News from the Lions Den District 14-C Web SiteMESSAGE - Issue–April, 2015 FROM THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR MESSAGE FROM THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Greetings Lions, Lionesses, and LEOs, My year of service as your District Governor has certainly gone quickly. Only a handful of Club visitations remain. The visitations are a fun way of meeting my fellow Lions and learning about all of the different fund raisers and service projects we provide to our local communities. Keep-up the good work. All of this “good work” requires the time of our members. And more members mean that we as Lions can provide much more to our service areas. Please continue to make membership a priority. The LCIF web site, has been re-designed to make it easier to find information including ideas on increasing our membership. In addition, International President Joe Preston focused on membership in the April Lions magazine (see page 4 & 36). The District 14-C convention will be held at Wyndham Gardens Hotel, 2000 Loucks Road in York on April 25. See pages 2 thru 4 for more detailed information. As I mentioned in my March message, the guest speaker will be Alan T. “Ted” Reiver, Past International Director from Wilmington, Delaware. Please remember to submit your registration form for the convention by the April 15 deadline. First Vice District Governor John Griffie is busy preparing for his upcoming year of service. Included in this newsletter on page 5 is a form for placing advertisements in the 2015/2016 Directory. The forms need to be completed by May 23. I look forward to seeing many of you at the District Convention. Yours in Lionism, DG Lois Jean Mundorff 1 MESSAGE FROM THE VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Dear Lions, Lionesses, and Leos: My wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed attending the recent Club Anniversaries and Zone Socials held thus far. We are really looking forward to meeting more of our fellow Lions, Lioness and Leos at the upcoming District and State Conventions! Let's make these events a success for Lionism. The more people we have at these events the better! It is extremely important to get out and fellowship with other Lions. It is amazing how many great ideas come from networking with members of other clubs. I encourage each of our Zones to work together and come up with a Zone Project that the clubs within the Zone can work together and support each other with one common goal. Be a Game Changer - together we can do great things!!! Yours in Lionism, John Griffie Jr - Vice District Governor 14-C DISTRICT CONVENTION INFORMATION The Wyndham Garden Hotel was previously the Holiday Inn Conference Center of York. The Jump Start Basic Breakfast Buffet is served from 6:30AM–10:30AM and includes: A waffle station (make your own) Muffins, Cinnamon buns, Oat meal, Fruit, Granola type cereal, Yogurt Bread (a toaster is available), Juice and coffee Other breakfast items are available at additional cost to you. If you have a room at the hotel Friday night (4/24/2015) the Jump Start Basic Breakfast buffet is complementary. Lunch is a soup and sandwich buffet. (The sandwich is actually a wrap.) DISTRICT CONVENTION ATTENDEES Your district convention committee has provided time during the convention for anyone who would be willing to give their opinion about what they think could make our district or a zone or even a club run more efficiently. It could be something your club is doing that works really well. You will get at least five minutes to present your idea and another five minutes to answer questions. If you have an idea about a better way to handle an administrative duty at any level and you would be willing to share please contact PDG George Reisinger at [email protected] or call 266-1923. We have two speakers at this time and are looking for more. Please let me know what your subject will be so we will not have more than one Lion or Lioness address us on the same subject. This