FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT FJNA NCI/\ L STA TEM ENTS AND SlJPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR THE fiSCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE .'0,2014 nt1,' ....J<;,nt1.",nt Auditors' Report.. 1-2 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION and Analysis .................... .. .. .................... . 3-17 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Activities and In Net Position ................................................................... . 20 of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet 10 of Nel Poshion ............................................................. , .............................. . and in Fund Balances ...... Revenues. of the Governmental Statement of Expenditures, Statement of Activities.... .. .. ............. .. .......... .. in Fund Balances 10 Statements Net Position ................... . Net Position .... . I../Q,!"nr,r.ll.ahr,n ",'omont 21 22 23 24 25 Statements ................................................................................................................... Notes to REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION OTHER THAN MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANAL YSIS and Changes In Balances - wU'"'Y"" and 50-51 52 lor Other Postemployment Benefits OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION from '-"""'1-',,,,,", ""':..1'-'\.1\0' to Final and Section 1318 Real Property Schedule of Project Net Investment in nrit, .... o.nrf,o,u -Capital Fund 53 Fund ...................................................................... . Assets ................................................................................ Auditors' Report on Internal Over Financial Reporting and on Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements with Government Auditing Standards.................................. ... ............... .... ................. 54 55 56-57 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' RE PORT To the Board of Education Floral Park- Bell erose Union Free School District Floral Park, New York We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fu nd, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Floral Park-Bellerose Un ion Free School District (the "Dist rict"), New York, as of and for the year ended June 30. 2014, and the related notes to the financi al statements, whic h collectively comprise the District's basic financial statements as listed in the tabl e of contents . Management 's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting prinCiples generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design , implementation, and maintenance of internal conlrol relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, wh ether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibi li ty is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accorda nce with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and th e standards applicab le to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General 01 the United States . Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from mat erial misstatement. An audit involves periorming procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment. including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In maki ng those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the District's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures thai are appropriate in th e circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the District's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness 01 Significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as eval uating the overall presentation of the financial statements. W e believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropnate to provide a basis for ou r audit opinio ns. PERSONA L SERVICE. TRUSTE D ADV ICE. ALBRECHT, VIGGIANO, ZURECK & COMPA IY, PC 245 PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10167 T' 212.792.4075 -1- 25 SUFFOLK COURT HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-3715 T. 631434950 F: 631 .434 .9518 www.avz.com ~ Opinions faIrly. In all material respects, the respective fund, and the aggregate remaining fund New as of June 2014, and the ended in accordance with accounting Other Matters Required V<.J,I.'I-"'C:' Information accepted in the United Stales 01 America comparison information and the to supplement the basic financial is the be an essential part of financial for ,",'''NM,n or historical context. We have certain in accordance with standards generally consisted of ot about the methods of the information for with statements, and olher knowledge any nol express an opinion or or any assurance. not provide us with suFficient evidence to express an Other Information purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements Ihat Union Free School District, New York's basic hnancial statements. The as lisled in lable 01 by the New York lor the 01 and is not a part of information is Ihe responsibility of management and was derived from and relate accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements. Such been subjected to the auditing procedures in the audit of the basic financial statements additional procedures, including comparing and such information directly the and olher records used 10 prepare the basic finanCIal statements or to the basic in accordance with auditing themselves, and other additional "''-':'''<;:IJICV in the Uniled Slates 01 America. In our opinion, the other information is in relation 10 the basic financial statements as a whole, with Government Auditing Standards, we have also Issued our dated October 6,2014. on 01 the Floral Park-Bellerose Union Free School District, New York's internal control over and on our lests of ils compliance with certain provisions 01 regulations. contracts, and of and other matters, The purpose of that report is 10 describe the scope or our and not to over financial and compliance and the results of thai conlrol over financial reporting or on compliance. Thai part in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in "r..'.... c'rlonnl"l New York's internal control over financial ,nO,r"t,r.n -2 - FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 The following is a discussion and analysis of the Floral Park-Bellerose Union free School District's (the "District") financial performance for the fiscal year ended June 30. 2014. This section is a summary of (he District's financial activities based on cun-ently known facts, decisions, or conditions. II is also based on both the District-Wide and Fund Financial Statement~ . The results of the cun-ent year are discLls ed in comparison with tile prior year, wilh an emphasis placed on the currenl year. This section is only an introducti on and should be rend in conjunction with the District'S financial statements. ",;hich immediately fo lJ o w [hi s section. 1. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS • The District continued to offer programs, withollt reducing services while maintaining the maximum fund balance permitted by law . • The District'~ expenses for the year, as reflected in the Dislrict-Wide Financial Statements. tot(\led $27,274,566. Of this amount, $784.604 was offset by program charges for services and $622.291 was offset by operating grants. General reve nues of $26,4 25 , 192 amount (0 94.95% of tolal reven ues . • The general fund total fund balance, as reflected in the Fund Financial Statements, increased by $J81,000. This was due to an excess of revenues rmd operaling rransfers in over expenditures and operating transfers Ollt based on the modified accrual bas is of accounling. • On September 19, 2013 the Dislrict closed on an installment purchase lease agreemenc in the amounr of $20 1,362 for the purchase of four buses with a net interest rate of 2.26% payable over 5 years. • On September 10, 2013 the District issued $2,320,000 in serial bonds with an average interest rate of 3.25% payabJe over 15 years. This was approved by voters on May 15. 20 l2 to fund various building improvements at the John Lewis Childs and Floral Park - Bellerose Schools. The facility improvements which included roof replacements, masonry restoration, electric panel upgrades, field drainage, and the clock tower renovation have a.1I been completed on-time and within budget. • Despite the effects of the tax cap, the District has been able to: );- Maintain or decrease class size by rep!;~cing all retiring teachers in the 2013-J4 budget. adding a technology teacher, and increasing a music teacher position: as well as providing a bnderganen aide in each class. >- Over the past two years the Di~trict has replaced its mathematics and reading sl.:ries, both aligned to the new common core standards . The Diqrict has also increased its commitment to technology by acquiring over 250 computers for use in the classrooms. 3 FLORAL RK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRI MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 2. repon consists of four parts' management's di~cussion and (this the basic statements. required supplementary information other supplementclrY information. The 1.11 statements incl two kinds of statements that different of the Oi .. first two statements are Dis/ricJ~ Wide and long-feml in about District's .. The both sllOrt-feJ711 statements are Fund Financial SfalemenfS that fOCllS on illdil'idual parI\' of the the in more than the District-\Vide .. were .. Statements that financial status. Fund how services in the shorl1erm as well as what remains as instruction and support future about the the benefit Financial SWfelllenfs acts include notes that provide additional . about rinancial financial statements The statements are followed by a section of stalements and balances and supports the financial staEemenrs information lhal fUl1her ex following shows how the parts of comparison of s budget the year. annual ru-e arranged and related to one anmber. 