LAPS 3 VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES This document describes release 3.0.1 of Electro-Voice’s Line Array Prediction System (LAPS 3). LAPS 3 is a Microsoft Excel® application with a MATLAB-based calculation engine that assists in configuring and operating Electro-Voice line array loudspeaker products. Installation instructions for LAPS 3.0.1 are in Appendix A, below. A summary of new features in LAPS 3.0.1 is in Appendix B, below. 1. Overview 1.1. Applicability LAPS 3.0.1 may be used to predict array behavior of the Electro-Voice X-Line Advance line array products. 1.2. Capabilities Based on user input, LAPS 3.0.1 predicts the following parameters: • SPL in audience areas. • Polar response. • Equalization required to achieve flat frequency response at the front of house mix position or any other chosen position in the venue. • Mechanical rigging configuration, suspension, and safe practice requirements. Predictions may be done for venues with a main floor plus up to two balconies. Acoustic predictions are performed simultaneously for up to three frequency bands. Frequencies and bandwidths are supplied by default, but may be freely changed by the user. 1.3. Auxiliary Pages LAPS 3.0.1 includes two auxiliary pages for calculating: • Sound loss due to air propagation over long distances. Note that LAPS 3.0.1, unlike previous versions of LAPS, includes air loss in its basic predictions. Therefore, you will probably not normally need to use this page. • Loudspeaker electrical signal losses due to resistance of loudspeaker cable. 2. User Interface LAPS 3.0.1 accepts input and displays results on a formatted multipage Excel® worksheet. All worksheet pages are printer-friendly. Both English and Metric units of measure are supported. Unlike other spreadsheet-based array prediction programs, LAPS 3.0.1 saves and restores its array and venue specification data in compact text files, not in full spreadsheet files. This results in a significant reduction in file space requirements. LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 LAPS 3.0.1 includes an in-place HELP system and a comprehensive set of error checks and messages. 3. System Requirements LAPS 3.0.1 requires the following hardware/software configuration to function effectively: 1. Hardware • • Microsoft Windows-compatible personal computer. • RAM - depends on operating system, as follows: Windows XP: 384 MB minimum, 512 MB recommended. Windows XP is not longer supported by Microsoft. LAPS 3 may work under XP, but is use is unsupported by EV. Windows 2000: 1GB minimum, 2GB recommended. Use of Windows 2000 is discouraged. Windows Vista: 1GB minimum, 2GB recommended. Use of Windows Vista is discouraged. Windows 7 32-bit: 1GB minimum, 2GB recommended. Windows 7 64-bit: 2GB minimum, 4GB recommended. Windows 8 32-bit: 1GB minimum, 2GB recommended. Windows 8 64-bit: 2GB minimum, 4GB recommended. • • Disk space - approximately 700 MB. • Processor speed at least equivalent to 1.6gHz Pentium chip. Higher processor speeds will reduce the time required to generate acoustic predictions. Display - monitor and video card operating at resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher. Higher resolutions will improve readability and usability. Mouse. 2. Software • • Operating system: See RAM requirements list above. Microsoft Excel® version 2000 or later, with macro processing installed and enabled. LAPS 3.0.1 supports both 32- and 64-bit versions of Excel. 3. Note on Macintosh computers LAPS 3.0.1 does not run natively on Macintosh computers, but will readily run under any of the Windows emulators available for Macintoshes. 4. Sample Data LAPS 3.0.1 includes sample array data - please see Appendix B, below. 5. License LAPS 3.0.1 is free software, but its use is subject to certain conditions. These conditions are described in the license, reproduced below in Appendix B. 6. Technical Support Please see Appendix E, below. 2 LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 Appendix A. Installing LAPS 3.0.1 Note: At present, LAPS 3.0.1 is released only for 32-bit versions of Microsoft Excel. Future releases will support both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Excel. Please note that the choice of 32 or 64 bit MCR depends only on the version of Excel you are running, not on the wordsize (i.e. number of bits) of your computer's hardware. Step 1: Install the MATLAB Compiler Runtimes (MCR) library The LAPS 3.0.1 acoustical calculation engine is built on the MATLAB numerical computing system. To run, LAPS 3.0.1 requires installation of the (free) MATLAB Compiler Runtimes (MCR) library. This library, while rather large - approximately 650 MB - need be installed only once, and not every time LAPS is updated. Please install the free MCR library by visiting the following web page: This page offers a number of installation options. For LAPS 3, the correct choice is: R2014b(8.4), Windows, 32-bit Figure 1 shows the version table that appears on the MCR webpage, and indicates the version to be used with LAPS. Figure 1. MATLAB MCR Downloads The MCR library installer is an .exe file which you may run to install the MCR library. Once the library is installed, you may delete the MCR installer file. Step 2: Install LAPS 3.0.1 LAPS 3.0.1 is distributed in the form of an executable installer named LAPS 3.0.1 beta Installer32.exe . This file is downloadable from the Electro-Voice website. Size is approximately 50 MB. 3 LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 Install LAPS 3.0.1 by running the installer installer. Once installation has completed, you may delete the installer file. Running LAPS 3.0.1 The installation process will deposit a shortcut to LAPS 3.0.1. It looks like this: To run LAPS 3.0.1,, simply doubleclick this icon. Sample Data The installer places a folder of sample data on your desktop. It looks like this: You may use these files as starting points and/or change them as needed. You may move or delete the folder as you wish. Note to existing LAPS II Users If you are currently using LAPS II, you may install LAPS 3.0.1 without affecting your LAPS II program(s) or data. The two versions can coexist independently. 