L A U N C H KINGSTON PRIMARY SCHOOL LAUNCHING INTO LEARNING is a FREE program for children from birth to four years. We have art and craft activities, fine and gross motor skills programs, a swimming program, music, stories, and excursions. The children develop their social skills, and the adults make new friends too! Our programs operate on Thursday and Friday mornings, and all you need to bring along is a piece of fruit to share! For further information, please collect a brochure from the Office. We look forward to seeing you soon! I N G I N T O L E A R N I N G No. 13 – 15 May 2015 www.kingstonprimary.tased.edu.au ® 1-2-13-2M GIC &® & EM OTION C OACHING -3AMAGIC EMOTION COACHING PAREPARENT NT COUCOURSE RSE FREE Parents will receive: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT FOR YOUR CHILD TO ATTEND SCHOOL REGULARLY? I think we all know that it is a requirement by law to send children to school every school day. But it is easy to forget that the most important reason to send children to school is that they can learn more easily if they are here every day. If they are here one day and not the next, they have less chance to go over new learning and feel confident with it. They slip behind the other children, and then they feel less capable. I know that all parents want their children to learn and to feel capable – so it is important that they do not miss school. Of course, I don’t mean that you should send your child to school if she/he is ill, but we also need to be a bit wary if it seems that a child is claiming to be ill quite often. It is harder for all of us to hop out of bed cheerfully in a Tasmanian winter. I remember one year when one of my own sons started saying he “didn’t feel well”. I eventually realised it was happening quite frequently – and yet he seemed to be well enough to play computer games during the day! I had to start saying “You go to school today. I know the school will ring me if you are too sick to stay there”. Amazingly, I got no phone calls to come and pick him up! If you ever want to see the pattern of days your child has missed, you can ask the school office for a print-out of their attendance. Sometimes it might surprise you about how many days they have missed in total – surely it is not that many?!? Or what is happening that your child says they feel sick on Thursdays?? I hope we can work together to ensure that all our children have the best opportunity to learn and to make friends! Lynne Hanlon Principal Kingston KingstonPrimary PrimarySchool, School,Church ChurchStreet, Street,Kingston, Kingston,7050 7050 Email: [email protected] Learn to manage difficult behavior in chAil1-2-3 dreMagic n 2&-1Emotion 2 yeaCoaching rs olParent d Workbook A three-session program for parents and carers at Kingston Primary School. It is best that all What threepeople sessions are attended. are saying… What a relief to come across a program that preserves the dignity of the child, maintains the self control of on 26 May, 2 June, 9 June at 1.30 – 2.45pm both the parent and the child and is actually easy to remember when memory is the first thing to go! Learn: How to discipline without arguing, yelling or smacking How to sort behaviour I realized quickly that the 1-2-3 Magic can be a magnificent preventative measure that any parent can use to avoid raising a child, who later down the line, needs excessive discipline or grows out of control How to handle challenging and testing behaviours Choosing your strategy, the three choices Using emotion coaching to Who is running it? The presenter for this course is [presenters 1-2-3 Magic® & Emotion Coaching practitioner training on [date trained]. [Describe your relevant experience] encourage good behaviour For more information contact Lynne Hanlon on 62295728 It is also important for children to be here every day so that they can socialise successfully with other children. If they are here one day and not the next, their friends may well have formed new friendship groups. I know that all parents care about their children having friends – so it is important that they do not miss school. CONTACT CONTACTDETAILS: DETAILS: Telephone: Telephone:6229 62295728, 5728,6229 62291167,. 