4 FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Organization of the District's Annual Financial Repol1 Management's Di sclls sion And An:.llysi s District- Wide Financial Statements I Summary Basic Financial Statements Su pplementary Information NOLes to the financial Statements Fund Financial Statements <::::,------.,. . ------::::> Detail The following table summarizes (he major features of the Di~trict's financial statements, includ ing the port ion of the District ' s activities [hat they cover and the types of inform{Hion (hat they conwin. The remainder of this overview section of Managemenl's Discussion and AnaJysi s highlights the st ruclure :.Ind conLents of each of the statements . 5 FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Majo r Features of the District- Wide Financial Statements and Fund Financial Statements District- Wide Financi al Statements Scope Entire entit y (except fiduciary funds) Required finan cial _latemCnlS • • Accoun ting basis and measurement focus Type of asset/deferred utflow of resources and Ii abi Iity/de ferred inflo w of resources informatio n Type of infl ow and outfl ow information Fund Fi nanc ial S talemcn ts Governmental The day-to-day operating activities of the District, such as special education an d instruction Statement of Net Position Statement of Activities • • Acc rual accounting and economic resources focus All assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities. and deferred innows of resources both financial and capital. short-term and long-term All revenues and expense during the year; reg;]rdless of when cash js received or paid 6 Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Ba\;mce Modified accrual and current financial resources measu re ment focu s Current as. elS and deferred outflows of resource s expected to be used up and liabilities and deferred inflows of resources thal come due or available during the year or soon thereafter: no capital assets or long-term liabililies incl uded Revenues for which cash is reeei ved during the year or soon thereafter; expenditures when goods or services have been receiv ed and the related liabili ty is due and payClble Fiduci ary In tance in which the Dislric t admi ni , tel'S resollrc . on behalf of others, slIch as employee ben efits • Statement of Fi duciary Net Position • Statement of Changes in Fiduc ia ry Net Posi tion Accru al account ing and e onomic resources foclI s All fi na ncial asset ', deferred ollltlows of resources (i f any). liabililies, and deferred inJlow of resourc e .. (if any), short-term and long-t erm Al l addi tions and deductions during the year, re gardless of ,,,,'hen cas h is received or p;]icl FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT IVIANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Di:-,trict-Wide inflows Statemems report information about the District as a whole ar to those by The Statement of resources, liabilities. and District's assets, deferred out s revenues and are resources. All of the ClIrren( of Act les of when IS or paid. Financial Statements repon the District's net outflows of resources, Net position, difference between the inflows of resources is one way to measure the School District's in net is an indici::ltor of and improvi or deteriorating, respectively. of the I health of the District, additional non-financial of ildings and and the property lax • should be Net position of the governmental activities ffer from governmental fund transactions or providing current fund level statements oniy Also, assets arc reponed as expenditures financial resources asselS. Li the financial resources that may principal and payments arc are considered revenue when they are expenditures \I.. hen paid. is nol calculated if it nol provide or current financial resources. Final capital i.lssets and long-term are both accounted in account and not the fund an economic resources measurement focus Statements are reported util to Statement of Net following that involves .. • current outlays capital assels: debt as a liability; ate capital assets and allocate the ion LO the proper program/act Calculate revenue and expense the economic resources measurement focus and the basis of accounting: and net position bahlllces as follows: • in vestment capital • Resfricled net position are those with constraints placed on the use by external sources (creditors, contributors or laws or regulations of or approved by law through constitulional provisions or legislation; and .. Unrestricted Hel posilion are net position that not meet of the above restrictions. 7 FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 The more detailed information about the Di5.trict's Funds an::: ac<;ounting devices that the District llses to of revenue sources and spending on particular ha ve been 0f Stare of New Yark two kinds of funds: the the governmental fund statemenrs n",-,,,,,. whether there are more or financial resources can be spent in the near programs of the District. this jnformation does nol of Dislrict-Wide additional information in lialion schedule explains the relationship (or di In Governmenral Fund Financial focus primarily on the sources, uses, of current financial resources and a orientation. fund, ell aid fu nci , lunch ond capital projects statements are the Balance Sheet and the Fund Balance. • The District is the trustee or fiduciary for assets that as funds and student activities fllnds. The Dist IS assels reponed in are u<,ed only for their Intended by tho:)e to whom belong. The District excludes these activities from the District-Wide Financial U\..\~'''":),", it cannot lise these assets to finance its operations. fiduciary fund reporting focuses on net position and in net position. 3. A) Net Position: The net in the table that follows. increased by I in the 8 30,2014 as led PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Condensed Stalement of Net Po~ition Fiscal Year Year assets accumulaled depreciation $3531 16.003.1 ~2 $ 19.534.666 In $3.650,717 t $ I assets and Nel Position current by $1,746,296 from 13 LO 14. of $1 at end. CapitaJ as~e(s (net This was allribmable [0 the increase in the number construction projects at the end of the offsel by occumulatecl deprecialion. $11 1 ThiS is primarily auributable to accoums the liability for teacher retirement ies which was due 10 the 0 's net other benefit obligation increasing as well as of [he $2,320,000 bond, principal paymems. net investment in capital assets relates to [he in vestment in capital asse[s at cost slIch as land, and furniture equipment, net of Jcpreciat construction in buildings from prior by $113,984 due to capital additions related debt. number debt issued plus by the CUlTent depreciation and (he bond and installment current bond principal payments. ncr po~ition at June 14, relates to the District' reserves and restricted amounts projects fund for projects funded by the capital reserve. Restricted net position by $1 1,948. This was primari auributed LO the funding reserves of I ,321 10 Ihe reserves of $9.698, by use of the reserve~ of $150,000 in the in fund balance for capital projects $100,071. reserves are discussed further in 4 of this and Analysis 9 FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 entitled Analysis of the Highlights". The unrestricted net defIcit at June 30, unrestricted net deficit i 's and section 14 of $9,0 J 8,364 by II. results of operations as a whole are ,-",,-,/,\,.1,,,, the years June 30, 2014 in Net from "Genenil Fund Budgetary to the balance of the District's net of Activit A Results seal Year 2014 $784.604 622,291 13 $984,781 147 21,366,888 taxes and 3.988,873 I Pupi I transp0rlntion Community Deb! service - interest 21 ! ,040,820 449.433 103,038 School lunch program Total Expenses Total in Net 's fjSC<l) 2014 revenues tOlaled $27,832,087. Property taxes and stare aid of tOlal most of the District's revenue by contributing 79.7% and J revenue. The remainder came from charged for operati lise money and or 3.4%. This and other miscellaneous sources. Total revenues increa~ed by was primarily attributable 10 an property taxes and :;-;late aid. cost of all and services $27,274,566 for tiscal predominantly rela£ed to instruction, which account for 78.4% of District 10 FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 general support activities accounted for 14.5% of tOlal co~r". TOlal expense~ decreased by $349.016 or 1.3% . Thi~ was primarily attributable to a decrease in instructional cost~. The users of the Dist rict' s programs fi nanced $784,604 of t he cost. The federal and state governments subsidized certain programs with operating gmnts of $622.29 I. Most of the District's net costs of $25,867,671 were financed by District taxpayers and state aid. C) Governmental Activities: The continuation of the overall financial position following: IS expected 10 be positive and IS due to the • Continued leadership of (he District's Board and administration: • Strategic use of services from (he Nassau BOCES: • Improved curriculum ;.l1ld community support. Reven ues for Fi seal Year 2014 at"c~" rtf £nID 2S'lr 0lU" O.9'Jr Q1:1rl il ~C'rJ1S 22!lr IQ,......Hrrpny lax 11tlT'6 & . SfAR 79.7% II FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED ,JUNE 30, 2014 Ex penditures for Fiscal Year 2014 DC!>I S,~ ,,' icc O.4'} Conunu n;ly S 0"";'" 1.7'7c Sch od w nch Progra m 1.20/< Tr.1nspofl :~io n -'. ')( / ----. . , ---- .... .. / Cc IllT;lI S uppo-I 1451; ~ hlslr uC(ion 7 8 .~?(" 4. FINANCIAL ANALYSrS OF THE DISTRICT'S FUNDS V ari ances between years for the fund Financial Statements are not the same as variances between yeJrs for the District-Wide Financial Statements. The Di~lrict's governmental funds are presented on the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. BLlsed on this presentation, governmental funds do nor include long-term debt liabilities for the funds' projects LInd capital assets purchased by the Dis(rict. Government;)1 funds wjj) include the proceed~ received from the issuance of debt , (he current payments for capital assets, and the current payments for debt . As of June 30, 2014, the District's combined governmental funds reported a rotal fund balance of $9,606,129 which is an increase of $1 ,909,641 from the prior ye<lr. 12 FLORAL RK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE fISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30~ 2014 in fund bahmce for nil the funds is as follows: the A Tow. I Fiscal Year Increasel Fund unemployment insurance retirement contribution!) 