Grad Workshop D L O S T U O VA N C O U V E R Sunday, March 15, 2015 9:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm $20 (Plus Tax) Fully Refundable with $100 Fitz Design Product Same Day Purchase Florists Supply Ltd. Unit 5 ‐ 3979 Marine Way Burnaby, BC Includes all design materials & cer ficate of comple on Please Bring: Knife, Ribbon Scissors, Flower Snips, Apron & Wire Cu ers RSVP By February 27, 2015 Linda Pinter Toll Free: 1.866.203.8607 Ph: 1.604.630.4688 Ext. 301 [email protected] Brought to you by Florists Supply & Fitz Design Introducing new and exci ng opportuni es for the ordinary corsage and boutonniere experience using innova ve products available from Fitz Design. Presented in both presenta on and hands‐on formats, learn how to include Fitz Design products in combina on with the most popular flower, colour and style trends. Learn important marke ng ps to elevate your grad sales to new heights! You will see the WOW, learn how to make the WOW and how to sell the WOW! This workshop is for designers who have basic understanding of corsage construc on and want to take their skills to the next level. Jackie has over twenty‐five years of experience in the retail floral market and ownership of shops in Tennessee, Texas and South Carolina. He has an extensive background in the retail floral market and design industry. Formally Vice‐President and Wedding & Event specialist for a retail floral corpora on with annual sales over a million dollars, Jackie now u lizes his experience to provide educa on and instruc‐ onal design programs, market showroom set up, private retail consul ng as well as design and event planning. As an award winner in numerous compe ve floral design compe ons Jackie has also had Meet Your Professional published ar cles that have appeared on both Fitz Design Instructor his exper se and floral experience in Flowers &, JACKIE LACEY Modern Bride and Inside Weddings. AIFD, PFCI Jackie’s strong desire to share this acquired floral knowledge and compe on experience has fueled the desire to promote the con nued growth of the floral industry and con nuing educa on through numerous stage presenta ons for mul state associa ons and na onal industry leaders such as Virgin Farms Direct, Smithers‐Oasis, BloomNet, FTD and the John Henry Company. His current posi on as Lead Floral Instructor for the Ins tute of Floriology con nues to broaden and enhance his own educa on. Jackie currently serves the American Ins tute of Floral Designers as the Na onal Membership Chairperson and serves as a member of the AIFD Na onal Board of Directors.
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