time is not for announcements about fund raisers or community service projects. PDG George Reisinger, District Convention Committee, 2 15th DISTRICT 14-C CONVENTION APRIL 25, 2015 WYNDHAM GARDENS AGENDA BREAKFAST BUFFET – First Capital Room 7:00AM – 10:30AM REGISTRATION - Lobby 7:00AM – 2:45PM WELCOME – Red Rose Room PDG Dennis Bell, President, PDGHC, Announcements 8:30AM – 8:45AM SEMINARS Secretaries – Lion Secretary John Parker, PDG Peace Poster Contest – Lion Noah Krout, PDG New Presidents – Lion Shirley Starner, PDG Zone Chairpersons – Lion Clair Starner, ZC Something for Leos – Lion Clarence “CR” Lloyd, ZC 9:00AM – 10:15AM Not all of the seminars listed above may be presented. GENERAL DISCUSSION – The Future of District 14-C – Red Rose Room Various Speakers 10:30AM – 11:30AM LUNCH BUFFET - Restaurant 11:45AM – 12:30PM NECROLOGY SERVICE – Red Rose Room 12:40PM – 1:25PM CABINET MEETING – Red Rose Room District Governor Lois Jean Mundorff, (Recess cabinet meeting) 1:30PM – 2:45PM CAUCUS – Red Rose Room PDG Dennis Bell, President, PDGHC, 2:50PM – 3:05PM VOTING – First Capital Room PDG Alvin Hayes 3:10PM – 3:30PM ELECTION RESULTS - Red Rose Room - Reconvene cabinet meeting PDG Alvin Hayes 3:45PM – 4:00PM REMARKS – Red Rose Room District Governor Elect – John Griffie First Vice District Governor Elect – Kerry McKnight Second Vice District Governor Elect DRAWINGS – Red Rose Room - 50/50 and Raffle PDG George Hilsinger 4:00PM – 4:30PM CLOSE CABINET MEETING – District Governor Lois Jean Mundorff Closing Ceremony CLOSE CONVENTION - PDG Dennis Bell, President, PDGHC, DINNER – Restaurant - 5:00PM 3 District 14-C Convention Registration April 25, 2015, Wyndham Garden York 2000 Loucks Road, York, PA. 17404 Each Lion, Lioness, LEO and guest must have a separate Registration Form, even if voting is the only activity. *** All CONVENTION ATTENDEES MUST SUBMIT REGISTRATION FORM! *** Circle One: PDG Lion Lioness LEO Guest Club Name: ____________________________________________________ Name: (Last – First) ______________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State ZIP Please indicate your participation in the following and show total amount enclosed. Registration - Everyone Attending: Attending (Y-N) Payment ($7.00) ______ _________ ($7.00) ______ ________ ($19.00) ______ _________ ______ ____NA__ (Leos are exempt from $7.00 registration fee) Jump Start Basic Breakfast: (gratuity included) (Served from 6:30AM–10:30AM) Lunch Buffet at Hotel: (gratuity included) Dinner in Hotel Restaurant: (On your own) Total Enclosed: ____________ Seminars offered will be based on responses. Check seminar you will attend. Secretaries Presidents Peace Poster Zone Chairpersons What About LEO Clubs? - Make checks payable to: District 14-C Convention DEADLINE: April 15, 2015 - Mail to: PDG Dean Smeltzer, 32 Schoolhouse Lane, Windsor, PA 17366 - Contact PDG George Reisinger @ 717-266-1923 if you have any questions. 4 2015-2016 DISTRICT 14C DIRECTORY ADVERTISING Please consider placing an Ad in our District Governor Directory for 2015-16. All monies received will help to offset the printing cost of the directory. Select Ad Size: Full Page 4”W x 7” H $50.00 Half Page 4”W x 3-1/2” H $25.00 Patrons $10.00 The Ad should read as follows (or attach a separate sheet): (Please type or print clearly; All Ads will be in Black and White) Business Cards and Letterheads are acceptable PATRONS Cost of listing a single name, Mr. & Mrs., or a group is $10.00 (Min. 40 Characters) 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ Make Checks Payable to: District 14C Directory Ads can be emailed to [email protected] or by Mail. Send Payments to: John Griffie, 116 Kohler Mill Road, New Oxford, PA 17350 All Ads and payments are required by May 23, 2015. 