1,897.768 1,943.390 1.098,169 2,071,904 1,102,572 1,430.603 benefit I (4,403) 641.30 I 149,856 121,710 4,875 1,570.000 - Genera! Fund Total (320.000) 21 $381 School Fund Nonspendable - unappropriated - School Lunch Fund Fund 30.1 -I Capital ProjeCl'i Fund $1 ( 18,602) (deficit) Balance (Deficit) Fund II (160,996) $1.386,166 1236.85% $1 24.81 Yc - All can ;)({ribule I fund balances and reserves primarily due to use to support appropriations, Board approved transfers. and allocation 10 interest and A) General Fund fund fund bal:.mce is an increase of The net in the and other finnncing source~ of $27,034.503 exceedi prior Revenues and other financing sources i Iy due (0 I real (axes 13 1.000, as a result of re, enues and other financing U::;C$ of $882,408 or 3. to the state aid. FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 other uses increased $1 or 5.44% compared to the prior of $1,430,000 from the capital reserve 10 capita! projects fund (he taxpayers on January reserve referendum voted on and approved and window replacement projects al both This was roa B) School Lunch Fund to nel jn the school lunch fund fund balance is an increase of $81. This i excess of revenues over expendilures due to a current surplus. C) change in the capita! projecls fund fund balance is an increase of $1 This to an excess revenues over expenditures primarily due [0 in bonds and $1,670,000 transfer from the capital reserve and transfer in the offset by capital project expenditures. This also included projects with funded prior The unassigned defici t fund of $18.602 is temporary by debt thaL is aUI but nOI yet issued. s. A) =;:;.::::...=~=== s fund adopted ,712. Thi;:, amount was the amounL of $209,21 and various $1,437,000 for a final budget of $29,503,928. STAR revenue of 1 carried fOl"\vard from resulting in <lddilional the fundi B) fund unassigned fund balance is a component to total fund balance that is the residual excess revenues over expe net transfers to reserves and \0 as budgets. It is this balance rhat is commonly in this balance demonstrated through a comparison the actual revenues expenditures for the year compared to budget is as follows: 14 FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION SCHOOL DISTRlCT 'MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FISCAL YEAR JUNE 30,2014 Openi ng. unassi fund balance 4308 over 889.79 ! hIres and encumbran<.:es to reserves 2,554,059 I I) (9,698) allocated to reserves , appropriated June 30.2015 Budget unassigned fund balance ( 1.250,000) 139 opening unassigned fund balance of $ L 114,308 is the June 30, 20 J 3 fund balance. in s£::]{e aid and of prior year aid as a result of a 13-2014 yeur. in stale aid. in the $260.000 in bullet initiative Ihal also recognized $2.554,059 were The expenditures and encumbrances under In instrucLion, programs for children with special needs <lnd were as follows: 1 to the retirement fit accrued liability reserve and $2,070,000 to Transfers to reserves in the amount of $2, I contribution reserve, $50,000 to [he employee the capital May 2l, 2013. $1,430,000 that was Iha! was funded in the 2013-2014 reserve. was also allocated to reserves as msunmce reserve, to the retirement con bution reserve', accrued liability reserve and $1,301 to the capital reserve. of The assigned, appropriated fund balance of $1 ,250,000 for the June 30, the to use to fund budget for 20 I 15. The Disrrict will Property District's budget for limit. to I unemployment employee benefit 15 budget is the amount [\mount not fund balance is A) Capital Assets: building assels net 15 the FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT :MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 2014 Assets (Net of Depreciarion) Year 2014 S 127,900 & Building Improvements 16.392.028 890 in Progress & Equipment 2,909,410 I )02 Fiscal Year 2013 $127,900 996,732 I 19,037 1.038,528 930,683 I Net Increasel Percentage o 472,99 J I 21 ILl Depreciation Total Net Capital Assets 15 $1 from the capital project fund and $73,503 were retired during Ihe year. 's capital outlay the year was the general fund. Fully deprec At 2014. District had 10Lai of 175,416. inslallmem debt and serial bonds represent new during the yedr, current payments. The performance contract debt principal debt is led in the Notes More detailed information abolll the A summary outstandi debt at June 30, 2014 and 13 is as purchase debt 7. A) nnrnu"rI fund budget for I 2014-15 school year in by voters. This is an [nerense of $545,767 or l was primarily due 10 in personnel costs and 16 PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEl\IIENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30,2014 B) is y impacted by certain trends impact' school distriClS. Include significant increases in retirement contributions and health insurance costs. 20!4-15 has introduced and C) a properly {ax cap growth to the in the 20 1 of two cap are provided Limited exemptions to (he voter-approved capital expenditures. pension rate increases, court and tons over of Ihe prior levy. If the tax levy to I voters is within the cap, then a majority vote would requ for approval. If t the lax levy the threshold req for approval would in the vote. despite the constraints of lhe property [i.!X several new educational initiatives. 1 the been able to which by addi The 201 15 budget provides additional instructional of a full-time Curriculum position. 8. financial repon is des! to provide ci tors with a general overview of the fin<.mces accounrabiliLy with. the money we If you addiilonaI financial information, contact: <Iny queslions abollt {his lerose Union School District Mr. Michael F<1biano Superintendent for Poppy Plnce Flora! NY 11001 17 our or need FLORAL PARK-BELLEIWSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT Of NET POSITION JUNE 30,2014 :\SSETS C:l5h SJ ,949.082 6.787.940 Unrestricted ReSlriclcd R~~eivahles State and federal aid Due from other governments Taxc receivable Due from fi duciary fund s In ventories Capital assets nOI h~in g deprecia ted Capital assets bei ng deprecia ted. ne t of Jccu mulatc.d depreciation TOTAL ASSETS 1.05-',869 128.768 1)96.459 203 .825 8.883 3.03VIO 9.397,3 17 25.563.453 UA[lILiTIES Payable:; Account. payab le Accrued liabil ilies Accrued inieresl payable Due to fiduciary fun ds Due to teacher, ' retireme nt system Duc lO employees' relirement system Compensatl'd ab:c nce's p~y~b lc Due to ot.her governmcnts Unea rned credits Co l kc lion ~ in advJn~c Long-teml liabililics Due and payable with in o ne year Installment pu rcha~e deb t payJble Bonds payal Ie ncrgy pcrforTnJnce contract deot payahk Compensated ab. enccs payable Due and p~ yJble :Jfter one year Insla li mcnl purchase debt payah le Bonds payable Energy pcrfornlunce comraCI debt payable Compensaled absences payable Net other pos lCmpl ymcni bendil ' obligalion TOTAL UABILlTlES 5553. 106 240.647 8.847 3.969 1.977.1 07 129. 188 57.173 558.328 ) . 179 3 .795 125.000 1_1.287 50.000 121 .7 0 2.055.000 1.7 1 1.554 1.089. 171 10.688.535 19.534.666 NET POSITION Net LnveSlmClIt in ~apital asselS Rc -tricted Unempl oyment Retirement con uibution s Employee benefit accrued liability Capital 8.: 1.- .448 296.5 22 1.897.768 1.098.169 3.439.244 6.73 1.703 Unresllictcd (deficit) (9 .01 .364) TOTAl. NET POSITION 56.028.787 S~c 18 AC('om pa nying Notc!> 10 Financial St:llement FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEI'vIENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Program Revenues Charges for Operating Services Grants Expenses FUNCTIONS / PROGRAMS General suppor! Instruction Pupi I lransp nat ion Debt service-Interest Commu nity Service Food servi 'e program TOTAL FUNCTIONS AND PROGRAMS ($3,963.j24) (21.390.2 63) ( I .040.820) ( 103.038) (449.433) (327.688 ) ($27,274.566) $563.798 $517.998 220. 806 $ 784.604 I04 ,2!}3 $622 .29 1 GENERAL REVENUES Real properly laxes Olher tax items - including STAR reimbur sement Use of money & properly Sale of propeny and compensalion for loss Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Position ($3 .96" .324) (20.308 .467) ( ! .040.R20) ( 103.038) (449.433) (2,5 89) ('25.867 .67 1) 19. 2 14,286 2.964,787 32 . 148 14,442 132,355 3,988,873 78.30 1 26,425.192 Nl i cellaneous Slal e source M edicai d reimbursement TOTAL GENERAL REVENUES 557.521 CHANGE IN NET POSITrON 5.47 1.266 TOTAL NET POSITION - BEG INNING OF YEAR $6.028.7,7 TOTAL NET POSITION - END OF YEAR 19 See Accompanying NOles 10 Financials Slatements FLORAL PARK· BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT BALANCE SHEin· GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE :10. 2014 Speciltl General Aid Sl .94: .."I77 6.73 1.703 :, 2 .5 School Lunch C:Jpil:J1 Project..' Tolal Go "ern men lal Funds ASSETS Ca h Unrestricted Restricted Receivables Due from state and federa l Due from other governments Taxes receivable DUt: from other funds Inventories 69 1.998 1- .768 996.459 1.500.609 '; S 176.648 353.9:9 7.91 2 11-l .542 S500.472 56.237 IA45.554 8.883 lOT A L ASSETS UABTUTIES ANU FUND BALANCE Payables Accounts payahle Accrut:d liahilitie Dut: to other govcrnmc nt s Due to other funds Due to tcacht:rs retirement ,y ~ t em Due to employee -' retirement s)' - tcrn Compensated absences pa yJ bJe nearned credi ts Collcctions in ad \',lncc TOTAL LLAnlJ_TTLES 3.949.082 6.787.940 1.0:,\ ' . ' 69 128.768 996.459 3.060.705 8.88:1 SI2.992.9 14 5797.086 SI93 A 43 52.002.163 $15.9 5.706 5474."\77 23 5.6 15 536.-'69 1.535 .517 1.977. 107 129 188 10.. 6-1 126 21.296 755 .300 .. 1.10 I 4.906 163 29.808 $57 ,06-+ 55_'.106 240.647 558.32 2.860.849 1.977. !O7 129.188 57. 173 797.086 3. 179 39. 157 540.224 .~ 7 . 1 73 4.946.046 597.288 3.179 6.379.577 ru lJ BALANCES Nonspendable: Inventor y Restricted Unemployment Retiremen t contrih ut io ns Employee bl!nefi t ;·tccrucd liab ility C apital Unspent hond procc~ ds Assigned Appropriated fund balance U napprop ri 3tl~ fund balance Unassigned TOTAL fU ND BA.LANCES 8.8 .' 