ENVIRONMENTALLY Įžanga FRIENDLY COMPANY About “Ecoservice”: let the numbers talk 48 900 000 Turnover in 2012, LTL 35 746 000 Income from collection of household waste in 2012, LTL 583 634 Number of people served in 2012 181 908 Tons of household waste collected in 2012 83 842 Number of household waste containers in 2012 26 664 Tons of construction waste containers in 2012 11 922 Area of territory served in 2012, in square kilometres 7 799 Tons of secondary raw materials collected in 2012 4 393 Tons of large size waste collected in 2012 2 857 Number of secondary raw materials containers in 2012 392 Number of construction waste containers in 2012 435 Number of employees in 2012 20 Per cent of territory of Lithuania served in 2012 12 Number of municipalities in Lithuania served in 2012 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY I am proud to present JSC “Ecoservice”, one of the biggest companies in Lithuania engaged in collection, transportation and processing of secondary raw materials and municipal waste. From the very beginning of its activity “Ecoservice” pursued to be not only a company which renders particular services, but the company which renders services best of all, using most innovative and highest professional methods, the company the name of which is related not only to waste management, but also to cleanliness and ecological life style in general. We have succeeded. Reasonable and modern management, expedient investments allowed to achieve trust from clients and the society and also achieve perfect activity results: to increase the company turnover and income for several times, to constantly increase amounts of waste collected and managed, to increase the number of clients. The curve of company activity results has had and still has a clear tendency to rise. It could be argued with complete justification that we have gathered a team of great personnel, we have a strong technical basis, the most modern fleet of vehicles in Lithuania, we have implemented “Enwis”, one of the most advanced software solutions for the Waste Management and Recycling sector, we usually test and improve the quality of services and maintenance served. It allows to render high quality services, to perform even the most complicated tasks without any imperfection and to set ambitious future plans for ourselves. Our mission is to be a socially responsible business: not only to fulfil our obligations in an effective way but also to model society’s opinion and train environmentally friendly habits. Quality, reliability and ecology are the main principles of our activity. Taking them in account, we pursue to render services better, to guarantee that clients’ needs are satisfied, the interests of the environment and all society groups are respected; in our work we feel responsible for our actions and we are satisfied about perfectly done work. Our company’s activity proves that waste management could be performed in an innovative, safe and aesthetical way. Clean environment is one of the main conditions for comfort and high quality human life. JSC “Ecoservice” takes care of it with seriousness, responsibility and professional attitude. Saulius Budrevičius, Director General IN 2005 In 2005 JSC “Bionovus” purchased “Ecoservice” company shares. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Development The history of the company “Ecoservice” is the history of the company, which by satisfying clients’ needs, the interests of the society and adopting innovative management decisions, is worthy to be a successful company. The company was established in 1995 to collect and prepare secondary raw materials for recycling. Soon the activity was expanded: household, construction and demolition, also hazardous, liquid and large size waste were started to be handled. Taking into account the needs of society, the range of services is constantly renewed and increased. After 10 years (in 2005) JSC “Bionovus” purchased the shares of the company. “Ecoservice” got some opportunities to increase investments, to effectively renew the fleet of vehicles, to use all current potentials and increase economic activity. Taking into account the needs of society, the range of services is constantly renewed and increased. MAIN FACTS FROM THE HISTORY OF “ECOSERVICE” In 1995 The company “Vienituras” is established. In 2005 JSC “Bionovus” becomes the shareholder of the company. In 2006 JSC “Vienituras” purchases JSC “Trakų rajono komunalinių įmonių kombinatas“ and starts to render services in Trakai district. JSC “Vienituras” wins the tender for waste collection services and starts to render services in Šilutė district. In 2007 The company changes its name and becomes JSC “Ecoservice”. The company expands the territory of activity by purchasing three companies: JSC “Švaros projektai”, JSC “AŽR“ and JSC “Specialus autotransportas”, operating in Klaipėda region and Pagėgiai. After reorganization the companies are merged and operate under one name of JSC “Specialus autotransportas”. Fleet of vehicles is renewed from the basics. In 2008 JSC “Ecoservice” wins the tender for waste collection services and starts to render services in Širvintos district. In 2009 ISO 9001:2008 (quality standard) and ISO 14001:2004 (standard for environmental protection) are implemented. JSC “Ecoservice” wins the tender for waste collection services and starts to render services in Varėna district. In 2010 SC “City Service” becomes the shareholder of the company. JSC “Ecoservice” purchases JSC “A.S.A Vilnius”. Having