Morning News Classifieds - 233 3671 . Vanilla Day Spa MORNING NEWS-BONA FIDE CLASSIFIEDS Located In tw heart of dayon savannah Is In neeof o Ml time •rotational Estrttdon. Beautifully atmpasnsre and wonderful workkv environment. Signing bonus ovoilo. PteasecallCourtneyot 2344920 Experience Body Person Business jt ocud In our Body Shop. • We ore looking fcr team players who want top pay and great benefits. 5 days a week. CoH Chris O 964-8113. • • Small Engine Mechanic & Technician Experienced. Awty In person Hendrix Machinery OLD DEAN FOREST ROAD Christy's Espresso. is seeking dependable persons with o smite tor porHlme position: Mutt war* ornti of .3 shifts a week. 16.00 an hr.pkn tips. $200 sign on tanus, paid vocation. Apply h person orty, Elsenhower at Hoogson Memorial. Drywall Boom Operator & Driver, Mutt have dean CDL. Exp. Only. CaBTohy, Savannah Drywall, Holiday Im/Wdtown is now hirtw for Housekeepers and Inspectors. Must be reliable, dependable, .-homrt, hard working and Irustwortrfy, Ptaose apply In person •' to Ms. Mottfe WHIfarm between the - hours of 10:OOAM and 2:OOPM. ; Absolutely No Phone Colls " WATER & SEWER .Head ex» & dependable pipe lover, ...heavy equipment operators and .laborers. Apply at H, Robinson Co. ,inc;,42SOOgeecheeRd, .Savannah, MortFrl 7:30on>9om or ^call»12-234-0252 Npritake China *• ' Now acceptlno applications for General Warehouse Workers. Previous experience preferred but not necessary. For more Information call 964-Wor 964-1877. EOE Urge Builder In Savannah looking fcr '•:'•.••-••.- • •. * Sub-contractor to do miscellaneous warranty work. FAX resume to 92M922 of drop It by409E.Montgomery Crass Rd., Suite A*-. Guest Assistant Cheerful energetic person needed of o^oDy Bvlng. Waitress or customer servkx experience would be of «^. Good work environment. . Benefits. 920:0084. DRIVER Food Grade TankCarriaExpandbiQ. ExceltantbenefTtv. Late model nLNo required. Regional. OTR and Teams WANTED! Cofl Wayne 1-88B-499-0037. Security Officers Need unarm and arnied security officers. PT/FT. No Weekends, no night workJ*eHreedfSfn*retfr«d. PoM vocotfcjiB flpdbte hourt. Apply 100 West Oglethorpe Ave., 6am. 6pjn. at Lobby Console. SECURrtYOATE PERSONNEL needed tot FrortGote^40 ptus hours per week, fotulii KI y^lfl, storting safary )8jOO per hour wtth possible benefits: Please submit resume k) Security, PO Box 1646, Savannah, GA 31402. ImineaTote openings mi penters for Insulaflon of lotef kY trim, bufldv harowore, toBct oocessorles, cabinet Installers, .and puiuji out work. AtoocuiHi0'Llul whdowcauMrs.Can 912-B77-25A4. Immediate Opening L>tvwCDL/.Hazrnat Entry level local deliveries, some out to town no over night, 401K & hmrance. Appty in 574 Indion Street : PaJnleft /rV\aintei)onoe>lelper w«hEPAcerflr1colbnexp.Murt: rove own loots tor Soulhtlde : apartment community. Cdt 927-2773, Mon-Frl., 9om-5pm. TTTLBMAX b seeking a motivated tndtvtdual to'mamge anew office InBeoufart TTTLlMAXolfcrsa competitive, sol arid 11 uillily bonus opportunity. Coltactlans. ftnohcepr rent to own exp. Q ptus. Coll 912-643-5033 for oppllcolion Info. Immediate Opening Asst. Warehouse Supervisor 401 K and benefit. Apply In person 574 Indian Street. DELIVERY PERSON wonted. Must have Ga driver's license. Know the Savannah area wtfl, abte to move furniture. Must have good attitude. Apply 410 W. BroughknSt. CITYAAARKET RefiredrSupplement your income to-P/T position, 20-30hrs. EvaHahti; wM train; good pay. Scenti UnMnlted, 33 Jefferson St., Or/Market 'Friday, April 28,2000 * 'Savannah Morning News • C7 THEAAILL FULL-TIME LANDSCAPe Maintenance Worker needed. Experience preferred. Must hove own tromoortotlon. Co* »l2-65$-7252or 912650-8394. TENNIS COURT MAINTENANCE PERSON needed at Southbridge Racquet Club. Will train; Approximately 35-40 hours per we«k. Call 912-451-5444 NOW HIRING: Servers « Un* Cooks. AMandPM, Mlond part-time. Apply In person between 3pm-5pm, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.. JBOS Abercorn SI. Gross Master's Lawn Core Now hiring exp. Lawn, Mart, workers. Knowledge of town comrnertkH etmto. neoessary. Good storting pay for exp., dependable Ptrson. 