Newsletter - Drayton Christian Reformed Church

Drayton CRC Connection
Drayton Christian Reformed
88 Main Street East,
Box 129,
Drayton, ON
N0G 1P0
Phone: 519-638-2032
Denise V.
Office hours: Tues.-Fri. 9 to noon
Phone: 519-638-2032
Email:[email protected]
Rev. Paul Droogers
Phone: 519-496-7927
Email: [email protected]
Chairperson of Council:
Sid V.
Phone: 519-638-5335
Email: [email protected]
Fred and Cora-Jane S
Phone: 519-638-3709
Newsletter Editor:
Denise V.
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to our church service
each Sunday at 10:00 a.m
Mission: Drayton Christian
Reformed Church is a Christcentred fellowship led by God’s
Word and Spirit to share His
gifts of grace and hope.
• joyfully serving our God
in all that we do
• learning and sharing His
Word with others
• encouraging the use of
our spiritual gifts
• loving, supporting and
caring for each other
May 10, 2015
Brothers and Sisters,
Welcome to the month of May! And, welcome back to our ongoing reflection about
five “Strategic Objectives,” part of our current “Ministry Plan” here at the Drayton
Christian Reformed Church. To date, we’ve spent some time with objectives that
cover mission and vision, hospitality, communication and worship. The final Strategic
Objective we identified involves staffing and provided care for staff members by our
newly-formed Personnel Committee.
Admittedly, our brief reflection about this fifth Strategic Objective comes at a strategic time: on the same weekend
we’re welcoming to Drayton Mr. Adam Veenstra who has been recommended by our congregation’s Search Committee
to Church Council for the second full-time pastoral staff position. This is a time, in other words, we’re continually
engaging the work or promptings of the Holy Spirit. Earlier, He’s convicted us to emphasize youth ministry. Now, He’s
giving us the opportunity to connect with Mr. Veenstra, also actively discerning God’s call in his life within the ministry
of Christ’s Church.
I love how this rhythm clearly echoes rhythms we find in the Bible. In Acts, for example, the early church (having
powerfully received the Spirit) recognizes the need to emphasize care for widows. The disciples meet and conclude: “It
would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Let’s choose seven men
from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will
give our attention to the prayer and the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:2-4). The Spirit leads the church to identify areas
of need and respond, all the while making sure the ministry of prayer and Word are able to stay top priorities.
Gearing up for two full time pastoral staff positions will continue the theme of “transition” within our congregation.
Naturally, it will take time (once a second individual joins us) to develop relationships, define expectations, establish
boundaries and find ways to support both staff positions equally. I suspect we’ll experience some growing pains – and
that’s perfectly alright. As two individuals go to work, seeking to remain faithful to the tasks entrusted into their care,
the ministry of the church will no doubt see re-shaping and perhaps some re-energizing. These are wonderful things to
look forward to and celebrate.
As we prepare to enter this chapter within the life of our church family, I’m glad all this happens within the context of
community. Let’s track it. The “community” known as our “Search Committee” carefully narrowed down suitable
profiles and candidates. Our “community” known as the “Drayton CRC” gets to listen to, in our case today, Adam
Veenstra, after wishing to emphasize youth ministry. The “community” known as “Church Council” will either formally
approve or revise the Search Committee’s proposal. Once the second position is filled, the “community” known as the
“Personnel Committee” along with Church Council promises to ensure healthy relationships and regular evaluation.
Finally, pastoral leadership with a focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word will also happen within community.
I invite everyone to please continue to remember our church fellowship or community in prayer. Pray for active and
clear promptings by the Holy Spirit. I also invite you to read through the attached and current Ministry Plan for our
congregation. Next month, before we break for summer, I’ll provide some wrap up thoughts as we continually seek to
live out our convictions. As always, may God alone receive all glory.
Grace & Peace,
Note: Update Ministry Plan every three years - next by 2016
Note: There are a number of
related documents, which are
referred to in bold print.
Re-vision every nine years - next by 2022
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE ONE: To develop clearly defined vision and mission statements.
Objective: To discern and articulate God’s leading in our past, our God-given gifts and resources today, and God’s leading
of our ministry in the Drayton community into the future.
Strategies for using our Slogan, Mission and Vision statements and Core Values
1. Post all or parts of this document our on our website, on our bulletin, in the monthly newsletter, on meeting
agendas, and in the annual directory.