4 LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 Appendix B. What's New in LAPS 3.0.1 LAPS 3.0.1 is the first release of the LAPS 3 prediction software family from EV. While superficially similar to its predecessor LAPS II, LAPS 3 software is based on a completely new acoustic and mechanical computation engine called the Optimizer. The Optimizer provides a number of benefits in LAPS 3.0.1, and will allow the addition of significant new functions in the future. New features in LAPS 3.0.1 are: Acoustics • More accurate and detailed acoustical predictions. The Optimizer's predictions are based on full high-resolution measured loudspeaker data. The use of this data provides much more precise prediction results, especially in the high frequencies. • Full accounting for air absorption. The Optimizer takes air absorption fully into account, to provide much more accurate prediction of far-field array performance in large venues. Mechanics • Support for mechanically advanced rigging architectures. The new X-Line Advance line array loudspeaker family has a mechanically advanced rigging system that provides smoothly curved arrays at all angles. LAPS 3.0.1 fully supports this. • Support for pullback-to-grid arrays. The X-Line Advance family supports a new rigging mode in which a tension cable attached to the rear of the grid is used to pull the array into the desired arc. LAPS 3.0.1 fully supports this. • Improved diagnostic messages. LAPS 3.0.1 rigging diagnostic messages have been made clearer and more informative. • Selectable rigging safety factor. The LAPS 3.0.1 Preferences page now allows the rigging load safety factor to be set to 8:1, 10:1, or 12:1, to accommodate differences in local regulations. The chosen safety factor is used in all array load-limit checks. • Improved RigReport. The RigReport has been upgraded to be clearer and more compact, and to support the new features noted above. • Improved RigPic. The RigPic has been upgraded to show the new features. As well, it now provides clearer indication of "unriggable" configurations, i.e. configurations that fail load-limit tests or otherwise should note be used. General • Better product upgrade support. LAPS 3.0.1 and its successors allow separate distributions of software and product data. In the future, users will be able to download and install LAPS data for new products without having to install new versions of the LAPS 3 software. COMING SOON • Support for delay clusters. LAPS 3.0.1 does not currently support delay clusters. An upcoming update will add this feature. • Subwoofer prediction ('Arrays Bass' tab). LAPS 3.0.1 is being released without the 'Arrays Bass' tab familiar to LAPS II users. This feature will be back soon! • Support for other EV line array product families. LAPS 3.0.1 currently supports only the XLine Advance product family. In the coming months, support will be added for the older line array families - X-Line, Xlc, Xld, and Xle. 5 LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 Appendix C. Sample Data LAPS 3 saves and restores venue and array configurations in small text files whose names have the filename extension “.laps”. The installation procedure creates a folder on your desktop containing sample configuration files. The name of this folder is LAPS 3 Sample Data. It looks like this: Inside this folder are two subfolders, one named “English”, which contains examples in English units of measure, and one named “Metric”, which contains examples in Metric units of measure. To load a sample data file, run LAPS 3, go to the Venue tab, and click the LOAD button at the upper left. A file dialog box will appear. Navigate to the sample data folder described above, and select one of the files within it. 6 LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 Appendix D. Electro-Voice End-User License Agreement for Electro-Voice LAPS Software Electro-Voice LAPS software is a simplified guide that allows user to quickly approximate the acoustical and mechanical attributes of "typical" loudspeaker arrays using Electro-Voice X-Line Advance loudspeaker systems. As such, the software may not be feasible to model the loudspeaker array for your specific application. The LAPS software is designed specifically for use with Electro-Voice X-Line Advance loudspeaker systems and is not applicable to other loudspeakers manufactured by Electro-Voice or to loudspeakers from any other manufacturer. The overall safety of a loudspeaker rigging installation depends on many factors, including the array weight, the array configuration, the condition of the loudspeaker systems and loudspeaker rigging, the associated external support hardware items necessary to rig a complete loudspeaker array (grids, chain hoists, building or tower supports, the techniques used for the external support hardware and the condition of the external support hardware. The LAPS software cannot take into account all the variables necessary to predict a safe loudspeaker rigging installation. Because the LAPS software presents an approximate mechanical model of loudspeaker arrays, it is not a substitute for the structural ratings in the Users/Rigging Manuals included with the Electro-Voice loudspeaker systems. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that all Electro-Voice loudspeakers suspended overhead meet the structural and safety requirements detailed in the Users/Rigging Manuals and that the recommended Working Load Limits are not exceeded. The requirements governing rigging hardware and practices may be superseded by local regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any Electro-Voice loudspeaker system is suspended overhead in accordance with all current federal, state and local regulations. Do not use this software or the manuals except in consultation with trained and experienced rigging professionals with knowledge of hoisting and rigging practices and requirements, and who will exercise independent judgment in assessing the safety of an intended installation. All non-Electro-Voice associated hardware items necessary to rig a complete EV loudspeaker array (grids, chain hoists, building or tower supports and miscellaneous mechanical components) are the responsibility of others. The Users/Rigging Manuals for the Electro-Voice loudspeakers may be obtained online at, or from Electro-Voice Technical Support, available by telephoning +1 800 392 3497, then selecting options 4, then 3, then 3, then 3. THIS DOCUMENT STATES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS ("COMPANY") OFFERS TO LICENSE THE LAPS SOFTWARE ("SOFTWARE"). BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BECOME BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT. IF YOU PAID MONEY OR GAVE OTHER VALUE TO OBTAIN THIS SOFTWARE, RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE PLACE WHERE YOU OBTAINED IT FOR A FULL REFUND. The Software is licensed, not sold, to you for use only under the terms of this license, and the Company reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. The Company retains ownership of all copies of the Software itself, excluding any media on which it is stored. 7 LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 1. License: This limited license allows you to use the Software only on a single computer. 2. Restrictions: (a) You acknowledge and agree that the Software is not designed or intended to be used in planning actual array installations except in consultation with trained and experienced rigging professionals with knowledge of hoisting and rigging practices and requirements who will exercise independent judgment in assessing the safety of an intended installation. (b) The Software and any accompanying written materials or documentation are copyrighted. Unauthorized copying of the Software or any portion thereof, or copying of the written materials, is prohibited. (c) You may not create, market, distribute, or transfer copies of the Software to others or electronically transfer or duplicate the Software, or rent, lease, or loan the Software. YOU MAY NOT REVERSE ENGINEER, DECOMPILE, DISASSEMBLE, MODIFY, ADAPT, OR TRANSLATE THE SOFTWARE OR CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS BASED ON THE SOFTWARE OR ANY ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS. (d) In the event you violate any term of this Agreement, all licenses granted herein automatically terminate and you must stop using the Software and destroy or delete any copies of the Software. 3. Disclaimer of Warranties: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES. The Company does not warrant that the operation of the Software will meet your requirements or operate free from error. The Company DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. You understand that the Company may update or revise the Software and in so doing incurs no obligation to furnish such updates to you. However, the Company may in its discretion make updates available from time to time upon such terms and conditions as it shall determine. 4. User Acknowledgements: You acknowledge and agree that the Software is designed only for use with Electro-Voice Line Array loudspeaker products. You further acknowledge, agree, and warrant that (a) you have read and understand the Safety Notice and Warning at the top of this Agreement; (b) you will use the Software as an approximate guide only, and in consultation with trained and experienced rigging professionals with knowledge of hoisting and rigging practices and requirements who will exercise independent judgment in assessing the safety of an intended installation. 5. Limited Liability: THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY FOR ANY CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF THIS LICENSE BASED UPON THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE GREATER OF THE LICENSE FEE FOR THE SOFTWARE OR $100. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF DATA, LOST OPPORTUNITY OR PROFITS, COST OF COVER, OR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES. THIS IS AN ESSENTIAL TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT AND YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE PRICE YOU PAID FOR THE PRODUCT AND SOFTWARE REFLECTS THIS ALLOCATION OF RISK. 6. General. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement and all relations between you and Electro-Voice shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota without reference to conflict of laws principles. All disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in Minnesota; you agree and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts; and you agree that such courts are the most appropriate jurisdiction and venue for any dispute related to this Agreement. The following terms shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement: 3, 4, and 5. 8 LAPS 3.0.1 • VERSION 3.0.1 - RELEASE NOTES REV. 7 / MAY 6, 2015 Appendix E. Technical Support This list gives worldwide technical support contacts for LAPS users. AMERICAS Stuart Schatz Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (952) 736-4087 Cell phone: +1 (952) 210-3086 Robert Deyarmond Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (952) 736-4219 Cell phone: +1 (952) 210-3013 EUROPE Richard Merget Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)6181-662545 Fax: +49 (0)6181-662652 Cell phone: +49 (0)171-7209303 Dieter Kellner Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)36076-51010 Fax: +49 (0)36076-51011 Tobias Pirtsch Email: [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)9421-706 438 Fax: +49-(0)9421-706 482 Cell phone: +49 (0)170-8362847 AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Anthony Sawyer Email: [email protected] Phone: +971 (4) 2123357 Fax: +971 (4) 2123388 Cell phone: +971 (50) 7083135 ASIA PACIFIC Ronnie Lai Email: [email protected] Phone: +65 6571 2527 Fax: +65 6571 2699 Cell phone: +65-9873-9698 CHINA Mars Hua Email: [email protected] Phone: +86 (21) 221-81620 Fax: +86 (21) 221-82568 Cell phone: +86 180 1937 6649 9
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