296S22 1.897 .768 1.098. 169 2.07 1.904 I .J67.340 : 6.237 1.250.000 296.366 I A 04.975 $193.44 3 S2.002.263 $ 15.985.706 ( 18.602 ) $797 .086 196.5_ 2 1.897.76 1.098.169 _.43 .244 S6,237 1:"4.286 l.1Jo. n9 5J2.992.9 14 J 1.250.000 441.769 1.117.537 9.606.129 145.403 8.04 6.868 TOTAL L1ABtLlTIES AND FUND BALANCES 8. 20 Sec ACC(lmpanying Note to Fi nanci als Sta tcmc nt., FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION SCHOOL orSTRlCT RECONCILIATION OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE TO STATEMENT OF NET POSITION JUNE 30, 2014 TOlal Fund Balances Amounts $ 9,606.129 activities Ifl the Slatement of Nel Position art: difkrcnl because: ng capaal assets (land. financed ...",,,,-1£,,1 as expend ilurc~ in the arc incurred. Posilion However. Ihe Statement District as a whole. and (heir lives. Accumulah:U not due and payable in Ihe currenl inlhc funds. liabilities at and thercrore are !lll! consist of: 8,84 nf'II'I"rrnCtnty. contract debt bcndilS 21 See NOles 10 Fina",:ials SI:llCmCnlS FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRlCT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 Tot.:ll General Special School Capit.:ll GO\'emml:nLal Aid Lund1 P rojects Fund .. REVENUES Real property taxes 19.21 4 .286 SI9.214 .2 6 2.964 .787 2.964.7 7 Other t:LX item. - includ ing STA R reimbursement Ch::trgcs for s'rvi ('. Use of money and propeny 563.798 563.798 3 1.79 7 S~ 5 1 .3 2.148 14. 44 2 Sale of propcny and compcnsmion for loss Mi cellanC0115 State our<:.:, Federal sources 14.442 124.95 1 57.-104 4. 0:25.999 86.953 6. 1-12 4.119.094 78 ..:101 4. 1.045 7 1.306 5 80.6 - 2 Surp lus food Salcs TOTAL REVENUES 27 .01 .. 6 ) 515 .401 132.355 26.84: 16.8-1 5 220.806 220.806 315.450 27.869.2)3 EXPENDITURES Gcnt'r'JI uppon 3.133.6 16 Instructiun 3. 133 .616 560.911 14 .04 5 .33 1 .606.253 747.9 4 Pupil transpon3tion 747. 984 Community servic e Empl(>yee benefits 299. 250 299.250 6. 324 .41 6 6.324.-1 16 30 1.394 301.39-1 95.99 2 95.992 Debt servicc - princ ipal Debt crvict' - intere I 32:.369 Cost of sales Capital ou tlay TOTAL EXPENOfTlJl~ES 560.912 24 .94 7. 983 315.369 3 25.369 52 .64 6. 660 2.646.660 2.646.660 28.-180.934 EXCESS (DEFICrENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDTTURES (3 5510) 2.070.37 81 (2.646.660) (611.72 1) OTHER Fl.t"IAN C[N G SOURCES AND USES 16 .1 42 Operating transfers in Operating lran frrs (ou t) Procecds from install ment purchase 1.670.000 ( 16.142) ( 1.705.5 20 ) d ~bl Proceed ' from serial bonds TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) NET CHANGE IN FUND IJALANCES FL!Nn BALANCES· B8Gl1'\,INC; OF YEAR FUND BALANCES - £ND OF YEAH (1.6 89.3 7 ) 35 .520 8 1.000 81 7.665.86 ' 154 .205 s 58.046.868 S1 54. 286 22 S.::.: Accompa nyi ng I ult:. 10 Fj n~Jlc j al s Slalements 1.721.662 (1.72 1.66 2) 20 1.:1 62 201 ..162 _._ 20.000 2.320.000 4 . 175.220 2.52 1..161 1.528.560 1.909.641 ( 1~ 3 .5 8 5) 5 1.404.975 7.696.-188 59.606. 129 FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT RECONCILIATION OF (;OV£lm"ME:NTAL FUND REVE 'UES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES TO HIE STATEMENT OF ACTl\TflES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 2014 Net Change in Fu nd Balances $1.909.64 1 Amoun t reported for go vern men(a l ac(ivitie ill the St 3t ement of Act iviti es are different he 'aus t' : Long-Teml Revenue and E xp ~n se Di lTe ren ce~ In the talcmcn t of Activi tic . compensated absences are mea ured by the amounts e~ med or incurred during tht: yeor. In the gove rn mental funds. ex pcndilU res tor these items arc measured by the amoun t of financial re -ources used. Compensated absences payable for the year euded June 30.2014 changed by 8.3 81 Net other Ixnemploymellt benefits obligation payable in (he St ate ment of A c ti v it i e ~ di ffer from the amount reponed in thc govern menta l funds because the expense is r~co r(kd as an expe nditure in the funds whe n it i due. In the St 3temen t o f Activilic:s. the pa yable is recognizcd as it acenlcs rc gardles~ of whcn it is due. Net ot her poslcmploymcnt bellelits obligation payable for the year endcd J U I1l; 30. 20 1~ changed by Unearned re\'enue . The StJtcmenl of Net Position recognized re venucs recej ved undcr th", full accrual mcthod. Govern mcntal fund s recogn ize revenue under the modifi ed :lccru al method. ( 1.374.076) <37. 126) Capital Rela tcd lLem Capi tal olltlay to pll rc hase or build capita l a sct 3re reportcd in gOl'emment ill funds 3 ~ expendi tures. H wcver. for go \'cmmen tal a 'Ii "itie>. those costs 3re capitalized and shown in the Statement of Net PO' ition and al located ovcr their usefu l live :1. ann u31 deprcciation cxpense in (he St Jtclllent of Activit ics. Capital out lays Depreciation cx pcn e £2.705.745 (428 .030) 2.277.71 5 ng-Ternl Debt Transactions Repay ment of inst:1J1 me nt purchase debt principal is <111 ex pelldi lLl re in th", go\'ernmcrH al funds. btl t i l reduce long-Iernl liabi li ties in the Sw tement orNel Posil ion :md docs not affect the St atement of A li"itics. Repayment of bond princi pal iS ::I n expendilure in the govc mmcntnl fund s. but it reduced in the SWlement of Nel Position and docs nOI afft:ct the St atcment o f Ac ti vities. l on~- tc rnl li 3bili t i s Repayment of em;rgy pcrfonnancc Olll ral"t debt payable is an expendi lU re in the governme nt31 fund . but il reduces long-lenn liabil ities in the Statemcnt o f Net Pos;(ion and does not affect thc S(atement of Acti\'it ies. Intt:res t on long·(eml dcbt in th> St atemen t of Acti vities diHer from the amounts re port ~d in the go vl'mme llt al fund becau 'c interest is recorded as an cxpencl ilU re in the funds when i( i ~ cl ue. and till! requi re the usc of current financial resourc In th S (al ~ m cnt oi Activilies. interest ex pens ' is recognized as it acc ru e '. Accrued interest fro m June 30. ~O 13 [ 0 June 30. 20 1~ cha nged by· Proceed ' from seri al bonds is an olha ri n a n ~' i ng source in the go ern men tal fund s. but it increa ' ing lung· term liabili ties in the Statement of Net Po ition and docs not affect the Statement of AC l i vi l ie ~ . ~ 0. 787 140.000 120.607 (7.046) (2.320.000) Proceed from insta ll ment purchase debl is an other fu nding source in Ih", go vernmental funds . bu t it increJses Jong- te nn liabi lities in the Statement of Net Position and docs nOI affect the St :ltemcnt of A ~· t i vi ti e . _ _..:.(::. 20:::.. .1.:,:. :. ; 3.::,6.::.2,} Change in NCI Posit ion $557.521 23 See Accompun ying No tes to Financ ials Statements FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET POSITION FIDUCIA FUNDS JUNE 30, 2014 Private Purpose Funds Agency Funds ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable from )7 funds 17 LIABILITIES Due to governmental funds balance liabi 1i $\ 16,121 TOTAL LIABILITIES POSITION scholarships TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION 29,692 17 Accompanying Notes to financials Statements FLORAL PARK·BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 Private Purpose Trust Fund ADDITIONS and contributions and ADDITIONS $800 860 DEDUCTIONS Scholarships awards DEDUCTIONS CHANGE IN NET POSITION POSITION - BEGINNING OF YEAR POSITION - END OF YEAR See Accompanying Notes to (365) FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 NOTE 1- SUMiVIARY OF CERTAIN SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: The financi al statements of Floral Park - Bellerose Union Free School District (the "District") have been prepared in co nformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as apply ro governmentlll units. Those principles are prescribed by the Governmental Accollilting Standards Board (GASB). which is the accepted stand ard-5euing body for e5tablisi1ing governmental acco unting and financial reporting princ iples. Cenain signifi c3nr accounting principles and policies utilized by the Dis[rict are described below: A) Reporting entity: The Dis[rict is governed by the laws of New York State. The District is an indepcndent entity governed by an elected Board of EducJtion consisting of 5 members. The President of the Boa rd serves as the chief fiscal officer and the Superintendent is the chief executive officer. The Board is responsible for, and controls all activities related to public school edUCation within the Di stri ct. Board members have authority to make decisions . pov.'er to appoint management, and primary accountability for all fiscal malrers. The reporting entity of the District is based upon criteria set [01111 by GASB Statement 14. The FiJlancial Reporring Entity. as amended by GASB Statement 39. Determining Whether Certain OrgoJliz,{[tiolls (Ire COl1lponellf Vllits and GASB Statement 61. The Final/ciol Reponing Entity: OJJ1Jlihlls-An A",eJldment oj CASB Sf{[femel1/s No. 14 {[lid No. 34. The financial reportin g entity consists of the primary government, organizations for which the primary government is fin ancia lly accountable, and other organizations for which the nature and signifiumce of the ir relationship \vith the primary government Jre such that exclusion would calise the reporting entity's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. The acco mpanying financi~1I statements present the activil ies of the Dist riet and its component unit and other organizational entities determined to be includable in (he District's financial report ing entity. The District is not a component unit of another reporting entity. The decision to incl ude a potential component unit in the District's reporting entilY is based all several criteri a includi ng legal standing, fiscal dependency, and fi nancial accountabi I ity. Based on the application of these criteria, the District does not have a component unit in the financial reporting entity. B) Joint venture: The District is a component district in the Nassau Board of Cooperative Education;)1 Services (BOCES). A BOCES is a voluntary, cooperative association of school districts in a geographic area that shares planning, services. and programs, which provide educational and 'iupport act ivities. There is no aULhority or process by which a school district can terminate its status as a BOCES component. 