2. Create a banner to display the slogan in the sanctuary
3. Create a poster to display this document in the fellowship room.
4. Refer to this document in newsletter articles and from the pulpit.
5. Use this document for ministry planning and evaluation
6. Use this document to give clear focus to ministries at the beginning of a new church season.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE TWO: To develop a plan for fully welcoming people into the life of the church.
Objective: To give special attention to new faces or to people who are near the fringe of church membership.
1. Assign a Floating Greeter for each service, stationed around the coat room, to give special attention to new faces or
to people who are near the fringe of church membership.
2. Arrange annual training for greeters, ushers, and floating greeters to review the importance of each of these roles
and some reminders regarding each of these functions.
3. Print up a “Business Card” with the church’s phone number, address, website address, along with a simple welcome.
The Floating Greeter would have copies of these cards and of the latest newsletter available to hand to visitors.
4. Arrange for Elders and deacons to review the membership list of their districts quarterly to identify people who are
not currently connecting to the ministry of the church, to pray for insight into the needs of these members and to
enlist other members to initiate connections (perhaps to invite to a game of golf, out for dinner, or whatever might
seem to be a good way of initiating connection).
5. Arrange time in council meeting each quarter to share ideas on initiating connections.
6. Plan for regular pulpit communication regarding welcoming/assimilating/hospitality, including entire sermons,
reminders regarding The Three Minute Rule prior to coffee fellowship, notes from the pastor in the newsletter, etc.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE THREE: To nurture a culture of open and healthy communication in all levels of interaction within the
A. Objective: To develop a contract of behavior, describing healthy and unhealthy styles of communication, and describing
responses we are prepared to make to unhealthy communication
Strategies for using Agreeing and Disagreeing in Love:
1. Display this document on the bulletin board in the fellowship room
2. Arrange for all ministry leaders to read this document at the beginning of each new ministry year.
3. Prepare a PowerPoint program to show occasionally during the offering.
4. Plan for the pastor to refer to this document occasionally during worship
5. Develop an email list of members, and send reminders to the congregation occasionally.
6. Include a copy of the document as an insert in the bulletin occasionally.
Strategies for using A Covenant of Leadership
1. Display this document on the bulletin board in fellowship room.
2. Include a copy of the document in the Council Handbook.
3. Plan orientation for new Elders and Deacons near the beginning of new terms, and include this document in the
4. Inform all ministry leaders that they are expected to read this document at the beginning of each new ministry year.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE FOUR: To develop a plan for more joyful and exuberant worship.
Objective: To focus on Worshiping God
1. Communicate the following to the congregation regularly: Worship is an act of praising God. Worship involves many
aspects and styles, and each of these styles are meant to honour God; therefore, we will not complain or criticize
what is meant to glorify God.
2. Lead the congregation in preparing for worship (for example, A worship leader opens the service with a couple
songs, and either a prayer or scripture; Give reasons why certain songs were chosen for this moment in this service).
Objective: To increase Flexibility & Variety
1. Encourage worship leaders to be flexible and use variety in formulating the order of worship, to inspire more joyful
and exuberant worship.
2. Encourage members of the congregation to use their gifts & musical instruments.
3. Encourage members of the congregation who are blessed with the gift of planning worship, to contact the
chairperson of the worship committee about becoming a worship coordinator.
Encourage those involved in leading worship
1. Communicate the following to the congregation regularly: Every worship leader is a member of our congregation
who is committed to preparing our services with prayer, time and energy. Since every worship leader has their own
style and every member has their own needs and preferences, we need to encourage each other with an open mind
and a spirit of acceptance. As members we should acknowledge with love and gratitude each element of the service.
2. Communicate to the congregation regularly the proper procedure for directing questions or concerns related to
worship, namely, to contact their district elder.
3. Plan for a member of the worship committee should send thank you notes to worship coordinators and praise
teams, giving positive feedback, at least twice a year.
4. Plan a meeting annually, between worship coordinators and representative(s) of council, to provide an avenue for
two-way communication.
5. Plan regular meetings between the pastor and the worship coordinators, both for planning the services and for postservice feedback.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE FIVE: To describe the staff necessary (paid and unpaid) to lead the congregation in implementing our
vision and mission.