912-354-8856 Cora Otvtr NvecM. Must be dependable, flexible and compassionate; serious Inquiries only. Also need weekend cook. Coll Mpnlqm. 912-78&-4969 Dttta Loan has an Immedkito opening tar « coitoctonCSR, exp a Pk»» but not necessary. Salary and benefits. 401K pkn. Apply in person 110 E. Broughton St. No phone calls please. EXP. PARTS MANAGER needed at Gordon's PaW & Body. Cornputer knowtedgeMndwos 95 a must. Apply in person, 1)1 Douglas St.SaVhGa. . . • Established Grounds Maintenance Co. seeking Dependable Employees for Crew Leader « Laborers position*. Top pay with experience. Call for an appointment, 912-351-7143. Counter Persons FulrPart openirws In Historic District. Senior citizen welcome to apply. Call (912) 964-4852. While Way Laundry & deanen. Underground Cable Layers . A Laborers Must Inyeexp^Qvafid driven license 8, transportation? CALL TODAY 964-5898 or Toll Free 877-208-5897 Wanted Truck Driver/Wo us* Person. Brine current update to date MVR when applying. Accepting application M \VFr, 4011 Augusta Rd (Garden City). Days Inri b now hiring Restaurant Manager, Watt Staff, Front Desk Clerks, Admin. Assistant & Housekeepers. Goad Pay & Benefits. Appty In Person at. 201 West Bay St, Savannah: with 5 plus yr$ exp. Own transportation. Call 313-5360 of 691-1592. Spehce Construction Carpenters BOAT OPERATOR DRIVERS-tor passenger Von. FtexWe hours, 11J mite to start. Retires welcome. Must fae25yrS or older. Must rave deon MVR & pan drug tot. Call between . 10anv7pm. 912-944-1422 • 100 ton USCG license. Attractive offer to right person. Appty to: Box 9267, Sav'h, GA 31412 ATTENTION Tetemorketers; wktypay, cam $400 wkty. work -9pm Monday-Tnursdoy; Sat., 9-lpm, 973 354-2647 GLAZIER & HELPERS needed far glass company. Apply ' hi person. 909 Wheatan Street. No Phone CoHs. Eojual Opportunity Employer. Asst. AAechanic The Clubol Savannah Harbor, has an opening for Asst. Mechanic. Call 912-447-8341 loruppt. NovvHinng Hiring experienced Housekeepers and Houscperson. Appty in person Courtyard by Marriott, 6703 AbercomSt. . CpUNTHRHELP One Hour Cleaners . 4324 Augusta Rd., Garden City' PAWN SHOP Weekend Drivers needed. Excellent pay. Friday, Saturday & Sunday, days and niBhts. Coll 912-964-4733 Entry level position, salary plus commission. Apply In person at Port City Pawn Shop, 522 Hwy. 80 West, Garden City, GA. 314(8. SONIC DRIVE-IN now hiring Asst. Managers for Whltmarsh Island & Georgetown location. Coll 897-1122 between 2:00-7pm. . . . • ******************* ACCT. MANAGER For Furniture Debit Sotary+ Comm. Apply: WestsidB Fum. 2B4MLKina.Brvd. PARTY CITY CosWen & Stock Personnel. FT 8. PT. positions; competitive wooes, Apply in person ot 7yJ9 Abercom. St.; Savannah. Red Roof lm& Suites u! Pooler Ga, near the Savannah Airport. Now taking applications far all positions. Appty at The GA Dept. of Labor, 5530 White Bluff Rd£OE Hilton Head Landscape Co. looking for a crew leader. Must have drivers license and transportation to work, good salary and benefits. Start ASAP. Call 843-757-3775. POSTAL JOBS tp »18 J5/HR INC. Benefits, Noexperience • far app. & exoiTi fnftx Call 1400413-3585, Ext 7428 8AM - 9PM, 7 days Ids, Inc. Boaters World b Now Hirkw P/T Sates Associates & Cashiers CoHBoborKoJhY 912-9254216 PTHondymoTtnBedBd Immediolety Must hove basic construction skills and be punctual. Coll (912) 7864115 for Interview. FLOWER AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE. ISLEOFHOPE,. CALL 912-3S4rlSj6M . Dispatcher NMdtd. 