26 FLORAL PARK BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR CAL ENDED JUNE 30) 20 BOCES are organ a corporate boards in accordance All BOCES property is '--''--,LJU Boards are with 01 Slate Board Me nominated of § 1950 of the York Board as a corporation (§ 1950(6». to permit them to contract (a) of the York General Munic is comprised of separate budgets for administrat of administrative capital cost enrollmem, as deft in the addition. component districts tuition or a parricipate. C) i) the Statement of Acti The nt in its except made LO minimize the double counti of internal transactions. Gove Iy are through slate aid. and non-exchange (eiiher operating or and revenues Statement of Aclivi a comparison that are the Di s governmental activit are associated and are clearly identifiable [Q a pal1icular funerion. principal employee are al to functional areas in proportion to payroll expended for those areas. revenues include paid by the offered the programs, and contributions that are the operational or requirements of a particular program. Revenues that are not fied as program revenues, including all taxes, are as revenues. i i) Statements provide information about the District's funds. Separate stalements for fund (governmental and The emphasis of fund financial sratements is on major governmental column. The District major fund is the District's to financinl transactions (hal are not tal funds: fund. ft accounts for all FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES FINANCIAL STA TEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL ENDED JUNE 30! 2014 These funds account for I proceeds of specific revenue sources, such as and Slale grants, that Iy to expenditures for purposes, child nutrition or other funds are reslricred as to use. restric[ions may imposed either governments thClt provide the funds, or panies. This fund is used to account for the fi of The District reports fol resources funds: funds are lIsed to accoum for <lctl \lities in which trustee or re~ourccs thaI <lcti v ities tire not to the District, Dislrict- Wide fi nancial statements, are not lable 10 used. The Di::,! strictly custodia! in nature and do not involve the measurement of results ions. are held the District as for group<; and for payroll or to account [or trust These funds are which principal and income benefits annual third party cmd criteria the use of the funds and members of of (he donors may serve on committees to determine who D) District-Wide Financial Statements and when earned and expenses are transac!ion takes the faxes are levied, year in which all eligibility requiremcn!s ht.lve are reponed using satisfied. current financial resources measurement U this method, revenues are rpr'non of accoun[i District considers all revenues available if the revenues are leC«;;d within six months real properly taxes, which are considered to be available if after the end of III the end of the fiscal within FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 tures are when the related fund I lity is incurred, interest on general debt. claims and judgments, and compensated recognized as expenditures to Ihe extent Ihey have matured. as expenditures in governmental funds. under capital leases are reported as other financing sources. E) i) taxes are levied annu,lIly by no a I ten on OClober IS! tlnd Apri I I st. Taxes urc collected I S( through and during the period through May 10'" without penalty and are remitted to the Distric! than the Towns 10'1\ and A pri I \0 i i) Uncol real propel1y taxes m"e which the District is located. taxes transmiued 10 I July Ist. by County Counry'") an amount representing uncollected real enforcement to the Districi nn later than the F) an expense is incurred arc avaiJable, the District's policy and wi[h associated and un which (0 apply first vJries with the which are described elsewhere in t G) transactions may be of the District include District lypically loans resources temporary in nature, interfund and payables funds for the of providing lhe of expected to be repaid within one year. Permanent transfers of funds i and revenues to provide or olher In the District-Wide for interfund fiduci nancial Statements, the amounts reponed on the Sratement of Net Position and represent amounts due different fund activities .md funds). Eliminations made all' and payables funds, with the exception of those due from or funds. mental funds repan all inlerfund transactions as payables may be 's it is the Dis! ly Interfund on the accompanying governmental funds balance sheet amounts at a nel upon t right of FLORAL PARK· BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 to Note 9 for a detailed disclosure individual fund for interfund receivables, and revenues acti vily. II) ion of financial statements in conformity wilh the (.Tnited Stales of America requires the reponed amount of assets and liabil dale the financial statements I at period. Actual results could di ffer from made in a computat benefits. claims, potential 1) cash equi consist of cash on hand and demand deposits. J) under the direct write-off are shown allowance for uncollectible accounts has not material. it is believed I such of food in the school lunch fund are recorded at cost on a first-in, first-oul or III food donated by the U Department Agriculture, at the Government's which approximates . Purchases of inventoriable in other funds arc purchase, and are considered immaterial in amount. as expenditures at the lime fund balance ify that a non-liquid assets (inventories) has Ion fund balance is not lable in the IS extend beyond yearpayments made by the District for which applicable to fmure accounting are payments to vendors renect as prepaid in both Districl-W fund financia1 statemenrs. Position or balance sheet usi as assets on the A current asset the prepaid amounts is recorded at the time of is reported in year the or items at June 2014. 30 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 L) are retlected in formation is available, or assets arc at estimated fair market ~lt (he time land and construction in are depreciated on a straight line basis useful lives. Capital ion thresholds (\ which methods, and estimated to the capital asset accounts), in (he Dislricl- W sWtements are TPT\nT'II'n Capital ization Threshold Deprecia! 100 Method $500 Si te i rilS BuiJdj,ngs ;)nd improvements hlrniture and equi pmenl Vehicles $500 line year~ line 50 years 5-20 8 straight line straight line M) Collections in advance when the Districi receives resources before it has Jegal claim to t mon are prior to the incidence of qualifying Lures. In when bOLh are met, or rhe District In is removed and revenues are N) consist of unpaid accumul eligibility and accumulation is contracts. Upon vc a payment based on unused accumulated sick annual sick and vacation labor contracts. Lind in individual may contraclUally on vacation in varying amounts, based forfeited if not taken within earned benefits may time periods. calculated the vesling method and an accmal thaI liabili IS The liability has included in the District-Wide financial stalements. The compensated absences liability IS cnlcu1ated on the rates in e at year-end. 31 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEIVlliNTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 In Fund Stalemenrs only, the amount liabilities is within the based upon expendable available financial resources. These amolln[s are pel)seo on a pay-as-yoll basis. The Jiability is reported on for payments due unused employees that igmed themselves to separalc for th by June 30 . 0) . Retirement partlclpale in the New York Slale Retirement plans employees may choose to part in the Dis! ished under Internal Revenue Code Section In to District provides postemploymenr health and survivor employees their survjvo(s in with the provision of various employment contmcts in at the of retirement. Substanlially of the employees become benefits if working the Health care benefils are premiums are based on the paid during the year. healrh insurance by recording its share of Thc District may issue Revenue Anticipation NOles (RAN) Anticipalion NOles (TAN), in of revenues. These notes are recorded as a liability of t fund that will proceeds the issuance of t notes. The RANs TANs represent a 11 be extinguished by the use of availab!e resources of the fund. notes up to an amount during fiscal year for expenditures in the annual budge!. The nOte the year in which the nOle not to exceed of the <ltnOl1nt of the fo( which there is an insufficient ()f no must no later than the close was District may subsequent sale of NOles (BAN), in anticipation of notes are as currenl liabililies of proceeds from the issuance of bonds. requires that be convened to long-term financi wilhin five years Q) Payables, and long-term obi arc reported in the Distric( -Wide governmental funds, payables and accrued liabil are paid In a timely manner and in full current resources. ms Judgments, and FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL 8T ATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 thut II paid from governmental liability in t funds stalements only (0 extent that they :..Ire in the current year. long-term obligations that will paid from governmental funds are recognized as a lity in the Fund Financial Statements when due. represent the s or future economic outflows. In Statement of Net reported as due within one R) i) In the District-Wide Financial Statements are three cbJsses of net position: in capital £IsseiS consists of net capital assets (cost less acell mulated rei lkprecialion) reduced by outstanding obligations from the acqUl ion, constructions or improvements of those assets. rieted net Ion - externally imposed by of other or regu or enabling net posit constrainrs (such as through debt s. or on the assets are net - reports all other net position that do not meet the definition of the two cJassificarions and are deemed to be available for use by the District. i i) of fund as detai ficalions of fund balance however, In the includes amollnts thar cannot be they are either