Excellence in Fire Technology Fire Security Systems FS15 Cable Coating Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] FS15 Cable Coating Excellence in Fire Technology FS15 Cable Coa,ng is the Revolu,onary Abla,ve Coa,ng on the market today for the protec,on of Electrical Cables from flame Spread or damage from fire. • • • • • • • • • Low DFT of 1.0mm Spread Rate: 1.85kg/m2 (no Wastage) Spread Rate: 2.4kg/m2 (incl. Wastage) Fire Rates Cables up to 90 minutes at ONLY 1.0mm DFT FM Approved IEC 60331-‐21 Approved IEC 60331-‐23 Approved DNV Approved LEED Approved for Green Building Technology Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] FS15 Cable Coating Technical Informa<on Excellence in Fire Technology Whether Hi Voltage, Low Voltage, Control or Data Cable, FS15 is your answer for complete protec,on of the Cable for up to 90 minutes. Tested and Approved! • • • • • • • • • • • • • Water Based, no solvents Colour: White Non-‐Toxic, Non-‐Hazardous Density 1.28 – 1.35 g/cm3 Solids 70 – 75%, Shelf Life 2 years, Packaged in 25kg Pails, Interior or Exterior Applica,ons, Water & Salt Water resistant, Resistant to fuels, oils, chemicals, Does NOT Derate your cable system, Abla,ve, non-‐intumescent, Applica,on by spray or brush. Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] Technical Informa<on Excellence in Fire Technology Note, FS15 does NOT Derate a cable or cable tray. As shown here, on applying FS15, you extend the cable surface (or Dia.) of the cable which in turn gives the cable a greater area of heat dissipa,on, the same applies to a bundle of cable or cable tray. FS15 Cable Coating Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] FS15 Cable Coating Excellence in Fire Technology Due to the Extremely low DFT and Spread Rate of FS15 Cable Coa,ng, please find below a chart of differences from FS15 to our Compe,tors: FS15 “Compe<tors” DFT 1.0mm DFT: 1.6mm (Industry Standard) Spread Rate 1.85kg/m2 (W/O Wastage) Spread rate: 3.0kg/m2 (W/O Wastage) Spread Rate 2.4kg/m2 (With Wastage) Spread Rate 4.5kg/m2 (With Wastage) Adds 1.2kg/m2 in dry weight to trays Adds 1.75kg/m2 in dry weight to trays 62.5% Saving in product used 62.5% More Product needed Lower Freight cost due to smaller Quan,,es Higher Freight cost due to larger Quan,,es Less Man hours to install More Man hours to install Shorter Contract Times Longer Contract Times 25kg Pail = 13.5m2 coverage 25kg Pail = Only 10m2 coverage Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] FS15 Cable Coating Applica<on Informa<on Excellence in Fire Technology Applica,on of FS15 can be completed by Spray or Brush. Whether on single, grouped cable or cable in trays. • Makes sure cables are clean and free of dust and oils, • Spray a tack of fog coat for adhesion, • Spray or brush final coat, • For cables in Tray, you do not need to coat every cable, only the exterior surface of the tray. Once the cable tray is coated, there is no oxygen between cables for the flame to ignite or burn, flame will only spread on the outer tray and cable surface GRACO or similar Spray Machines such as a 3300psi TexSpray Mark V Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] FS15 Cable Coating Applica<on Informa<on Excellence in Fire Technology Various FS15 applica,ons to Cable Trays or single Cable Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] FS15 Cable Coating Excellence in Fire Technology How to Specify or Quote FS15 In Calcula,ng, specifying or quo,ng FS15 (or any other cable coa,ng for that majer) you must calculate based on m2, not KG’s or pails. Other suppliers or manufacturers package in 15, 20, 25 and 35kg pails, so you will never get a correct quan,ty for your applica,on. If you base your requirement on m2 or surface area of tray (or Dia. of single cables) you will always get a correct quan,ty required (product dependant). For Instance, if you only request a quota,on for 5000kg’s of coa,ng without area, the ra,o’s are vastly different. For FS15, 5000kg’s is 200 x 25kg Pails. This will give you a total of 2084m2 of area to cover (including wastage). For Stanvac’s FIREX EC-‐43 (or KBS/Hil,/3M/Nelson Coa,ngs), 5000kg’s is 250 x 20kg Pails. This will give you a total of 1112m2 of area to cover, approx. HALF the area of FS15. Therefore FS15 will cover TWICE the amount of Cables than its compe,tors! We only require the following to es,mate your quan,,es: • Width of Tray, • Height of Tray, • Length of Tray, • For single cable only OD and length. Remember, quo,ng only M2, will keep the product quan,,es based on you actual requirements, not on KG’s of coa,ng that will sit in you warehouse without use! And remember, always ask for quota,ons including wastage, do not leave yourself open to a extra purchase of 20 – 30% because you ran out of coa,ng! Fire Security Systems Canada | Norway | Brazil | Indonesia | USA | India P: +1 604 941 1001 | F: +1 604 648 9311 W: www.Fire-Security.net E: [email protected] Excellence in Fire Technology FS15 Pictures FS15 Cable Coating
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