12a.m.- 8a.m. Mamdoy -Friday. •Appty In person. Darsey Tire Ca, East HwyBO, Pooler. : Driver needed for line haul run from SovonnahtoCharlorte. Driver . must own late model 24ft truck. 912-3S5-793J . Krire laFront De*. Experience only 912-92S-1212 PARTS^OUNTER PERSON Needed. Auto Part* imp. helpful. 40 hour week. Coll for oppt. 912-35S-Q02S, Boat Center. 230 Management ASSISTANT MANAGER Lai-ge national company is looking for three people to assist manager. Must be neat and willing to work. $500 a week to start. If you are ready to start immediately, call 912-920-1445 to set up a personal interview for $12 Million Dollar mfg. co. Excellent Pay, Long Hours, Hard Work, Drug Testing Required. Fox Resume: 803-793-3018. • . BomweflCounty area. '. Immediate opening tor staff accountant for CPA firm. Must hove accounting degree. Public :accounting pref but not required. Please'fax resume to 912-351-9435 or moil to Accountant, 329 Eisenhower Dr., Suite IOOA' Savannah, GA 31406 PAYROLLCLERK F/T Position; must have pcyrotl exp. Tax deposits ond quarterly reports required. Need to be proroent with Excel & Word fox resume to 912-964-7449. E.O.E. i mm 216 Conitructioo ' Software Admlnistrotar • Expanding Resktential . Construction Company looking for a team ptover. Knowledge of • construction Windows based computTH (BUILDSOFT),. Satafy . negotiable. FA^ Resume to 748-2137 Counter Attendant needed apply any Qirty Harry* : IpcoHon. • • ',-'.' 71QCI«rl«l/ A IO Sccretari ad? Coll today and your od CDL DRIVERS No CredH Check, Buy Your Own Truck, Top Pay, 800-777-2784 Assistant Manager needed wflti Gxperinos center. Call 961-1006 Counter Clerk CDL Drivers Exp. Wrecker Di-iver Mfn.Age25. Reliable. . 912-920-0222 Ideal Pest Control Seeks Service Technicians. Salary Plus benefits. 912-232-4992 Isuzu Pickup 1996,35400 +/- miles, new everything, $6750.912-898-1871 Local CDL Drivers needed tor Rireon area Excellent pay and benefits. 912426-4882: 214 Accounting, Accounting AAonager For small office staff. Accounting deflate or cony nensurale exp.. . Knowledge of payroll, taxes, workman's camp, MR & M> plus train en computer system. Top pay for right person. Reply to Box " P312449cA> Savannah Morning • News, PO Box 1088. Savannah, . GA 31402. ! OFFICE AAANAGER We rave an opening hi our Anemal* Delivery Oepanmerf toon Office Manager. Responsiolities include but ore na» limited to answering telephones, typing, processing all paperwork for the personnel files; reports, data entry. Keeping detailed record! on all employee's hours to ensure accurate payroll, and assisting Ire alternate delivery manager. Will ateo aid in building future routes, which will include some field work. Vuit be a high school graduate Aitti same office management experience Must be computer literate and type 40+ WPMTtwis a fast paced oftice with lots of interruptions Tests will be given. Homekecper Wonted for Downtown Residence. Approx. 20 hours per work. Competitive sotory. Call St*vt Day. 660-7779. 