1167,.Fax Fax6229 62295612 5612 Striving together for excellence Department of Education • An end to the arguing and yelling! • It saved our lives • Simple, sane, effective This course is being run by a Parentshop® licensed practitioner. www.parentshop.com.au SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVALS A big reminder to all families that the Cross Country Carnivals are on next week: Monday - 1.30 pm - Primary Grades 3 - 6 Tuesday 11.40 am - Kinder A - Grade 2 All students will need to be appropriately dressed in school sport clothing, particularly wearing sandshoes. They will need to have a drink bottle of water. House coloured tops are strongly encouraged. If any parent or family member could assist with marshalling the course on Monday, please see Mrs Kadziolka at 1.15 pm on the oval. Our sincere thanks to SALAMANCA FRESH and SCOTT BROTHERS APPLES for the donation of top quality apples for all competitors to enjoy. KINGBOROUGH TIGERS FREE PASSES The school has been given 7 free passes to home games of the Tigers. A family adult can ask at the School Office if you are interested (any home game throughout the season). There is a limit of 2 per family. Angela Kadziolka - HPE Specialist MS SCHREIBER’S KINDER On Tuesday 19 May we are involved in a very special event – The Cross Country Carnival. Parents and family members are welcome to join us as we run/walk the course around the school grounds. Please meet us in the classroom at 11.30 am. Your children will appreciate your support in cheering them on, even if you are unable to participate in the event yourself! Thank you to our Grade 5/6 Buddies for their enthusiasm in the Pirate Treasure Hunt. It was fun! MRS PAINE’S KINDER Supershout at Lunchtime in GP Room 1.00 pm This week we have begun learning about Andy Goldsworthy. He is a British artist who does nature art. All the children completed a piece of nature art with Autumn leaves. Next week we will extend this to small rocks, sticks, gum nuts etc. MRS STEELE’S KINDER/PREP Do not forget next Tuesday is our Cross Country Carnival. Please come along and join in the fun or watch us as we pass by! Children will need to come prepared for the event with suitable shoes and team colours. I have sent home a note with the colour your child will need to wear. Please ask if you have not received this. We will be focussing on the letter "Jj" next week with lots of jungle activities. National Walk Safely to School Day MRS LUTJENS’ PREP/1 The children will be working on History units over the next couple of weeks. We are looking at Families. We will be looking at ‘How Many People are in our Family?’ and thinking about ‘What We Like to do Together as a Family’. I would like every child to please bring a photo of themselves as a baby. Could parents please put the name of your child on the back of the photo and put it in a plastic bag to bring to school. Thank you for your co-operation. MR DOWSETT’S (MR RUSSELL’S)/ MRS ABEY’S PREP The children have worked hard on putting numbers in correct order this week. Please ensure that they continue to practise this skill at home. Do not forget the Cross Country Carnival run is on next Tuesday at 11.40 am. You are welcome to participate with your child. MISS BARKER’S AND MRS LUCAS’/ MRS RAYMOND’S GRADE 1s Grade 1s have been looking after their Harry Hairy. We have begun writing about our observations and what plants need to grow. The V.I.P for Miss Barker’s Grade 1 next week is Qi Eng. The V.I.P for Mrs Lucas’/Mrs Raymond’s Grade 1 next week is Owen. MS MILLINGTON’S GRADE 2 This week students have thoroughly enjoyed studying rocks. Some may like to participate in some extension homework, as they were so interested. This is for their interest only and is not compulsory. For History we have been learning about homes and lifestyles during the first half of the 19 th century. I would like to commend students on how beautifully they have been working. Students will have brought home a notice for the Cross Country Carnival next week. Please check your child's bag if you have not received it. MS WOOD’S GRADE 2 We have begun looking at 'the past' and how we can identify whether objects are 'old' or 'new'. If anybody has any old toys, clothing etc that the children could bring in to share that would be great. Our characters have now been completed and we will be using them to inspire some impressive writing soon. Thank you to those who contributed to the Coin Line for Nepal. MAY MONDAY 18 TUESDAY 19 Cross Country Carnival Primary - Grades 3 - 6 1.40 - 2.45 pm SCHOOL BANKING DAY Cross Country Carnival ECE - Prep - Grade 2 and Kinder A 11.40 am - 12.45 pm WEDNESDAY 20 THURSDAY 21 Whole School Assembly Organising Unit Mr McVeigh’s Grade 5/6 Sharing Units Mrs Graney’s/ Mrs Johnson’s Grade 3/4 and Mr Nash’s Grade 5/6 WELL DONE and thank you everyone for your support of our COIN LINE to help raise funds for the earthquake victims in Nepal. We made our line in a spiral, as it looked effective this way and was easier to view in photo. FRIDAY 22 Soups of the Day Pumpkin and Sweet Potato and Chicken and Corn We then placed it out in straight line and measured it. The line was 15.14m long and we raised a total of $260.05. Mrs Lucas and SRC MR MACDONALD’S NAPLAN - the students have made an outstanding effort to complete these tests. They have