1 Paper P Higher Education Strategic Liaison Forum Notes of the

Paper P
Higher Education Strategic Liaison Forum
Notes of the meeting held on 4th February 2015
Ian Hall (IH) - Chair
Adrian Carr (AC)
Anne Marlow (AM)
Christine Whitney-Cooper (CWC)
David Farrelly (DF)
Elaine Cook (EC)
Elizabeth Barbarosa (EB)
Helen Best (HB)
Helen York (HY)
Jackie Brocklehurst (JB)
Jane Johnson(JJ)
Judy Clegg (JC)
Moira Ingham (MI)
Paula Crick (PCr)
Rachel Munton(RM)
Sandra Kirk (SK)
Simon Oldroyd (SO)
Suzanne Hilton (SH)
University of Nottingham
University of Lincoln
De Montfort University
University of Nottingham
Education for Health
Sheffield Hallam University
University of Hertfordshire
HEEM - Nottinghamshire
University of Sheffield
University of Northampton
University of Derby
Academic Health Science Network
Nottingham Trent University
De Montfort University
University of Coventry
In attendance:
Krystina Spicer (KS)
Patrick Callaghan
Rachael Chadwin
Jill Cresswell
Nick London
Trish Knight
David Heney
University of Nottingham
Open University
University of Leicester
University of Leicester
Cate Hollinshead (CH)
David Poll (DP)
1) Welcome, introduction and apologies
IH welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the
table. Apologies were noted as above.
Matters Arising
The Minutes of the meeting held on 7th October were ratified subject to the
following alterations being made:
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P3, Item 10 – PC to be changed to PCr (Paula Crick)
P3, Item 12 – Phil Cheetham (Nottingham University) to be changed to Phil
Cheetham (Nottingham Trent University).
HEI Dashboard: JJ reported that this project had been on hold, but that it
would be re-visited in April. The group felt that this was a worthwhile initiative
and JJ would bring it back to the meeting on 7th July.
LBR : The LBR development day originally planned for November had been
postponed and will now take place on 18th February at the Thistle Hotel. It was
noted that HEIs will require advance notice if there are any changes in the
provision of LBR. JJ to advise members of the forum of the date of the
3) Investing in People – HEE Workforce Plan for England
David Farrelly gave an overview of the HEE Workforce Plan for England and
the Five Year Forward View. KS to send link to this document to the members.
Discussion around the implications of the five year plan followed and what
could be done to help change the nature of the workforce as it stands. KS to
put on the Agenda for the meeting on 23rd April.
DF also mentioned that ‘The Shape of Caring’ will be published in March and
there was brief discussion around benchmark pricing and the challenge to HEIs
4) Beyond Transition
DF briefed the members on the many changes happening within the
organisation and outlined the new structures. It was noted that there was to be
a national review of Post Graduate Deans.
DF advised that Kaye Burnett will be standing down as Independent Chair of
HEEM and asked the members to contact him if they had any suggestions for
her replacement. It is envisaged that this role would require a commitment of 2
– 3 days per month.
IH asked that HEIs receive regular updates with regard to the changes within
the organisation and in particular contact details. Copies of the new structures
to be taken to the April meeting.
There was brief discussion with regard to the independent sector and its role
and around commissioning by CCGs for clinical education.
5) Changing Landscape of Healthcare Education
JJ presented the paper on Changing Landscape of Healthcare Education
and advised that the Governing Body would like a report back in April on
progress around the actions and are looking for champions to take this work
forward. Some discussion followed around this. JJ would circulate the
project areas with further details.
EMAHSN Challenge Award
Anne Marlow gave an update on EMAHSN Challenge award of +/- £250k
following the first steering group meeting on 3rd February when several of
the HEIs got together to support the process. A ‘good news’ press release
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will be issued to illustrate collaborative working.
Cate Hollinshead gave an overview of two papers: (1) Developing KPIs for
Education Contract Review Process and (2) Triennial Review Process.
There was some discussion around attrition the RAG rating categories.
Colleagues identified that consistency across LETBs with regard to quality
assurance processes would be welcome. JJ confirmed work was underway
to do this and is that she is Chairing one of the working groups. The group
accepted the proposed KPIs and the suggested process for undertaking the
Triennial Reviews.
First Destination Data Project
Contract Review Process
AM to circulate the document giving further details of the new student
placement opportunities that have been developed in partnership between
JJ agreed to circulate the paper showing the initial outcomes from this
Embedding the principles of prevention in Healthcare Education
This paper was distributed for information.
10) Community Education Provider Networks
David Poll talked through the Community Education Provider Networks
(CEPNs) slides that had been circulated and advised that this would be
launched in March 2015
11) A.O.B.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 12.30
The next meeting will be held at Sheffield Hallam University on 23rd April at
10.30 – 12.30.