news ‘‘CENTRAL-ASIAN ELECTRIC-POWER CORPORATION’’ JSC (CAEPCO) №5 News dijest for March-April, 2015 ‘‘CAEPCO’’ JSC key indicators: OBSERVING ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 1 791,9 mln kWt/h “CAEPCO” JSC upon implementation of the projects observes standards of ecological safety: environmental care is a part of social responsibility of the Company in favor of residents of presence regions. In accordance with standard ISO 14001 Company developed and implemented unified Policy in the sphere of quality, environment, professional safety and labor protection. Starting from 2009 “CAEPCO” JSC within the frames of investment program implements Environmental and social actions plan (ESAP), consisting of projects aimed to enhancement of environmental parameters and labor protection at the enterprises. ESAP is implemented in accordance with policy of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – shareholder of “CAEPCO” JSC since 2009. One of the important and large scaled projects within the investment program are the projects for reconstruction of dustcollecting features (DCF) with installation of second generation battery emulsifiers at all boilers of the stations, which allowed to reduce environmental emissions of ash by 6x. electric energy generation 2 592,5 thousand Gcal heat genergy generation 1 640,2 mln kWt/h transportation and distribution of electric energy For six preceding years from 2009 till 2014 at stations of “PAVLODARENERGO” JSC and “SEVKAZENERGO” JSC second generation titanium emulsifiers, constructed by U.A. Panarin (DCF) were (continued on page 2) 2 006,8 thousand Gcal transportation and distribution of heat energy (at the end of the first quarter 2015) CAEPCO IS ONE OF THE NATIONAL LEADERS Competitiveness council of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs (NCE) “Atameken” in April of 2015 announced list of national champions – leaders among medium business of Kazakhstan. “Central-Asian Electric-Power Corporation” JSC (CAEPCO) is among 15 championcompanies. Experts group of Competitiveness council of NCE was selected leaders in 9 economy sectors: industrial production, agriculture, oil-gas services, transport and logistics, power industry, non-bank finances, food industry, retail sales, technologies, media and telecommunication In the sphere of power industry “CAEPCO” was recognized to be fully corresponding to selection criteria such as leadership, high market reputation, and internal infrastructure. According to the opinions of Expert group, selected companies already passed stage of corporate development and minor routine business problems related with administrative barriers are not in the focus of the companies. Now the companies should share the experience and best practices with representative of small business. In this purposes it is planned to establish Center of competencies for distribution of professional knowledge and knowhow, using champions expertize for attracting international investments and technologies, using experience and resources for implementation of initiatives and establishing market institutions. Competitiveness council expresses confidence that consolidation of business and state efforts by virtue of close cooperation of the Government, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and national champions will lead to increase competitiveness level of Kazakhstan business and transmission to new level of institutional development of all economy in accordance with international standards. tel: 8 727 2584948, e-mail: [email protected] ECOLOGY OBSERVING ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY news 320 Such geo-membrane 100 % prevents harmful substances into the soil (continued from page 1) installed at all boiler units. Implemented activities allowed to increase level of flue gases purification and ensured reduction costs of enterprises. Actual coefficient of flue gases purification after installation of emulsifiers achieved 99,5% in 2014 instead of 95,8% in 2009. Environment engineers of the Company explain that performance of this activity since 2009 allowed to reduce overall annual volume of coal ash emissions from 48 thousand tons down to 13,4 thousand ton (72%), at increasing generation of electric energy by 25,7% and output of heat energy by 15,7%. Positive results of the Company’s operation in 2014 is maintaining efficiency rate of dust collection at energy boilers at the level of project data – 99,5%. With purposes of ensuring permanent technological cycle of station and storing ash slag wastes up to 25 years the reconstruction of two existing and construction of three new ash ponds is performed. Usage of innovative material – Canadian geo-membrane during construction of the objects allows preventing insertion of harmful substances to the soil. Starting from 2009 “CAEPCO” JSC annually reduces emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) at the level of 0,8% per annum. For this purpose Company modernizes heating grids of the enterprises: reduction of heat energy losses is expected, what will result in reduction of amount of used coal and correspondingly will lead to reduction environmental emissions of carbon dioxide. Prevention of environmental pollution is a dominant factor