won tenders for waste collection services, it starts to render services for Neringa, Vilkaviškis, and Kazlų Rūda municipalities. In 2011 The company is the first awarded of EMAS environmental protection certificate in Lithuania. New waste record and management system “Emwis” is implemented. Waste collection services are rendered in Radviliškis municipality. JSC “Lazdijų komunalinis ūkis” is purchased and incorporated into JSC „Komunalinių įmonių kombinatas“. Services are rendered in Lazdijai district. In 2012 JSC „Ecoservice“ purchases JSC „SKT Environmental Services Klaipėda“ (previous Veolia Environmental Services Klaipėda) and incorporates into JSC „Specialus autotransportas“. The company started providing secondary raw materials collection services in Pakruojis District Municipality. JSC „A.S.A. Vilnius“ changes its name and becomes JSC „Tvar.com“. “ECOSERVICE” “Ecoservice” group consists of four enterprises engaged in collection and processing of waste, city cleaning and maintenance of streets. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Structure JSC “Ecoservice” is a member of the “City service” group. More than 30 companies using innovative methods in Lithuania and engaged in the areas of industry, real estate, energetics and ecology, municipal services and entertainment business belong to the group at this moment. “Ecoservice” has its branches in Vilnius, Širvintos, Šilutė, Vilkaviškis, Pagėgiai, Kazlų Rūda, Radviliškis and three subsidiaries: JSC “Komunalinių įmonių kombinatas”, JSC “Specialus autotransportas”, and JSC “Tvar.com”. “ECOSERVICE” “Tvar.com” “Komunalinių įmonių kombinatas” “Specialus autotransportas” The “Ecoservice” group operates in 12 municipalities in Lithuania. INVESTMENTS OF “ECOSERVICE” Constant investments in innovative solutions and state-of-the-art technology make JSC “Ecoservice” one of the most modern companies rendering municipal services in Lithuania and the Baltic region countries. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Services and areas of activity During more than fifteen years of its activity “Ecoservice” has become a company which renders all services related to maintenance of cleanliness of environment and living area, maintenance of cleanliness for manufacture, industry and trade companies. The company handles all kinds of waste, offers other relevant services for company clients and the society. A wide range of services and the fact that they are rendered in an integrated manner and with flexibility, taking into account individual needs of clients, strengthens the company’s ability to compete, helps optimize decisions of manufacture and logistics and increase profitability of its activity as well. Constantly taking into consideration market changes and expanding the range of services, at the moment the company offers the following services for its clients: • • • • • • • • • • Collection and transportation of household waste Collection and transportation of construction waste Collection and transportation of secondary raw materials Collection and transportation of hazardous waste Sorting and preparation for recycling of secondary raw materials, construction and large size waste Collection and transportation of waste water and liquid waste Collection and transportation of medical waste Collection of tyres Maintenance of streets and territories Maintenance of sites for collection of large size and hazardous waste AREAS OF ACTIVITY ACCORDING TO INCOME Waste water, 3 % Large size waste, 3 % Secondary raw materials, 8 % Medical waste, 1 % Hazardous waste, 1 % Сity maintenance services, 4 % Construction waste, 7 % Household waste, 73 % The quality of services rendered by “Ecoservice” is guaranteed by quality standard ISO 9001:2008 implemented in 2009. PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH OF “ECOSERVICE” Balanced and well-proportioned development, including all the following activity parameters: the quality of rendered services, number of clients and territories served, technical capacities, financial indicators, is an exceptional and very relevant principle of growth of “Ecoservice”. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Activity results Within the last seven years, “Ecoservice” has reached impressive activity results that prove a consistent and well-balanced company management policy. The very well-balanced development of the company shows that the company has strong fundamentals of activity, reasonable principles and perfect opportunities to achieve good results in the future. Since 2010 the sales of “Ecoservice” group companies grew by more than 30 per cent. The rapid growth of the “Ecoservice” group companies, development of business directions and efficiency of their management is proved by financial and other indicators of economic activity of the period from 2006 to 2012. Lately the biggest part of income has been gained from the sale of municipal waste management. Over the last seven years, from 2006 to 2012, the turnover of “Ecoservice” increased more than three times, the income from municipal waste management, comprising the major and the biggest part of the area of the company‘s activity, increased more than three times. TURNOVER IN MILLION LTL 48,90 50 44,50 45 40 34,72 35 33,47 35,90 30 25 21,82 20 15 14,90 10 5 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Activity results Since 2006 the number of municipalities and people served by JSC “Ecoservices” has increased almost three times as well as, the area of the territory