5 PEACE POSTER CONTEST “Share Peace” LIONS of 14-C now is the time to start thinking Peace Poster for 2015-16. Get an early start and order your kits now. You can find an application form on page 18 in the January issue of the LION magazine or order a kit online at Remember one kit per group such as Boy Scout/Girl Scout clubs, baseball teams, Sunday school classes and most important your children or grandchildren. Arendtsville Lions have been doing this for many years and it helps bring in new members. "Our World, Our Future" Tongbram Mahesh Singh, 2013-14 Grand Prize Winner Annual Art Contest for Kids Each year, Lions clubs around the world proudly sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local schools and youth groups. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. For more than 25 years, millions of children from nearly 100 countries have participated in the contest. The theme of the 2015-16 Peace Poster Contest is "Share Peace." Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate. Last date to order a kit is October 1, 2015. Have questions please contact: PDG Noah Krout at [email protected] or call 717-225-4892. 6 BEACON LODGE WORK WEEKEND The Annual District 14-C Spring Work Weekend will be held on April 10, 11 and 12, 2015. Come join us for work, fun, fellowship and contribute to your LIONS CAMP. The purpose of this activity is to ready the camp for the coming camping season. One of the projects for the weekend will be building the miniature golf course and having it ready for the camping season. Beacon Lodge will provide meals and lodging along with bedding for the weekend. All that you need to provide are your work clothes, work gloves, washcloth and your personal items. Plan to arrive Friday evening, April 10th or by 7:00 AM Saturday, April 11th. We will work until lunch on Sunday and leave for home after lunch. As always, the accomplishment of this activity depends on Lions willing to give their time and efforts. Please encourage the Lions to participate in this important service activity. It is very important that the staff at camp know how many will be attending so that they can order sufficient food and prepare accommodations. They need to know the exact number to expect. Please call me by April 1, 2015. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. My phone number is 717-650-2966 and my email is [email protected] . This weekend will be limited to the first 40 Lions who register. To register please call me so I can notify the camp the numbers attending this service project. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE CAMP!!! PDG Larry J. Bare - Beacon Lodge Work Weekend Chairman DECEASED MEMBERS Member Club JAMES F PURSEL DILLSBURG LIONS PAUL H BENNINGTON MASON + DIXON LIONS NEWVILLE LIONS YORK TOWNSHIP LIONS ARTHUR B MC CARTER PHILIP E BOWMAN NEW MEMBERS Member `KEVIN D TURNBAUGH LORI K TURNBAUGH ( Club Sponsor NEW OXFORD LIONS NEW OXFORD LIONS JOHN GRIFFIE JOHN GRIFFIE DIRECTORY CHANGES MARCH, 2015 Pg 47 – Change email address of Jacobus LEO Club Liaison Michael Herman to [email protected] 7 UPCOMING LION EVENTS Mo. Day Event Location Contact Information ZC Lion C. R. Lloyd Tel: (717) 792-2367 Cell: (717) 324-4833 See Ad Apr 1-5 York New Salem Lions Easter Flower Sale North of Square along Main St. Apr 9 Shippensburg Lions Spaghetti Dinner Premier Events 429 East Orange St. Apr 9 Zone 3A Social Jefferson Fire Hall Zone Chair C. R. Lloyd Tel: (717) 792-2367 Cell: (717) 324-4833 Apr Beacon Lodge Work Weekend Beacon Lodge PDG Larry Bare Apr 10, 11, 12 11 Jacobus Lions & Lioness Color Fun Run Jacobus Lions Park Katrina Thompson at [email protected] Apr 11 Pinchot Park Lions Concert Dover Intermediate School Auditorium Pinchot Park Lion Members or Tel: (717) 292 - 1895 Apr 19 New Freedom Lioness Sweetheart Bingo New Freedom Community Center Call for Tickets: (717) 235 - 2144 Apr 23 Zone 3B Social Dover Fire Hall Club Secretary Apr 25 District Convention Holiday Inn, 2000 Loucks Rd., York Club Secretary May 9 New Freedom Lions Spring Yard Sale New Freedom Playground Lion Tom Email: [email protected] May 14 to 17 State Convention Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center, Mountville Club Secretary May 17 Shiloh