212 Help Wanted General 224) CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ARCHITECTURAL ORSTRUCTURAL AUTOCAD TECHNICIAN IllW.Bay Street Monday & Thursday Only, 911 am Or 34pm. Seeking messenger lor downtown low firm. Duties include offiaotourthouse filing, hand deliveries, errands ond general office assistance. Must hove dependable transportation, and good sens* of organization ond priorityirw. Hours needed M-F, loam-tan. Direct inajuiries fo 22 W. Bryon St., PMB 152. Sovomoh. Go., 3M01 Receptionist South College has on (mrnedkite opening for RecepttanisVSecretary, Successful applicants must passeuteyboardingskiltt,at« wprn,e)^eriencBwithMJcrosort. ' Word ond excGileni con MI tunicutkii skills. Apply in person or ooH 691-6000, 709 Mall Blvd. We dre socking a collecftem Clerk . consumer products compony. ' • REQUIRED: Associate degree H Business Admlnistrotion or related fWd with 1-2 wrs collections . experience or RS. cSptoma (GED) wfth W years cOltertiom experience. Eojm>Alent combinulion of eduction and experience wttl be conskteredWORKING KNOWLEDGE OF WINDOWS APPLICATION, WORD PROCESSING AND EXCEL SOFTWARE PROGRAMS. STRONGAPTITUDe FOR . FIGURES, knowledge of SAP desiratxe, not reaped. D*JTIE$; Collectian of definqueht retail ond wholesale accounts receivable and axnmunicating with accounts by i^imntt and through lellej s. Acceptable candidule must have good problem solvina skills and Excellent written and oral oxnmunJcotkn skills. ' COMPETITIVE SALARY AND GOOD BENEFITS. Fax resorre to: (912)651-1184 or mail to: H.R. . Dept.<C, P. 0. BOX 22309, Savannah, GA. 31403, E.O.E, DAYOUB FINANCIAL DESIGNS FeeOrtv Financial Planners & rri^slment Monoaers DFDb seeking oF/T RecptJSecty. Qualified caxSdulw should neat organization skills and be proficient with Microsoft Office. Exc. written & oral sUfc ore rea Please oppty In person by oWfverirs resume to DFD. 315 Comnwdpt Dr. Suite B2. ntcrvlews wlB be scheduled within thenext2wks. . 'ort-time/Full-time office position available. Must be able to work wtth a lack of supervision/have excellent commurBartton skilH, and be computer literate (Excel is a Plus). Moil resume 16: «811 Forest Pork Dr., Suite 203, Spy. QA 31404 218 Clerical/Secretarial Busy doctor's office need: someone for filing, phones, collecting payments. Insurance filing o plus. Must have bosk PC skills. VJOhr to stort wtaise after 9D days & fun co. benefits-f «1 K Plan. Call 3S4-2189 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Must-have good people skills & Phone skills. Apply AutoMax Kio. Abercom. Thomas, 92006M BUia Inc. blocking for a seorekrviWino derk to work h our offjoe. Must be computer literate ond oWe to use Word, Works and Excel. Apply in person at 214 East Boy Street. tAP 8:30om-4:00pm. fVT RECEPTIONIST Needed downtown attorney's office. Hours: 9onvNoon, Light Typing. Reply top 310739 c* Savannah Morning News, PO Box 10J& Savamatv SaVh grig, firm sen Indiviauol yjYnin:3yrs.autocodtxp. Good sokyyAenefits. Fax resume to 912-356-1865 or mall to P.O. Box 1517?. Savannah, GA 31416 I . ^^^•^^•mB^H^H^^^M* 230 Management A ' IHBHI DISTRICT AAANAGER We hove on opening hi our ClxuWionDepartrnentkrfulltime District Maxiger.Thh position win involve recruitment, tit**o, late, 'col lections ond oversea activities of itracted carriers. Position reauina qrtioHvojted.entHuslpstic •idivlduQlwIlh rnonogern skins. GooddrivinB nBoordond Insured vehicle o must. The petition enjoys o competitive sotary and company UapHiH plans. .Hours ore Monday . thru Friday from 3:00om until noon and weekends 3an>11om. Appty In Person Savannah Momjno News Human Resources r 111 W. Boy Street Monday & Thursday Only, 9-11 am Or 2~4pm. Reach all the coo) cats with ah ad in the Islands Closeup Business Profile. Ifs a lot of value for not a lot of bread!! Can you dig it? Call Elaine at 652-0214. ArtANAGEMEMT t$2p,000 Plus ** LawContract C leonine Company is expanding in the Sovmmoti area. Generor Managers needed who ore willing to grow with'company. Monxjement or rrtilrtary experience always a plus. Interested applicants should fax resume to Jessica O (912) 746-1004 or coll .