The Magazine of Eastgate Union Church, Louth (Baptist and United Reformed) In this month’s edition: • • • • You are the Church Breaking News from the Paetzolds The Big Church Weekend Camp If you enjoy walking… MARCH 2015 From our Pastor Dear Friends, In recent weeks we have been reminded about the importance of the Word of God - the Bible in our lives. The Bible is much more than simply a book filled with information about God that is helpful for those who read it. In a recent sermon we started with this quote: “The Bible is …” The Bible (in it’s original language) is the Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit and written by human hand, it is something we can trust implicitly and can live out every aspect of our lives shaped by it. In his book, “Taking God at His Word”, Kevin DeYoung writes that “the most effective means for bolstering our confidence in the Bible is to spend time in the Bible.” Simply, the more we read the Bible (all of it, rather than just the parts we like or understand) the more we will experience the reality of God speaking through it and be willing to trust all that it says. As we read the Bible we will observe several important characteristics of God’s Word. These will include recognising the “Sufficiency” of Scripture, that is, that the Bible provides everything we need in terms of God’s revelation of Himself. In other words, we need not look elsewhere to know who God is beyond the Scriptures and where they point us. We will also recognise the “Clarity” of Scripture - ironically the technical term for the clarity of Scripture is “the perspicuity” of Scripture! - when read as a whole, the message of Scripture is obvious. This does not mean there are not parts that leave us wondering, but the central message is not cloaked in mystery, nor are the requirements of Scripture laid out in it’s commands. Another characteristic of Scripture that is difficult for some to accept is that it is “Authoritative”. God’s Word revealed in Scripture is the “final word” in all matters! You will recall that at the close of the Bible there is a clear warning in regard to adding to or taking anything from the Scriptures (see Revelation 22:18), and Jesus himself says something on this matter in Matthew 5:17-20. Ultimately we will recognise the “Necessity” of Scripture. This is most profoundly communicated through the life of Jesus and the way in which He uses the Scriptures. We note that when confronted by satan in the wilderness (see Matthew 4:1-11), Jesus doesn’t call down power from heaven to deal with him, rather he states, “it is written …” He resorts to the Word of God! He recognises what is said of the Word of God in Isaiah 55:11: “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall ac- complish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” As I have said on numerous occasions. I am convinced that one of the most important issues that will define the Christian Church in the immediate future will be the place of the Bible. The reading of the Scriptures with a heart to both hear and obey the voice of God will define the Church that is destined to be the beautiful bride of Christ. I long for a time when all believers “delight in the law of the Lord and on His law [they] meditate day and night.” I would strongly implore you to prioritise carefully reading the Word of God, not just on your own but alongside other believers. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help in finding resources that can help, and especially getting involved with any of the groups that already meet to read and explore the Bible during the week. Every blessing, your friend, Chris News of the Family Those who are in need of our prayers: We offer our prayerful sympathy to Freda Draper whose sister has died. Sue Banister had had ongoing problems with her throat in recent months pray that she will very soon receive the correct treatment that she needs in order to make eating normally a possibility and pleasure again. Bernice Jones is much better, but is still in hospital in Lincoln - having been there since early September and having had two major operations. She is now having physiotherapy to enable her to walk again. She is hoping to be transferred to the rehabilitation unit with the aim to be able to leave the hospital by April. She will then be living with her daughter in Manby until she is able to live independently. Please pray for her continued recovery. Remember Alan Dyson in your prayers as he struggles with cancer and a problem with his legs; also Dennis Snowdon as he continues to recover form his time in hospital at the end of last year. Also please continue to pray for Beryl Walters, Michael Henderson , Brian Moore, Joy Morris, Nigel Gash, and their partners and families. P.T.O. Our thoughts and prayers are with June & Colin Lambert: Colin’s daughter, Maggi, who recently had a bone marrow transplant, was rushed into Addenbrook’s hospital where she is still at the time of writing. The Christianity Explored Course has got off to a good start, with a number of folk attending. Please continue to pray for all the participants as they