Miche Handbag Bingo Shiloh Fire Hall Call 764 – 9791 for Tickets May 19 New Freedom Lioness Sweetheart Bingo New Freedom Community Center See Ad May 23 Santander Stadium See Ad Jun 6 York White Rose Baseball Nite with the Revs Dallastown Chicken BBQ Dallastown Lions Park Lion Bob Schmuck Tel: (717) 244-5906 Lion Mike Craley Tel: (717) 880-5052 Jun International Convention Honolulu, Hawaii Club Secretary Jul 26 to 30 19 Beacon Lodge Lions Appreciation Beacon Lodge Club Secretary Jul 24 Hearing Research Harrisburg Senators Baseball Night City Island, Harrisburg Club Secretary Jul 24 District Governor Banner Exchange Airville Fire Hall Rt #74, Airville Club Secretary 8 3-A Zone Social Jefferson Fire Hall Social 6pm APRIL 9, 2015 Dinner 6:30 Entertainment: Show 8Pm HE IS BACK POPULAR DEMAND DIFFERENT SHOW JOHN DODGE –Magic & Ventriloquist $20.00 Per Person Contact-C R Lloyd Zone Chair 717-792-2367 Cell 717-324-4833 Tickets will be sold at the door if you are planning on coming please let me know the count is important for the cook. I will need a count no later than March 26, 2015 Make checks: Lions Club INTL. D14-C Z 3-A send to C R Lloyd 85 Forry St York PA 17408 We are planning on a SELL-OUT GET TICKETS EARLY 9 District 14-C Zone 3B Zone Social Thursday, April 23, 2015 Dinner at 6:30pm - Dover Fire Hall 30 East Canal Street, Dover PA Arrive early to socialize, get a good seat and smell the turkey dinner. A signature special at Dover with all the trimmings! Following dinner, enjoy the return by popular demand The Magic of John Westford He has performed at Kings Dominion, with Harry Blackstone Jr. in Atlantic City and cruise ships all over the world and at our zone social in 2013. See additional information on his web site Schedule your reservation now! Your reservation must be received by April 13, 2015 Members of clubs in Zone 3B, make your reservations at your home club. All others return the bottom section of this page to: Lion Clair Starner, Zone Chair (3B) 2953 Elkridge Lane York, PA 17404 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------District 14-C, 3B Zone Social Reservation Name_______________________________________________Club_________________________________ _ Address_____________________________________________________Phone_______________________ Number attending _________________________ at $25.00 each = Total ____________________________ Make check payable to Weigelstown Lions Club 10 11 Jacobus Lions & Lioness Clubs – 5K Color Run & Wellness Fair April 11th, 2015 Jacobus Lions Club along with the Lioness Club have sponsored 2 Wellness Fairs, in the Jacobus and surrounding community, in the past 6 months. The last sponsored Wellness Fair for the 2014/2015 year will be kicked off with a 5K Color Run. What is a Color Run? A color run is a fun 5K run/walk. Participants are not timed, all runners/walkers welcome along with strollers, leashed dogs and kids of all ages, from 0 to 99! We want to invite all our neighboring Lions and Lioness Clubs, along with all community members to participate in our grand finale Wellness Fair and Fun Run. Proceeds will benefit the Jacobus Lions Ambulance Club and Jacobus Lions & Lioness Clubs. Register for the run at This event will be on April 11, 2015 at Jacobus Lions club and Jacobus Lions Ambulance Club site at 18 S Main Street, Jacobus, PA 17407. Individuals and Teams are encouraged to register. Create a team, sign up under team name on line. We encourage teams to form and challenge other teams such as school sports and clubs, along with churches, youth groups, businesses, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts, Lions & Lioness clubs, and many others! Prizes will be given to teams with the most members, most creative name and many other fun categories. The event will be kicked off with a 5K fun run/walk. During the run a DJ will host the event with fun games, music and lots of Color tossed throughout the crowd in front of the music stage. There will also be vendors selling food and fun run swag like tutu’s, beads, head bands and much more. Booth space, for all categories of vendors or businesses is available for a minimal cost. Contact Katrina Thompson at [email protected] for more information and rates. Our goal is to get 1,000 color run/walk participants to participant in this fun community event!! Join in now, register for the run, encourage or challenge others to participate! Together we can come together, as a community, to be stronger and healthier!!! Submitted Lion Katrina Thompson and the Wellness Committee of the Jacobus Lions and Lioness Clubs. 