PARTNER SEARCH: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic partnerships in the field of youth NAME OF THE INSTITUTION Bjelovar-Bilogora County TYPE OF INSTITUTION Regional administration CONTACT Bjelovar-Bilogora County Dr. Ante Starčevića 8 43000 Bjelovar Croatia CONTACT PERSON Stjepan Kos, civil society referent +385 43 221 923 [email protected] CALL FOR PROPOSALS KA2: Strategic partnerships in the field of youth (decentralised call) DEADLINE April 30th INTERESTS Bjelovar-Bilogora County has established an intersectoral team and plans to involve the County's Youth Council to prepare a project for the above mentioned call with special focus on: Promoting empowerment, participation and the active citizenship of young people, through projects that aim to: broaden and deepen political and social participation of young people at local, regional, national, European or global level; enable young people to connect with, express their opinions to and influence elected policy-makers, public administrations, interest groups, civil society organisations, or individual citizens within any of the political or social processes affecting their lives. Promoting entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people. Priority will be placed on projects that allow groups of young people to put entrepreneurial ideas into practice with a view to tackling challenges and problems identified within their communities. The County is interested in either leading or being a project partner. PROJECT TITLE Youth for knowledge and cooperation PROJECT IDEA Bjelovar-Bilogora County would like to work on a project proposal based on their interests stated above with other project partners. The project will have focus on active citizenship, civil education, youth participation in politics, youth thinking about unemployment, social entrepreneurship, social inovations and implication of new technologies on employement and society. Bjelovar-Bilogora county will be included as well as Youth Council of Bjelovar-Bilogora County, secondary schools and youth associations. Short description of activities: 1. Preparatory activities and the first meeting of all partners. Understanding the situation of young people in connection with active citizenship, civic education in schools, participation in social, political and economic life at local, regional and national levels, social entrepreneurship and youth employment, ... 2. Preparation and setting up a web platform for sharing information, knowledge and cooperation. 3. Organizing 3-4 conference in the partner’s countries on topics agreed at the preparatory meeting answering the questions: how to get better position for young people and more involvement of young people in social, political and economic processes in order to contribute to local community and European Union. 4. Organization of mobility or exchange of youth between partner organizations and countries so they get familiar with the work of schools, school cooperatives, youth organizations, youth clubs and local and regional forms of participation in the administration. 5. Drafting and publication of a joint charter with the analysis of problems and solutions developed through our project. 6. Closing conference in Brussels. TYPE OF PARTNER SOUGHT Schools, associations, local and regional governments, institutes and other organizations. DEADLINE FOR THE EXPRESSION OF INTEREST April 10th
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