been good GRADE 3 listeners and very co-operative. A special thank you to Mrs Dunstan for helping us to prepare for these tests. KINGSTON PRIMARY SCHOOL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISING INITIATIVE Kingston Primary School Community Association is selling copies of the 2015/16 Entertainment Book, which are available through the School Office using the order form. Kingston Primary School Community Association gets a percentage of the sale price. Please support our school and consider purchasing a book …. over $20,000 worth of value for $65.00. Dorothy Raymond Issue 3 of Book Club has been distributed this week. If there are any problems with your order, please see Mrs Johnson in the Library. Thank you to everyone who ordered from Issue 3. Your orders earned us $270 of new books for the Library. Thanks also to Alison Ring, who spends many hours organising Book Club for us. Poetry - we have added two poems to our anthology recently. “The Triantiwontigonhgolope” by C.J. Dennis and “Miss Strawberry - Her Purse” by Eric C. Rolls. The children have completed some wonderful illustrations for these poems. Kingston Primary School will be holding a Car Boot Sale on Sunday 17 May from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. Cars must be in by 8.30 am for safety reasons. Cost $20 per car. If you are interested, please contact Fiona Madigan at [email protected] to reserve a spot. We feel upset and angry because our new blackboards outside our classroom were ripped overnight. They are broken and now we cannot use them. We were feeling happy and now we feel sad. We didn’t deserve that. We would like to find out who broke them. If anyone knows anything about how they were broken or who was involved can you please let us know. From Grade 1s WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY Next Friday is Walk Safely to School Day. All Primary school children are encouraged to walk safely to school with their parents or carers, or if you drive because of the distance you live from school, you can leave your car some distance away and walk part of the way. Mrs Lucas will be doing a Lunch time walk on the Thursday or Friday (depending upon the weather forecast). Move Well, Eat Well Team - Ros Lucas and Angela Kadziolka MRS GRANEY’S/ MRS JOHNSON’S GRADE 3/4 A big congratulations to our Grade 3s for the wonderful effort they each made working through all the tests. Not one Grade 3 child was absent!! I was very proud of all of them. A big thank you to the Grade 4s who worked quietly and independently so the Grade 3s could concentrate and have all my attention. We finished on a high note with a popcorn and movie afternoon on Thursday and watched Nim's Island. We have just finished reading this delightful novel; thanks to Poppy (for bringing in the DVD). We were able to watch the film in our class. MRS AITKEN’S GRADE 4 This week we began long multiplication after practising short multiplication over the last two weeks. Next week the students will begin a weekly activity called ‘Let's Go Shopping’ where they will be using short and long multiplication on a regular basis. It is important that the children keep learning all their tables as these are so important in Mathematics. In Geography we have been studying Africa and the many countries that make up this continent. We will also be looking at the life of Nelson Mandela and his fight for equality in the weeks to come. Please encourage your child to keep using the Home Reader program. MR McVEIGH’S GRADE 5/6 The Grade 5 students really applied themselves during the NAPLAN tests this week, whilst the Grade 6 students were very considerate of their classmates. Next week we will be getting back to our routines of Spelling and homework and looking forward to the Cross Country Carnival on Monday. MRS TRITTON’S GRADE 5/6 This week we made treasure maps for our ‘Pirate Buddies’ in Kinder to follow in search of treasure. We had a great time and enjoyed eating the treasure. Congratulations Grade 5s on your great effort with NAPLAN. We are starting a Geography unit on Japan. A reminder that the Cross Country Carnival is on Monday. MR NASH’S GRADE 5/6 This week we have been working hard with our Grade 5s completing this year's NAPLAN testing. The Grade 6 students have done a fantastic job working quietly on tasks to give the Grade 5s maximum concentration to complete the testing. We have also been doing our usual Spelling and Maths routines and continuing to work on our games project. MRS CLARK’S GRADE 5/6 What a busy week! Congratulations to Grade 5s on their sustained efforts in NAPLAN. Our Games contracts are going well, and we have enjoyed learning to play Chess, Mancala and Backgammon.
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