form or legally or contraclU111 reqUIred to be maintained in!aCL Nonincludes inventory in the school lunch fund of £8.883. includes amounts with constraints placed on t externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors. or laws or governments: or impo~ed law through constitutional provisions or enabling The ha~ established the following as restricted: insurance reserve (GML§6-m), must lIsed to pay the cost of Unemployment Insurance Fund for payments made to claimants 33 )·'LORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STA TEMENTS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 20 FOR THE HS employer has established by as amounts may appropriations elected to use the benefit reimbursement method. The reserve mClY Board action and is funded by budget<lfY appropriations and other [unds after the end of any fiscal excess appropriated. Within sixty either be transferred to reserve or the excess applied to the of the next succeeding budget. If the District to convert to , excess resources the fund over the sum be Irans to other reserve under restricted fund balance. ribUlion Reserve (GML§6-r), mllst used for financing rei reserve must accolln(ed for and apart from all other report tbe operation condition of the fund must provided to the Board. in the general fund under fund balance. reserve is accounted liability reserve ML*6-p), must be used for 's employee benefit due an employee upon termination of the reserve may be eSLablished by a majority VOle the Board, and is funded by II y appropriated. approprial and such other reserves and funds thaI may be reserve is accounted in the general fund under restricted fund cost of which by a reserve fund requires aUI establi::.hing the purpose of the reserve; the ultimate amOllnt, ils term and the source of funds. Expenditures may be made from reserve only purpose fun her aUlhorized by the vmers. The form for the required legal VOle on and funding reserve and the form of the to be I of the This reserve is accounted on I ballot are set forth for in (he fund under fund includes the fund balance for capita! in the capital by the capi wI reserve. bond proceeds are to external contained for in the capital projects fund. as In 34 fund the debt agreement. projects Ihat are because they are restricted funds arc PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 ~=:..;;.;;..;;;;,=..-=-=;:..;;..=:.....;;;;;..;=;..;:..:.::::..::. District's intent to Includes amounts that are cons/rained by but are not restricted. This lnten( can be by or I responsibility 10 rici through Board The District I a Balance policy Ihal allows Board of to set fonh the fund balance lhat is assigned. This fication also includes the fund balance all funds for the fund. - residual fund balance 4) any olher governmental balance amounts. A"" N YS Real ProperlY Tax ~ UI8 limits the amount unexpended Ius funds a District can retain to no more than 4% of the District's budget for the fund for the ensuing fiscal . Non-spendable and restricted fund balance the general fund are excluded Amounts appropricued for and encumbrances included are abo from where an expendilure is incurred for a purpose for in mulripJe fund balance ions (i.e. expenditures will assess current financial condition of the <lnd [hen !cation of expenditures \0 which fund balance clilssificJtion will be charged. S) Reporting for Pensions AccollntiJlg and Statemenr No. June 30, 2015. ve for year end! GASB Sfmemelll 27, GASB {/II Statement No. Govemmew Combinmiolls and Disposals of Government ve for the ye<lr endi June 30, J 5. Statement No. 71, DaTe -{III amendll1eJlf Transitioll for Contribl/tions Made GASB S/(Ilemellf No. 68, . for the wil! impac[ each of these pronouncements may have on statemenlS and will implement lhem as applicahle materi FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 STATElVIENTS AND DISTRICT-WIDE STATEMENTS: to the differences in [he measurement and basis of accounting used in the Fund Financial ments, cerwin financial rransactions are Statemenb :l!1d the District-Wide Financial statements contain a full iation of thcst:' items. The of the Statement of , compared with I funds. (A) Ion. focus of the Statement of fund Balance (B) governmental funds Statemem of the of vities fall one of the Oi The amounts shown below 0) revenues revenue di are considered revenues when earned. Di repol1 on a modified accruals of (i i) di assets reported all expenditure include the difference on the the on [Ilose items as '·"Pen'f,,,,n (ii i) Long-term transaction di occur because are recorded as expenditures in (he fund statements, in [he Statement Acti 35 incurred, and principr.1I payments are a reduction of liabil in (he Statement orNet Position. 36 as FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 (iv) benefits are not allocaled to a speci funclion on the Expenditures, <lnd Changes 111 Fund based on the ts of New York State. These costs been allocaled based on total each function in the Statement of Activit NOTE 3 - STE\VARDSHIP. COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY: A)=== a proposed for approval by governmental funds [or which legal (appropriated) are District t appropriation for the are adopted at the program line item level. constitute a limitation on expenditures established by the adoplion of the , which be incurred. Appropriations at end of the or encumbered. will lapse if not expended in the authorized by the reserves. budget amendmenis of Education as a (when permiued revenue' sources not included in supplememal appropriations may occur subject to ions. if the of a need thaI exists which was not determined at time i appropriations Ihat occurred duri the year are shown on the other information schedule of from adopted to final budget B are adopted annually on a basis consistent with GAAP, Appropriations the year are increased the amount encumbrances carried for are established and for individual capita} project funds expendilures as referendum of District's voters. The maximum project amount upon the cost of [he project, plus any requirements for external appropriations. budgets do not lapse and are carried over to completion of the B) is used for budget control and 1l10niLOring purposes and is al funds. Under this method. orders, contracts of mon are to reserve applicable Outstanding encumbrances as of year-cnd are as amounts in the commitments wiJl be honored in the do not reprCSCf)[ expenditures or Iiabi subsequent period. Related expenditures are at that time, as the liability is incurred or the tment is paid. 37 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 NOTE 4 - DEPOSITS WITH FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND INVESTMENTS: A) Cash: New York Stare law governs the District's investment poljcies . Resources must be deposited in FDIC-in ured commercial banks or trust companies located within the srate . Permi ss ible investmen ts include obligations of the United States Treas ury , United States agenc ies, repurchase agreeme nts and obligations of New York State or its localities. CoII(J(eraJ is required for de man d an d time deposits and cel1ificates of depo~it not covered by FDIC insurance. Obligations that m ay be pledged as collateral are obligations of the United States and its agencies llnd obli gations of the state and its municipalities and districts . C ustod ia l c redit risk is the risk thai in the event of a bank failure, the Di stric[' s deposits may not be retu rned to ir. Deposits are required to be disclosed as e xposed to custod ial credit risk if they are not covered by depository insurance and the deposits are as follows : A) Uncollalerai ized ; B) Collateralized with sccuriLies held by the pledging financial institution in the District's name: or C) Col lateral ized with securities held by the pledging financial inst iturion' s trust depal1ment or agent, but not in the District's name. None o f the District's aggregate bank balances, not covered by depository Insurance, were exposed to custodial credit ri~k as described above at year end. Restricted c ash: Re stricted cash re presents cash Jnd c(lsh equivalents where use is limited by legal requireme nts. T hese a sets represent amounts required by statute to be reserved for various purposes. Res tricted cash at June 30, 2014 included $6,787.940 within the governmental funds for capital p roj e ct ~ and general reserve purposes. I nvest ment s: The Dist rict does not typically purchase inve~tments for a long enou g h duration to c au e it to belie ve lh a t it is exposed to any material inlereS( rate risk . The District also doe s no t ty pi ca lly purchase investments denominated in a foreign currency , and is nor exposed to foreign currency risk. NOTE 5 - PARTICIPATION IN BOCES: During the yG<lr, the District \vas billed $1,040,577 for BOCES admjnistrative and pr g ram costs. The Dis trict's share of BOCES aid amounted to $522,504. Financi aJ stat e me nts for the BOC ES are available from the BOCES administrative office located at 7 t Clinton Road, Garden City, NY, 11530. 38 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 NOTE 6 - DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS: Due from othe r governments in the general fund CIt June 30, 2014 consisted of the following: Tuition and health services billings $ 128,768 Tota I due from other governme nts $ 128,768 Di tricl management ha: d emed th e e a mounts to be fully collectible. NOTE 7 - STATE AND FEDERAL AID RECEIVABLE: S tate and fe de ra l aid receivable at June 30, 2014 consisted of [he fo ll o wing: General Fund Boees aid Excess cost aid June tedc!"<tl snack aid Total-General fund $375,348 316,492 158 $691.99 8 Special Aid Fund Federal grants Slate gr~tnts Toral-Speci~1 Aid Fund S350.267 3.692 $3 53.959 School Lunch Fund Lunc h - fedcr ~ d Lunch - state Total School Lunch Fund $6.590 1.322 $7,912 $1.05 3,869 Total-All Funds OJ tri I management has deemed these "mounts (0 be fully collectible. 