(912) 744-9944 Immediate Opening /WVNAGEMENT FT Oenerol office, payable, receivable, order entry.. Appty in Person 574 Indion St., Dependable person for Office Manager ot sme* firm. Typing end computer skills necessary. Resume to FOB 344, RlrtcavGa. 313& Seeking1 . FT Receptionist PayboMdanexp. Call 912(26-5552 or 826-4674 . t$20.uOO Plus « _ LoroF Contrtict Ctoanino Compony , HcQPondno In the Savonptii ono. General Vonagen needed who are MonoQBniflnt or rnflHary aJwoys a plus. Interested o shouW fox resume to Jessica a (912) 746-1004 or call (912) 744-9941 Tetemarteting A/tanager sded. Assistant Manage S3W4QYR. Must hove mgmt. experience In cold coll. CAittxxjnd . . Immeolqte position for the right WryMuoLCaH Man thru Fri, 9am-5pm only. 1-800-711-0214. AskfarBobQuthn. & good pcrtmd'tf^ ifprea/ d. Fox resume to: 912-234-1152 . Receplioribl-Mf.yarrrS pm. • TypinB,oiiswcrHo yepDoiK, filin & 93od pETYTXiirfripncf cL Foe reiume to: 912-234-1152 RECEPTIONIST PART-TIME - NEEDED FOR WEEKENDS. Send resume to P. O. Box 30407, Sayoraioh, GA 31410. Secretary far small business. Typino, computer skids, and public relation skilb ore needed. Resume to POB 645, Pooler, Go. 31322. Business Office AAonoger Uto Cam Center of Hilton Head. Must hove a business or retated ' degree or experience In Accounts Receivable. Medicare and Medtajkt knowledge a plus. Fax resume to 843-681-2053 of coll 843-681-6006. 212 Help Wanted General I RECEPTIONIST/ SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Afternoons and Saturdays, Stop by to fill out application or fax resume. Attn: Sandra Cash 912-964-0889 No phone calls, please. Ultrasonographer needed far high risk Ofl office In Augusta. Must be ROMS; exp. preferred, 706-724-2148 ext. 10. Fax: 706.724-1908. E-mail: cttgerOuturg LJfe Cere of Hilton Head currently has an opening for on ADON, Applicant must be an R.N.witt] ' Lone Term Care Experience. Competitive wage* and excellent benefits. If interested coll »4W814006 or fox resume lo 643-411-2153 Tr» oty of to*mt\u proud B o o portriB-lnMO: INSTRUCTORS PT/FT, good drivina record, seH motivator. Retired military o plus, phone 913 447-6696 for gppt. Apply in Person Savannah Morning . News Human Resources Port time Office Asteiont is needed * *retated ** tor, busy real* estate cffae. Must be proflcient in Windows NT 4.0, give great attention to detail ond beoustomer oriented. Hours ore Wed 1:00-5:00pnv Thurs & Fri, . 8:30om-5:30rxn.CollMoidi Thompson 652-0213 for oppt. Serious inquires only. Assistant Director of Nursing 232? SECRETARY* COLLECTIONS O£RK SAVANNAH, GA Wait Staff needed. Experience. Apply In person only Orrmpta Cafe, 5 E RUtr street - Needed at Molphus Construction. 843-837-3966, EOE . PARTS RUNNER/ CLEAN UP PERSON Needed, Heovy Urtr* Rwwlred .912-966-1716 Needed Ivriest, seff-<notlvDled, reliol*, OistoaTortMointenance Asst. & Housekeepers. Suburban Lodge, 1MU Abercom. Apply DUMP TRUCK DRIVER . Only Exp. Need Apply. Must Wave CDC ond Clean MVR. Drug Free. Steady Work, 912-920-2321. CARPENTERS NEEDED rarisuui tuloi & tools o must. . Good pay. Cqll 412-0351 or 663-7190 Driven needed, he cfcena. COL reo/d. Late model ocnv wkty pay, 30 CPM to start, new fleet. Kanbon, 912-96<M)939. Cashier, Asst.Manager & MaWenance needed for fuel stop. Must bg wliang to work all shifts. Exp. not rea Appty m person El . Cheapo «41 (Shell) 1-95 8, W. Atlas Van Lines Local and OTR drivers needed. Pay based on