The Green Path to Youth Entrepreneurship - East Sweden EU

The Green Path
to Youth Entrepreneurship
Youth Exchange, KA1 Erasmus+
Murcia, Spain
28th March – 5th April 2015 (Eastern Holidays)
21st SEPTEMBER 2014
→ Youth entrepreneurship
→ Rural development
→ Sustainable development
→ Heritage
→ Leadership
→ Interculturality
→ Non-formal education
Who we are?
The Association for Action and Research on Urban Social Exclusion
–EXURB– provides services related to the needs of people in
emergency situations, risk or exclusion, focusing on information,
guidance, counselling, care and training, in order to boost their
social integration and labour insertion. The scope of EXURB
extends across the region of Murcia, southeast Spain.
EXURB counts with the collaboration of professionals coming from
different disciplines, making thus a multidisciplinary team: university
professors, researchers, local development workers, employment
counsellors, youth and social workers, educators and specialists on
intercultural communication and conflict resolution.
The youth exchange the Green Path to Youth Entrepreneurship is
supported by the City Council of Albudeite, interested in mobilizing
young people towards an active citizenship.
at is the frame of the youth exchange?
EXURB currently runs a project on agro-green labour insertion with
young unemployed people in the village of Albudeite (1,371
inhabitants), 25 km. far away from Murcia, the capital city. The
project intends to improve the employability and boosts the selfemployment with the start-up of ecological urban gardens, becoming
thus a reference for selling and marketing such ecological products
among the residents in the area.
What is the youth exchange about?
The Green Path to Youth Entrepreneurship will gather 25 young
people between 18 and 30 years old from 5 different EU countries,
being thus each group composed by 5 participants + 1 group leader.
The youth exchange will take place along the Vía Verde del
Noroeste de Murcia (Murcia Northwest Green Path), walking each
day a stretch of the path, and crossing the villages and towns on its
way. The Vía Verde is a non-motorized route using the old railway
line between Murcia and Caravaca de la Cruz, 78 km. natural way in
which it can be enjoyed a wide variety of landscapes, alternating
with areas of arid pine forests and charming villages of the interior
and the northwest Murcia. 61 km. will be walked by the participants.
Intercultural groups will get involve each day in different dynamics in
the old train stations along the Vía Verde, turn nowadays into youth
hostels (also the places where participants will be accommodated)
Such activities will lead to explore different dimensions of the youth
entrepreneur, presenting each group at the end their reflections
through creative meanings.
The participants will also visit the cities of Murcia and Caravaca de
la Cruz, will have a bath in the Mula thermal water, will be taught
about the natural and cultural heritage along the Vía Verde, will
improve their English skills and will learn some Spanish, will share in
the intercultural evenings…!
Which are the objectives?
Peer exchange and learning knowledge, skills and
competences on youth entrepreneurship in rural areas,
throughout a walking route by the Vía Verde del Noroeste de
la Región de Murcia.
Develop intercultural competencies among the participants
and raise interest to learn/reinforce foreign languages.
Build a sense of European citizenship.
Place non-formal and informal education among the
participating organizations as a complementary mean to
formal training and education.
Raise other young people’s interest to get involve into
European mobility projects.
When is it?
During the Eastern holidays, from Saturday 28th March to Sunday 5th
April 2015, considering travel days the first and the last one. The
temperature will round the 20 degrees. Murcia counts with an
average of 300 sunny days in the year.
How are the partner’s profiles we are looking for?
They are any kind of organization eligible to take part in the
KA1/Erasmus+ and settled in an EU programme country. They have
a PIC code. They are ideally organizations which currently
undertake a project on youth entrepreneurship in a rural area.
How does the financing look like?
The project proposal foresees 100% of those costs linked to room
and board, internal transportation, social insurance and cultural
visits. The available costs to travel will be settled by the European
distance calculator, having the sending organizations or the own
participants to cover the difference in case the final amount is
How do I contact EXURB to further discuss on
this initiative?
Please contact Alberto Cerezo per E-mail at
[email protected]
or by telephone
+34 968200293 ext. 33730 / Bureau 22
Looking forward to talking to you.