served grew three times too. NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE COLLECTED IN TONS 181 908 200 000 175 207 143 475 150 000 123 689 104 437 100 000 50 000 40 337 0 2007 2008 2009 Number of municipalities served 14 2010 2011 2012 Number of people served 700 000 12 12 10 500 000 8 400 000 6 300 000 4 4 583 634 600 000 215 535 200 000 2 100 000 0 2006 2012 0 2006 2012 Territory served in square kilometres Number of household waste containers, in units 14 000 100 000 11 922 12 000 83 842 80 000 10 000 60 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 40 000 3 531 20 000 2 000 0 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY 28 422 2006 2012 0 2006 2012 At the moment the company has three times more containers for household waste and secondary raw materials than seven years ago. Household waste containers Secondary raw material containers Construction waste containers 392 2857 83 842 260 1 100 28 422 2006 2012 2006 2012 2006 2012 The impressive result of long-term, constant work of “Ecoservice” is a constantly growing territory served and an increasing number of clients. More and more Lithuanian companies, organisations, public institutions, commercial centres, educational and catering establishments as well as residents from housing developments and owners of privately owned homes choose services from “Ecoservice”, having evaluated the quality and price relationship and the company‘s principles of responsible activity. Increasing capacities of JSC “Ecoservice” are characterized by constantly growing number of regions and their residents served. AIM OF “ECOSERVICE” Taking into account the long term experience and successful activity principles, the aim is to further develop activity in Lithuanian and foreign markets by offering relevant long-lasting decisions for waste management. APLINKĄ TAUSOJANTI ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY KOMPANIJA COMPANY Development Modern management, implementation of innovative technologies, the increase of the area of services and a loyal team allowed for considerable expansion of the company. Having started from collection and preparation of secondary raw materials for recycling in Vilnius city, nowadays “Ecoservice” performs the activity of different waste collection in twelve municipalities in the Republic of Lithuania, covering 20 per cent of the territory of the country. “Ecoservice” has successfully entered foreign markets as well. At the moment services of household waste handling are rendered in Latvia (Riga) and Russia (Saint Petersburg) in cooperation with SC “City Service” which takes care of administration of buildings. Talks over secondary raw materials handling are also underway with foreign partners from Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Finland. MUNICIPALITIES SERVED JSC “Ecoservice” is the biggest company by the coverage of its activity in Lithuania. Ryga Sankt Petersburg Klaipėdos municipality Radviliškio municipality Neringos municipality Šilutės municipality Pagėgių municipality Širvintų municipality Kazlų Rūdos municipality Vilnius municipality Vilkaviškio municipality Trakų municipality Lazdijų municipality Varėnos municipality STRATEGIC PLANS JSC “Ecoservice” actively participates in international business delegations, takes interest in foreign countries‘ waste management markets and gladly exchanges its experience gathered in this area. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Plans for development The company‘s strategic plan for development includes expansion of the company‘s activity in Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Russia as well as in Western European countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom, and in the Baltic countries. Estonia Russia Latvia Lithuania United Kingdom Germany Poland Ukraine Moldova Georgia Armenia “ECOSERVICE” EMPLOYEES JSC “Ecoservice” constantly invests into competence, knowledge and skills development of its employees and strengthens their motivation to work. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Our strength lies in our employees JSC “Ecoservice” is proud of a professional and loyal team of employees. In 2012 435 employees worked in the company. True professionals, they are best specialists in their work area. The market leader position of the company and its area of activity has set down specific requirements for “Ecoservice” employees. Therefore, the company employs a personnel, holding certificates of professional competence issued by State Road Transport Inspectorate to manage passenger and cargo transportation by road in national and international transport as well as certified personnel responsible for security of dangerous cargo transportation and for hazardous waste management. JSC “Ecoservice” has qualified auditors of quality and environmental protection management system. All branch and unit managers are qualified in work and fire safety. “Ecoservice” constantly invests into competence, knowledge and skills development of employees. Employees from various areas and lines participate in training related to their position; they can also undergo periodic training in order to meet changing market requirements and challenges faced by a constantly growing company “Ecoservice”. With the purpose of its employees‘ team-builing and enhancement of their motivation,“Ecoservice” takes care of the employees’ comfort in generalcreating good working conditions, providing up-to-date and handy work equipment, offering free health checks as well as organising practical and entertaining team building seminars and events. JSC “Ecoservice” believes that employees are the key to the company‘s success. “Ecoservice” seeks that each employee would be proud of the company they work in, feel satisfaction in work they perform and, most of all, feel important and properly evaluated. AIM OF EMAS Is to find and reward those organizations and companies, that by their actions and attitude towards surrounding environment state that they not only comply with requirements of normative acts, but also are keen to save nature. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Certificates and licences JSC “Ecoservice” is the first company in Lithuania to which EMAS (The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) certificate has been awarded. An organization registered in EMAS have an obligation to regularly ensure its conformity to requirements of environmental protection laws and provide information to the public on relevant aspects of environmental protection, related aims and goals of environmental protection as well as essential data on the efficiency of environmental protection. • • • • Licence for hazardous waste handling Licence for dumping ground maintenance Licence for cargo transportation Certificates of quality and audit of environmental protection personnel • Integrated Polution Prevention and Control (IPPC) certificates LARGE AND MODERN FLEET OF VEHICLES The fleet of vehicles of JSC “Ecoservice” is one of the biggest and most modern. The company operates more than 130 special means of transport for different waste handling. The majority of means of transport corresponds to the requirements of EURO II, EURO IV, and EURO V standards. It creates qualitative working environment, helps to ensure the integrity of work process, and proves the company’s responsibility in the area of environmental protection. New highquality vehicles operate noiselessly, emitting a smaller amount of toxic substances into the atmosphere. S SISTEMA BO DY KU RTIFI OTA V A SE The quality of company management and services is ensured by satisfied requirements of standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2009. JSC “Ecoservice” is able to offer a wide range of services for its clients since it always takes care of particular licences for waste management and preparation of its personnel. At the moment the company has the following licences and certificates: JSC “ECOSERVICE” performs active educational activity, teaches and invites the society to sort waste, maintain cleanliness, and cherish the environment. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY COMPANY Social responsibility A responsible employer and memeber of the society, “Ecoservice”, improves the welfare of people not only by rendering high quality services, but also by educating the society about waste sorting, maintenance of cleanliness andprotection of nature in a variety of ecological and social projects. We are glad that projects initiated and sponsored by our company are gaining more and more participants and approval from the society. “Rūšiuoti paprasta“ (“It’s easy to sort”), “Gyvenu švariame mieste” (“I live in a clean city”), “Vasarok – rūšiuok!” (“Sort in summer!”), “Rūšiuok linksmai!” (“Sort with fun!”), “Keisk įpročius” (“Change your habits!”) – these are only some of many campaigns and intitiatives initiated by “Ecoservice” that encourage to sort waste, save the environment and be responsible in waste management. Since 2008 “Ecoservice” has been carrying out its social project “Eco mokykla” (“Eco School”). The aim of the project is to teach children and develop the understanding that we can change the world from our early days. During the campaign schoolchildren from all over Lithuania are invited to collect different secondary raw materials. In such a way they are introduced to waste sorting rules and their attention is drawn towards a very serious problem – how to reduce the amount of wasteall over the world. All the participants of the campaign are awardedprizes. Another very popular and well known campaign is „A Christmas tree for warmth at home“. This is an ecological campaign, initiated by “Ecoservice”, which invites people to collect Christmas trees and use them for heating homes instead of throwing them away to rubbish containers. During the campaign, people are invited to treat natural resources with respect, to save and value them. “Ecoservice” constantly supports different festivals and events by providing containers for collection of secondary raw materials and transporting waste. “Ecoservice” also takes an active part in informing the society about waste management in an attractive way, for example, where to dispose of old tires, where containers for second-hand textile are set and how to manage ashes; it encourages people to refuse paper accounts and choose electronic ones instead. During campaign „A Christmas tree for warmth at home“ of 2012, “Ecoservice” collected 700 cubic metres of Christmas trees. The campaign has drawn huge attention and gained approval from the society. JSC “Ecoservice” Jočionių str. 13 LT-02300 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. +370 5 264 9251 Fax: +370 5 264 9259 For quality issues: +370 687 44 444 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecoservice.lt ISO 9001:2008 quality standard • ISO 14001:2004 standard for environmental protection • EMAS environmental protection certificate
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