39 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 as~et and activity for the year ended June Beglnning &1.IllIlCe 2014 were as follows: Additions Balance $127,~ $127,<;0) Total depreciated 1,058.583 15,919.037 16,310 l6392,028 102 I i,m940 and equipm::nt 996,732 I Total capital assets & lrrproverrents equipm:nl 8.186,946 7,930.243 l,372,212 fJ9,779 37,ffJ7 3()), ,503) (32JXX}) 428,030 Total acauntlated dtU1Xl2luon J7 capiraJ assets Total capital rd u'rnr"",nt functiffi() as follo\\-s: In"..lrtlCtiOO GeneralSl1piXll1 Schcol tunch program Trdl1sr::orul1i on Total depreciation ",""',",,"rK',," 40 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30~ 2014 District typically from general fund 10 fund 10 tlnance capital construction projecLs. District typically fund to [he special aid fund to s local share of summer handicap ex penses required by York Distrkl lypically t from [he capital projects fund to the fund to return on proJects funded by fund Iy loans resources between funds for purpose of the Revenues Receivable $1,500,609 $16,142 II 1 142 activities 3,060,705 2.860,849 203.825 Totals Distric( did not shorl-term debt year. 41 1.721,662 of I FLORAL PARK UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEIVfENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 balances and viry for the are summarized below: Due within Balance Issued 40.000) $2,180.000 201 $1 1.147.552 14.459 Total liabilities II 19.120 50.000 SI ====-= typically been used to I long-term liabilities such as performance debt. installment purchase debt and ms payable. ,320,000 in serial bonds with an imerest rale 13 the District issued by voters 011 IS, 15 years and maturing on June t, 2028. This was and Floral Park bu improvements at the John Lewis authorized bue unissued debl in bond authorization was approved $3AOO.OOO le:lVi $1,080,000 as of June 30, 2014. The is a summary debt requirements for the bond Fiscal Year Ended I 2016 2017 2018 2019 130,000 135,000 135.000 140.000 785,000 203.531 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 On Sep[ember I 2013, the District closed on an instal purchase 4 with a net interest rate I. J 8. The following is a summary of debt purchase contract in the amount of and Ie over 5 years for the installment purchase debt: Fiscal Year Ended The is a summary of performance contrJC!S: Issue Dale 81712012 2012 The Inlere<;t Rate Final Malu 6115/2027 ]9(; is a summary of debt service requirements for the Fiscal June 2015 2016 20 2018 9 2020-2024 performunce contract: Interest 123.287 $ 128,827 131,689 16 $1 43 $ 39,873 t33 34,332 31 28,543 1 Total $ 163, I 1 159 163,159 163,159 163~ 159 815, FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STA TE1VIENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2014 on long-term debt for the was composed of: Interest paid $95,992 (1,801) interest accrued in the prior Plus interest accrued in the current Total expense $1 A) are cost-sharing multiple employer public wide range of plans and benefits, which Clre vesting of retIrement benefits, death. and disability_ Retirement System System (NYSTRS) (the systems. The of service and final B) i) Retirement Board NYSTRS. and neficiaries as authorized by I Education Law and a publicly Law of the Slale or New York. NYSTRS lhal financial stalernents and requ ~upplemenlary Information the The report may be obtained by writ to N , 10 Corporate Woods Drive, Albany, New York 1221l ii N ret benefits as well as death and disability be New York State Rc(iremen( and Social Security Law governs obliga! of and 10 contribute. and benefits to empJoyees. The System a publicly available financial that includes financial statements and required supplementary information. That report may Albany. obtained by writing to NYSERS. Office of the State Comptroller, I) 0 or at www.osc.statc.ny.us!retire!pubJications/index.php. York J C) The are noncontributory, except as I. a. folJow~: Retirement System: system after July 1976 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 I. of [heir salary, that employees in required to cOnlribUle. syslemonorafterJanuary 1, 2010 before '11,2012 cOl1{ribmc of their sal membership. who joi the on or April I, contribute between 3% and 6% dependent upon their ary Ihroughout active membership. are no b. c. 2. Retirement System who joined [he after July 27,1976 l. Employees contribute 3% of their ~alary, except that employees are no longer required to contribute. more than ten b. Employees who jO'lned the system on or Janum'Y 1,20 I 0 before April I L Employees contribllle of their salary throughout active membership. c. who the on or after April L 2012 between 3% and dependenL upon their throughout a. the certi the rates expressed as proportions of ' payroll For NYS computi the contributions made by employers to the annually, which ure used pension accumulation fund. Pursuant to Art II the the New York SLate irement Board establishes rales annually for N ired to contribute at an aCluarially determined rate. The The District is were equal [0 100% the contributions required made lO S the eunenL and two precedi years were: required contribulions NYSTRS 14 2013 12 $ $ 1 102 IAl9,499 1,289,307 The has adopted a 403 (b) phm all cl" employees. may up of their subject to internal Revenue Code ve defelTal limitations. The to 1 non-elective contributions of on District may also made the District and the employees for the collectively bargained $760,870 respectively. ended June 30,201 E) compensation plan in with Jnternal The District makes no contributions into this Plan. The amounl 30. 2014 totaled $31 17. for ended /"II"1,,,,,,.,-p/1 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STA TElVIENTS THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 A) New York State Heal£h Insurance Program Empire Plan (the "Plan") plan administered by :\cw York The Plan and their eligible dependents. Al1icle of the Statutes of y to establi and amend benefu to the school district. a sland alone. publicly lable repon since there arc no (J,>scts legal of paYll1g benefits under the Plan. B) Plan members and (he District are fiscal 2014, the District contributed dependents, depending on healthcare plan annual as expendilUres in the fund financial statements as Currently, is no provision in Ii:lW the to fund other benefits by any means other than the "pay as you go" method. C) District's annual postemploymenl cost is calculated based on the annual required contriblltion of (he employer (ARC). an amount i:, actllariaHy .ned ARC a level of fundi that. if paid on an ongoing is projected (0 cover l1urm~d C(),t any unfunded aClllaria! liabili (or funding excess) oVer a period table shows the components of the cost for the amount actually contributed to the and in [he 's net OPEB obligation to [he plan' Annual requi contrihution Interest on net OPES obligation Adjustment Lo Annual Requ Contribution Annual OPEB cost (expense) $ 2,364.481 made Increase in net obligation Net OPES obligation-beginni of OPEB obligation-end of The District's annu,tl cost, the net obli ion for the current and I 46 cost contributed to was as follows: Plan and FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Fiscal Year Endi ng June 30, 2014 June 30.2013 June 30.2012 D) Annual OPEB Cost OPEB Cont,; bUlions 52,219,120 $2,198.278 $2.455.622 $845,044 $758,720 $760,358 Perce ntage of Annual OPES Cost ConlIibuted 38 .1CJo 34.5% 31 .0% Net OPEB Obi igation $10 .688,5 35 $9,314,459 $7.874,90 1 Funded Status and Fundjng Progress: As of July I, 2012, the mo~t recent acwarial valuation dilte, (he plan \-va Ze ro percenl fun ded. T he ac tuarial accrued liability for benefits was $26,016,260 and the actuarial value of assets was $0, resu lt ing in an unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) of $26,016,260. The c vered payroll (annual payroJl of aClive employees covered by the plan) was $13,355,121 and the ratio of the UAAL to the covered payroll was 194.8%. Actuarial valuations involve estimates of the value of reported amounts and assumptions about the probability or events in the future. Amounts determined regarding the funded status of the plan and the ilnnllal required contributions of [he employer are subject to continual revision' as act ual results are compared to past ex.pectations and new estimates are made abollt the futl\re. The required schedule of funding progress presented as required supplementary information provides multiyear trend information that ~hows whether the act uarial value of plan a sets is increa-in g or decreasing over time relative to the acmarial ilccrued liability for benefits. E) Actuarial Methods and Assumptions: Proj ections of benefits are based on (he subst3mive plan (the plan as understood by the employer and plan members) and include the types of benefits in force al the valuation date and the pattern of sharing benefit costs between the District amJ the Plan members to that poine. Actuarial calculations renect a long-term perspective Jnd employ methods and assumptions that are designed to reduce shorl-term volatility in actuarial accll.Ied liilhilities and the actuarial value of assets. Various assumptions are made in deriving OPEB liabilities and related costs. The key act uarial as umplions are di~count rale, healthcare trend rates , mortality rates, turnover rates, retirement rates, and disability rales . Additional information is as follows: In the July I, 2012 actuarial valuation prepared by an outside actuarial firm. the projected unit credi t actllarj(j\ COSI method was used to v<llue the actuarial accrued liability and normal cost. The actuarial assumptions included a discount rate of 4.0% and an Jnnual heal(hcare costlrend rate of 9.0% in itially, reduced by decrements to an ultimate rate of 5% after six years. The UAAL is being amortized al a level percentage of projected payroll on an open basis. The remammg amorti zation period at June 30,1014, was 24 ye<lrs . 47 FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 l 20 l4 A) errors are by i nSLIrance Sellied claims from these risks have not exceeded two B) Nassau County Schools Cooperative Self Insured Plan for a ri sharing pool, to insure Compensation claims. Thi~ is a Workers' Compensation pool created under AI1icle 5 related LO Workers' ion clLlim:-.. 's total liability for unbil and open claims at June 20 was 13,569,378. The Workers' Compensation has net assets of $1 30. 