journey through Mark’s Gospel. Please continue to remember those unable to join us regularly for worship: Joe Moore and Paul White. Birthday Greetings for March 4th 11th 12th 14th 15th 17th Abigail Overton Dave Brewster Heather Grierson Duncan Doughty Ann Smith Trish Woodward 21st Philip Greenfield 24th Dave Flegg Mac Litterick 28th Peter Mansergh 31st Sue Litterick CHURCH AGM – Wednesday 25th March A reminder that the Annual Election of Elders will take place at the AGM and all nominations must be in to the Secretary by Sunday 1st March please. The names of all nominees will be publicised in the Church Notices from Sunday 8th March onwards for your prayerful consideration before the elections. Church Appointments: If you are intending stepping down from any particular role at the AGM please let Carol Irwin know so that vacancies can be publicised. Currently, the following roles need filling:Magazine Editor Publicity Health & Safety Officer If you are interested in any of these roles, or perhaps have ideas on how they could be developed, please see Carol or Chris in the first instance. You are the Church Taken from UCB “Word for Today” sent in by Audrey Moore If you think the unemployment statistics in the country are bad, take a look at the Church. Twenty percent of its members give eighty percent of its income, and do eighty percent of its work. The rest are happy just to be spectators. It’s easy to sit back, criticise and say, “Why doesn’t the Church do something about the problem?” Hold on there: You are the Church: you do something about it! You say, “But I left my Church because I don’t like the way they do things.” You didn’t leave God’s Church, which is the body of Christ, did you? So instead of talking about what your Church doesn’t do, look in the mirror and ask yourself, “What am I doing for the Lord?” Do you know what an Armchair Manager is? It’s someone who analyses the game when it’s over, criticises the players, complains about the referee’s calls, and is content to sit in the stadium and be a spectator rather than a player. Hello! It takes commitment to spend hours in practice knowing you’ll be booed by the crowd, tackled by opponents, and will leave the field beat up and covered in dirt. The Bible says that the job of your Pastor is: “To equip God’s people to do His work and build up the Church… This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. Then we will no longer be immature like children…” (Ephesians 4:12-14 New Living Translation). Think about it! From the Editor Heather Grierson Just a reminder that the April Edition of this Magazine will be the last one I write! So far no one has come forward to take it over; and to my knowledge no suggestions have been made about how to maintain good communications if no one comes forward and Magazine production stops. As I wrote in the January Magazine, I feel our Magazine is really worth continuing with, as it reaches folk who do not attend every week and therefore don’t always know what is going on. And also a surprising number of Church folk still do not use the Internet. It is also a useful tool for mission, and helps us keep in touch with “fringe” people. If anyone thinks they might possibly be interested in taking over, or if you have any other suggestions about effective communication at The Church on the Corner, please come and talk to me. The job could also become more of a team effort, with different folk being responsible for, e.g., folding/collation/stapling and distribution. WHO’S WHO AT EGU Age (Exact or approximate) 59 Your immediate family Wendy, my wife Place of Birth Born in Ilford, Essex What brought you to Louth? The Wolds, countryside and lovely “market town” How long have you lived in Louth? 15 months Peter Andrews Your job Managing Director of a property investment company Spare time interests Dog walking! Favourite Books I like James Paterson novels When/How did you first come to faith in Christ? As a teenager at Ilford High Road Baptist Church. I was baptised at age 17 there Favourite Bible Characters Joshua and Caleb for their trust in God and their perseverance Favourite Hymn My Baptism hymn, “O Jesus I have promised” When did you first start to attend EGU? November 2013 How long have you been a member? Since March 2014 What first attracted you to EGU? I have always attended Baptist or URC Churches Where can we meet you in our fellowship? Sunday morning, Men’s Bible Study, Prayer Meeting What “jobs” do you do in our Church? I’m on various rotas, and involved in setting up for the Soup Lunches Are you involved in the wider Church beyond EGU in any way? Several Christian Charities and two Churches in Essex Walking in the Wolds Julia Gibson is once again organizing three Walks to help raise money in Christian Aid Week (which is in May) - you will be able to choose between 3, 15 or 30 miles, according to your level of expertise. In preparation for that, Julia will be holding three Practice Walks in March and April (see below), all starting from Louth Methodist Church. She asks that you let her have your email address if you intend going on any of these, in case she