Council of Churches News Activities for the Week Easter

Harry Bloor (Mar 31)
Activities for the Week
9:00 am Adult Sunday school
Help needed after church, especially need strong men – see note below
4:30 – 6 pm 4-H Meeting
6:30 pm Choir rehearsal
1 – 3:00 pm Crafters
7:00 pm Vital Congregation meeting
7:00 pm Prayer Time
7:30 pm Lenten Service – HUMC
9:00 – Noon UMW Thrifty Threads Sale
8:00 pm AA meeting
9:00 – Noon UMW Thrifty Threads Sale
9:30 – 3:30 pm GNJC UMW Spring Meeting
6:00 pm Chocolate Tasting Party
Continued healing & strength: Norma, Barry, Jackie G,
Richard T & son David, Rose, Diane L., Joann, Rev. Miller, Carol D,
Tara, Betty O, Karen, Abigail J, Harry & Jan B., Protection: Those
living with minimal protection from the winter weather or live
alone, all our service men & women, those living in war torn & unrest areas of the
world Wisdom: our government leaders; Guidance & support: Katie N, Helen
S, Stephanie – students & their families, HUMC, families who are suffering
financially & those looking for jobs Comfort: those who continue to suffer the
effects from the natural disasters in this country and the world Traveling
mercies: for anyone traveling this week.
Help Is Needed This Morning to bring down clothing racks and
clothing from upstairs Burton Hall for the Thrifty Threads Sale. There are several
clothing racks in the Thrifty Threads room that are filled with clothing and two
round racks in the big room. The clothing will need to be removed from the racks
and brought down separately. There is also clothing in the big room that has been
sorted and put in piles. This clothing can be brought down and laid on the tables.
Thank you for whatever help you can give this morning. Any clothing left upstairs
can be taken care of later in the week.
Mark Your Calendars, Tell Your Friends
Council of Churches News
1. Council of Churches will be joining the Fire Department for the Easter
Egg hunt on Saturday, April 12th. It will be held at the Hopewell Park.
(venue was changed)
We need 3 volunteers from our church on April 6th to help stuff the
bags at Calvary Baptist at 5:30 pm.
We need 3 volunteers from our church to help the day of - April 12 to
get the eggs ready, roping off the area, and keeping watch that no one
gets hurt while scrambling for the eggs.
If you can help, please be in touch Phyllis Schanck 466-1362
2. Food Pantry is getting low on the following items:
Soups, peanut butter, juices, individual oatmeal packets, tuna fish,
spaghetti sauces, canned spaghetti, canned ravioli. A box marked Council
of Churches Food Pantry will be available in the Narthex for the donations.
3. Taking down the Nativity: Men are needed to help on April 5th @ 9am
beginning with a delicious breakfast.
February Results are in!
Future With Hope - Sandy Recovery
28 Homes Complete, 18 Homes Under Construction, 36 Homes in Queue,
5,416 Volunteers. 12 Host Sites, 298 Hosting Capacity, 213 Families
Working with Case Managers
Ewing Disaster Relief
Today is the last day we will be collecting for this. Thank you to all who
were able to help in any way.
TASK Toiletries
Thank you to all who have donated toiletries for TASK. Please bring any
toiletry donations to the church by April 6 which will be the end of our inchurch drive. With the donations received so far, we have made up 13
monthly and 22 weekly hygiene kits plus one box of miscellaneous items
from the list. Irene
Scholarship Applications
"Thrifty Threads" Gently Used Clothing Sale
Friday, April 4-Saturday, April 5 - 9 a.m. - noon
Come and get your spring wardrobe! United Methodist Women offer gently used
clothing for men, women and children for a donation. No pricing of items.
Forms for the Joanne Davison Memorial Scholarship can be found on the table by
the bulletins or see Diane Baratta.
The deadline to turn in the application is May 1st.
Ladies/Girls Night Out
The ups and downs in life are temporary, but God’s love is constant and sure.
“Remember, I am with you always.” -Matthew 28:20
Join us for a chocolate tasting party! Come and enjoy both sweet and savory
offerings. April 5 - 6:00 PM at the parsonage--18 Blackwell Ave
Proceeds from the purchases will benefit the Hopewell United Methodist Church.
Food for Thought
(From Daily Word, March 26, 2014)
Lilies for Easter Sunday can be ordered now for $7.50 each. Let us know
how many lilies you would like and in whose memory or name you are
dedicating them.
The deadline for orders is Sunday, April 6
Contact Francina Case or Karen Reid in person or by email
[email protected]
[email protected]
Or drop the order form with payment attached into the collection plate
(Checks payable to HUMC)
Your Name
# of Plants
Dedicated to or in memory of:
Total enclosed