exp. Col) Jackson 912-927-0035 Cfifton pry Oeoners, Skbawaym at Ferguson Ave^ Vssemblers for MaB order arts ond Tpffs compony. • FuQ tire or part fthe. Grtatpay.Coll . -800-S91-1860, ext. 110. ACCOUNTANT Front Desk CMrkPT Housekeepers PT. Please Apply ot Red Roof Inn. 912-920-3535 bet 7a.m. - 3p.m. . Class A CDL Trader Trailer Drivers. Days, MorrFrl, corttoiner experience preferred. Call 964-0963, 8:30om-5pm. Exp. .Pointers and • . Pointers HelperinMe4. Must hcMfr i/impQrtottaiv Cqll 912-748-2989 Accountant Needed for Trucking Company located in Hordeevllte. Strong accounting background- Payroll, billing, accounts Payable & receivable. Call 912-5980190 Needed appliance Delivery & Installer. Appty LMoooad Appliance, 6700 Skidaway Rd., Mon-Frl IQorrvSpm con be In the Savannah nnomino News tomorrow) Call SP-FREEcrdwotcrittvgrti Person needed for warehouse and pool cleaning. Must have valid drivers license. Contact Sherri ot 912-232-4444 Wanted High icrcal graduate to work In HVAC Industry. Earn pay white troWng for your career. Contact SoutlBustHii Air * conditioning Inc. oty6402M . Simplicity Barber Styling. Booth rent availabtt. $150 par week. Clientele not necessary. 3 locations. 912-232-7022 otter 8pm. Help needed for construction Oeanup. For more >Juiimtlun, : Please call 912-412-2333 or 843-784-5661 Experienced Floral desigrer. Benefits. Apply In person. 1195 May River Rd, BlufftorySC . . Fast growing company seeking Car Rental Agent and Cor Wash Porter. Appty hi person at 9602 While BluH Rd. Small business lender seeks port time credit analyst at $10.50 per hour. Candidate will hove excellent office skills, hove knowledge ot spreadsheet software, be able to spread financial information ond handle credit Inquires lo the organization. Resumes to Small Business Assistance Corporation, PO Box 10750, Savannah, GA 31412 CASHIER-needed for fueutop Must be willing to work all shifts. Exp. not reo, Appty in person El Cheapo II (Texoco) 1-95187 Tired of watllna fcr tl« other papers In town to publish your AC Warehouse/Vkinager Janitor Needed 71n>3:30pra Mon-Frl. Custom woodwork, 166 Pine Barren Rd. Pooler,. 9)2-748-2865. Product Demonstrators needed Immediately! $9.00 per hour tar weekend work. Please call (910)-270-1303. Make us o pot1 of your morning EVERYBVY! .. Expertenced Help Needed. Paid benefits. 912-201-9822 Exp: Wgrehouse Person wltti good reference. Must have computer • knowteotoe. Sal nego. Fox resume to: 912-352-9703 Attn: Jams. | FLORIDA ROCK & Now hiring drivers for .regional and local deliveries. Successful candidates will have; . • 2 years tractor trailer experience • Clean MVR • Over the age of 25 • Hazmat and tankers endorsements The following positions are atviiable at the Savannah Morning News. Our employees enjoy a competitive salary & excellent n-orking conditions and benefits. OPERATIONS MANAGER We are seeking an Operations Manager for our warehouse in Garden City. The ideal candidate should have a degree in general education or transportation, well versed in DOT rules and regulations, at least two (2) years of warehouse experience, computer experience, and enjoys working in a warehouse setting. Must be eligible for a current Class A CDL with a good driving records. This person will maintain accurate inventory of all newsprint rolls in a comput-". erized inventory management system, maintain records/schedules, assigned DOT files, OSHA Hazard Communication, supervise truck drivers, and comply with all laws regulating interstate and/or interstate operations. £eneraly 40 hours per week with full benefits package. 