A. Objective: To enlist a staff to provide leadership which equips people to use their spiritual gifts in visionary ministry
B. Strategies:
1. Develop a job description for our Senior Pastor position.
2. Approve the concept of a second full-time Pastoral Staff position focusing on youth ministry, being open to the
possibility of filling this position with a non-ordained person.
3. Develop job description for our Youth Pastor position.
4. Review and update the job description for our Administrative Assistant position.
5. Review the job description for our Custodian position.
6. Review all committee job descriptions.
7. Create a Personnel Committee to develop and implement a process for regular performance evaluation of all paid
staff as well as regular program evaluation of the church’s ministries.
8. Review our structure for ministry, including the inter-relationships between council and paid and non-paid staff.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE SIX: To review our structure for ministry, and recommend to council any structure revision that may
help make our ministry more efficient and effective.
Background: In conversations regarding paid and non-paid staff and their relationship to each other and to council, a number of
concerns were identified, such as: committees losing focus regarding their job description, not having a clear understanding of
how their work in committee relates to the mission and vision of the church, not having the sense of being part of a team, not
reporting regularly, decisions getting lost in the shuffle, etc.
A. Objective:
B. Strategies:
This Strategic Initiative is in the process of being developed
Next Steps
From the living room to somewhere else?
Hello ,
Friends, we continue to pursue our goal of planting a missionary-minded, reformed, vibrant faith community.
We continue to meet each Sunday to hear God's Word, to pray, to cast vision, to participate in Communion,
and to fellowship. As we continue to meet in homes, we continue to reach out to those who would feel
comfortable meeting in a home as opposed to meeting in a church building. Where we worship is an
intentional step to building a strong core in order to meet more publicly.
Our Good Friday service, an ALS Walk on Saturday, and Easter Sunday service were special events for us.
Close to forty people crammed in our living room for a special Good Friday service, marking the first time we
have ever had an official 'second' row. Easter marked our first public event held at a park across the street
from one of our members. We pulled out the sound system and lawn chairs and enjoyed celebrating Easter
outside and out loud. We plugged the sound system, which included guitars, keyboard, and speakers, to an F150 pickup in order to generate power. It was our first attempt to make ourselves publicly visible and sent out
invitations to friends and neighbors. It was a great experience!
Moving forward certainly includes challenges, one of which is pursuing a public building we could use on a
regular basis. We are thrilled with an affordable window opening for us, and so please keep us in prayer as we
go through the process of potentially finding a temporary home.
You can access more updates by catching up on some blogs or by reading our latest newsletter.
This email, however, is the primary way we inform you how to pray for our specific needs. I have updated our
prayer list on the website to help give shape to our most current prayer items. Thank you so much!
We wish all of you well. Whether you live in one of the states of Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New
York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, DC, or in one of the provinces of Alberta, British
Columbia, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island, we so value your multilayered support. May the Lord continue
to draw you to Jesus, may you be challenged to die and rise with Christ, and may you grow in your identity as
a missionary in this world.
With love, in Christ,
Pastor Mark K.
Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund
Canada is sending more relief supplies to earthquake-stricken Nepal, promising to match
donations to a fund specifically set up to help. The federal government will match -- dollarfor-dollar -- all eligible contributions to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund before May 25.
Saturday's magnitude 7.8 earthquake, centred outside Kathmandu, was the worst to hit the
South Asian nation of 31 million in more than 80 years and has left more than 3,900 people
dead, a large number of injuries, and destruction of property. Foreign Affairs has reported
that there were an estimated 462 Canadians registered as being in Nepal at the time of the
earthquake. On May 17, 2015 the second collection will be specifically for this cause. If you
have any questions, you can contact your district Deacon. Please give generously. Thank
Sort and Pack
We will be meeting again on Wednesday, May 6, from 1:00 pm to 4:00
pm. If you have an hour or two to spare, consider coming out to help.
Many hands make light work.
Wanted: Old Eye Glasses
A box has been placed by the mail slots for your old and outdated
glasses. All glasses collected will be sent to MMI (Medical Ministries
International) to help people in need all over the world.
Drayton Christian Reformed
June 14, 2015
Conestoga Bible Camp
Outdoor Worship Service at 10:30 am
Potluck Lunch at 12:30 pm
Fun and games for all ages after lunch
*In case of rain the service will be held in the church
sanctuary and potluck picnic in the fellowship hall.
