Emmanuel Baptist Church 715 South Windsor Avenue Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 463-7889 Jehovah Center Use Agreement It should be noted that the Jehovah Center is the property of the Emmanuel Baptist Church, which is a religious organization. The Jehovah Center functions as an auditorium and meeting facility. The Center is available for a variety of events including, but not exclusive to weddings, receptions, funerals, community meetings, etc. All applications for specific events are regulated by the Jehovah Center Oversight Committee effective beginning Dec 1, 2011. All areas of this agreement must be completed and all terms met prior to any and all events held at the Jehovah Center. All damages are the responsibility of the client. Individual, Organization or Church Name: Date of Event: Phone Number: Address: Contact Name: Address: Phone Number: Organization’s Administrative Officer (CEO, President, Pastor, etc.) Name Address/City 1. Phone 2. 3. Purpose or type of Event: Date of Event: Time: From:_________ To: _________ Number of Attendees: 1 The reservation date cannot be guaranteed until the rental fee and security/cleaning deposit are received by the Jehovah Center Scheduling Coordinator. Reservations will only be taken for an advanced period of twelve (12) months. The balance of the rental fee is due in full 72 hours week prior to event. I agree to the following conditions on renting the Jehovah Center: 1. It is understood that this event will be conducted in an orderly manner and in compliance with any and all applicable stipulated guidelines as required by the Jehovah Center Oversight Committee and the proprietary of the Emmanuel Baptist Church. 2. We (the client (s) agree to hold harmless the Jehovah Center – Emmanuel Baptist Church, its officers and employees from any and all claims, damages or suits that may arise or in any way be occasioned by the granting of the use of the facility known as Jehovah Center – Emmanuel Baptist Church. All reservations and agreements are made upon, and subject to, the rules and regulations of the Jehovah Center Oversight Committee – Emmanuel Baptist Church, and the conditions herein stated. 3. The client may bring food into the facility. Please note that the kitchenette is not designed for preparation of a meal. There is no stove, but there is a microwave, and refrigerator for the use of the client. (Jehovah Center staff will refer to a caterer upon request of the client.) 4. The Jehovah Center is the property of Emmanuel Baptist Church. As a religious organization, and as much as the Jehovah Center and Emmanuel Baptist Church does not have a license to serve alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. 5. The client assumes responsibility for undue damages to the premises, the Jehovah Center – Emmanuel Baptist Church does not assume responsibility for damages or loss of any merchandise of articles left in the Jehovah Center before, during or after the event. 6. Decorations, flowers, centerpieces, etc. are the responsibility of the client. Arrangements for the disposal of such must be made prior to the end of the event. The City of Stockton ordinances will be followed as it relates to candles. Candles cannot be used with an exposed flame. The candle must be used in a container where the candle is lit below the rim, i.e. votive candles would be acceptable. 7. Performance of this agreement is contingent upon the Jehovah Center Oversight Committee – Emmanuel Baptist Church to complete the same free from interference beyond the control of management, such as labor issues, disputes or strikes, accidents, government requisitions, restrictions upon travel, transportation, foods, beverages or supplies, and other causes whether enumerated herein or not. 8. In the event the Jehovah Center Oversight Committee – Emmanuel Baptist Church shall have to bring any action or proceedings, reasonable attorney’s fees and court loses will be requested charged to the client. 10. In case of emergency, please bring to the attention of the on-duty security guard. Police will be call for any instances of disorderly conduct. 11. The client may enter the Center one day in advance of event after 10:00 a.m. Arrangements must be made with the Scheduling Coordinator and is contingent on availability. 12. The Center is available between the hours of 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, and from 6:00 PM – midnight on Friday, Saturday. Holidays and Sundays Jehovah Center is closed. 13. Children under the age of 18 must be supervised. 14. If decorating, use only masking tape to attach decorations. DO NOT USE scotch tape, push pins or drive holes in wall or woodwork. This will cause damage. 15. Furniture and contents will not be removed from the Center and shall always be returned to its original location. 16. Smoking is not permitted at anytime. 17. Blow-up inflatable toys, jumping toys, castles, jungle gyms are not permitted. 18. Outside use of barbeques is not permitted. 19. I understand I am responsible for cleaning the premises the same of the event. I, the undersigned, have read the Jehovah Center Rules and Reservation Policies and acknowledge receipt of a copy hereof, and agree to comply. Alcoholic beverages will not be consumed for this function. ______ (initials). 2 Terms Terms Guaranteed Number The deposit will not be returned until the premises have been inspected by one of the Jehovah Center staff or management. The deposit will be refunded provided the premises have been cleaned, no property is missing and there are no damages. If damages exceed the deposit, the client will be billed the difference. 50% rental and full deposit due is at time of reservation Balance of rental due 72 hours prior to event. Cancellation Policy: Jehovah Center reservations may be cancelled at any time prior to the event. The rental fee will only be refunded if cancellation is made not less than five (5) days in advance of the event in writing. If cancelled less than five (5) days in advance, the rental fee will not be refunded. Please call 463-7889 to cancel. The security and cleaning deposit will be refunded if cancellation is made within the previously stated time-frame. Initial Guaranteed Number, which is made at the time of reservation, is required to ensure adequate accommodations. Guaranteed number must be final by five days (5) prior to the event. Charges Charges Security: There is a $500.00 non-refundable rental fee for using Jehovah Center for events. There is also a $300.00 security/cleaning deposit for reserving the Jehovah Center, which will be held until the Jehovah Center is inspected after use. Check, cash or money order security deposit and 50% rental fee are required at the time of a reservation for the use of Jehovah Center. Classroom rental is at $60.00 per room for up to 4 hours, thereafter, $100.00.The kitchenette is included in the rental Overtime Charges, if applicable @ $100.00 per hour for auditorium; classrooms $50 per hour. 1 Security guard is included with rental if needed. Flat rate fee for second guard is $100 Disclosure This event checklist is in addition to your reservation for the Jehovah Center. All confirmations will be decided upon by the Jehovah Center Oversight Committee. A request for reservation cannot be made without submitting the required security deposit and at least 50% rental fee. By signing this form it is understood that you are obligated to provide all required fees and documents as set forth by the Jehovah Center Oversight Committee. The contact name listed below will be the sole contact for all matters regarding the event. The party will work directly with the Jehovah Center Scheduling Coordinator. The liable party will be responsible for all signed documents and fees that are required. The contact responsible party should contact the Jehovah Center Scheduling Coordinator at least 48 hours prior to the event to assess and confirm set-up. Contact Party Information Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________ Responsible Party Information Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Email________________________________ 3 Use Agreement Signatures I, the undersigned, understand all terms outlined in this document and that all information has been completed and is factual. The signature below represents agreement to the terms and conditions for the rental of Jehovah Center for an event to be held on (date) __________________________. Signature of Renter Date Signature of Jehovah Center Representative Date For Official Use Only Scheduling Coordinator Signature Jehovah Center Oversight Committee Chairperson Security Deposit/Fees charged and received (Initial payment) ____ Yes ____ No Security Deposit/Fees charged and received (Final payment) ____ Yes ____ No 4
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