12 13 14 New Freedom Lioness Club SWEETHEART BINGO FEATURING: LONGABERGER, PAMPERED CHEF, TASTEFULLY SIMPLE, & MORE 20 GAMES RAFFLES DOOR PRIZES April 19, 2015 New Freedom Community Center 150 E. Main St. New Freedom Doors open at 12:30 Bingo at 2:00 Food Available Tickets in advance $15.00 At door $18.00 For Tickets Call 235 – 2144 Non-Perishable Food Drive Benefits Local Pantry 10 prizes will be awarded as a THANK YOU to those who donate. 1 chance to win for every item donated. Proceeds Benefit Community Projects 15 16 Saturday Night May 23rd Join the York White Rose Lions for a night of Baseball. The Revs are playing the Somerset patriots starting at 6:30 PM followed by Fireworks after the game. Tickets are $9.00 each and available from any York White Rose Club member or by ordering with the form attached below. Proceeds from this game will go to Leader Dogs for the Blind. Please, make your plans now and join us for a great night of Baseball, fun and fellowship for a worthy cause. If you have any questions or concerns, call PDG Larry Shaull at 891-6689 or e-mail [email protected]. Handicap arrangements can be made. ___________________________________________________________________________ # of Tickets ______ @ $9.00 each Total amount enclosed _____________ Name _________________________________ Mail to Larry L Shaull 543 Buckthorn Drive York, PA. 17406 Address ______________________________ Phone ____________e-mail __________________ Make checks payable to York White Rose Lions 17 CHICKEN BBQ DINNER The Dallastown Lions Club On Saturday, June 6th, 2015, the Dallastown Lions Club will be sponsoring a chicken barbeque dinner sale. You must pre-order dinners by calling Lion Bob Schmuck at (717) 244-5906 or Lion Mike Craley at (717) 880-5052 before May 26th, 2015. Orders must be picked up at The Dallastown Lion’s Park between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. For only $8.00, the meals include ½ BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, Applesauce, Roll and Butter, and Dessert. Proceeds benefit programs for the sight impaired, community organizations and the Dallastown Lions Park. DALLASTOWN LIONS PARK RENTAL Looking for a great place to hold that graduation party, a family reunion, a business picnic, a school reunion, or just a great day at the park? Consider renting the facilities at the Dallastown Lions Club Community Park. The Lions have made extensive improvements to the facilities in the park conveniently located directly across from the Dallastown High School Football Field. There are new swings for infants, toddlers, teens and adults. Two new riders have also been placed at the park for the youngsters. The park is available for everyone to enjoy and picnic tables and horseshoe facilities are provided for those family picnics. The building, baseball field, and band shell are available for rentals for those large family or business picnics. If you are interested in renting the park, its building and kitchen, please contact Lion D. Michael Craley at (717) 880-5052. 18 19 DISTRICT 14-C LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL LOIS JEAN MUNDORFF, DISTRICT GOVERNOR 2085 DELTA RD., FELTON, PA 17322-7979 2014-2015 VISITATION SCHEDULE April, 2015 Tuesday 7 Mechanicsburg Lions Wednesday 8 York New Salem Lions Tuesday 14 Stewartstown Lioness Wednesday 15 Plainfield Lions Club
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