Soup & Bun Lunch
Please join us for a special Soup and Bun
Lunch immediately following the morning
service on June 21, 2015 in support of Pastor
Mark Knetsch and the Home Missions church
plant in Raleigh, North Carolina. Pastor Mark
will be a guest speaker during a portion of the
service that morning and will be available to
answer questions during lunch. The offering for
lunch will be done by donation for those who
are able to contribute. There will be baskets on each table for your donations
for a ministry which is very close to all our hearts. And even if you can't
contribute, everyone is still most welcome to join us for lunch, coffee, and
fellowship. Please give generously. Thank you.
Cadets: These are a few pictures of our Father & Son year end event. Racing Kub Kars is
always a favourite activity where the boys can enjoy some friendly competition to finish the
year off. This year we had the privilege of having 21 boys registered, leading them in growing
stronger in the Lord and teaching them basic crafting & woodworking skills. Have a great spring
and summer boys, and looking forward to seeing you again in the fall.
The GEMS finished their season last week with GEMS Sunday and a Mother/Special
Her/ Daughter Night. The year went so fast, but I guess that means we were loving
As you may know, the GEMS ministry has begun a Christian School in Zambia, The Esther School, for orphaned
and underprivileged children. Every child who attends needs to be sponsored. Our club sponsors two
children, Rosemary and one more who we haven’t received any information for yet.
The girls have been collecting dimes all year for the music program at the school. In total they collected 4,400
dimes which meant we were able to send the school $440.00 for their music program.
On the mother/daughter night the girls and moms had the opportunity to ‘buy’ into a Cakewalk. Six beautiful
cakes were ‘for sale’. For $2 they could stand on a number that was taped to the floor in a circle. Music was
played and like musical chairs, they walked in a circle on these numbers until the music stopped. A leader
picked a number out of an envelope and if the number you were standing on was called you would win the
cake. $2 had to be paid in order to play each round of the six cakewalks. $478.00 was collected which was
also sent to the Esther school.
Thanks for all your prayers and financial support throughout the year. We hope and pray that those precious
girls of the one true King will pass on the message of Jesus to all those around them.
This summer, local churches have once again combined their efforts to organize Vacation Bible School (VBS).
The program will run from July 6 - 10 at the Drayton Reformed Church. It is offered to all children who have
completed JK to those who have completed grade 5. VBS is a great way to feel a part of your community,
meet other kids, and learn about Jesus.
Each day, kids participate in small groups, called Climbing Crews, and discover God’s great power through
stories, games, crafts, and even snack.
VBS is offered free – thanks to the generosity of the local churches. This is a wonderful example of how the
community of Drayton can work together for the benefit of our children. For our mission project this summer,
we will be partnering with the Canadian Bible Society in a project called the Bread of Life in Peru. We will be
encouraging the children to bring in money to help provide a daily nutritious breakfast and Bible classes with
age-appropriate materials for Peruvian children. It is so cool because, by donating to this project, we will be
meeting the Spiritual needs of children by teaching Bible stories and introducing them to Jesus, their Physical
needs by providing nutritious meals, and their Social needs through the friendship and mentorship of
volunteers. The children in Drayton, as well as in Peru, will learn to Conquer Challenges with God’s Mighty
On the last day of VBS (July 10) at 10:45 a.m. we invite the community to come to the church for our VBS
closing program. We encourage everyone to mark this date on your calendar – the children’s enthusiasm is
Join this amazing adventure by registering your kids to be a part of Everest-VBS this year or, better yet, help
out!! This ministry cannot run without wonderful volunteers. Think about helping for a day or two or even
the whole week. Not able to volunteer but still want to help… donate a gift card or your stamps from the
Drayton Foodmarket which helps buy our snacks for the week. They can be given to Candace Burnett or
dropped off in my mail slot at the church.
To register or volunteer, go to (Teens: this counts for your volunteer high school hours.)
If you have questions, please contact your
[email protected] or 519-638-2311.
Thanks from the VBS TEAM—see you at VBS!!
