Paper H – Derbys LETC Minutes 11.3.15

Paper H
Wednesday 11th March 2015, 2.00pm to 4.00pm,
Birchwood Room, Post Mill Centre, South Normanton, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 2AJ
Sue James (SJ) - Chair
John Keenan (JK)
Paula Crick (PC)
Susan Stocks (SS)
Jenny North (JN)
Mel Teasdale (MT)
Lesley Harris (LH)
David Young (DY)
Robyn Dewis (RD)
Karen Martin (KM)
Julie Bolus (JB)
Amanda Rawlings (AR)
Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Health Education East Midlands, Derbyshire Workforce Team
University of Derby
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Derbyshire LMC
Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire Health United
Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Derby City Council
Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
NHS England
Derbyshire Community Health Services
Nwando Umeh (NU)
Kayte Holter-Reed (KHR)
Derbyshire LMC
Health Education East Midlands, Derbyshire Workforce Team
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies
Apologies for the meeting were received from Jackie Pendleton, Derek Ward,
Carolyn Green, Bill Whitehead, Arenna Richards, Peter Ripley, Christine Wint, John
Sykes, Lisa Soultana, Nicky Hill, Jayne Storey, Elaine Cook, Andrew Dickenson and
Jenny Tilson.
SJ welcomed members to the meetings and introductions were conducted.
Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising
2.1 Action Log
Please see embedded action log below for further update:
LETC Action Log
Updated Following 11.03.2015 Meeting.doc
2.2 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true reflection of the meeting held on the 14th
January 2015.
2.3 Matters Arising
AR provided an update on the Reshaping Community Workforce Project and the
East Midlands Local Education and Training Board
Developing people
for health and
Independent Chair: Kaye Burnett
Managing Director: David Farrelly
workforce modelling tool by Whole Systems Partnership (WSP). It was agreed that
WSP will be invited to the next meeting to present the modelling tool.
Update from HEEM
3.1 Beyond Transition
It has now been confirmed that the HEEM Workforce Team (Derbyshire) and the
HEEM Workforce Team (Nottinghamshire) will merge into one team. Jackie
Brocklehurst has been appointed to the Transformation and LETC Lead for
Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire role. No appointments were made to the Derbyshire
and Nottinghamshire Partnership Manager role which will be advertised on NHS
Representatives from the LETCs will be invited to participate in the interview
process. It was stressed that sufficient notice will be required to allow attendance.
JK informed the group that Janice Stevens, Director for Midlands and East, has now
started a 6 Month secondment to Barts Health NHS Trust as the Interim Chief Nurse.
Janice’s work will now be covered in the interim by Paul Holmes, Director for South.
3.2 HEEM Governing Body
A DVD which has been created to positively promote General Practitioner roles
within the East Midlands. There were some comments on the claims made within
the DVD regarding working hours but overall it is a very good piece of work.
It was agreed that an update is needed on Horizon Scanning to gauge the
impact of co-commissioning and the recently announced Vanguards and this
will be included on the agenda for the July meeting.
The Post Graduate Medical Trainee Redistribution project for the East Midlands was
discussed and it was agreed that a HEEM representative will be invited to the next
Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group to provide an update on this. AR agreed to
provide an update on this at the next LETC meeting.
Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group
The first meeting, with the new membership, took place in February and was a
success. The group is now working on maintaining a balance between the “Business
as Usual” work and the transformational workforce priorities. An update on the HR
Transition will be requested for the next meeting and Zoe Linton will be invited
to update the LETC in May.
AR gave a brief update on the Aspiring Leaders and Talent Management process
which is being led by Ronnie Cope. AR will provide an update on this process at
the Derbyshire Chief Executive’s Officers Meetings.
The Strategic Workforce Group will review the LETC Priorities for 2014/15 and how
they have been met. AR to provide an update at the next meeting.
East Midlands Local Education and Training Board
Developing people
for health and
Independent Chair: Kaye Burnett
Managing Director: David Farrelly
Greater representation is required from the Primary Care Sector at the meetings and
DY agreed to contact Stuart Holloway regarding attendance membership at the
Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group.
A decision making matrix for considering bids for funding is in the process of being
developed to aid transparency and consistency. The parameters for the level of
decisions that can be made at the Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group will need to
be defined and the Terms of Reference for the group will need to be clear. This will
need to be done after the Terms of Reference are agreed for the LETC.
It was agreed that the Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group will now provide written
updates to the LETC.
Reshaping the Community Nursing Workforce Project
JB presented the final report (attachment 4) outlining the progress for the project.
The steering group for this project will no longer meet as this work will now feed the
Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group. JB stated that the report is a scoping
document which has now been agreed across the system.
The language and definitions used to define roles will requires standardisation across
the system to avoid confusion. The Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group, led by
AR, will respond to the report and consider how to provide a workforce that
work across the system whilst being based in a different provider. The group
would like to thank JB and Kath Henderson for their excellent work on this project
Education and Training Through Transformational Funding
6.1 Data Collection Template
A data collection template has been sent out to all organisations to scope what the
allocated money has been spent on. HEEM will analyse this and provide a more
detailed report to the Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group.
6.2 Finance Update
JK provided an update on finance and circulated a breakdown of the allocation of the
2014-15 HEEM devolved funding.
6.3 Project Updates
Reshaping Community Workforce Project: This was discussed under Matters Arising.
Advanced Clinical Practitioners Project:
This was not discussed at this meeting and will be included on the agenda for
the April Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group meeting.
CEPN Project (Verbal Update)
JK updated the group on the progress with the Community Education Provider
Network Project. HEEM held an event for the successful pilots on 4th March and the
outcomes of this should be circulated shortly. It was agreed that updates on the
project will need to be regularly received. This will be included on the agenda for
East Midlands Local Education and Training Board
Developing people
for health and
Independent Chair: Kaye Burnett
Managing Director: David Farrelly
the May meeting.
Derby and Derbyshire LMC Practice Nurse Project: Phase 3 Proposal
NU presented a proposal for Phase 3 of the Practice Nurse Project to transfer it to an
e-learning platform. JK informed the group that HEEM will be unable to provide the
funding for this as HEEM is waiting for a national steer on this and other competency
There was a query around the ownership of the framework and JK agreed to
check this with Lisa Soultana. It was identified that this project has resulted in a
really good piece of work by the LMC and this will be included on the agenda for the
next meeting.
Medical Workforce Group
This was not discussed at the meeting and will be included on the agenda for
the next meeting.
Any Other Business
JB and KM requested that they be removed from the distribution list as they change
roles. The group would like to express their thanks for the contributions these
members have made to the group. Jayne Dickenson will be added to the distribution
Date and time of next meeting:
Wednesday 27th May 2015, 1-00 – 4-00 in the Rangewood Room at the Post Mill
Centre, South Normanton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 2EJ.
East Midlands Local Education and Training Board
Developing people
for health and
Independent Chair: Kaye Burnett
Managing Director: David Farrelly