needs to cancel any of them at short notice. All walkers will need stout footwear (preferably boots), water and waterproof clothing. In addition, Julia advises that you take with you food (bananas are the thing), whistle, sweater, emergency food, and trousers to be carried if shorts are worn. If you would like to part take in any of the Practice Walks please contact Derek Gibson (07917305270) or Julia Gibson (01507 354626, Wed-Fri 8am-4pm). For the “proper” Walks during Christian Aid Week, Julia is hoping participants will gain sponsorship, and walkers will be asked for a minimum donation to Christian Aid of £5 for the 3 mile walk, or £10 for the 15 and 30 mile walks. It is suggested that walkers donate at the Practice Walks too. Details for the Walks during Christian Aid Week will appear in the April Magazine. Practice Walks, all leaving from Nichol Hill at 9.00am - all in the Lincolnshire Wolds: 7th March 9.5 miles 4 hours 28th March 15 miles 6 hours 18th April 15 miles 6 hours Welcome to Ineke! On Sunday 1st March Ineke Haaring will be with us at EGU! Ineke has been at New Tribes Missionary College in the recent past, both as a student and as a member of the kitchen staff. She has since then been out to Papua New Guinea, but is currently back in her homeland, the Netherlands. She will be sharing something of what she has been doing in Papua New Guinea during our worship. Breaking News from the Paetzold family! Christiaan hurt his knee quite badly when he very “creatively” kicked mud from his shoes! After a lot of thought, prayer and more prayer we have come to the decision that we all need to go down to South Africa (Alfred was going to fly down next week for three weeks). We have peace that this is God’s will. With Alfred’s conference and us being here alone for three weeks we feel that this is the best for us as a family. Accommodation for the 4 of us was difficult in Lichinga and to stay here would have been hard. The children and I will then be in SA until we leave for the SIM training in May. Alfred will fly back up as soon as we have our visas, hopefully end of March. A lot of unplanned travels lie ahead! Not quite what we had envisioned for 2015, but we know God is in control and we trust Him! We have already seen how He opened many doors in just a few days – a miracle indeed in this bureaucratic paperwork country! Please pray for Christiaan as we travel down…. And for safe travels - it is the RAINY Season...! We praise the Lord that we managed to get an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon on the 24th of Febr! We also have a place to stay and managed to renew our work permits – all in 2 days!! Although we didn’t plan this crazy trip, we realize that the Lord is still in control. We are even getting excited about the visit! We have been in Mozambique for 8 years now and have only gone on very short furloughs, so this will be quite a different experience! We really pray for a good break even though we need to see doctors! We can relax because we know that God works everything for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes! (Rom 8) Greetings in Jesus’ Name, Alfred & Belinda Paetzold From Liz & Ragnar Niclasen in the Philippines: Dear Friends at the Church on the Corner, It is with thankful hearts that we send out this note. Thank you for praying and keeping in touch - it means so much. God has been so good to us in blessing us with folks like you to cheer us on. The 14th of January was a very exciting day - final reading of the Kankana-ey New Testament! Thank once more for praying us through each step. We are very, very thankful for how smooth it went. Now we are working on 2 additional books - Psalms and Proverbs. It would be our dream to someday have the whole Bible on audio, but that is many years down the road, as so far only 40% of the OT has been translated. Being able to make two trips into the tribal area this past month was a HUGE blessing. We had a visitor from Germany who was very interested in visiting a tribal church. Since the area where we lived for many years is not a possible day trip, we took her to the nearest location where there is a small group of believers (2-3 hr. drive), and then returned the following week to share at their Thanksgiving Service. What an encouraging time - hearing their stories of God's faithfulness in their lives over the past 20 years brought tears to our eyes. God also gave us another opportunity to meet some fellow workers with the Igorots. People from many areas on Northern Luzon meet together each year to study His Word and work on strategy for the upcoming year. Ragnar was asked to share at this recent BIBAK Conference. It was encouraging to hear what is going on with other organizations and a wonderful surprise to meet a lady there from our village of Lenga. Her sibling was the Catholic Catechista in our village and caused us endless headaches. Now her sister is a believer and faithfully attending the BIBAK church. God continues to do miracles!! This is just a bird's eye view of a few things that have taken place this month, but our blog has been updated with pictures