of the Company in the decision making process in terms of operational activity – generation of electric and heat energy. Upon implementation of new technologies level of all environmental impact and efficiency of using energy and nature resources is assessed. children will go to childcare center which is constructed by “SEVKAZENERGO” JSC. As of the today in the Working village of Petropavlovsk installation of piles, interconnection of branch lines to the central canalization system is performed, interconnection of drainage system is completed. Locally manufactured materials are used in construction of child-care center. *** From March 2015 consumers of “AEDC-Energosbyt” LLP have the ability to make payments for electric energy via internet. In consequence of deniable advantages such kind of service is getting more popular among residents of Akmola region. *** Ural turbine plant (united to ROTEK) commenced to supply of equipment for modernization of turbine T-100/120-130-3 of Pavlodar CHP-2 of “PAVLODARENERGO” JSC. This is a second among three turbines of T-100 type which are under modernization at the station. First one was commissioned in December of 2014. Second will be supplied soon and third one will be manufactured and supplied by the end of 2015. *** Decrease of electric energy prices in Astana: “Astanaenergosbyt” LLP enforced new tariffs from April 1, 2015. Within last 6 years volume of pollutant environmental emissions by “CAEPCO” JSC enterprises reduced by 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Actual, tons 110 385 104 476 92 726 80 848 80 295 79 756 Limit, tons 27% 128 398 125 214 122 749 107 651 110 116 115 391 2009 tel: 8 727 2584948, e-mail: [email protected] PROJECTS SC ’J ’ O ‘‘A OD AR E ‘‘PAVL SC ’’ J The Company focuses on innovations by implementing asset management projects – EAM system (Enterprise Asset Management) and resource planning ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) as well as the projects for reduction of losses in electric and heating grids. First to implement EAM system were employees of “SEVKAZENERGO” JSC, the project was commissioned to commercial operation in 2013. Currently employees of “PAVLODARNERGO” JSC and “AEDC” JSC enhance their skills in Ellipse within trial operation of system. “SEVKAZENERGO” JSC still perform works for implementation of EAM system, as the project is developing together with enterprise and requires new adaptions to the changing conditions. Such full automation will allow increasing efficiency of equipment through optimization of operation regimes, related with detailed planning of repairs, accounting of staff and G R KAZENERGO’’ JS C ‘‘SEV C ED Automation of control, accounting and production management processes is part of the development strategy of “CAEPCO” JSC group, established in line with international standards. NE INNOVATIONS ON DUTY EAMSYSTEM 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 trial operation commercial operation timely supply of materials and equipment. The program also allows fully eliminating irrational use of funds. In addition to previously mentioned, one of the innovation project is “1C:ERP Enterprise management 2.0” which is massively used in the CIS countries at the enterprises having hundreds and thousands employees. This solution assists in the process of finances accounting, document turnover and other directions. Besides automation of management process, “CAEPCO” focuses on reduction of losses in electricity and heating grids through implementation automated system of commercial accounting of electric energy (ASCAEE) and heat energy (ASCAHE). Heat transmission enterprises of the Company install automated regulators of heat consumption, industrial controllers and modems for connection of mechanisms with control-metering devices of dispatch services. Within the frames of ASCAEE “CAEPCO” group performs replacement in induction type consumer meters to electronic ones. In 2014 – 38 201 meter were replaced. “CAEPCO” JSC employees celebrating Nauryz ENERGY OF SPRING Employees of “CAEPCO” JSC celebrated day of vernal equinox – Nauryz. Traditionally, all employees of head office prepared “dastarkhan” and arranged Kazakh competitions ‘arkan tartu’ and ‘asyk atu’. While one part of staff was making clear “who is the strongest and accurate”, other was wrap ped up in creative process, taking part in competition of drawings on the theme “Energy of spring”. Creativity, ability to bring the positive and spring feelings to the paper were the criteria of awarding the best work. All the employees hand in hand voted for the work of Saule Aldekova’s team, who is the Director of Legal Department (on photo). Atmosphere of holiday was brought in by Talgat Zhumadilov, Corporate secretary who familiarized colleagues with history of Nauryz, customs and traditions of its celebration. At the dastarkhan employees tasted Nauryz kozhe, baursaks, zhent and national drinks – kumys and shubat, while the main course was plov, prepared by special receipt by the guys from transport group. Celebrations of Nauryz in “CAEPCO” JSC become a tradition, which helps to solidate the staff of the Company. tel: 8 727 2584948, e-mail: [email protected]
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