'ADVERTISING SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR : We are seeking a person who has some accounting' experience, has logic and good communication skills, works well with others, and has good computer,; knowledge. This position oversees the PBS/AMS sys-' : tem, troubleshoots and resolves problems for users.The ideal candidate must also be able to work with r all types of personalities in a professional manner, beu self-motivated, highly organized and detail-oriented.;;; A great opportunity forthe right person. Full bene^-j fits package and hours are generaly Monday - Friday < 8:30 a.m.-5:30 pjn. '* ADVERTISING SECRETARY We are seeking a person with at least 3-5 years secre-" . tarial/administrative experience. The ideal candKdates should have excellent organizational skills,.'be* able to work with sensitive information with the*} highest confidentiality, good computer skills. (Micr-JI osoft Word & Excel), type 60 wpm, and good people^ skills. This person assists the Advertising Director lit* performing advertising department administrative^ duties and managing daily operation of the office^ Self-motivated and initiative is necessary. Monday Q Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Full benefit package. ^ OFFICE/SALES ASSISTANT PART-TIME .'•; We are in need of a person who is computer literate^ has excellent people skills, types 40-50 wpm, has. good organizational and communication skills to* work part time in our Classifiied Department, are approximately 20 hours per week. ' TELEMARKETERS- PART TIME ~ We have openings in our Circulation Department fo( ; tetemarketers. Experience in telemarketing preferred; but not required. Must have high school diploma^ good grammar and telephone etiquette. On-the-job* training will be. provided in product features, proper! phone technique and matters, proper techniques for* overcoming objection. Hours are Monday thnr Friday 5:30 PM.- 9:30 PM and every other Saturday* HhOOAM.l:OOPM. ' . «. MAILER/TRUCK DRIVER ' • • • • ' . ' , NIGHTSIDEMAILROOM ;; We are seeking a person who has a valid CDL* license. This person will deliver papers to drop site£ & post office. Must be able to lift up to 70 Ibs. Great"! opportunity for the right person.. Full benefit* package. FIELD ASSISTANT-PART TIME ;; We are looking for a Field Assistant for the i Savannah area. The ideal candidate should have £ high school diploma, be a self starter, healthy worfc ethic, dependable vehicle and be able to show proof; of insurance on their vehicle. Hours usually are 2:30' ajn.-7'JO a.m. Occasional day time hours - approxi*> rhately 35 liours per week. '.•'••'",•* Apply In Person . Savannah Morning News Human Resources Department IllW.Bay Street Monday & Thursday Oiuy, 9-11 am Or 2-4 pm. ' Our Mission: To Inform • To Inspire • To Influence Successful candidates will enjoy: • 401k /Prof it sharing retirement program • Paid vacation . • Health benefits after 90 days .•Safety bonuses . . , - . . . • Modern fleet of equipment Sonwposilionjnuyrtqmrtpnxifofid<ndfic*tkMind/«iraur»oct. 1025 Highway 80 • Savahhah, GA 31408 Call 964-5055 between 9*5pm. ttmMj Savannah's Best Used Cars 99 NO MONEY DOWN Atrr<>, A/C, PW, PI. s 97-SATIIKN s 16.995 9jlS{^UKI p^ " 2000 Skturn S-Series * 12,085 S \/<~. PI. 9.995 % MIW. UW MII.F.S t V . A l l l l M , M ' T « I . 4f, s'|^495 $ , A/I-. c:A.s.«f 1O.995 I AIT«>. um MII^S. $ 2001 Saturn SC Coupe • 13,935 2000 Saturn L-Series • $15,450 •All new Silumi - I 9S for )6 nwnthl. 2 9*i for V-4S mon<hj A 4 9H for 49-60 monrtn Your Job Is Your Credit! | Bankruptcies [^JDivorce [3Slow Pay For Credit Help, call (912) 920-6500 ,<
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