Rule #1 Love your children
Rule #2 Love your children
Nursery Parents: Sara & Rob v
May 3
Corrina D
Marg H
Lauren V
Abby R
Rachel R
Kamryn R
Melinda Van G
Kaitlyn D
Rule #3 Love……
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
Melinda V
Sandy S
Darlene V
Kaitlyn D
Shannon S
Meagan R
Brenda V
Jasmine D
Brenda V
Janice V
Jitske P
Jasmine D
Tamara H
Kirsten D
Sharon M
Karissa G
Sharon M
Mary D
Ann B
Karissa G
Cheryl R
Aidan R
Tracy D
Nicole H
Tracy D
Betty T
Emily N
Nicole H
Sara v
Madison R
Tamara H
Reeghan R
Sunday School Assistant
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
Dorothy S
Janice V
Teresa W
John Z
May 31
Coffee Servers
May 3
Andy & Evelyn K
May 10
Sijtse & Jitske P
Marilyn B
May 17
Rick & Leanna S
Larry & Ann B
Elden & Julie W
John & Rita C
Ann V
Eric & Tara D
Bingo at the Terrace
May 24
Steve & Judy D
May 6
May 21
June 3
June 17
Mia R & Jane G
Pat H & Elly H
Lucy v & Jitske P
Jane H & Joyce D
May 31
David & Shannon S
John & Yvonne D
Jake & Melinda V
Maynard & Joyce D
Keith & Denise V
Royal Terrace
May 3
May 19
May 17
May 24
Tony M
Joyce K
Jane G
Missionary Church
May 31
Sid V
Religious Puns:
People are funny; they want the front of the bus, middle of the road and back of the church.
God loves everyone, but probably prefers ‘fruits of the spirit’ over ‘religious nuts’!
God promises a safe landing not a calm passage.
Don’t let your worries get the best of you; remember Moses started out a ‘basket case’!
March of Dimes Canada (Dratyon, Fergus Harriston areas) are looking for persons to
work as a Support Service Attendant assisting disabled adults in their home with
activities of daily living. For further explanation and contact information please view
the posting on the church bulletin.
SS age 3 to Grade 8
Pastor Paul Droogers
Offering: Diaconate
Mother’s Day
SS age 3 to Grade 8
Pastor Paul Droogers
Offering: Operation Manna
Operation Manna Sunday
SS age 3 to Grade 8
Pastor Kees Vandermey
Offering: Nepal Earthquake
Disaster Relief
Victoria Day
Hall rental afternoon
events calendar
SS age 3 to Grade 8
Pastor Paul Droogers
Offering: World Renew
Maternal & Child Health
Profession of Faith Sunday
Pentecost Sunday
Installation of Elders and
24 SS age 3 to Grade 8
Pastor Paul Droogers
Offering: World Missions
Council 8pm
Deacons 8pm
Elders 8 pm
Youth Group
Classis Meeting
in Waterloo
Youth Group
Ascension Day
Service in Listowel
7:00 pm
Youth Group
MOD board room
rental 1-3:30
Committee of
Stewards meeting
at 7:30 pm
Catering event
Youth Group
Catering event
Birthdays & Anniversaries
(B)Dirk L
(B) Darian R
(A)Jim & Irene S
(B)Jake V
(B)Natasha H
(A) Martin & Darlene V
(B)Cole M
(B)Julie W
(A)Bruce & Jenn R
(A) Mark & Katie S
(A)Randy & Lisa G
(B)Shawna R
(B)Michelle T
(B)Carter M
(B)Sarah B
(B)Kaitlin S
(B)Tara D
(B)Emily D
(B)Courtney B
(B)Eric D
(B)Noah S
(B)Rachel Va
(B)Briana V
(A)Harold & Dorothy S
(A)Henry & Sonia B
(A)Rob & Sara v
(A)Doug & Sandy S
(B)Kyle M
(B)James D
(B)Brooklyn V
(B)Diny R
(B)Mary N
(B)Scott N
(A)Nick & Corrie D
(B)Marilyn B
(B)Janelle Z
(B)Bert V
(B)Connor D
(B)Wayne V
(B)Sandy S
(B)Martin V
(A)Phil & Yvonne V
(A)Wayne & Diny V
(A)John & Heather K
(A)Fred & Cora S
(B)Harry H
(A)Tony & Jane M
(B)Trish Murray
(B)Matthew Rumph
(B)Reeghan Rumph
(B) Lisa Struyk
(B)Crystal Huberts
(A)Hank & Betty Thalen