20 to pay liabilities. If District the plan or 'f plan is be liable for the s open claims al (hm to A) amolln! of $1,250,000 taxes the fiscal been as the amount estimated to be ending June 30, 2015 jn the fund. as the follov,/I or fund balance. Al J line amounts: . Unappropriated Fund Balance General Fund Support I nstructi on School lunch fund Re~tricled: fund Capita! 48 $174.656 121 10 $296,366 to 2014, the FLORAL PARK - BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 The grants, wh are subject to audit the state and federal a return of on may result in disallowances and a reques1 audits, (he district's administration bel disallowances. if any. will B) The District various equipment under non-cancelable was approximately $10,332. minimum remaining Fiscal Year Total Rental Amount 2015 Payments Statement of aled for Position dale but events at the financial statements. Subsequent events which provide abOlll in the accompanyi note~. Statement Net Position date reqUIre . I activity of the District the dale of Ihis and concluded thm no events have occurred that would require lion in the financial statements or losure the notes to ial statements. FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION fREE SCHOOL DISTR[CT REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFOR.MATION SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES [~ FUND BALANCEBUDCeT AND ACTUAL - CENERAL FL'ND FOR THE fiSCAL YEAR ENDED .!UNE 30.2014 Original Budget final Budget Actual (B ud getarv Basis) Fin al Budget Va ria nce with Budgetary Actual REVENUES Local Source~ Real property laxe Other rt:al property ta~ ilems Charge. for en'icc. U~C of money & property Sale of property and compensat ion fo r los. Miscellaneous 522. 1 ) 0.1 9 5 63.627 SO S I9.21-t.2 6 2.964.787 563.798 .'\ 1.797 14.442 124.951 14.442 124.-151 4.025 .999 571 .225 Federal Sources 78 .~OI 7 .301 Olher Financing . ourccs Tran fers from other fund 16.142 16.142 -27 .034.503 S 89.79 1 4~ 9. :00 20. 11 6 SOO 500 3.'1".3.774 State Soun:es TOTA.1. RE VENUES A ND OTHER SOUI~CES _ _ 2..:.. 6.,-1;....37...;..7_1_2_ ~.4 5 J . 77 4 26.1 44.712 5.25 1 67.298 I 1.6 I J ..570.000 1.5 70.000 t\ ppropriated Fund Bal nnce Appropri~ted S 19.21-t.286 2.959.536 496.500 20.116 1.789.2 16 Re servcs 1 OTAL RE\'1::N ES, OTHER SOURCES & APPROPRJATED FUN D UAI.ANCE 528 .066.928 NOIe [0 S29.503.9 28 Required Supple mentary Informa tion Bud£el Bas is o f Accouming Budgets arc adopted on the modified ac 'rual basis of accounlin g consis te£Jt wi th accouming pri nc ipk gene rall y accepted In t h ~ United Slates o f Amcri cn. 50 Sce Paragraph on Require.d Su pp lcmc nt:HY In forma tion Included in Audil ors ' Report FLORAL PARK-nELLEkOSE UNION FREE SCHOOL D[STR[CT REQUI RED SlJPPLEtltENTARY IN fORMA TION SCHEDULJ:: OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN fUND nAI.ANCEBUDGET AND ACllJAL - GENERAL FUND fOR THE FISC\ t YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 20J4 Final Uud get with lllldgctnry Actual Varian~c Original Budget Filial nudgel Actual (lJudgctan nas i~) Ye::.r-Cnd En('umbrances and Encumb ra nc e,~ EXPENDITURES General Support Board of education Central admini lrmion Finance Staff Centra I servict:s pecial items - 73 .. ~ 5 556m 2 25 2.156 S6 .40(' 2.2.295 531.977 251.691 1.723.940 ,<25 ._<07 ~ 37.05 3 5~ 5.44 2 ,4 .939 4. 758 18 .423 16.447 IS0.877 682 232.182 1.90SAn . 23.15 3 55 0AOO 26 .1 ~S 2.079.473 325.989 867 .186 9.5 I 6.: 2 9.~ 65. 6~ 3. 9S6.7~8 ~ .0 56 . 5 93 7 ~li.93 9 667.030 836.287 672.713 830._3, 8.4 I 2.23-·j 3.406.7 9 786. 112 609.958 Pupil Iransportation 800.747 795. 746 747.9S4 J, 7.762 Community er\ ices 355.(141 355.64 1 299.250 56.39 1 6.9 J9.8: : 6.824.502 6.324..116 500.086 380.359 15 1.303 27.731 .92,' :1 12.711 1 22.3~1 30 1.394 95.992 26.3~9 27.738.92 ' 2~.9~7.98 :' 335.000 1.765 .000 1.705.520 528.066.92 8 29.503.928 26.653.503 174656 In"lruetional In.>lruC\ion. adm. & iml . Teaching - regular school Programs for child ren wit h handicap con Jiti ons Instructional medi;1 Pupil _en'iees Employee bene fit s Debt s~n ice - principa l Deht sa vice - interest TOTAL EXPENDITURES Other fjnanl-ing U c. Transfers to other funJ TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 6~. 1 _ .t 38 1.000 Net change in fund ba lances 7.665J(6 Fund halance - beginning of year Fund balanc es - end of year No tt: to Required Supp le mc r1!nry Information BudQet Bnsis of Accoulltim! Budgets are adopted 011 Ihe modified ac cru al basis of accounl ing can is ten t with accounling principles gCllaa li y accepted in the Uni tl'd S late~ of Americ a. 5) Set: Paragraph o n Req ui n:d Sup pleme nt ary In t' nnntion In cluded ;n Au li tors' Report J I. S 6 116.77 1 535 .~O ~.354 ~. 6. 57 649.269 50.12 5 __ All 11.317 296.366 2.494.579 59.480 296.366 -2.554.059 FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION fREE SCHOOL DISTRlCT REQUlRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMA nON SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS FOR OTHER POSTEMPLOYM£NT BENEFITS (OPEB) JUNE 2014 July I. '1;0 16,260 $0 $26.954.137 $26,954,137 0.0')( $13.810.457 so 16 $26.852.716 0.0% $1 52 See on Required Suppicmenwry Infonnatlon Included in Auditors' 1959'( FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMA nON SCHEDULE OF CHANGE FROM ADOPTED BUDGET TO FJNAL BUDGET -GENERAL FUND AND SECTION 1318 OF REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW LIMIT CALCULATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 CHANGE FROM ADOPTED BUDGET TO FINAL BUDGET 12 Add: Prior encumbrances 16 Budgel Capital reserve transfer 10 capital projects fund Musical instrument maintenance due to increased participation Final BUdget 1318 OF REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW LIMIT 201 LCULATION vott:r "","A,!.;>n expendilUre allowed (49c of 2014-2015 budge!) General fund fund balance subject to Real Property Tax Law 1318 of Assigned fund balance fund balance TOIaI unresfricted fund balance $1,546.366 139 $2.682.505 Less: Appropriated fund balance Encumbrances included in assigned fund balance Total adjustments 10 1,250,000 fund fund balance Seclion 1318 of Real Properly Tax Law AClUal percentage 53 on Olher Supplementary Information Included in Auditors' 4.00'k ~ , ...,or. ,...: "; .... z, C'" ~ ::> § ~r: '" ~ fI', ':"" ~. ,.. . -x. r- 1"""1 .,c.. r"'". V'": -t' r-- ... V": r--.. v-. o ~ ~ ~ --i ....... '" r--!" -co f"" o -t t"' ~ ,...: ("'"i -0 0 z ...,. c-...:: ~ - . ~ ;!: fi ~ ~ ~~ s ........: -i ("oj c o ..... <r, Y-; r- ....; r..-, =- i!l§§ ~g ;i • - . -r '- " FLORAL UNION FREE SCHOOL OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION NET INVESTMENT IN CAPITA L ASSETS 30,2014 net $l portion of installment pu portion of installment pll Shoft-term portion of bonds payable term portion of bonds payable ($38,795) (121.780) ([25,000) (2,055,000) : unspent bond portion energy performance contract pOl1ion of contract Net investment in capital assets on Other Supplementary in Auditors' Report CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOU NTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS To the Board of Educatio n Floral Park-Bellerose Union Free School District Flo ral Park , New York W e have audited , in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the finanCial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund , and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Floral Park -Bellerose Union Free School District, New York (the "District"), as of and for the year ended June 30, 2014 , and the related notes to the fi nancial statements, which collectively comprise the Floral Park-B ellerose Union Free School District. New York 's basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon dated October 6, 2014. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the Floral Park-Belle rose Union Free School District, New York's internal control over financial reporting (internal control) to determin e the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial state ments. but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the ef fectiveness of the Floral Park- Bellerose Union Free School District, New York's internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Floral Park-Bellerose Union Free School District. New York's internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees . in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. to prevent or detect and co rrect m isstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement ot the District"s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely bas is. A significant deficiency is a de ficiency. or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control thai is less severe than a material weakness , yet important enough to ment attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weak nesses or significant deficiencies . Given these limitations, during our audit, we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses . However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. PERSONAL SERVICE. T RUSTED ADVICE . ALBRECHT. VIGGIAN 245 PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR EW YORK. NY 10167 l' 212 .792 4075 - 56 - , ZURECK & COMPANY, PC 25 SUFFOLK COURT HAUPPAUGE. NY 11788-3715 T. 631 .434 9500 F: 631 .4349518 wwwavz.com ~~ Compliance and Other Matters As part 01 obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Floral Union School New financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its "1"\,,,,,,,I,!!>,,,,o 01 laws, regulations, contracts, and granl with and material on the determination of financial statement amounts, However, with those provisions was nol an 01 our audlt, and opinion, The results of our tests disclosed no instances 01 n,-\l"I''-'rTI.,,\1I under Government Auditing Standards. r'crr::!.II'" maners thaI we have reported 10 the Board of Union Free School District, New York, in a Purpose of this Report report is solely 10 describe the scope of our testing 01 lesling, and not is an Inlegral of an In",,,n,('\ the District's internal control and .., York . 57 -
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