers to lead healing. All the family was very appreciacame down to the fellowship hall where new classes. We are looking for at least 4 tive of what was done for her. They told us the sewing class takes place. Pastor new teachers ASAP. they feel that they are a part of a bigger Koglin took all the children to a play area family who cares because we helped resand cared for them while Pastor Heining STORY #2 One day a member from Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Eyota came to the center and brought a many with her. She had met him at the Mayo Clinic lobby while she was playing piano. Since he showed an interest in the music she asked him if he wanted to learn a song and she offered to teach him one. After they were done with the song she invited him to come to the center and meet me as they had difficulties understanding each other because of the language barrier. I met with them and translated for him as she shared the Word of God with him. He was very receptive and respectful to her and after we were done he registered for an ESL class. At the end I offered him a ride back home as he does not have a car. While driving I learned that he is here to assist his father who has cancer. I invited him and his father to join our potluck. They did so and they invited two more to the potluck. I welcomed them and spent time talking with them all as did some of the other volunteers. They left when we started to pray because they didn’t know the custom and didn’t want to be disrespectful of our religion by doing something wrong. I have met with them several times as I was helping the family with translation as well as doctor appointments. We have talked about Christianity and Islam. HALF-TIME TEACHING POSITION AT RCLS Rochester Central Lutheran School is currently looking for a qualified candidate interested in teaching a Pre-kindergarten class for the 2015-16 school year. An Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education or an Early Childhood Certificate is preferred. If you are interested, please submit a letter of interest and a resume to Suzanne Lagerwaard at: [email protected] or send information to 2619 9th Avenue NW, Rochester, MN 55901. RCLS COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS RCLS NEWS A Word from Our Principal Mrs. Suzanne Lagerwaard Students want to learn more about technology and science, but they also want to experience it creatively and use it personally…to this end MakerSpace Rooms are being created across the country in schools, libraries and community centers. These rooms: 1. Promote learning through play and experimentation. 2. Are cross-disciplinary, with elements of art, science and craftsmanship. 3. Offer tools and materials that encourage students to create During the evening the guests had the rather than consume. The donations and the matching gift during the Blue opportunity to learn more about the goals and progress of the Grace Foun- and White Night resulted in over $16,000.00 to begin the development dation, founded in 2014, whose misof a MakerSpace Room at RCLS that sion is to develop an enduring legacy will support many areas of the curricufoundation to partner with Rochester Central Lutheran School with the princi- lum and provide countless opportunities for after-school programming. We ple goal of providing financial support to allow RCLS to continue its mission of are grateful and excited. We’ll keep you providing a Christ-centered education. updated as this space unfolds. The third annual Blue and White Night was a huge success and great fun! This year’s silent and live auction raised approximately $80,000.00. RCLS is humbled by this gracious outpouring of support for Christian education and we feel incredibly blessed by the generosity of the RCLS community and the greater Rochester community. Many thanks to all of you who supported this event. Meredith Tuntland, Carol Wickre and Natalie Timm. And to the generous sponsors and the countless people that donated their time, talent and baskets … thank you! As the end of this school year draws near and the students depart for summer break, RCLS is preparing for several facility projects that will further optimize our learning spaces. We are especially excited and grateful to partner with two RCLS alumni as they enhance the school’s facility through their Eagle Scouts Projects. Calvin Blume will redesign our athletic and physical education equipment room to optimize space and increase the functionality of this important materials area. Jonathan Hickman will plan and construct a Gaga Dodge Ball Pit to be placed in the northeast corner of the property. This structure is appropriate An event such as the Blue and White The Grace Foundation’s long term vifor students of all ages and athletic Night does not just happen. It involves sion includes growing an endowment ability and we look forward to years of fund, providing an organizational struc- months of planning, striving for creativispirited games ahead. Thus, there will ty, sweating the details, doing more ture accompanied with bylaws written be plenty of activity throughout the to ensure transition of board and com- than what is required, giving extra time, coming months inside and outside the energy and resource. Four incredible mittee members, and making annual RCLS facility in preparation for what individuals led the organization and contributions to RCLS via individual promises to be a wonderful 2015-16 planning of this year’s Blue and White capital projects and scholarships. To school year. this end, the Grace Foundation offered Night. On behalf of the Rochester Central to match funds pledged during the Blue Please join me in giving thanks to AnLutheran School faculty and staff we and White toward the development of a drea Hanson, Amy Neveau, Jennifer wish you a blessed summer and thank MakerSpace Room at RCLS. What is Chose and Hollie Dunford for going the you for your generous and continued the purpose of such a room? extra mile! In addition, abundant support of Christian education. thanks to the faculty members who worked closely with the planning team: Page 7 Non-Profit Org. Latest Issue of Fully Alive! U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 264 Rochester MN 55901 HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH 2703 9th Avenue NW Rochester MN 55901 Phone: 507.289.1354 Fax: 507.289.4815 Email: [email protected] Website: www.holycross-church.org Join us this Summer for Worship in the Courtyard! Weather permitting we will begin our outdoor worship in the courtyard on May 31 and continue through August 30. Remember to dress for the weather, bring your own chair if you like, maybe a blanket for cooler mornings and sunglasses for warmer mornings! Worship in the Courtyard is a great time to invite friends and neighbors to join you for worship. We have some special events planned including the Pioneer Drum & Bugle Corps on June 28 and the Ugandan Kids Choir on July 12!
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