and more details of each activity, plus a few more exciting happenings. ( In Christ's Amazing Love, Ragnar and Elizabeth A Rabbi said to a precocious six year old boy, “So your mother says your prayers for you each night? That’s very commendable. What does she say?” The little boy replied, “Thank God he’s in bed!” ☺ The Big Church Weekend Camp John Eedle This will be held at Woodthorpe Leisure Park, next door to the Garden Centre, from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th August. Please get in touch as soon as possible, so I can book the right amount of pitches. To give an idea of the cost, it will be around £20 per pitch per night. Plus an extra £2.50 per night if you have an awning. I may be able to get a group discount and will let everyone know later on. There are excellent facilities there: lovely walks, a big park for the kids, golf, a driving range, fishing lakes and a really nice restaurant and bar. The youth are trying to raise money to make it more affordable for everyone. We will organise a bbq for the Saturday lunch time. This will be a bringand-share meal, open to anyone else who doesn't want to camp as well. John and Helen Eedle are organising this event and would appreciate early responses to avoid disappointment. Telephone them on 01507 327239 or 07743 789500. Life Attitudes A five session Course on The Beatitudes started on 23rd February, 10.30am Mondays in Church Hs, Upgate and from 26th February 2pm Thursdays at Trinity Centre A booklet is available if ordered in advance - phone Paul Hill on 605222 run by the Anglicans - all welcome! A Sunday School teacher asked, “Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was in the Ark?” “No,” replied Johnny, “How could he, with just two worms?” Need a Wheelchair? Marilyn Machin has a spare wheelchair which she is willing to lend out to people needing one, for example for visiting relatives. You can contact Marilyn on (01507) 601476 Computer Operators We are always looking for additional helpers to man the computer on Sunday mornings. If you would be interested in learning more about it, and/or would be interested in some training, please see John Eedle. Calendar for March Sun 1st 10.30am Tue 3rd Thu 5th Fri 6th Sun 8th Sat 14th Sun 15th Sat 21st Sun 22nd Wed 25th Sun 29th 7.30pm 7.30pm 2.00pm 10.30am 10.30am 12 noon 10.30am 7.30pm 10.30am Worship led by Heather Grierson - including the visit of Ineke Haaring, formerly of New Tribes Deadline for Nomination of Elders Elders’ Meeting Churches Together Quarterly Meeting Women’s World Day of Prayer - at St. Mary’s, Upgate Communion Service led by Rev. Chris Ray Away Day for Christianity Explored Course Mothering Sunday Family Service - Rev. Chris Ray Soup Lunch Worship led by Rev. Chris Ray Church AGM & Election of Elders PALM SUNDAY Worship led by Rev. Chris Ray All material for the April Magazine needs to be with the Editor by Sunday 22nd March at the very latest please. Minister’s Diary 1st 3rd 9th 11th - 2nd Holiday Elders’ Meeting Meeting with Mentor in Lincoln URC Ministers’ Meeting in Sleaford 14th Christianity Explored Away Day 25th Baptist Ministers’ Meeting in Grimsby Church AGM + Christianity Explored each Tuesday afternoon & Wednesday evening Friday 6th March Women’s World Day of Prayer 2pm St. Mary’s Church, Upgate Reflections delivered by Rev. Kate Toogood Bring a bright scarf! For more information on the Women’s World Day of Prayer visit “150 Years” A few copies of our History are still available at the back of the Church, price only £1. Please help yourself, and hand your £1 to Heather or Seith Grierson. Minister Secretary Treasurer Magazine Editor Rev. Chris Ray 10 Elm Drive Mrs. Carol Irwin 24 Oak Close Mrs. Audrey Moore North Elkington Mrs. Heather Grierson 52 Chestnut Drive Email: [email protected] Worship Group Caroline Isherwood Youth Team Carolyn Ray Tue. Bible Study Pat Robinson Thu, Bible Study Annie Farrow Smith Thu. Hsgroup Carol Irwin Room Lettings Carol Irwin Craft Circle Dorothy Ingham Brownies/Rainbows Pam Elliott 602692 604007 606706 605066 343349 602692 610464 609932 604007 604007 600907 601151 CHURCH ACTIVITIES Sunday 10.15am Open Prayer Meeting in the Lounge 10.30am Morning Worship; + Children’s & Young People’s Groups Communion 3rd Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thu Fri Sat 2.00pm Craft Circle - in the Sanctuary 10.30am Tuesday Drop In - at the Church 7.00pm Ladies’ Bible Study - 23 Eresbie Road 7.30pm Elders’ Meeting (1st Tuesday) 10 - 12 noon Coffee Morning in the Lounge “Sunbeams” (Mums & Toddlers) in the Church Hall 7.30pm Men’s Bible Study - Church Lounge 7.30pm Church Meeting (4th Wednesday alternate months) 10.15am Bible Study - in the Church 1.00pm Flower Arranging Class in the Church Hall (fortnightly) 4.30pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 9-10am Rainbows Brownies Worship Group Rehearsal in the Church Prayer Meeting in the Sanctuary OUR MISSION STATEMENT God calls us to be a Worshipping, Caring, Growing Family, committed to following and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.
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